Life Drain System

Chapter 32 - Trips

"Hahah, of course. I think we will be great friends Kiisser, well let us be on our way then." Yueliang said and was about to teleport back....

Then "Aagh, shoot" Yueliang said, as he tripped. He fell strait to the floor, and the goblins chuckled a little, then went to help him up. ​​

"You ok? Not everyday, one trips over pebbles..." One of the goblins said jokingly.

"Haha, that is true. Either way, now that we had a good laugh shall we get going?" Yueliang asked jokingly as he went to step onto the teleportation array formation. Then as everyone of the goblins, and Yue was standing on it, Yue injected magic power to activate the formation. After the blink of an eye, they appeared on the other side.

Upon their arrival, they saw Rei leaning against a wall, waiting. Just as Yueliang was about to ask what he was waiting for Rei spoke up. "I know you went to set up a transportation method, that we may be able to have more materials, however do you know the situation here? It is terrible."

"If you are talking about the world being sucked into a black hole to become a medicinal material, then yes... Otherwise, no, and I would like to hear about it on the way to the meeting hall. We need to have an emergency meeting now." Yue said calmly, yet very focused and serious.

"Well there are no other problems, that I can think of. Oh although, Xue and her father came by to check out this place while you were away. They are currently waiting for you." Rei replied quickly as time was of the essence currently.

"Alright, bring them to the meeting hall as well. Best to get everything done quickly, If there is nothing else, I will make a phone call whilst everybody gathers." Yueliang said.

"There is none." Rei said and nodded for him to continue while he went to alert everyone to come to the meeting hall urgently.

As Yue walked to the meeting hall, he pulled out his phone and went through his contacts to find someone. After arriving on Zuzhang he clicked call. The phone rang for a while until he picked up.

"Hello, Yue, I guess you know of what is going on since you called." Zuzhang said in a slightly unsteady voice, being worried.

"Hello, I just have a few things to say then I must make some other calls. First off, do you want to leave this solar system? Secondly if you do, do you have plans or no?" Yue asked seriously.

"Well I am sure you have a reason for asking, however I know that should I leave I would have to restart, I do not have many skills, nor am I young anymore. Plus, should I leave how would I be of help. Do your best to stay safe if you have a plan, if not, I recommend colonizing Jupiter with the rest of the people, they are trying to collect supplies to go there and terraform small parts at a time. Heat is their main problem for now." Zuzhang said as Yue could hear tears coming from him, and had a single tear fall himself as he thought of losing those close to him.

"I really do want to take you with me, there is a place all ready for us. Are you sure you do not want to go with us? We have plenty of room as well." Yue said pretty sad, and hopeful.

"No, I am sure my time has come. Plus you have your future to worry about, I had hoped we had more time, and I am glad to have such a great son even if you are adopted. I ..... 'gurgle' " Zuzhang said and went silent, as he was stabbed in the throat.

'One less person in my life, hopefully he goes to a better place. Too many deaths of those I care about, I really need to just stay calm and continue on.' Yue thought then called Fashi.

"Hello young one, it seems we have not gotten to talk much, do you have a plan to leave to Jupiter as well?" Fashi asked in his older voice kind of curious.

"No, however I did have a few question for you." Yue said in reply.

"Ask away young man."

"Well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me. I have a plan to leave this planet to something I have already arranged a little while back. It is all set up, and you do not have to worry about supplies or anything but what you can carry with you. What do you say?"

"Sounds too good to be true, however since we will all probably die soon anyway, I would rather take my chances with you. Boy, you have my trust, I will follow you." Fashi replied.

"Great, hurry and get to my business immediately, if you are late, then I cannot do anything for you. Collect what you can carry on your back, nothing more. Do not bring food or anything unless you feel it necessary or you cannot live without it. I have this whole place ready so you do not have to worry. You have 8 minutes, until the meeting starts, the moment it finishes we are gone." Yue said both happily and seriously.

"Understood, I will be there in a few minutes. Have someone at the door to guide me to the meeting once I arrive. Also, may I bring one person?" Fashi asked kind of hopingly.

"Of course, just be certain to not tell anyone aside from that person where you are going or what you are doing. This will work for certain, however I cannot bring too many. Just curious who is your plus one." Yue asked extremely curious as he thought Fashi normally kept to himself studying.

"It is just my disciple. She is like a granddaughter to me. Thank you again so much." Fashi said happily.

