Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

169 – When you Wish Upon a Star – III

169 – When you Wish Upon a Star – III

A gigantic castle taller than a fifty floor skyscraper floated in the sky. A garden just as vast spread out in every direction with myriad trees and flowers, shimmering like the rainbow.

I touched down amidst the flowers and then hummed. "So this is how it looks like up close, huh?"

The sky fortress <Chaos Breaker> that served as Perugius' home.

It was a place I had seen countless times floating in the sky as well as one that I planned to one-up with Arcadia via Project Zenith, but I had to admit that it was still fairly impressive being there in person.

Especially considering the twelve powerful mana signatures inside the castle.

One had about as much as mana as Orsted did when I first fought him, so that was probably Perugius.

The others... they didn't have as much mana, probably around the level of a 'King' in terms of power. But they were weird signatures that I'd never seen before.

A glowing golden light reminiscent of the sun. A weird mana that seemed to shift back and forth from being 'empty' and 'full.' Another that was frozen in place. One that seemed to be coalesced sound waves. Another that seemed like a miniture black hole... somehow.

And more that were obscured, but just as weird in that they seemed to be embodying 'concepts' rather than elements.

I rubbed my hand on my chin for a bit, thoughtfully considering a few ideas that came to light on seeing those mana signatures.

But I decided to shelf them for now and focus on what I was here for. Specifically, 'who' I was here for.

"...It's a bit rude, but I guess there's not really a way to-"

A flash of golden light, immediately followed by the appearance of a young man wearing a white fox mask. His golden hair swayed as he landed in front of me while his pure white uniform came to a stop.

Seeing him, I smiled and said, "Ah, that's good. I don't have to knock on the door in person then."

The man was quiet for a bit, tilting his head in confusion. "...Rudeus Greyrat? Have you succeeded in a forbidden resurrection spell of sorts?"

I chuckled and said, "While I wouldn't put it past that person..."

After all, that guy managed to bruteforce a physical time travel spell, even if it was flawed.

"...I'm not the one you're thinking of." I glanced at the other mana signatures quickly approaching me and said, "And I don't want to have to resort to violence, so could you tell your master that I'm a visitor from another world who wants to talk to his pupil?"

The masked man paused, carefully contemplating my appearance.

And then he vanished.

An attack at lightspeed, crossing space in an instant to slash at my blindspot.

Formidable, but...

I sighed and said, "I would rather not have to destroy a magnificent work of art if I don't have to, so could you stop that?"

The masked man's blade, a short knife with a rectangular knuckle guard, strained against the back of my neck. And while I couldn't see his expression, I was sure that he was surprised.

After all, most people wouldn't be able to react to a lightspeed slash. Especially one from their blindspot.

Unfortunately for him, I wasn't most people.

Especially since the time Dad started developing space warping slashes that I had to deal with when sparring him.

Rule number one of sparring with a member from the Greyrat family: expect to deal with cheap tricks that defy belief.

Speaking of which...

It seemed like these guys were all familiars. And now that I paid attention to it, there was an intricately woven magic formation threaded into the sky castle that let them respawn by saving their consciousness and mana signature. Of course, there was a cooldown time for that since it would take a bit for them to recompose themselves once recalled like that.

But since he was being annoying, and since I was on a tight schedule...

I reached out towards the magic formation and tugged on a thread of mana.

In an instant, the eleven weird mana signatures were dispersed, pulled back into the larger mana formation.

At the same time, the large mana signature that must have been Perugius flared and moved towards me.

While that was happening, a thinner mana signature that had been obscured by the others emerged from the depths of the castle. One that was similar to a person I knew very well, but twisted and incomplete.


I considered whether or not to just head straight there to confirm the hypothesis I had on why Being W had been so desperate to kill me and my family, as well as the method to properly defeat him.

Before I could decide though, an oppressive aura locked down the space around me-

No, it wasn't just an oppressive aura.

A gleaming three-dimensional magic formation that completely locked away the spatial dimensions around the sky fortress as well as flooded the area with distorted mana that would be impossible for the average person to use.

Shortly after that, a magic circle formed directly in front of me before a person emerged from it.

A wild mane of silver hair paired with a full beard. A stern face with golden eyes. And a suit of regal silver platemail with gold trimming paired with a regal black cloak.

Perugius Dola.

Though I hadn't met him in person, there wasn't any mistaking who the guy could be.

