Life Hunter

Chapter 197: ''Cryptic Arts.''

Chapter 197: ''Cryptic Arts.''

Chulainn looked at the sky and watched the silver light fade away.

"What are they doing? It's Layla and Arima's auras They're fighting?" He scowled then shifted his attention to the new buildings which were already being constructed.

It had just been thirty minutes since Jin had ordered new facilities to be built but there was already something habitable. Some large trucks had come and left some weird materials. The workers put them together to form the frame of the walls and the roof. Then, afterward, they placed some unknown silk-like material to craft the actual walls.

There were no floors, doors, rooms, or windows but the whole thing was already heated and isolated. Even though the ground was still uneven, the whole structure was sturdy. Now, the floors were being finalized while the walls and the roof were being optimized with an additional layer of what seemed to be simple wood.

"Technology is a fascinating thing, isn't it? At this rate, they'll finish in a few hours," Chulainn commented. Arister shrugged and observed the children silently sitting around the yard.

Every newly appointed teacher had decided to gather the students outside and instruct them with the basics before projecting Arima's simplest lectures. At the moment, they were learning about magic circuits and spiritual forces.

"That guy seems to be enjoying himself," Chulainn added as he pointed at Rex who was tutoring in high spirits. As for Hieran, he had dug a large cave with earth magic and was already sleeping there since he wasn't needed for the day.

"Well, I don't think it will be a problem to teach those children" Arister said while watching Arima's former students giving the lectures. "That kid is good," he offhandedly remarked whilst pointing at Gaodu.

"Yeah, I heard he had Dionysus's inheritance. He can go far with that."

"You're right" Arister glanced at the giant tree on the horizon. "As for that guy I kinda feel bad for him," he muttered and Rex suddenly lowered his head to speak to them.

"You tell me. I don't know what kind of teacher she can be. But in all honesty, being her pupil would be the last thing I'd wish for," the dinosaur said and Chulainn laughed.

"Well, for a human, it may not be that bad, you know?" He retorted and Rex tilted his huge head. "In this world, Dryads are quite famous. For many reasons."


Evergreen had brought Jin inside the mother tree she had grown. It was the exact same kind of place she had used to welcome Arima before. The floor, roof, and walls were made out of dark wood and the whole room was illuminated by green lights.

She sighed and sat down on a fancy wooden chair. She wasn't saying anything so Jin groaned before opening his mouth.

"So where do we start?"

"Nowhere," Evergreen indifferently answered. "For now, your job is to stand up straight without trembling," she said and tapped gently on a white orb that was floating around her. When she did that, a door formed right next to Jin.

He frowned and sought confirmation before opening it. When he went through the door, he ended up in the middle of an endless meadow and the room he had just walked out from was revealed to be a small hut. He looked up and covered his eyes because of the bright sun.

It was exactly like the dimension Seria, the dryad who had solicited Arima's help before, lived in.

"This place is a dimension that is naturally created whenever a new mother tree is nurtured," Evergreen explained. She was out of the small hut but was still sitting on her chair, right in front of the door. "Anyway, just do what I asked for now."

"What? Stand up? Did you take a clear look at me?" Jin was perplexed.

Evergreen shot him a glare and made him quiet down. "It might be tough for you since your body has already reached its feeblest state but as long as you circulate your mana little bit, it should be easy. Even with your age."

"When someone channels mana for the first time, his magic circuits will stabilize and undergo drastic transformations. In your case, your life force level will instantly rise depending on how trained your body is, how strong your spirit is, and other things like that. From what I can see, you have good chances to directly reach the fourth or the fifth level."

Jin sighed and opened his arms wide. "Fine, then how do I do it? How do I conduct my mana?"

"Find it yourself," Evergreen replied and his expression twitched.

"How am I supposed to use energy which I've never been in contact with? I don't even know how it is supposed to function."

"I heard our common friend, Arimane, managed to cast a spell the moment he entered the other world," Evergreen told and Jin clicked his tongue.

"Don't compare me to that freak," he retorted and Evergreen snorted.

"Just try. If you succeed on your own, it'll be a great experience," she stated and Jin looked back at her. She was smiling honestly and although she was kind of boorish, she was silently watching him. It seemed that she was going to observe his progress attentively.

'Well, perhaps she's serious about her job' Jin thought. He closed his eyes and immediately started trying to find this new energy that he didn't know existed until the day before.


The next day, Jin broadcasted a press conference from the newly established academy and revealed to the world the existence of magic and the Tra that would soon arrive. He also announced the creation of a new education for magic practitioners.

Actually, most people easily accepted it. The younger ones were simply excited to see the fiction come true and the adults and elders were incredulous but had to believe it when they saw children playing with magic on the streets.

Usually, people would either panic or maybe even become slightly nasty and thirst power or even say that magic shouldn't be practiced. But nothing of the sort happened.

They had been under the rule of Aurorae for an entire generation now. They were used to be given orders and they also knew that they never should even think of contesting Aurorae's authority unless they wanted to mysteriously disappear from the surface of the planet.

