Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

162 – The Hard-Working Teacher’s Wrath – II

162 – The Hard-Working Teacher’s Wrath – II

"Have you calmed down a bit, Master?"

Roxy huffed and grabbed a chocolate chip cookie from the platter in front of her before stuffing it in her mouth. After that, she took a long swig from the vanilla shake I whipped up before finally letting out a sigh. "For a being a genius, you're an idiot, my dear disciple."

I let out a nervous laugh.

We were back in Master Roxy's office after an hour long round about chase through the skies over the city.

Also after I dodged about 200 lightning bolts in a row. It was a shame I didn't get a cute little onion knight doll for it or a magical crest, but I'd settle fir having Master Roxy calm down.

...There was also a lot of property damage in that little chase sequence we did, but it seemed like it might have been a routine thing with Roxy considering how people only looked exasperated than afraid.

Just what exactly was my Master's reputation here anyway...?

Roxy munched on another chocolate chip cookie before brushing her hands off. After that, she leaned back in her chair and said, "So. It seems like you've gone through a lot, Rudy."

"You could say that... But it looks like you've gone through a lot too, Master."

I stared at her and focused on the flow of mana around her. Or rather, the distinct lack of mana flow around her.

"...It seems like you've done something a bit ridiculous?"

I had gotten a glimpse of it while I was being chased around, but up close I could see it in detail.

In the past, Master had been inspired by my <Magic Arrays> and used it to create her own system. Something like a portable and moving magic computer with pre-stored spells and stuff.

Kind of like those magical girl animes, actually. And considering how Master looked back then...

But anyway, it gave her the ability of being essentially magic artillery with a constant bombardment of magic without any cost to the user.

It *did* have a pretty big flaw though. And that came up in the fight against Orsted where the entire system got blown apart by magic disruption.

Now though...

...It was a bit hard to explain. And I didn't even know how she managed to make it work.

Could it be said to be something like hardening electronic circuits to work against EMPs?

One way or another, Master had created a completely rigid and isolated space around her that rejected the flow of mana, giving the appearance that she didn't have any magical power at all.

Yet, in spite of that, she could still cast spells somehow. And spells that were much stronger than ordinary incantations or runes too.

Did she manage to figure out the rules of existence or something? Break down magical runes to an even more fundamental principle that it didn't need mana to operate? Or was it a harmonic resonance of some sort where she created a void that automatically resolved itself with an incantation?

Roxy snorted and then took another sip from her drink. After that, she glared at me and said, "I don't want to hear it from the man who managed to create a spell conjuring substance from nothing."

I made myself my own drink, a quick orange juice, and started sipping on it. "It's not 'from nothing.' It's from my imagination. There's a difference."

Roxy gave me a blank stare and then set her cup down. After that, she massaged her forehead and said, "Hah... I'm started to remember how much of a headache you were when you were younger..."

I leaned back and smiled. "Come on, Master. I wasn't *that* bad."

Roxy looked at me and then nodded. "...You're right. It's worse now since you're so damned handsome."


Roxy rolled her eyes and said, "Nothing."

That didn't sound like nothing!

...But I wasn't about to blow it now.

Women were creatures of emotion more than logic, so better to not press too hard.


I pulled out my handy journal and jotted that thought down.

Roxy blinked and then stared at my book. "What's that?"

"A sacred treasure to be passed down to my sons and male descendants of the Greyrat household from this point onwards."

Roxy gave me a blank stare.

I shut the book and put it away before smiling. "Just kidding. It's a diary."

Roxy smiled at that and said, "You're still a bit childish, huh?"

"Better to be a kid at heart than an old man battered down by the world."

Because the latter led to the path of an edgelord, and nobody likes an edgelord. Not to mention things never went well for them.

"But anyway." I finished my glass of orange juice and then said, "It's good to see that you've been well, Master. And thanks for taking care of Aisha."

Roxy shook her head and said, "There's no need to thank me." She smiled and said, "Aisha's like my family, so I would have taken care of her regardless."


An awkward silence.

Was it because of the age difference? The fact that Master let out more than a few Freudian slips about how she felt about me earlier? Or because there was just too much that had happened.

For some reason, it was kind of hard to get the conversation flowing.

Especially since Master seemed more than content to just stare at me.

After a few more minutes passed in silence, I decided to make myself another drink. Some tea this time.

Seeing that, Roxy remembered her snacks and drink and started munching on some more cookies.

I sipped on my tea, letting my nerves calm down a little and pointedly ignoring the upcoming catastrophy that would erupt from Eri, Sylphy, and Roxy being together in the same area after I'd crossed the line with the first two... Not to mention Rika.

Another note to add to the journal later: Having a relationship with more than one woman is trouble, even if you have the power to blow up entire kingdoms. Better to just stick to one wife and be done with it.

But anyway... Back to what I came here for.

I set the cup of tea to the side and said, "There will be some time to catch up later, so how about we get to business first, Master?"


Roxy's expression darkened for a moment.

Clearly she wasn't fine with that... but she quickly put on a professional face and said, "Understood. I suppose we can talk more after I interrogate Eris and Sylphy as well..."

Ah. Right...

...Well. That was a girl problem, so I'd let them sort it out.

Roxy set her cookies and shake off to the side before leaning back in her chair. "I presume you want to enroll that girl in the university?"

"Her, Stella, and Norn." I paused, thinking about Ena and Eos.

But then I considered how beautiful they were and the fact that it would be more trouble than it was worth...

On the other hand, it might be good for them to get a somewhat normal school experience in while they still could...

"...At least for now."

Yeah. I'd see how my daughters settled in with a somewhat normal environment first. It'd be bad if like a chain of people started challenging me to duels for the permission to marry them or something because they said something like any potential suitors had to prove their worth to me.

Cliff was already enough to deal with. I didn't need even more people to sort out.

"Mm..." Roxy tapped on the table and said, "The semester has already begun, so it will be a bit hard to get them in. Those stiff nobles will disagree and those blockhead professors might start acting up even if I personally recommend them."

"Oh." I paused to think about it and said, "But is that it?"

"Hm?" Roxy tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean the only real issue is that nobles and professors might disagree with some nobodies showing up in the prestigious academy, right?"

"...I suppose so?" Roxy hummed and said, "If you could get the recommendation of a few other professors or show that you have the proper qualifications- Eh? Rudy? W-W-Wait! Where are you going!?"


It was a break day for the students of Ranoa Magic Academy. Even so, a majority of the students were still on campus resting in their dorms.

Because of that, they were able to see it firsthand.

Even so, the rumors were mixed.

Some said that a nobleman appeared to audit the academy, sending the professors in despair as they had to account for their research expenses.

Others... specifically the female students, said that a dreamy adventurer showed up with unbelievable magic that made the professors walk out of the academy on the spot.

Others still said that it was Headmaster Roxy's fiance appearing to reprimand and punish all the people who tried flirting with the Headmaster since his absence.

And the infamous student council president said that it was all a load of baloney because the professors were all just heading out to deal with the aftermath of Headmaster Roxy letting off some steam chasing out another suitor.

A chaotic turn of events. A rumormill working in overtime. Rumors and myths spreading like wildfire... and a fire that was fueled even more by the fact that Headmaster Roxy had activated noise cancellation magic barriers over her office for an entire day as beautiful women kept entering and leaving.

Then, the next morning...


"Good morning, class." A handsome young man with sparkling green eyes, lightly touseled brown hair and a tidy white suit. Tapping a diamond topped staff against the ground, he smiled and said, "I'm afraid that the academy's staff went on strike for the week after a certain incident last night, so I will be your substitute teacher until that's resolved."

Aisha stared at the substitute professor with a blank expression.

She had never seen him before today. And while she had heard about all the mess happening last night while she was out catching up with her sisters and her nieces and nephew... who she still couldn't wrap her head around since they were definitely older than her.

But anyway, she didn't recognize the man. At least, at first. But as he started talking and as he kept glancing towards her with a mischievous flash in his eyes...

"My name is Rudeus Notus Greyrat. You can call me Professor Greyrat. And as for today's lesson plan..."

He waved his hand, causing a blackboard to materialize from thin air. Shortly after that, a piece of chalk appeared as well and started writing.

[Why everything you know about magic is wrong - Wizardry 101]

After that, 'Professor Greyrat' turned to Aisha and said, "Miss Student Council President. Why don't you start class and explain what magic is to everyone?"

...Aisha was beginning to understand why Stella kept complaining about her big brother...


"I can't believe it. That crazy disciple of mine..." Roxy ran her hand through her hair and said, "I wasn't ever this terrible of a disciple, was I? Openly defying me and then running off to crush the spirit of every teacher at the academy..." She looked up at the person she called in for life counseling and said, "Tell me I'm right, Teacher."

A man wearing a simple black robe. Seated across from Roxy's table, his aristocratic features seemed like they should have been sharp and overbearing. But the wrinkles around his eyes and creased forehead as well as his gray hair cut against that, especially with his soft eyes.

Altogether, although he had the looks of a haughty noble, his current demeanor and air gave off a strong image of a diligent corporate worker and employee rather than a noble.

The man, Jinas Halfas, let out a faint smile and said, "They say that the student reflects the teacher. Isn't that the case here as well?"

Roxy narrowed her eyes. "And just what are you trying to imply?"

Jinas shrugged. "Simply that this was to be expected." He leaned back in his chair and chuckled. "After all, did you not do something similar when you returned to the academy?"

Roxy blushed and said, "T-That was different! I had a child to take care of and needed a job... and those idiots didn't know what they were doing." After saying that, she paused, a flicker of realization in her eyes.

Jinas smiled and said, "See?"

"...Hmph." Roxy leaned back in her chair and said, "...Just the fact that you are correct does not put you in the right here, Teacher."

"Of course. But a bit of self-reflection will go a long way. Take it as one of the last lessons from your former teacher. Ah, and that jealousy is no good."

Roxy tilted her head. "Why would I be jealous of Rudy?"

"...Hah." Jinas sighed and shook his head. But then he put on a serious expression and said, "While this nostalgic musing was nice, I presume you did not call me here to simply reminisce, Headmaster."

Seeing that, Roxy turned serious as well and nodded. "That's right. You see..." She trailed off.

Jinas shook his head and said, "There is no need to be shy around me." He chuckled and said, "It would be remiss for me to scold or critique my student when she has long surpassed me."

"...Fine. Then..." Roxy cleared her throat and said, "...How do we deal with the fact that my dear disciple has discovered and proven a unifying theory of magic?"

"...Say that again?"

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