Life Drain System

Chapter 42 - Training

In the mean time he went to one of alchemy shops to work on designing some potions. These potions would be for both the soldiers and himself. They would help the body to grow depending on the effort put in. If enough work was put in even raising a skills power was not impossible. He stayed up most of the night working on them, and when he awoke, he had one thought with a scary smile. 'Time to Train.'

'Hmm, actually there is one thing to do before then now that I think about it. I still have yet to check my rewards and stats.' He thought to himself as was getting up and said. "Notifications" ​​

[Playing with the King] (Completed)

{You have challenged the king to a timed beast fight. This is a friendly bout, however try not to beat the king too badly lest something happens. Objective is to get the faster time than King Uther.}


Increased friendship from stranger to acquaintance to friend

Increased fame and renown in this kingdom + 10

+ 10 customizable stat points

+ 10, 000 experience}

{Level up}

[Reward: + 5 customizable stat points]

"Well, at least the rewards seem pretty great. I just wonder what this friendship, and fame stat is, as this was not here before." He mumbled to himself, then continued. " Status. "

[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Title: Dark Horse

Race: Draconic Human

Age: 21

Life Expectancy: 38 More years

Level: 16 {6,800 / 12,800 next level}

Health: 28,400/28,400

Strength: 100

Agility: 100

Endurance: 100

Intelligence: 100

Soul: 150


Luck: 100

Charm: 78

Mana: 90

Chi: 100

Aura: 25

Customizable stat points: 15]

[Shop Coins: 9,880]

"Well, now that everything is ready, it is time to train those people. Hopefully they are down by the pen, if not I will have to come back and get them. Either way, Yang, am I able to buy or take memories?" Yue asked as he started walking towards the outer ring.

"Of course, you are actually able to do either, and more. If you buy it, then you get a duplicate, if you take it the person will no longer remember, or you can duplicate it on your own. Two of which said abilities you have to buy from the shop, however it is up to you. Why do you ask?" Yang replied quite curiously.

"I was thinking, if I could duplicate the knowledge of mages, I could use what they learned for myself. Of course I know I would still have to practice, and what not. However in this way I could cast spells properly the first time, it is just that if I want them to be better I would have to modify them. For instance you gave me every spell model that is up to level 2, however you did not give me the pathways, and other knowledge."

"Hmm, that is true, although it is because customizing them yourself is better than starting with bad habit or bad knowledge. If you want the knowledge I could provide it as well, however withheld it in order for you to do better in the future."

"Yang, with what you have seen so far, given your honest opinion, do you actually think it would make me progress or digress given that information?"

"I think you will progress faster with it, however I also feel that once you hit a certain point, it will take you a while to pass it because of that. Although I guess without it you would be progressing just as slow, just at different points. Alright, I will provide the rest of the information."

"Thank you so much, Yang. This will help a lot."

"I certainly hope so."

Yue could feel and experience the knowledge being downloaded into his mind while he was making his way to the pen of wolves. He could feel what each node did, and knew what went where, even fixing his own assumptions on some that were slightly off. After a few minutes of a slow walk, Yue finally arrived and saw the soldiers waiting for him.

"Good morning sir." They said as the soldiers and knight were standing at attention, addressing Yue respectfully.

"Good morning... Alright, so let us go over your training, and a side note before we begin. First off, I will not be watching over you with a sharp eye as I have my own training to worry about as well. Thus, you must know that if you think you are cheating me by not doing the training you are wrong. I do not care if you turn out weak, you will be cheating yourselves, and those you care about.

Now to the main point, you will be worked to the bone, however you will grow extremely fast using this training method. First off catch this." Yueliang said as he stopped pacing side to side, and tossed a small glass vial to each of them and continued his pace and speech. "Alright, drink these in a few minutes when I let you know, they are potions that will loosen your bodies muscles, bones, ligaments, and everything for a short time, then harden them like steel for a little while. So be warned, if you stop your training you may die. You must follow my instructions exactly. Any questions?"