Fortunately, he seemed like a reasonable person.

Although he was on guard against me... as he should be considering that I just reverse-summoned his servants with a snap of my fingers, he didn't seem hostile.

Instead, he stared at me for a moment and then said, "A visitor from another world, you said?"

A regal and majestic voice. One filled with the confidence of being at the top.

Seeing that he was putting on airs, I decided to do the same.

Dissolving the mana dyeing my hair the light brown that I used to have. Allowing the golden light from my magic eyes to mix in with my natural green eyes. And at the same time, unsealing enough of my mana to match his.

I straightened and put on the usual Demon Lord routine before saying, "Correct. One who is here to resolve the puzzle your pupil left behind for the past seven decades."

Perugius was quiet for a moment before saying, "...Your name?"

I smiled and said, "I'm Rudeus Notus Greyrat. But you? You can call me Rudras."

Perugius' eyebrow twitched.

My smile grew wider.


It was a miracle. Or should it be called a curse?

Decades had passed since her beloved husband had passed. And more still since the passing of Zenith and Lilia. Paul as well.

It was a scene that Sylphy thought she would only see in her memories. And a scene that faded more with each passing year.

But today, she managed to see them all together.

Paul, Zenith, Lilia. And her Rudy, standing all together happy and carefree.

...No. That wasn't correct. It wasn't 'her' Rudy. Instead...

"So this is the difference a single choice can make?"

A woman with the same face. One whose eyes were a bright green in contrast to her own deep red.

Like staring at a distorted mirror.

After the chaotic discussion and summary of events by Rudy- No. By the 'other' Rudy.

Not her Rudy.

He had a similar face, but his presence, demeanor, and mannerisms were all different.

Unlike her timid but courageous husband, that man radiated self-confidence and control.

He made jokes and kept things light just like the Rudy that Sylphy remembered... But she could tell.

There was a calm analysis in his gaze that her Rudy never had.

...But in any case, after that discussion, the group had scattered into small groups while that Rudy sorted out affairs on this side to send them back.

Which was how Sylphy had ended up in this situation, doing chores around the house with that woman sharing her face following her around.

Outside in the courtyard, Sylphy was doing some laundry and washing some spare bedsheets for the guest rooms in case they decided to stay the night or longer.

While she was doing that, the woman with her face stared at Sylphy a bit longer and frowned. "...It's a bit uncomfortable."

Sylphy frowned back at the woman and said, "I should say the same to you." She hung the bedsheet she finished washing onto a nearby clothesline and then stood up to properly examine the woman.

The first immediate difference was their height.

Sylphy had always been shorter than Rudy. Not only that, but she was smaller up 'there' than Eris as well.

It had been a bit of a complex for a while shortly after they married, but Sylphy got over it.

But the woman... No, the other 'Sylphy'...

Cold and austere. A woman who was roughly the same height as Rudy. One who was bigger than Sylphy both in stature and up there. Not only that, but a woman whose presence was different too.

Was it the difference between a 'knight' and a 'queen'?

The other Rudy didn't go into much detail about her counterpart's past since their version of the Metastasis incident, but Sylphy had a feeling that woman's life had been vastly different from her own.

Just a casual glance at the woman's appearance would be enough to tell the difference.

Sylphy had her fair share of injuries working as Princess Ariel's bodyguard. But for the most part, her time serving the princess hadn't left any marks save for her white hair from mana exhaustion.

Like Sylphy, that woman also looked to have also suffered mana exhaustion in the past, judging from her white hair.

But unlike Sylphy, that woman was covered in scars. And scars that could be easily seen considering that she wore a sleeveless blue dress with a low-cut top.

Faint lines across her arms, some thin, others large and jagged. Dots in some places that could only be from fangs.

A large star-like wound over her heart... and one that was large enough to probably have a matching one on the back.

There weren't any scars on her face, but on her neck there was a clear red line that traced all around. Seemingly innocuous, but one that could only be from a razor sharp blade or something similar.

Paired with the fact that the woman's body had clear muscular definition similar to Eris's in the past...

Sylphy stared at the woman and then said, "How are you so different from me?"

That Rudy said he taught the other Sylphy magic when they were young. And he also said that they didn't split apart like she and her Rudy did.

So that Sylphy shouldn't have worked as hard.

