Life Drain System

Chapter 35 - Decisions.... Enemy Or Friend?

"I actually had some ideas on that, however we can discuss it later. For now let us get our fortifications done." Yue said, then Yin started summoning, and Yue went to finish the touches on this array.

The two continued to work until nightfall, although Yue was interrupted numerous times to return all the people's property, which he did gladly. He was just glad that everything was finishing up without a hitch. As nightfall came, Yueliang was just putting on the finishing touches of the array formation. This would fight off and/ or kill anyone (enemies of course) that Yue wanted out of the city. ​​

Yue started heading for one of the taverns, because he was feeling slightly hungry, but did not want to get into his emergency stock pile. Then he heard his name and looked to the side while continuing to head to the tavern.

"Yue, my friend, there you are. It seems we finished up at about the same time." Yin voiced out across the street, just loud enough for him to hear it.

"Hahah, right you are. Well, are you heading to the tavern to eat as well?" Yueliang asked.

"I certainly am now. So about that topic we discussed before, I am quite curious about your thoughts on the matter."

"Ah yes, the natural mana array. Well I derived it from cultivation, as well as science, and just made some modifications. So you know how plants take carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen right? Also how people feel better and healthier around plants. Well, if I am not wrong, they also produce mana and spiritual energy. You see, humans tend to utilize it even without cultivating subconsciously, However only really learn how to use it effectively once they cultivate or become spell casters.

At the same time if I am not wrong mages and cultivators are two halves of a whole. We are not utilizing everything effectively enough just by using one half. Thus by using a cultivation and mana technique called mana breathing, or chi breathing. We just have to apply the concept to an array, then grow many plants all around our town. This will produce a symbiotic and effective array formation temporarily. It will only work for about a century or two as plants have a noticeable growth in cultivation at that point. What do you think?" Yueliang asked.

Yin replied. "Hmm, it is certainly an interesting concept. It makes sense, however if we mess up, rather than producing what we need, we might draw peoples life force instead. What you are talking about is actually quite similar to the necromantic side of spells or Yin side of cultivation. However yes it could work. The only reason I know so much about the cultivation side of things is I wanted to practice and learned it shortly before I turned into a lich. How unexpected right."

"Yes, unexpected, however who says that the necromantic side of things has to be bad. It is not like we have to use evil mana or spiritual energy. We use the same concept but utilize the yang side of things. Hmm, however, at that point I guess we would have to be more careful."

"That is true, but you should be careful as well. You may speak of such things with me, as I understand your point of view, however do not ever bring up such subjects with others. You see, what you are and have been speaking about is actually blasphemous to many people and they would consider you a heretic."

"Really? I just figured it was a different field from the normal. Why does it have to be seen with such distaste?"

"People tend to not like what they do not understand, or like. This matter is closely related with the dark side of things, seeing as you would be walking on the edge of a cliff so to speak. They feel it would be inevitable for you to fall."

"I see, well thank you. I shall be careful then, however what do you think? Should we set it up tomorrow? If not, we are going to have to find or make a mana crystal mine then draw power from that to power everything. I mean I have a general idea on how to make it quickly, however I would need your help."

"Hmm, well the second option would be better, as we are less likely to draw unwanted attention. As long as this is not one of those planets that does not have many mana crystals." Yin said.

The two had arrived at the tavern, while they were speaking, then, sat and waited for their food as they continued their conversation.

Yueliang continued the conversation saying. "Alright, well for the second one, you and I would have to make a cave under the town, meaning we would have to make supports while we are at it. Then we stay down their for a couple days just releasing our mana and condensing it. Once we have made a few crystals, you could probably release some of your undead that could cast spells, and have them continue from where we left off making all the mana. What do you think?"

"It is a viable plan, and although I do love helping you my friend, how about I teach you how to summon undead, then undead duplicates. This way you could do these things as well, lightening the load on me."

"Thank you so much Yin. I was really looking forward to learning, however I did not want to intrude too much."