"Of course, say no more. We will see you soon." Yueliang said as he ended the call.

'Is there anyone else who should come?' Yueliang pondered to himself. 'Let us see, there is Xue, Laohu, Fashi, his apprentice/ grandaughter, my subordinates, and I think that is all. Well I just hope this turns out well, and nothing unexpected happens, going off without a hitch.'

As he finished his thoughts, he arrived at the meeting hall, and saw that almost everyone had arrived, Yue was just waiting on Fashi, Xue, and the two others. Yue also noticed the goblins were still following him, and had was pleased as this meant he did not have to find them later. As Yueliang was about to step onto the stage from the steps, he heard "Wait" coming from behind him.

Yue turned around and saw the four, Xue, Laohu, Fashi, and his apprentice out of breath as though the ran a marathon. However one of them said kind of quietly. "Great, we got here in time."

In reply, Yueliang said. "Yes you have made it on time, however is something wrong?"

Xue then said. "Nothing, we just worried you had left before we got here."

"Well you all have made it, please come up to the stage and stand beside the goblins." Yue said dead seriously, and with a hint of urgency.

The four quickly made their way up then stood beside the goblins. The four looked at them a little odd, as they had not seen any goblins or most other creatures before. Then Yueliang clapped his hands once and had everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone, this is a matter of the utmost urgency. Yin, my awesome friend, and one of our newest additions is to thank for us having this place still safe temporarily. Thus, thank you for you help yin. Now onto the main task currently, we have less than one month before this planet is completely absorbed, as I am sure most if not all of you know. Thus I wanted to tell you my plan, and hopefully you all agree.

The easiest and quickest method for us all to survive is going to the goblins world. I know I promised to go to your world, however we must put that on hold for now as well as the projects we are currently working on. Seeing as I am not skilled enough yet, I cannot teleport this whole piece of land. So I want you all to collect your belongings, and whatever you can carry that is of use. After that meet back here please." Yue decreed to the sky orcs.

Rei spoke up on behalf of them. "King Yueliang, respectfully, we have already done so, as we had anticipated this to be the case for the meeting. Please continue."

"Alright Rei, thank you for telling me. Now, before we go through the teleporter, I want to introduce our new additions, as we must all get along and work together to survive in this new world. So before that, everyone please take off your Illusion arm bands, then put them back on shortly." After a brief pause to let the four new comer humans see for themselves who was around them Yueliang continued.

"Alright, now that everyone has seen the true forms of everybody, let us continue. For those of you who do not know from left to right is. Fashi, one of my friends and a mage. Next is his apprentice who I have yet to meet, then Xue my fiance, and finally her father Laohu. Now as for the goblins, Kiisser is the leader of this group that came under my contract. It is my sincere hope that we all get along and can work well together." Yue said to everyone in the hall, then asked. "So, what do you say, are you all with me? Will we continue on our journey throughout the universe(s)?"

Upon hearing this, the Sky Orcs, Shashou, and Goblins made the same jesture. They pounded their right fist to their chest, knelt, and said "All Hail King Yueliang! Lead us to the future, we are yours to command."

Then Yin the lich knelt and said "All Hail King Yueliang! You are both my king and my friend. Lead us to victory and life."

Finally the four new humans felt a little weird and just said with a light bow. "We will follow you, and are in your care."

Yueliang responded to their vow of fealty saying. "You are my people, who I will both lead and protect to my death. Since you show such faith in me just wait and your new gift shall be a name once I am stronger."

Upon hearing this the humans were confused, however the Lich, goblins, and Sky Orcs all cheered with complete joy and reverence. "King Yueliang, King Yueliang, King Yueliang."

Then Xue came up and asked. "What do you mean by a name?"

"For those five of you who do not know, when a name is given it raises the race to a new power or strength. For instance the carp turning into a dragon from ancient Chinese history just with a name instead of jumping a gate. Anyways, let us all head to the teleportation circle. Also, does anyone have any explosive like devices?" Yue asked curiously.

Rei came up and handed Yue a strange looking pen. "Here, I am guessing you want to blow up the teleporter so we cannot be followed, just click the button and drop it before teleporting, you will have 3 seconds, it will implode the entire building."

"Perfect, thank you." Yue replied.

All of them then quickly left to go through the teleporter, eventually Yue went last so as to destroy the way back. He clicked the pen, then dropped it, and teleported away. Upon arriving in the mine, he saw all the others waiting for him to come though, and went to the front to lead the way...

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