Life Drain System

Chapter 40 - Where To Go From Here?

As Yue watched them leave, he started heading to where the king and his knights were to see them about some matters.

Yue while walking towards their inn, thought. 'I guess I should probably go to the capital with the King Uther and his men. This would allow me to know where the capital is, as well as solve some of our problems. However the main question is how to advertise our town to merchants?' He thought as he arrived in front of the building. ​​

Just as Yueliang was about to open the door, he jumped to the side sensing something from the other side. When Yue landed, he saw someone fly through the door and into the street wondering. "What in the world are those people doing in there?"

As if to answer his question someone came out and said. "I told you, you were not as strong as me. This is why we should not arm wrestle."

Hearing this, Yue wondered. 'How is it possible to send someone flying by arm wrestling. Either way, it seems that I need to make an arena or two here or things will be problematic. Seeing people flying could deter customers if it is not in an arena.'

The man who sent the other one flying, was a knight in training as one could tell from his apparel. He walked over and offered to help up the cavalry soldier with his hand outstretched. As they clasped each others hands, the knight in training tried pulling up the cavalry soldier to no avail. Then he asked aloud. "Alright, seriously, could you cut out the magic?"

Hearing this, many of the crowd watching just laughed because he seemed so strong yet could not beat the spell. Shortly after, one of the mage stopped the spell, and everyone got back to getting ready to leave the town. At this moment, Yueliang came out and asked. "Where is the king? I have some things to talk about." He asked one of the soldiers, and was led to the kings room where two knights where standing guard out side the room.

Knock. Knock. Knock. "Milord, Yueliang is here to see you." One of the two knights said.

"Let him in." The king responded.

"Thank you." Yue said as he proceeded into the room.

"What have you come for?" King Uther asked.

"Well, I have come to discuss a few matter."

"I see, also, we have yet to discuss the matter of payment for the Hover Motorcycles."

"Quite so. However before that, I would like to discuss the matter of promoting my town." Yue replied.

"Of course, well, to begin with, you can find most of the merchants in the capital holed up out side the city wall if they come around dark. Thus you could meet with them there, and start promoting your town and products."

"Thank you for the advice. Hmm, what do you charge for horses? Also what is your currency?"

"Depending on the type and health of the horse, normally if of decent status, then 20 large silver minimum starting price. The only way it goes cheaper is if it is sick or something. Our currency goes 100 small copper is 1 large copper, 100 large copper is 1 small silver, 100 small silver to 1 large silver, 100 large silver to 1 small gold, 100 small gold to 1 large gold, and 100 large gold to 1 platinum. However to further answer your question, for 10 small copper you can buy a small loaf of bread." King Uther replied to Yue's questions.

"Hmm, then 2 small gold per hover motorcycle, seems fair. What do you think? I mean as long as these are well taken care of, and you have fuel, they will last far longer than a horse, unless your horses are immortal haha." Yue said.

"Well, actually our horses may not normally become immortal, however they can live a century or two as long as they are raised right easily. Thus unless your motorcycles can live that long, I think the price should be lowered, don't you?"

"Hmm, in my world horses only lived 20 - 30 years most of the time. My apologies, I did not mean to extort you."

"Of course not, and clearly there are somethings different from your world and ours aside from technological advancements."

"Thank you for understanding, how about 5 large silvers. The cheaper price should attract more people right. Also unlike a living being these will be more difficult to break, as long as you are not shooting it. However I will add enchantments to it to have auto repair and protection from projectiles."

"You know the automatic repair enchantment? That has been long lost to us. What do you want for it?"

"Well, how about we discus that later, as it requires a lot of study?"

"Alright, it is a promise. Also, if you have that enchantment it seems it would be worth the 2 small gold, as it would always fix itself so long as the whole thing is not dismantled." King Uther said excitedly.

"Really, hmm, well it probably would be more popular among the nobles, then for non nobles the cheaper price without the enchantment. What do you think?"

"That seems perfect. However what about all the other productions you spoke of?"

"Do not worry, I will give you a menu later, and you may pick what interests you. For now, I wanted to ask. May I travel with you and your people back to the capital and do I need documentation to sell in the capital?"

"Well, traveling with us may not be the best, however you may follow us. As for the matter of documentation, yes, although you can get it at the merchants guild fairly easily. Of course there is also the mages guild, and adventures guild. Each of which is broken into many categories, however you will learn about them once you arrive."

"Hmm, that sounds like fun. I look forward to learning more of this world. In the mean time, would you care to explore my town and see if anything interests you?" Yue asked the king.

"Before that, I have been curious what are you naming your town? It seems wrong to not have a name."

"Hmm, you are right. Then how about 'Xin Qidian', meaning new beginnings?"

"Sounds great, perfect for your new home. Shall we get to seeing your town then?" Uther replied, quite ecstatic to meet someone he could speak on such friendly terms without all the honorifics. Although he did assume that Yueliang must have come from noble origins from his refined actions and words as they spoke.

"Of course." Yueliang replied as they left the building and the walked around exploring each shop, and everything the town had to offer. Yue even explained the purpose for some aspects of the town. Even going through some of the parks to see the beautiful plants and flowers. It was peaceful and fun, eventually they started casually looking at the outer ring of the town. The reason it was more casual was that the outer ring was more designed for farming and animals, however there were still plenty of shops and places to see there as well.

Then the two came across the wolf pen and Yue said. "The reason for the pens, is the taming skill that I have and some of the others in the town are going to learn. However there are more reasons being their fur, and for training for some of our weaker ranks. At your strength it should be easy, but want to give it a shot?"

"Sounds interesting, what do I have to do?" Uther replied.

"Well, no using spells, armor, or weapons, just a bare handed fight against a wolf. I will move it to another pen for you so the others do not join in. All you have to do it kill it if you can." Yue stated then teased him a little at the end.

"Alright, move one over, and you go first to show me how it is done." Uther returned his joke half expecting him to back out.

"Seems like a fun challenge, let us see who can do it faster. We will time it. I will move one over now." Yueliang said surprising Uther. Yue then opened the gate and as the wolves charged at him he grabbed one by the neck with both arms and threw it to the pen that was right next to this one while the wolves tried escaping to attack Yue and get free. The only reason he could throw it so easily with his strength was the momentum from it running toward him was being used in the throw.

Yue then closed the gate, and walked to the next pen to begin his fight. However before walking in he asked Yang in his mind. 'Can you throw up a timer for the two of us?'

"No problem, however it will cost 10 shop coins for the spell to be cast. I will make one for each of you with your names respectively, so 20 shop coins total. Also you now have a quest.

[Playing with the King]

{You have challenged the king to a timed beast fight. This is a friendly bout, however try not to beat the king too badly lest something happens. Objective is to get the faster time than King Uther.}


Increased friendship

Increased fame and renown in this kingdom

+ 10, 000 experience


Decreased friendship

Risk of opponent becoming your enemy}

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