Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

105 – Turning Point 2 – Zwischenzug – Part 2

105 – Turning Point 2 – Zwischenzug – Part 2

Flashes of light illuminated the night sky. With them came monsters, appearing out of what looked like cracks glowing in mid-air. Monsters that let out a chorus of roars and snarls that seemed to echo in every direction

Staring out the window of the house, Roxy grit her teeth and focused. <Magic Arrays> spread out to cover the house with barrier spells and stop monsters from getting in. But-


"Mommy! Rui!"

Aisha's screams and Norn's cries echoed from behind Roxy.

Her eyes widened and she turned around to see a Terminate Boar charging towards the two.



The metal elemental spirit flew out like an arrow and pierced the boar, pinning it to the wall. And when it was, Mercy rippled, turning into a mass of spikes and ripping the boar apart.

Roxy quickly ran over to Aisha and Norn, hugging them close. "Are you hurt?"

Aisha trembled and shook her head.

Norn didn't say anything, only holding Roxy close.

Mercy flew back to Roxy and started orbiting her, as if keeping a close eye on the surroundings.

Roxy did the same.

They were downstairs in the living room. Roxy had been keeping Aisha and Norn entertained with some magic, swapping out for Rose who wanted to get some rest.

It was lucky. Really lucky.

Rose might have picked up a little bit of magic, but it was barely enough to defend herself. If it had been her watching over the toddlers right now-

A flash of white light from upstairs. Shortly after that-

"What the heck?!"

"Eri! Here!"

"Why are there monsters in the house?!"

Clashing steel. Mana erupting from above as Sylphy and Eris fought off monsters of their own. And then down the hall, in the guest rooms...

A brief scuffle. The sound of a blade being drawn, as well as furniture being knocked over. After that...

"Are you alright, Miss Rose?"

"Y-Yes. I'm fine. Thank you Ghyslaine."

They were safe. Roxy didn't know what was happening, but it looked like they had managed to get through the ambush.

"R-Rossy..." Norn sniffed and buried her face against Roxy's coat. "I'm scared."

Aisha nodded as well. "M-Monsters are scary..."

Roxy kept a close eye on the surroundings, but she pulled the girls into a hug and said, "Everything will be okay. Right, Mercy?"


The metal elemental rippled, letting out a pure chime. After that, it turned into a little stick figure and bounced around, lightly poking Norn and Aisha.

Norn looked up and giggled at seeing Mercy.

Aisha reluctantly glanced over and then smiled.

After that, footsteps raced from upstairs. Eris and Sylphy arriving in the living room.

Both were roughed up, and it looked like they were caught off-guard.

Eris was wearing a loose nightgown and clutching a blue crystal blade. One that seemed to be made by Sylphy in a pinch.

As for Sylphy, she was wearing a shirt and shorts. Unlike Eris, however, she had a proper weapon. The wand that Rudy made her was out and thrumming with mana, ready to fire whatever magic she needed.

"Miss Roxy!" Eris scanned the room and then locked onto Roxy. When she saw her, Eris let out a sigh of relief and ran over. "Miss Roxy! What's happening?"

Sylphy walked over as well, carefully observing their surroundings. "Yes. Do you know what's happening, Auntie Roxy?"

Roxy felt her eye twitch at Sylphy's comment, but she ignored it. Instead, she glanced back out the window.

Light continued to flash in the distance, making it seem like a giant thunderstorm was happening. But there was no thunder, and there wasn't any lightning. There wasn't even a sign of a mana disturbance occurring.

"...I'm not sure."

Sylphy moved to Norn and Aisha and pulled them into a hug, letting out a soft smile to try and calm them down.

With that, Roxy moved back to the window to check the situation.

Her barrier spell was up. And it looked like it was blocking some monsters from getting in.

So how did those monsters appear? It wasn't a teleport spell or a summoning spell. In fact, there weren't any traces of mana at all.

Did it have to do with the cracks she saw earlier? Was there something else happening as well? No, could it be that the 'Being W' they were all worried about truly was an all-powerful god...?

Roxy felt her heart race.

It was bad. This was bad.

A monster like Orsted, she could rationalize. There were limits to his powers. While powerful, Roxy was aware that it was a distance that could be closed given time, preparation, and training.

But if their enemy was a god, and one able to summon monsters at will...

Another pair of footsteps echoed. Ghyslaine and Rose.

Rose saw Norn and Aisha with Sylphy and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank Milis!" She dashed over and hugged them all. "Are you alright?"

Sylphy smiled and said, "We're fine, Mom."

