Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

109 – A Warrior’s Pride and a Magician’s Prowess – Part 3

109 – A Warrior’s Pride and a Magician’s Prowess – Part 3

"...I see. So that is your situation, Rudy." Ruijerd glowered and said, "What a terrifying adversary. And cruel as well, to target children..."

I nodded and said, "It's a bit ridiculous, yeah."

Late at night.

I'd somehow managed to convince Ruijerd to not do something ridiculous like swear the allegiance of himself and his entire bloodline to me and instead set up a little campfire/homebase to talk to him and get the situation sorted.

Ruijerd had gathered some firewood and various supplies earlier while I was tending to Stella, storing them at the bottom of the tower. Because of that, I managed to set up a little fireplace and makeshift oven to both warm up the place and make some food.

...Though the meat that Ruijerd brought back didn't look too appetizing. Fortunately, magic was a thing. And it seemed like I had figured out something similar to transfiguration from H*rry P*tter so it wasn't too big a concern.

Ruijerd shook his head and looked at me. "But I am impressed. To be such a skilled magician so young and have such a brave warrior's heart... Have heroes started to rise in the Human Kingdoms again?"

"I dunno about heroes. I'm just me."

Ruijerd nodded and then said, "Yes. That is a good mindset to have." He looked over at Stella and then frowned. "...But have you determined what you plan to do? The Magic Continent is harsh and the distance to the Asura Kingdom is vast. Taking a newborn for the journey..."

I sighed. "I know. That's what I'm worried about."

The situation was unclear.

From what Ruijerd told me, we were definitely in the Magic Continent. But it was different too.

Whatever Being W did, it caused weather and terrain to get messed up, with apparently pieces of terrain spliced together and monsters from all over the world popping up.

I was lucky enough to land in a safe spot with Stella and make shelter, but apparently this place was standing out like a sore thumb. If Ruijerd hadn't taken the time to clean up the monsters around the place, I would have to resort to desperate measures to try and protect Stella.

But traveling across the land with Stella...

I could make a baby carrier. Maybe a stroller or carseat-style cradle. But according to Ruijerd, the sun was harsh, the winds dry, and temperatures volatile throughout the land.

I had some ideas on how to deal with that and keep Stella safe. But I wouldn't have the capacity to do that and fight at the same time. And while Ruijerd was strong, we were facing unknown territory. Literally and figuratively when it came to potential monsters and terrain changes.

In short...

"...We need some more help."

That was the issue.

I was grateful to have Ruijerd here, and he definitely had our best interests in mind after I helped him get rid of that curse. But he wasn't enough.

The problem was, we got lucky. I knew that Ruijerd could be trustworthy because Rudeus mentioned him a bit... but that was all.

I could remember some other people to keep note of. I think Zanoba and Cliff were two more people I could lean on later. But they should be around my age right now even if I came across them... so that didn't help.

Capable and reliable adults were far and few. Not only that, but I didn't know the language here.

Ruijerd happened to know the common language that humans spoke, but I didn't know his. The only languages I knew were Japanese, English, a bit of random programming languages... and maybe the magic formations I had been studying. 

...I knew I should have bugged Master Roxy about picking up her language.

Ruijerd frowned. "...That will be difficult. Individuals kind enough to help a pair of lost children are already few. Those willing still to come with a Supard..." He gave an apologetic smile.

I waved my hand. "It's alright, Ruijerd. I think I know how to fix this. But I need a few more days to recover first. Can you keep us safe until then?"

Ruijerd nodded. "With my life."

"...You don't need to go that far. But I appreciate it. Now let's eat and then get to know each other a bit since we'll be traveling for a while. Like I said earlier, me and Stella are from a small village in the Asura Kingdom called Buina. My dad's the knight in charge of the place and my mom's basically the village doctor... Ah, and there's Mama Lily too. She's my second mom. A long story there..."


A few days came and went. During the day, I held Stella and babbled to her in Japanese to keep her calm and pass the time. When she was hungry, I made some more baby formula to feed her, and I changed her diapers when she needed it.

Transfiguration was convenient.

...Though I was starting to get paranoid about fighting Being W proper. I'd have Orsted to back me up at the time whenever that was, but it was a bit unnerving at how malleable mana really was. And that didn't even take into account the fact that there might be another level past mana that Being W didn't show off because he had been trapped in my Domain Expansion/Reality Marble/Pocket Dimension.