Lancelot stepped forward. "Sir, I am a little curious about this potion. You said it will help us grow, but a the same time can kill us if we are not working hard enough?"

"Alright, I will explain it in more detail then. So first off it will loosen your body up so you can move freely and flexibly. Then over time it will harden over the course of a few hours to the hardness of steel or harder depending on your luck. At the same time it will also boost your talent temporarily, allowing you to grow stronger faster in order to keep up.

Thus if you continue moving, and working hard, you will adapt to have such a hard body, not even arrows will pierce your skin without coming out of a ballista or using mana. However if you stop to rest during your training, you will instantly start turning into a statue and die. I promised your king I would make you stronger, will you make me a liar? Do you all want to risk it all to be your best, or do you want baby training?"

Lancelot once more took one for the team and said. "Sir, you do not need to mock or antagonize us, however we just worry we might not be able to handle the training. I mean has this actually be tested on anyone before, or will we be throwing our lives away?"

"This is a training I have designed myself, and this training is only for decisive people who have decided whole heartedly they want to be stronger. Without such a choice you will not succeed, and one can do this multiple times in ones life. I have even made a stronger version for myself. However since you all do not seem ready to do this I will give you baby training. Everyone get in a pen, three per. I will throw in three wolves, and you will have to fight them just like your king and I. Then once you kill them, you will do it again, until the day is out, then repeat tomorrow. Are you ready?"

"Would it make a difference if we say we are not?" One of the soldiers stepped forward and asked.

Yue walked forward and said quickly as he grabbed the man who stepped forward and threw him into the closest pen. "Nope, now enjoy everyone." After he finished his reply, Yue started to move the wolves one by one as the soldiers dejectedly went to their pens. There were three soldiers per pen, and three wolves in each, except one that had one wolf, and the knight Lancelot. Yue then spoke up loud enough for everyone to hear. "No helping each other, and when you finish killing your wolf, just dodge until your partners succeed. If you fail and die, you will be fed to the wolves."

Yue could hear their groaning at his last statement, however did not care. If one wants to become stronger one must push their limits. Knowing this would probably make them hate him he could only hope they would understand one day. While everyone was doing their training, Yue drank his vial of the potion, and jumped into the pen with the remaining over 80 wolves left. The potion lasted for about 3 hours, and this time was spent dodging every wolf in the pen.

By the time half an hour had passed most of the groups had killed their wolves and were just watching Yue in amazement and feeling pathetic that they could not even take the lesser version. Some even tried leaving their pen to get a closer look at Yue, however noticed at that time, they were locked in. Knowing there was nothing they could do, they just watched.

Yue was exhausted two hours in as his bodies cells and everything were reproducing and condensing at and insanely rapid pace making his body very heavy and dense. However knowing he would die if he did not continue he tried his hardest to find his second wind and the strength to move what felt like metal for muscles. Trying to move his muscles was like trying to bend a steel pipe with your bare hands.

Eventually the three hours ended and he jumped out of the pen, making a small crater when he landed. Everyone was shocked that anyone could with stand such an experience. However Yue just thought to himself. 'Wow, I feel so much stronger and more agile, however there is a long way to go before I am equal to the sky orcs. Although at least my durability might be equal to or higher than theirs.'

As Yue did fight the wolves as well, he did not aim to kill any thus although most lay still on the ground, none were dead. Yue then healed the wolves quickly and went to look at each group's progress. As he walked past Lancelot's pen he said. "Good job, it looks like you tried hard."

Lancelot swiftly replied. "Thank you, may I be healed now?"

"Not yet, as I am not just training your basic abilities, but also your bodies to regenerate on their own faster. I have not even healed myself as you can see." Not that there were any actual wounds on Yue, however he did not try replenishing his stamina either.

Yue continued to the next pens and said while completely ticked off. "WWHHAAATTTT IS THIS!!!!!"

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