Life Drain System

Chapter 8 - Future Father-in-law?

Then all of a sudden, Xue said "We are here...."

"My wonderful daughter, what pleasant miracle brought you here? I thought you did not want to come to the office until you have finished University." Her father said as he quickly walked over to embrace her.


However before he could get close enough she put up her hand then said "I have come to introduce you to someone. Please get along well."

"Of course my little angel, who is your friend Xue? I think they are shy." When her father said these words, Xue turned around to see where he was. Seeing that he was not behind her, she walked to the door way to see if he was there and was surprised. Then said "Do you not want to have a good impression on my father?"

"Sorry, I was just busy cleaning myself up and fixing my tie. We cannot have him thinking I am a slob now can we?" Xue giggled cutely at his comment, then held his hand and started to walk inside with Yueliang.

"Hello sir, I am Yueliang, it is a pleasure to meet you." Yueliang said with an undiscernible smile on his face.

"Hello Yueliang, you may call me Laohu." Laohu said as he began to reach out to shake the young mans hand.

"Are you sure I cannot call you father in law?" Yueliang said with that very same undiscernible smile as he reached out to shake Laohu's hand.

As they shook hands, Laohu squeezed Yueliang's hand heavily. However Yueliang started exerting the exact strength back. This went back and forth for a while until Laohu finally had to put in some effort to actually squeeze harder, and Yueliang stops not squeezing any harder.

"Daddy, please do not hurt him. I really like him. I brought him today to introduce you two, not for a fight." Xue told her dad as some tears started falling from her eyes.

However before Laohu could speak, Yueliang spoke up. "Sir I take it you are a martial artist? Or you at least put a lot of effort into strength and endurance training. Sir Laohu, I can also tell you are only using three quarters of your strength right now. Although I may not be very strong yet, I hope to get as strong as you one day. Please advise." Yueliang says while trying to make a good impression, yet actually having equal strength already.

"Are you calling me weak boy?" Laohu asked slightly agitatedly.

"No sir, I just mean, well I am training for the spatial wars, and I worry I do not yet have enough strength to fight our enemies." Yueliang said confidently then sadly.

"Phwahahha, You are hilarious Yueliang, if you can come close to and even analyze my strength you are doing better than most of those people who have been trying for years. Either way, if you want my approval you will have to grow a lot more. Even if I have not reached such a stage, I will not accept my daughter being in danger. I have always and always will give the best for her." Laohu said seriously while trying to hold back the rest of his laughter.

"Thank you sir, I will always work my hardest to improve. Also, I feel the same as you, I want the best for my wonderful girlfriend Xue. I hope you can support our relationship, and that we will no longer have disagreements." Yueliang said in a tone that sounded honorable.

"Well considering she lets you call her Xue, and is even happy about it, I guess I have to give in. However if you step out of line, I will come for you again." Laohu said while staring directly into Yue's eyes.

"I am sorry, you said again. What did you do daddy?" Xue voiced in, and got up from her seat on the side watching the two talk.

"Well, I mean...." Laohu could not find the words.

"It is fine, we are getting along now right." Yueliang said while putting his arm around Laohu.

"No, I need to know what happened. How can I stand by and not know what happened to my boyfriend." Xue said and blushed at the last word.

"It is fine, I was just kidnapped, lightly hit. Then we talked and I got some new friends. See nothing to worry about. Although it may look bad, it was a great opportunity for me, and I took it." Yueliang said confidently and happily.

"Is that really all?" Xue asked kind of sad to hear about such things.

"Yes, well actually they were kind enough to fly me back to the dorm as well, and that is all." Yue said quickly.

"Well if you say it is ok, then I will let it go, but daddy, why did you kidnap my boyfriend. Do you not support us?" Xue asked sadly.

"I mean, at first I thought he was just another playboy, however it seems he has inherited his families honorable teachings. Either way, I did not feel he was a good fit for you because he could not protect himself let alone you at the time. However seeing him now either his family inheritance has finally kicked in or that he was hiding his strength." Laohu said matter of factly.

"Sir, you know of my inheritance?" Yue asked.

"All that I know is that whatever it is, it boosts your growth speed in almost everything, and allows for feats that even any genius would think impossible." Laohu said, then upon seeing Yue's face asked "Is there anything that I have missed?"

"That sounds about right. I am still trying out many things, but Sir Laohu is the epitome of strength." Yueliang answered.

"What are you currently working on?" They asked simultaneously curiously.

"I am just trying out martial arts, blacksmithing, and some small things." Yueliang said and continues after taking a breath. "However I still have much to learn, in addition to finish school." 

"So just working on old classes, that are not really used much anymore." Laohu spoke a little surprised again as he expected more. Then Laohu says. "Well, it seems like you are squandering your talents, however just make sure you treat my daughter well."

Then Yueliang replies. "Of course I will treat her well, and I will take your advise to heart. I am still inexperienced in many things. I will try to follow father in laws example." While saying these things, Yueliang thinks to himself. 'I wish I could tell them, however it is nice getting to talk with my soon to be father in law, as well as my girlfriend. Well at least everything seems to be going well so far. I just hope I can earn his acceptance of our relationship by the end.'

After saying all of this, his future father in law starts looking a little out of it before passing out.  Thus, he walks over picks Laohu up, put him on a couch in a comfortable position, then says. "Xue do not worry, he will be fine, it just looks like exhaustion from over working himself." Since he could not find blankets, he figured he would try a level 0 spell, house warming fire without Xue noticing. Its effects are just to warm the area to a comfortable temperature, however does not burn anything. 

Hearing his words Xue asks. "Will he really be alright? Also why does it suddenly feel warmer."

"As I said he is just tired from overworking himself. However you should probably sit down if you feel hot. Let me get you some water." Yueliang says as he helps her to a chair and goes to get some water. When he returns they talk while waiting for Laohu to awaken.

----20 minutes later----

Out of the corner of his eyes, while the two are talking, Yueliang sees Laohu opening his eyes a little, thus he holds up a finger as if to say just a moment. Then he goes over to Laohu saying. "Are you alright sir? It seems you have over worked yourself. Should we take you to the hospital?"

"I am just fine, and no one is taking me to the hospital." Laohu exclaims, and says. "Either way, today seems to have turned out well, we met, we talked, and you seem like an good choice for Xue. We should get going as I am sure it will be getting late soon." Laohu tries getting their minds off of what just happened, and trying to end this meeting that he feels has wasted enough of his time already.

As this all was happening, Xue got up and walked over to them, then said. "It seems I truly chose right, right dad?"

After hearing this Laohu, said "Yes, you did well, I am glad you are happy. However if you ever harm her, I will use all I have to hunt you down Yueliang. Now I hope you had a wonderful day, however I must get back to work."

"Sir Laohu, you need not worry, I would never harm so much as a hair on your daughters head. Have a wonderful day, and hopefully we will see you again soon." He quickly said then, proceeded to leave.

"Bye daddy, I am leaving." Xue said smiling and waving as she follows Yueliang.

"See you later my daughter." Laohu said quietly and waving as his daughter leaves.

The two walked hand in hand even once they exited the building. Then all of a sudden a flash grenade went off and he felt Xue get pulled away from him....

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