But whatever the case, that was a concern for later. And for when Orsted was around so we could brainstorm ways to stump Being W.

Also for when I had a safe place and time to sort through all the random ramblings that Rudeus had when we were chatting. Definitely a lot of useful things in there I still needed to parse and look out for.

I think there was something about the Holy Order of Millis or whatever that he mentioned...? A warrant for his head or something?


Stella was fine. I was worried about her being a newborn baby and all, but my baby sister was made of tough stuff. She was still a bit afraid of Ruijerd, but for the most part she only cried when she was hungry. Other than that, she was quiet and just spent her time watching me and listening.

She also perked up a lot whenever I spoke Japanese. Maybe since it was so different from the normal language? I mean, Japanese had a certain rhythmic cadence to it. Maybe it was that...

But summing things up, baby sister not a problem. Still a bit of a concern on what we were going to do to get out of this place and start adventuring back home though.

Ideally, a teleport spell was the way to go.

Being W wasn't the only one who could pull an Uno Reverse.

While it was fast, I *did* manage to get a glimpse of the teleporting shenanigans he used to send me and Stella here. Not only that, but Master Roxy had taught me basic summoning magic and principles.

And so I had my action plan.

Ruijerd carefully held Stella and then watched me from off to the side. "Are you certain this will work?"

I finished etching the summoning circle into the stone floor and nodded. "It will. The principles are sound, I've recovered enough mana, and as a failsafe, I have a bit of summoning mana gathered up to patch anything that goes wrong."

Ruijerd frowned. "...And if you summon a monster that cannot be controlled? I do not mean to doubt your abilities, but many unpredictable events have occurred within the past few days."

"I'm aware. Which is why I'm leaving Stella with you for now." I paused and said, "...You can run while keeping her safe, right?"

Ruijerd nodded. "I have run carrying infants before."

"Human infants?"


"And they stayed alive, right?"

"Yes, Rudy."

"Good. Just checking."

...Still kind of doubtful, but I made Stella a protective necklace to cast a barrier dampening momentum if she started going over a safe speed, so... it should be fine.

Really wished I had my wand on me though. Or my sword. Or even one of my keepsakes, like Master Roxy's necklace, Mama Lily's scarf, or Mom's healing tome. I'd even take that embarrassing outfit that Miss Rostelina made me. Anything to cheer me up a bit or act as a good luck charm-


I paused to think about it.

Summoning magic was typically for summoning guardians, but it wasn't restricted to that. Or to living creatures.


Yeah. Let's do a trial run first to get a feel for it. I knew the general area of where it should be, so it was more defined than a random summoning for a potential guardian monster/spirit.

"Gate, open."

First, words to focus the mind. After that, pump mana into the magic circle...

Crimson light flashed as my mana poured in. But that quickly faded, turning gray and fuzzy, like the static from those old TVs.

...And like those old TVs, an image was forming in the center of the magic circle.

Huh. Was it supposed to work like this? I didn't remember Master Roxy's summoning experiments looking like this... But whatever.

First off, my wand. The birthday gift Master Roxy gave me and the one fitted with elementally attuned magic stones...


It was slowly coming into focus. But at the same time, I saw something else too. A small silhouette holding it tight against her chest while two others patted that silhouette's head.


Did she hear my thoughts?

For a moment, the small silhouette flinched, as if shocked. And then she started spinning around, her tiny head craning every direction looking for something.

But then the vision faded. Not only that, but the magic circle fizzled out.


"Did you fail?"

I shook my head and gathered up my mana again. "No. I got sidetracked by something."

So Aisha had my wand... Did Master Roxy summon it? Probably. Or maybe it got sucked in somehow and ended up with them.

That was fine. Aisha needed it more.

Then... how about my new sword?

"Gate, open."

I focused on the magic circle again. Once more, the static effect. Blurry images, slowly sharpening-

Wait. Could I use this to scry? Find out how Mom, Mama Lily, Dad, and everyone else is doing?

...No. The 'connection' wasn't there.

I got a few vague hits when I tried looking for Mom, Mama Lily, and Dad based on their equipment, but the magic circle started to splutter when I did. Maybe since my mana probably had been phased out by now?

No. It was probably Being W's fault. He was definitely keeping an eye on things and probably preventing the easy way out.


But in any case...

I couldn't find them, but I did ping my sword. And again, it was being held by a tiny silhouette with two other people. One tall person and a shorter person.

So Norn had my sword.

And was with Eris. And Dad.

...And my new sword was the result of experimenting with magic stones and infusing elements directly into the blade to try and make it a pseudowand...

Well. I guess she'll be safe at least... And she definitely needed it more than I did.

But in that case, what about-


A sudden puff of smoke. With it, a small pile appeared in the middle of the magic circle. A familiar jumble of items.

First, a gray hand-knitted scarf with my name at the end of it. Next, a worn-out healing tome. After that, a half-empty bag of magic stones and coins. And then there was the outfit that I had just been thinking about a while ago.

"Hoh?" Ruijerd exclaimed and then gave me an impressed look. "You can summon supplies with magic?"

"I... guess? Not exactly what I had in mind, but I'll take it."

I picked up the items and frowned.

That was weird. It was almost like someone had grabbed the spell while I was searching and threw a care package at me.

At that time, Stella giggled.

I looked back and laughed. "Yeah, yeah. It's kind of funny, I know."

I set the clothes and my keepsakes aside. But after that, I picked up the bag of magic stones. "These should be useful though."

I would have preferred to have my wand or sword, but magic stones would work in a pinch-

Ah. Note to self: remember to ask Ruijerd to collect a few when he's out hunting.

But for now...

"Alright. Time for the real deal." I looked at Ruijerd and said, "Stay alert."


I focused and said the words again. "Gate, open."

The magic circle flared to life. But this time, it shone even brighter. And the cause for that...

"This had better work."

I mumbled under my breath as I spilled the magic stones onto the summoning circle and dissolved them into raw mana.

This time, it was different. Instead of staticky images or hazy silhouettes, I didn't see anything. Instead, I felt my mana fall through the summoning circle and get dragged around, tugged here and there by a mysterious current.

"Alright. This is what Master Roxy said should happen, so next..."

I focused on what I wanted.

Something strong enough to protect us and help Ruijerd fight... was important, but not the top priority.

Right now, we needed information. Something that could help us traverse the dangers popping up throughout the land and identify potential crises. Ideally something with foresight, clairvoyance, maybe identification powers... And definitely mage sight.

But did something like that-

A heavy tug. My mana, spinning away just like a reel as whatever I caught started panicking.

I narrowed my eyes and pulled it taut.

If it was really a match. If this summoning spell worked, I wasn't about to let it get away.

A fierce wind picked up as ambient mana got sucked into the summoning circle to power the spell.

"Rudy!" Ruijerd's concerned voice called out.

"I've got it!"

I pulled my hand back and dragged my mana along with whatever it ensnared. And then-

A burst of crimson light, knocking me back on my butt.

A figure emerging from the depths of the summoning circle. And then...

"Who dares to summon This One?! Who dares to place a collar on the great Demon Lord Kishirika Kishirisu?!"


A small girl that looked a little younger than me. Despite that, she was dressed in lewd clothing. Black leather, chains... lots of bare skin.

A cute face, horns, purple hair and a pair of mismatched eyes...

Complete lolicon bait.

But I ignored that.

While a shocking appearance, there was something that stood out even more. Something that explained why the summoning caused such a fuss.

Twelve different mana signatures, swirling all around the girl's body while converging in her eyes. Mana radiating an imperial might and violet color, weak only because she seemed to be tapped out like I was right now. A body that was taking a while to top up its drained mana source-

Wait. Did she say Demon Lord?

The girl rounded on me, glaring at me with her mismatched eyes. "You! It was you who summoned This One, was it not? A mere hu... man?" Her left eye flashed, and one of the mana signatures shifted up into that eye. A light swirly green color.

When it did, the girl's eyes widened and she paled. "Th-This..." Her eyes spun and she glanced behind me. When she saw Ruijerd, the girl gulped. "Y-You... Are you not the commander of that handsome one's forces?"

Ruijerd narrowed his eyes.

Kishirika flinched and then lunged at me.

I quickly got up, preparing to fight.

But it turned out to be unnecessary.

"T-This One apologizes!" The girl smacked her head against the ground and said, "T-This One would be honored to serve the Magic God! S-So... Don't eat me!"


I turned back to look at Ruijerd.

He gave me a blank stare, clearly as confused as I was.

I looked back to the girl... who was trembling and sobbing?

"This One apologizes! She was tricked by the Human God and didn't know better! Badi did not either! P-Please...! Have mercy!"

...It's a good thing I already have white hair, because good *god* these unexpected developments are getting to me...

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