Furthermore, there was a rumor saying that Arimane Blade had reappeared recently. To be exact, some images of Arima's dragon form were leaked to the public. But it was, of course, intentional.

Even if the people doubted its genuineness, it was enough to make them hesitate and fearful. In the first place, on this planet, Arima was known, not as the Kind Demon but simply as a Demon. There wasn't anyone who didn't fear him for the actions he perpetrated a century ago.

All of this happened in one morning and the net was going wild. Meanwhile, Arima went back inside his soul realm. When Layla asked him the same question as the day before, he responded by laughing.

"Try harder," he said.

"That's not an answer," she muttered annoyingly. "By the way, what about your arm?" She asked after the whole group had sat down on a blue stone in the middle of the vines and flowers.

"It's a fake one," Arima raised his left arm. "This is a copy. You could break it with just one hit. All of this because you went a little too far," he glared at Layla and she chuckled wryly. "I might be able to heal it if I just turn into the 'Kind Demon' with Night But it's not necessary anyway."

"So, why are we here?" Night inquired.

"I'm creating a new category," Arima answered and Night's eyes widened.

"What's the name of the category then?" Karma asked.



"Yeah, the Cryptic Arts," Arima affirmed and started drawing a magic circle on the ground.

"What are they for?"

"They are optimized magics. Not really made for something. For example, the fifth one is 'Aeterna'. It's a magic I'm trying to improve. The fourth one concerns Superore. The third is for Night and me. The second is for Karma and me again. And the first is with Layla and me," he declared.

"They're magics that I already used before but to which I'm adding a completely new theory. There's also the particularity that each art requires someone or something to conjure," he summarized and continued to draw the magic circle. It was quite small but it was already extremely complex.

Night hummed and observed the circle. "Is that for 'Aeterna' then?"


To create a magic that can be used by others without limitations is a lot harder than simply inventing it. When you engineer a certain magic, you always have to design a magic formation like the one Arima was drawing. You inscribe the chant on it then define the theories with the runes.

After that, you have to devise the conduits which will allow the mana to flow effectively for the specific magic you want to create. Finally, you need to memorize the circle before integrating it with your magic circuits to form a new 'path' for it.

It's also by memorizing those kinds of circles that Lanya, Arister, and Arima's students learned the Arts before. Then, of course, once you have the circle perfectly memorized and integrated, you have to learn how the mana flows when you read the chant. The best way to do that is through a demonstration, instructions, or trial and error.

"How long will it take?"

"Hm," Arima mused. "Maybe around two weeks. You all have to help by the way. Well, you and Layla only need to be here for one Art. Karma will work with me for two of them and I can work alone with Superore."

"And now that we're talking about this; Karma, come here," Arima called and she immediately came to sit down in front of him. "With this, 'Aeterna' will be practical with any weapon but I want to create a layer just for you and me. So, we'll have to work together," he explained and Karma nodded dazedly while following Arima's instructions.

Night crossed his arms and watched silently. Layla rested her chin on her hands and also watched as Karma was being taught how to manipulate the circle's runes.

After ten minutes, Night grunted and stood up. "I can't wait like this," he grumbled. "Where is he?"

Arima snickered and pointed behind him with his thumb. "Go in that direction for about twenty thousand miles. You'll find a huge tomb. Blow it up to wake him up."

Night smirked and cracked his knuckles. "Sounds fun," he flapped his wings and flew off.

"You should go as well," Arima told Layla. "We don't share our memories since the Life Judgment. At best, he has a good impression of you. But he'll not be as nice as me. It's a good way to train."

Layla squinted her eyes. "How strong is he?"

Arima laughed at her question. "How strong? Don't be mistaken. He's not quietly staying there because I'm stronger than him. Malum is strong, period. If I had to fight against him on equal conditions, I would definitely lose. Considering the fact that he absorbed more timelines than me and also has better control over death magic, it's just a matter of fact."

"Wow," Layla was genuinely surprised. And it was the same for Karma. "I have to change my opinion on him a little bit now," she said and stood up. "Well, I'll be off then." Her silvery crystal wings appeared then she flew away too.

Arima looked at her until she left his sight. 'Well, let's hope he won't be too hard on them,' he thought; rejecting the possibility that Night and Layla could have the advantage on Malum.

"Anyway, let's do this nicely Karma. We'll go with the Second Art directly after we finish this one," he said and Karma nodded. She was actually growing tired already but she didn't dare to complain.


Meanwhile, not far from Neptune, a strange wormhole opened and a silhouette came out of it. It was the subordinate who had reported his discoveries to Harion. His entire body seemed to be made of shadows and only his glowing eyes could be defined.

He looked around and his eyes flashed when they fell on Earth. "A time array is encompassing the entire planet is that The Traveler's work?" He was confused. "No, he's not versed in time magic. Then is it the Life Hunter? But how can he keep it active?"

He asked himself these questions until he reached the Earth. He stopped there and tried to see what was behind the giant clock. He clicked his tongue. "I don't have a choice. I'll just go in. We cannot afford to let that Life Hunter become a Guardian," he mumbled and instantly transformed into a black shadow that went through the array.

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