She didn't desperately try to learn magic and practice so that she could go together with Rudy to Ranoa Magic Academy. She didn't work day and night so that Rudy's struggles working as a private tutor wouldn't be wasted.

So then... how?

That woman clicked her tongue and said, "I wish to know that as well. For a supposed knight, you are far weaker than you should be. Did you give up on everything to settle for being a trophy at his side?" She sighed and said, "How useless."

Sylphy bristled and said, "I am not useless!"

"Mm... If you say so." That woman glanced at the pile of laundry and then snapped her fingers.

A rush of warm wind and light. Shortly after, the laundry flew up and started sorting themselves in the air before landing in a neat pile, freshly laundered.

Sylphy froze and then glared at the other woman.

That woman tilted her head and said, "You seem angry."

Sylphy grit her teeth and said, "Are you just trying to irritate me?"

Ever since Sylphy had started doing chores, that woman had only followed and critiqued her. Snide comments, rude remarks...

And then to have the nerve to ask if Sylphy was angry...!


Calm down, Sylphy.

You're a grown woman. Judging from how old Rudy seemed to be and the fact that Zenith, Lilia, and Paul are still young, that woman must still be young too.

Be the more mature person. Just like you've always been.

That woman placed a hand over her chest and muttered, "Was I this immature?"

Sylphy growled and swung her arm, sending a blast of water towards that woman's face.

That woman didn't react. And the moment the water got near, it froze and shattered into crystal dust.

Seeing that, the woman shook her head and said, "I guess I should apologize. Rudy will be mad if he thinks I started a fight for no reason."

Sylphy narrowed her eyes and said, "So you have a reason to start a fight after all?"

"No. It's just..." The woman waved her hand a bit, trying to articulate her words. And then she said, "...I'm trying to figure out why Roland's mother would settle for being a simple housewife. He mentioned that his mother was more of a stay-at-home mother, but I didn't think she was this weak. Especially considering the powerful opponents that Rudy faces." She paused. "...Or faced, I suppose considering this is the future. A future? ...Something along those lines."

Sylphy crossed her arms and said, "Weak this, weak that..." She clenched her hand against her arm and said, "Do you think I had a choice? If I had the chance, of course I would stand by Rudy's side! But I couldn't!"

"But you could." That woman tilted her head and stared at Sylphy, as if trying to peer into her soul. "I can see it. You definitely have the same mana that I do... but it looks like you never trained it properly."

Sylphy narrowed her eyes.

Seeing that, the woman sighed and held up her hands. "I'm sorry. I really don't mean to fight or make you mad. It's just... strange." She paused and then muttered, "And I'm a bit jealous."

"E-Eh?" Sylphy blinked and said, "Jealous? Of me?"

That woman had everything Sylphy had wanted to have when Rudy was still alive.

The height, the breasts, the ability...

Sylphy was sure that if her Rudy was alive and met that woman, he would have fallen for her in no time. And he definitely would have made the first move too. That woman wouldn't have had to resort to tricks to make him remember and fall in love like Sylphy had.

But... that woman said she was jealous?

A cold wind blew past before an ice chair formed behind that woman. She took a seat and then stared into Sylphy's eyes before saying, "You're lucky. Roland..." She paused and then said, "I guess his real name is 'Sieg.'"

Sylphy's eyes widened and she said, "You know my son?"

That woman... No. The other Sylphy waved her hand and formed another ice chair. But unlike the pure crystal chair she sat on, this chair had a fluffy white cushion that seemed like a cloud.

Sylphy tilted her head.

The other Sylphy shook her head and said, "Let's start over." She smiled and said, "My name is Sylphiette Greyrat. Mm... It might be a bit confusing, so you can call me 'Fi.' Would you please take a seat so we can talk?"

Sylphy frowned. She couldn't forget all the barbs and remarks that woman had said... but she seemed to be sincere about this.

And Sylphy was definitely the more mature woman, so she decided to set that aside.

Taking the chair, Sylphy dragged it closer to 'Fi' and sat down.

And then she instantly jumped up in surprise at feeling her bottom drenched in water.

Sylphy narrowed her eyes.

Fi giggled and said, "Sorry. I thought that you might be able to control that cloud... Here."

The moisture vanished from Sylphy's bottom.

At the same time, the fluffy white cushion on the ice chair turned a bit more solid.

Sylphy hesitated a bit, but she sat back down. When she did, it felt like a normal cushion. Not only that, but it was nice and cool too, something welcome on a warm and sunny day like the one they had.


"...I suppose." Sylphy shifted in her seat and gingerly set her arm on her chair's armrests.

Contrary to what she thought, despite being made of ice, the chair was just cool to the touch instead of being freezing cold.

She traced her fingers along it for a bit before saying, "How incredible..."

Fi shook her head and said, "It's nothing much. Rudy can do more amazing things than this."

Sylphy nodded and said, "If he's like my Rudy, I bet he can."

A silence fell between them. A bit of an awkward one, but not tense like before.

After a bit, Sylphy broke the silence first.

She thought about asking how 'Fi' knew Sieg. But in the end, she decided to ask something else first.

"...Why are you jealous of me?" Sylphy frowned and stared at the woman who looked so much like her but was so different. Taller, bigger, stronger... She had everything Sylphy lacked, so why was she jealous?

Fi let out a sad smile and said, "How could I not be jealous? Your Rudy chose you first."

Sylphy froze. "...What?" She blinked and then said, "Rudy didn't choose you?"

Fi sighed.


A small magical research lab at the bottom of the Greyrat manor. One that Roxy's youngest daughter, Lily, had taken over as her own private lab to work on various projects.

At least, this world's Roxy.

Roxy herself still had yet to go on a proper date with Rudy, let alone take any steps to be intimate.

Although she jokingly introduced herself as Roxy Greyrat, she anticipated that wouldn't come to pass until Rudy had finished a proper marriage ceremony for Eri, Sylphy, and Rika first.

Eri was obvious. She and Rudy were (arguably) properly betrothed, so she would go first.

Roxy would have personally argued that Sylphy should go first since she was Rudy's first love, but her dear disciple was a man of his word. And he never promised Sylphy to marry her first.

Of course, Sylphy would be second then to make up for that.

As for that 'Rika' woman... Although Roxy disliked it, Rika had made a valid argument about requiring at least a formal marriage in order to maintain the rule over Arcadia.

And thus, Roxy would be the fourth and last.

But that was fine.

After all, she would be the 'last.' Something that she made Rudy promise.

So it was fine. And waiting a little for the children to go first was something a mature woman like herself could do.

But speaking of children and a mature woman...

Roxy took a look around the lab and said, "It seems that you all have been quite busy."

The other world's Roxy... Other Roxy? Alter Roxy? Mini Roxy?

...Mini Roxy.

Mini Roxy nodded and said, "Of course. Even if they are not the ones we know, we could not just leave Zenith and Lilia to suffer being separated from their family."

Lara, Roxy's (potential) eldest daughter nodded. After that, a faint blue mana pulse flashed and Roxy heard Lara's voice in her mind.

*We couldn't let both grandmas suffer again when we could help it.*

Roxy nodded. "That makes sense. Although not the same, it is essentially a second chance."


Mini Roxy looked between Roxy and Lara and frowned. "...I still do not understand how both yourself and that Rudy can understand Lara."

Lily, Mini Roxy's daughter with the braided twin-tails, nodded and said, "Yeah! It's supposed to be the Migurd race's special ability!" She furrowed her brow and said, "Papa was smart and inherited the Laplace Factor, but even he couldn't figure out how to talk to Lara like that."

Roxy shrugged and said, "I could explain it, but we would likely be here for the next week as I delve into the esoteric magical theory behind mana-matter and thought-energy conversions, as well as the structure of magical formations that ingrain artificial sensory input into physical sensory organs in order to induce mana synesthesia."

Lily's eyes widened and she ran around the lab, looking for something. "W-Wait a minute! Big Mommy, wait until I can write notes before explaining it!"

Roxy blinked. "...Big Mommy?"

Lara looked at Roxy and then sent out another telepathic message. *You're Mommy, but bigger. So Big Mommy.*

Mini Roxy furrowed her brow and said, "Are you talking with telepathy again, Lara?"

"Ah." Lara blinked and said, "Sorry, Mother."

"...It's fine." Mini Roxy sighed and said, "I suppose it's a dream come true to talk to your mother like that..." She crouched down and then started tracing symbols into the ground.

Lara walked over and patted Mini Roxy on her shoulder. "It's okay, Mother. I still love you even if the Bigger Mother from a different timeline is taller, bigger, and better at magic."

"Kuh!" