Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

166 – Things to Prepare Before Marriage – II

166 – Things to Prepare Before Marriage – II

To sum up Pierre's explanation.

There existed a Rudeus Greyrat in a very similar timeline who ended up tossed into the Magic Continent after Hitogami decided to do a direct intervention.

Said Rudeus Greyrat failed to meet Ruijerd and ended up losing Stella. Out of grief and rage, he went around and created an all-consuming mana spell that allowed him to absorb even the racial traits of all the races on the Magic Continent.

Throwing away his name because he failed to save anyone, he took on the name Laplace due to discovering that he was one of Hitogami's enemies in the distant past and swore to have revenge.

And to do that, he first decided to take over the Magic Continent by force.

That would explain why Rika had been so terrified of me when I first summoned her.

Apparently, that guy was a cold and calculating individual who only saw people and living creatures as resources.

To put it in other words, he was like that guy who already knew that he was headed for a bad end, so he was burning everything to max out his stats to do a new game plus run with everything he earned.

It was understandable. And to be honest, if I lost Stella back then, I definitely would have done the same.

If I remembered right, that was also about the same time I was starting to experiment with the fundamental principle of mana.

The answer I reached now was that mana was essentially an extension of will, and thus could be formed by logic, imagery, imagination, etc.

From the way Pierre put it though, that version of 'Rudeus' had reached an answer that apparently assimilated all sorts of mana to the source.

Maybe it worked under the assumption of the conservation of energy? That it couldn't be created or destroyed, only transformed?

My theory of magic went against that axiom... Well, more like it went over that axiom and rolled it inside as part and parcel.

But in any case, if a guy like that was actually here and roaming around, I definitely would be better off not interacting with him.

After all, I knew just how crazy my theory of magic could get when taken to the extremes. Especially with the hypotheses I had about what 'divinity' really was.

It'd be bad if there was a wild card roaming around with my level of magical expertise. Especially considering how much of an edgelord that person would be.

But anyway, I'd be listening to Pierre's advice and let him deal with it while quietly making preparations on the side.

After all, while it was 'possible' that guy might team up with me. It was also possible that guy might decide that he would do a better job of being me. Especially since things were going great for me.

That, or we might have this whole resonance effect where we feed on each other's powers and become super powerful... or cause a paradox collapse event worse than the spacetime collapse.

Or he might just decide to try and off me to test the whole singularity soul theory where being the last 'you' in existence allowed a person to reach omnipotent levels of power.

Personally, I doubted that guy could beat me.

While it was definitely true that despair and overall edginess brought a lot of raw power and strength to the table, it also tended to narrow your perspective and creativity.

And considering all that I had going for me right now, I wasn't worried about a thing.

But all of that was just a side tangent distracting me from the more fundamental issue that I was facing right now.

As for that issue...

"Rudy!" Eri smacked her hands against the table and jumped out of her seat. "We agreed on just having Miss Roxy!"

Sylphy crossed her arms, frost starting to form around her. "Yes. I'll allow Eri, and Miss Roxy has always liked you, so she's fine. But that demon?"

Rika adjusted her glasses and said, "Rude. You do not see me resorting to calling you half-breed mongrel, Miss Sylphy."

Roxy narrowed her eyes at me and said, "Would you care to explain, my dear disciple?"

I resisted the urge to let out a deep sigh. I also resisted the urge to make an excuse.

That would be acting like Dad, and acting like Dad was a recipe for disaster.

So instead, I conjured a glass of pure ethanol again and sipped on it while I analyzed the situation.

After Pierre dropped that bombshell on all of us, Rika showed up.

Call it fortuitous timing, excellent woman's intuition, her demonic eye of foresight... whatever the case, Rika immediately walked over and started to question Pierre on what he was talking about.

Unfortunately for me, she had been under strict scrutiny from the other lovely ladies who had taken a corner of my heart. And, as expected, the moment she walked over, Eri, Sylphy, and Master Roxy followed.

And then, Rika somehow let it slip that she was the Queen of Arcadia and slated to be involved in a political marriage with me to help stabilize the Demon Realm/Magic Continent...

Yes. It was a mess.

Granted, a mess of my own making, but a mess nonetheless.

And from how my kids were staying far away in the back, how Stella was munching on a bag of popcorn she had procured from somewhere along with her elemental pals, and how Dad, Ruijerd, and Pierre had taken Philip with them and jumped back a good ten meters or so the moment Rika walked over, I was on my own.

Eri narrowed her eyes and said, "Rudy!"

Sylphy pursed her lips and said, "...Are you not going to answer, Rudy?"

Master Roxy let out a deep sigh and shook her head.

As for Rika... Well, she at least had a conscience and was giving me an apologetic look.

But as for a solution to this puzzle...

I finished the glass of ethanol and tossed it aside. After that, I looked at Eri and said, "Eri."

Eri flinched and then looked at me, her hands balled up into fists. "W-What?"

Unlike the fiery tomboy she was when we first met and the accomplished swordsman she had become since we reunited, she was currently dressed in a regal blue dress that hugged her figure. Not only that, but she had her hair done up in a fancy braid, just like the elegant noblewoman she was supposed to be (at least on paper).

And considering how unfamiliar she was with dressing up, plus how embarrassed she got at asking for help, Eri went through a lot just for the party here.

Especially since it was also technically a proper announcement party for our upcoming wedding.

"Although we had a rocky start, nothing can change the fact that you were the one I was promised to first."

Eri's frown instantly turned into a bright smile, though she tried to stop it. At the same time, her face flushed a bit red and she said, "S-So what? That doesn't mean-"

"My betrothed, my fiancee, and now my soon to be wife. Because of you, I learned to accept that I was a genius..."

Mostly because I saw how much she struggled at learning the basic stuff that should have been blindingly obvious, but that'd be a secret I kept to my grave.

"...And that I could live as myself without caring what other people thought. After all, you did."

Eri froze and then lowered her head, face a deep red.

Good. One obstacle down. Now onto the next...

Sylphy wasn't looking at me in the eye, instead staring at the ground with her ears drooping.

Like Eri, she had dressed up for the occasion, wearing a beautiful lacy white dress with intricate snowflake patterns all across it. An outfit suited for an Ice Queen... but also one that she probably got to compensate.

Unlike Eri, Sylphy was an ordinary person from a humble background.

Although she was the one I knew the longest, and also the one who I gave my heart to first, she probably felt that she didn't deserve to be with me.

Even so, she couldn't help being in love with me.

And it was a love that was deep and strong enough to persist through the countless years she spent diving into spacetime rifts to try and find me and Stella, enough to where her natural lifespan would have come to an end in a few years if I hadn't intervened.

And that could be seen in how her beautiful light green hair in her youth had turned into a shimmering silver hue, like steel tempered by time.

Sylphy's self-esteem had always been a bit low compared to Eri.

While Sylphy could put on a strong front when it came to me, when it came to herself, she was weak.

And so, at a time like this after what I just said...


Sylphy flinched and then immediately looked up at me. As always, drawn to my voice and attention.

Mixed emotions crossed her face before she forced on a neutral expression and said, "What do you have to say now, Rudy?"

"Too much and too little." I stepped forward to cup her cheek with the palm of my hand and said, "Too little because no amount of words I could say could make up for the time you spent chasing after me out of love. And too much, because no amount of time would be enough for me to tell you how much I adore, appreciate, and love you for being with me until now, if not in person than in spirit."

Sylphy flinched and then lowered her head. Still, she subconsciously reached out to hold my hand and muttered, "But I'm not the only one."

I reached out with my other hand to wrap around hers before pulling them down. "Yes. But it's because of you that I can love in the first place."

The concept of loving someone was clear to me. So too was the concept of being in love.

But the actual emotions. The happiness at just spending time with someone beside you, the joy at exploring things together, the worry when that person was missing, and the relief when they were found.

I lightly squeezed Sylphy's hands and said, "I would be a different person if I hadn't met you, Sylphy. So don't think that you're just some nobody, because you're the reason I can stand here today."

Sylphy's eyes widened and then she tugged her hands away, stepping back. She shook her head, emerald eyes glistening with tears and muttered, "It's not fair, Rudy. You always know what to say..."

Although she was complaining, I could tell that Sylphy was satisfied with that. But now came the hard part.