Ghyslaine walked to the center of the room, resting her hand on her sword. Her eyepatch was raised as well, revealing a glowing green eye. "...Looks like there's a lot out there." She glanced over at Eris and said, "And you look like you forgot some important lessons, Eris."

Eris's face turned red and she stomped her foot. "H-How was I supposed to know we'd get attacked like this? I didn't have time to change!"

Ghyslaine chuckled. "It's fine. I'm glad that you feel safe enough here to let your guard down. Although..." She looked out in the distance and mumbled, "This really is unfortunate timing, isn't it? Lord Sauros, Master Philip, and Lady Hilda..."

Eris's face turned pale. "A-Are monsters there too? Can you see them, Ghyslaine?"

"I can't see them. But I don't need to." She shook her head and said, "I think this goes further than just the Fedoa region."

Roxy bit her lips and then muttered, "Is it the end of times?"

Rose trembled. "The end of times... Judgment Day? Like the one foretold in the book of Milis?"

Ghyslaine shifted her grip on her sword, frowning. "Judgment Day, huh? I don't believe in that mumbojumbo... But it sure looks pretty crazy out there." She glanced over at Roxy and said, "Can you handle things here?"

Roxy felt her stomach churn.

Protecting everyone by herself against a god...

Roxy took a deep breath and then nodded. "I'll do it."

Eris looked over at Ghyslaine and said, "G-Ghyslaine? Are you leaving?"

The beastwoman looked over towards the other house and said, "For a bit." She glanced at Sylphy and said, "Help Eris get ready and prepare for combat."

Sylphy nodded. "Got it, Miss Ghyslaine."

Ghyslaine looked at Roxy one more time and smiled. "We'll get through this."

"Y-Yes..." Roxy nodded back.

After that, Ghyslaine left, walking out from the safety of Roxy's barrier.

"Come on, Eri." Sylphy tugged Eris and started dragging her back upstairs. "I'll keep you safe so you can change."

"I-I don't need your help to change!"

"Don't be shy now. It's serious!"

Eris's face turned red and she groaned. "Argh... Fine! B-But no staring!"

After that, the two girls ran back upstairs.

Which left Roxy alone with Rose and the two toddlers.

Norn and Aisha were still huddled up against Rose, as if trying to shut out everything happening around them.

Roxy didn't blame the girls. She was tempted to ignore everything as well. But she couldn't. All she could do was try and hide her trembling legs and focus.

Rose looked up at Roxy and then frowned. "Roxy-"

"I'm fine." She moved next to the Rose and focused.

Mercy moved with her, slowly orbiting the room.

Roxy took a deep breath.

She could do this. She was an adventurer. Even if she hadn't been adventuring for a while, it wasn't her first time facing the unknown. Or facing a fight to the death.

...But it *was* her first time being relied on to protect others in such a chaotic mess-

A flash of white light. After that, a murderous roar as a hulking figure charged towards them. An Orc.

Norn and Aisha screamed.

Rose did as well.

Roxy froze, unable to react.

But something else reacted for her.


Mercy flew out to intercept the monster. At the same time, magic formations flared as <Magic Arrays> activated its automatic defense, sending a volley of magic spells at the monster.

Fire, water, lightning, stone spears. Rippling silver from Mercy's attacks.

The Orc stood still, yellow eyes wide in disbelief. And then it collapsed, landing on the floor with a thud.

"Dammit!" Eris cursed.

"Eri! Don't rush!"

"Aaargh. This is the last time I'm changing into stupid night clothes!"

A sudden off-tangent conversation.

That broke Roxy out of her shock.


She had forgotten until now because of Orsted, but she wasn't weak. If it was just monsters... If it was just ordinary threats like that...

Roxy calmed down. At the same time, she focused on her surroundings.

More white light flashed. Perhaps realizing that she was a threat... or perhaps determined to wipe out Norn and Aisha, more monsters emerged.

Roxy didn't recognize them all, but she could tell that they were at least B-ranked monsters.

But if it was just that...



Roxy swept her hand out to the side, causing magic formations to flare and wrap around her arm. "Don't show them any."


With those words and a bombardment of magic, the Callous Witch of Destruction made her return.


"Dammit!" Paul ducked away from a giant blade and then slashed up to deflect a blast of flames aimed at him. "What in the world is happening right now? Is that bastard so terrified of my kids?"

Laws jumped over Paul, using his shoulders as a stepping stone to shoot down a group of wyverns floating overhead. After that, Laws flew down and kicked the Living Armor that was attacked Paul, breaking its posture.

Paul took the opening and pierced his sword into the armor's helmet before stealing the monster's weapon. The moment he did, he spun around and threw it at a horde of goblins advancing in the distance.