"No problem, however I just hope you could manage. I mean you are already so busy thinking about your people, and trying to improve yourself. Where will you find the time?" Yi asked worriedly.

"Do not worry about it, in the mean time, we can just make some mana crystals, and use those. Later I can learn those spells, then continue where we leave off. However until then, I still have to go the capital, get a license, and look into many things. We also need to set up trade routes, let people know this place exists. Set up tourist attractions, and so much more. If we can get all this done, we will have the funds and resources faster than expected and we can get building the spaceship.

Seriously, it is exhausting to have to be in charge of so much. I am glad that Rei takes care of the day to day matter. Although he is probably just as swamped as I am if not more. It seems the higher up the ladder you go the worse it gets. Fortunately, I had not received my inheritance before, or I would have been so much more exhausted. I might have died. Anyways, shall we start this project tomorrow?"

"I am sure you are right, it looks exhausting from what I see. I certainly do not want to have to take over that job. Either way, you are right, if we want these array formations to stay powered we should quickly get this done. Just remember, we cannot tell anyone about this place. Because mana crystals are extremely valuable even on planets where they are common."

"Hmm, I see. Thank you, well for now, let us eat until we are satisfied. By the way, have you noticed the sky here is so much more beautiful because of the lack of pollution?" Yue said as the food arrived, and he looked up at the sky. The two where sitting on the balcony part of the tavern on the second floor, as it felt cooler out side.

"It truly is beautiful looking at all the stars, planets, and gasses up there. Just think, soon we will get to be up there flying around, and exploring. It will be wonderful, I am sure."

"Quite true." Yueliang replied while cutting his wolf steak. "Mmm, this is delicious."

---- About Two Days Light Journey From The Town ----

A young man who was king of this country sitting on his throne asked. "Lancelot, you have come back early, even using a teleportation scroll. What is so urgent that you felt the need to come back without killing the cultists first?"

The four knights were kneeling on a royal red runner, in an extravagant throne room. Yueliang kneeling slightly in front of the others replied. "Sir, as you know the quest for wiping out that goblin town was completed. Well it seems the person who completed that quest has now taken over the area. He had 6 ,000 with him, they all seemed to be merchants and craftsman except for the leader.

I hope it is nothing, as they claim to just want to set up a small town in that place for trade and production. However, as you know the one who wiped them out slaughtered the goblins with spell and swordsmanship of extreme skill. I came back to report this, and ask what you wanted done. Personally, I do not see them as a threat, although it is up to you my king."

"Hmm, that is a large group for traveling merchants and craftsmen, yet you say they claim to just be here to set up production and trade? If that truly is the case it might be good for us. Is there anything else?"

"Ah, I almost forgot. They did say, what they could craft was of higher quality than what we have. However, I did not see any of their productions as I felt the need to report to you immediately."

"I see. Then, there is something more to ask. What is the state of the town they were setting up?"

"Well before I left, it was still the same as when he completed the quest, and to think the leader is still so young, yet so skilled in combat. Either way, it was broken and not great, however considering the number of them, I am sure they will need to build many houses as there is not enough room for them all. A lot of work will need to be done before they could live comfortable. However if they all truly craftsmen, it may only take less than a month before they are ready."

"I see, have the men prepare our horses. We are heading out immediately. Bring one battalion of 1,200 soldiers just in case. I will meet with their leader, and one of two outcomes will happen. Either they will be a good ally to us, or we will be enemies. We will meet them before they are fully ready. We will ride at full speed and be there tomorrow. Have the mages cast spells on the horses to make them faster."

"Of course, right away your majesty." Lancelot said, then with his 3 companions, went to get ready themselves, and get the men requested.

The king then got up from his throne, and went to his personal armory to get suited up and ready to go thinking. 'It would be great if they are not a threat. I would rather have allies than enemies. Also, if they are such great craftsmen, they might be able to help us progress. I really wonder what the best product they could make is?' He thought excitedly.

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