I looked at the third major obstacle... No, the wall I had to overcome.

...Well, she wasn't really a 'wall' these days since she had matured a bit too, but...

"Master Roxy."

Roxy crossed her arms. "Yes, my dear disciple?"

Like the other girls, she was wearing different attire. Instead of her usual mage outfit, she was wearing a mature black dress that emphasized her womanly charms.

...Probably also compensating a bit for the past, but I wasn't going to comment on that right now. Or ever.

But in any case...

"You have always been my moon. The guide in my darkest times and the one who showed me the warmth of the sun without being blinded by its radiance." I stared into Master Roxy's clear blue eyes and said, "...But like the moon, you've always been out of reach. As a child, I could only look up at the moon. Yet." I walked forward until we were only a step away from each other.

In the past, she towered over me.

...Well, maybe not 'towered', but I was definitely always looking up to her.

Now though, she was the one looking up to me.

"...Now that I've become the sun, how can I let the moon out of my grasp?"

Roxy snorted. "You brat. Still too smart for your own good."

So she said, but I could see her face turn red, along with the faint smile on her face.

Roxy reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear and said, "And you've gotten pretty arrogant too. Calling yourself the sun like that... Is that why you've started collecting a few stars around you?" She stepped forward and placed her hand on my cheek, like I did to Sylphy earlier. "Is the moon not enough?"

I kept staring at Roxy, but I focused my attention on the others with my clairvoyance.

Eri was starting to get upset again, and Sylphy... was surprisingly angry?

Hm. Looks like the three still had a lot of unresolved tension between them.

Something to fix in the future.

But right now...

I placed my hand on Roxy's cheek as well, mirroring her. "It's not that the moon isn't enough but that the sun can only keep its shape with the support of the planets that surround it. Without the other celestial bodies in the sky, all that the sun would be is a light doomed to collapse. And if there was just the moon..." I lightly brushed her cheek with my hand and said, "...I think you would be swallowed by the light, Master."

Roxy turned a bright red and then immediately jumped back. "S-S-Stupid! I-I mean, th-that's a stupid and illogical argument!"

Okay. Master Roxy... Well. I guess I should start getting used to calling her just 'Roxy'...

Anyway, she was down for the count now.

Which meant that I could get started on explaining Rika.

So, like with the others, I turned to look at Rika.

The Great Empress of the Demon Realm from another timeline. A beautiful, competent, and intelligent young woman who bore the curse and blessing of reincarnation after her death.

Kishirika Kishirisu... Or as she went by now after discarding that name from arriving in this world, Rika.

Again, like the other ladies, she wore a dress. But unlike the others, her dress was the definition of 'royal.'

Elegant black lace with literal gold embroidery. The stylized 'R' that represented Demon Lord Rudras spelled out in gold over her heart. Thin rectangular glasses with a gold frame that cancelled out her demon eyes and allowed normal daily function.

And a now mature and developed form that completely filled out the dress with all her curves.

That, plus the fact that she was walking around with ease in a pair of black stilletos, she was the literal embodiment of 'Demon Empress'.

...Which explained why Eri, Sylphy, and Roxy were so cautious.


She nodded back at me and said, "Lord Rudras."

...If I was being honest, there wasn't much to say about Rika.

Unlike the others, I didn't really have any deep feelings towards her. Instead, it was more of an equal standing of trust and appreciation. A true 'partnership' in that she kept Arcadia afloat (literally after our recent renovations) while I paved the way forward.

If I had to describe it, then it would be more like a proper arranged marriage instead of the betrothal that me and Eri had in the past.

Right now, there was just a bit too much baggage on both sides to be love. But at the same time, we couldn't really live without each other without things falling apart in Arcadia...

Well. Maybe we could, but we kind of had a smooth running operation right now that we both didn't want to ruin, so...

Hm. Maybe it was love in a different way? Not really the romantic storybook sense, but the practical modern sense of a working couple trying to reach the same end point?

...Okay. This was definitely a ticking timebomb that I still needed to defuse. But for now...

I held out my hand and said, "Without you, Arcadia would be dust in the wind."

Rika blinked, but she quickly caught on and smiled. Reaching out to shake my hand, she nodded and said, "Of course. Without This One's expertise, your trifling settlement would have remained a small village at best."