Laws quickly moved back to Paul's side and laughed. "Well, friend. When my son-in-law is strong enough to impress the Dragon God and your daughters can already use magic, even Demon God Laplace would give pause, wouldn't he?"

Paul slid to the side and then roused his Battle Aura. Following the chaotic flux of mana in the area, he spread out his own and then cut the space, ripping apart a group of undead skeletons. After that, he moved back to Laws's side and said, "Yeah. But come on! This is a bit much!"

Laws fired off arrows at another wave of flying monsters. As he did, he said, "Do you think Rudy's alright? Ah, and kneel for me."

Paul quickly crouched.

Laws jumped off Paul's back again and then notched an arrow, filling it with silver mana. After that, he aimed at a flickering shadow high in the sky and fired.

Screeching wind. Laws's arrow shot off with a vicious silver spiral, lighting up the night sky.

A strangled roar echoed from high above before the shadowy figure dispersed.

Paul caught Laws as he fell from the knockback of his attack and set him down. After that, he focused on the approaching monsters and said, "Rudy should be fine. Especially since he's with his new baby sister. I learned about it recently, but my son's the sort who's the strongest when protecting someone he loves, you know?"

"So not when he's showing off like you?"

Paul laughed, especially when he saw Zenith sending him worried looks from the distance. "Well, old habits die hard. Ah, and duck."

Laws quickly crouched.

The moment he did, Paul swung his blade over Laws. A silver wave flashed, cutting down a shadowy assassin trying to backstab him as well as a group of feral bears in the distance.

Laws stood back up and frowned. "How long is this going to last...?" He glanced at the village and said, "And what are we going to do about the villagers?"

Paul froze. "Shit. I forgot about them."

Laws scoffed. "Some knight you are."

"Hey! Family first- Argh, being a hypocrite again. No wonder Rudy's always pissed at me." Paul looked over towards the village.

It wasn't as bad. He could see some mana signatures over there, but they were much weaker than the ones they were fighting. At most, F-ranked monsters.

"...Our pals can handle it for now- Hm?"

A familiar figure darted off towards the village, wielding a glowing silver sword and shield. Elinalize- No, Rostelina.

Paul laughed. "Actually, don't worry about it. Your mom's got that covered."

Laws shot down a flock of Dire Birds heading towards them and then pursed his lips. "My mother? Will she be enough?"

Paul kicked the pauldron from the Living Armor into the distance, bowling over a group of goblins trying to sneak up on Lilia and Zenith. "Trust me, Pal. Your mom's no slouch, either in looks or in fighting."

"...I will make sure to tell that to Zenith and Lilia later."

"H-Hey! There's no need for that!"

Laws smiled, but then he glanced over at the second house. "Should we move? As you say, Rudy should be fine here, and your wives are both more than capable of protecting themselves with the equipment they possess. But the other children..."

Paul glanced over as well.

A shining barrier covered the house. And in the distance, Paul could see that the other barriers meant to protect the village were activated as well. Roxy's work, of course.

Even so...

"That Being Whatchamacallit really has a grudge against us, huh?"

...He could see the mana from monsters somehow appearing in the house. Not only that, but Eris, Sylphy, and Roxy were continuously moving around, fighting off those monsters while Rose, Norn, and Aisha stayed in the middle of the living room.

Paul glanced back at Rudy.

The situation there hadn't changed. His son had taken his new baby sister and locked her away in that crazy defensive shell. And while monsters were trying to break in, they were easily struck down by a barrage of elemental attacks.

Not only that, but Lilia and Zenith were close by, taking out the stronger monsters while leaving the small fry to get killed off by Rudy's defenses.

Seeing that, Paul shouted. "Zenny! Lily! We're going to check on the other kids! Is that okay?"

Lilia cut down a grotesque monster with writhing spindly limbs and then looked over at Paul. "Why have you not already?"

Zenith waved her hand, summoning giant stone spires to pierce a pack of wolves running towards them. After that, she looked over at Paul and said, "What Lily said! Go get everyone to safety!"

"Not sure where is safe right now considering monsters just look like they're popping out of thin air, but sure." Paul grumbled and then looked at Laws. "You ready?"

Laws reached to grab more arrows to notch on his bow. But he was out. Seeing that, he clicked his tongue and then held out his hand, making rough arrows out of his mana. "As ready as I'll ever be. ...And I need to thank Rudy sometime for teaching me this useful trick."

"Thank him after this is over. Now..." Paul charged. "I'll cut through!"

Laws kicked off the ground and ran after Paul, sending a barrage of silver arrows to support him.

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