I nodded back and said, "And that is something I can never thank you enough for. Without you, Stella and I would have never been able to have a sense of safety or place to call home in the Demon Realm. Especially so close to the other Demon Kings."

Rika laughed and said, "Yes. A mere human acting as a Demon King... such a ridiculous feat would have been impossible without my backing. Which is all the more reason why you should pay that back in the future, Lord Rudras."

"In due time, Rika."

Rika's nose wrinkled and she said, "And yet you are as disrespectful as always... But very well! This One shall be magnanimous and allow you such an address!"

It was a play put on by partners in crime.

A hint of rationale, a bit of guilt, logical reasonings of debts and repayment, give and take...

That, plus the critical hit from my little monologues earlier meant that Eri, Sylphy, and Roxy were buying it.

Or at least, that ticking time bomb wouldn't go off right here.

...I had a feeling that would change without some direct intervention shortly after the wedding night with Eri, but that was a problem for future me.

...Hopefully after I figured out where Mom and Mama Lili were to dig me out of this mess I landed myself in.

But for now...

I let go of Rika's hand and then turned back to Eri. Glancing at Rika one more time, I said, "I'll discuss the particulars of Arcadia's future in a short while. Right now, I would prefer to focus on the ones dearest to me, so..."

Rika waved her hand and said, "Yes, yes. This One will discuss with Ruijerd and that Pierre before sending you a memo later."

"Appreciate it."

I turned away from her and walked back toward Eri, Sylphy, and Roxy.

In my clairvoyance, I saw Rika turn around and walk towards Ruijerd and Pierre.

And like that, the triple threat was concluded, game, set, and match.


"That smooth son of a bitch." Paul stared at Rudy with awe in his eyes before saying, "I can't believe he solved that mess just like that."

Stella gave her father a sidelong glance and said, "I'm telling Mom when I see her. Mama Lily too."

Paul looked at Stella and proudly stuck out his chest. "Go ahead! I'm the bitch, so I've got nothing to hide!"

Stella gave her father a blank stare before shaking her head and walking away. "Idiots. This entire family consists of nothing but idiots."

Those lovestruck women who were calmed down by just a few cheesy words by Onii-chan. Her 'father' who was supposed to be a mature adult but acted like a bachelor even those he was a father of four children. Her newly met Uncle Philip who apparently thought it was a good idea to go along with the plan to marry off Onii-chan to give just cause to invade the Notos family... somehow.

Her eldest sister Norn who hid herself away furiously training since she thought that people wouldn't care about her unless she did.

Her elder sister Aisha who was getting shocked by everything ever since they came into town.

Her niece Eos who was working and flipping through documents even though this was a party.

Her other niece Ena who was avoiding Cliff even though she clearly liked him.

Her nephew Roland who was wearing a full suit of armor and doing his best to pretend to be a guard to avoid interacting with anyone...

Her aunt Therese who had showed up midway in the party and immediately stuck to Miko, fussing over her hair, dress, and weight.

And then there was her. Stella, who was the youngest child in this family who was stuck here watching all this nonsense when she could be inside tinkering with magic circles and more fun stuff.

She sighed and then walked over to grab some pizza from a nearby table.

Hopefully that Mom and Mama Lily that Onii-chan kept talking about would be normal.

From the sound of things, they had been the anchors keeping everything in place until that whitey or whatever scattered everyone to the wind.

It would be really nice if they were here. Stella could use some normal people in her life for-


-once... Eh?

Stella blinked and looked around.

It was the same courtyard where the party had been happening. But it also wasn't.

A fluffy white dog sitting in the corner that looked a lot like Leo. A... moving tree?! That was DEFINITELY a moving tree!

And was that an armadillo!?

What the heck was going on?!


A sleepy female voice echoed from behind Stella.

Stella quickly turned around, instinctively holding up her pizza slice. "S-Stay away! I'm armed!"

"...A mini Zenith...? Am I still sleeping?"

Stella blinked, just as confused as the person who just spoke.

A young girl just a bit taller than Stella. One with blue hair tied in twin braids, covered by a big floppy pointed hat...

"A mini Miss Roxy?"



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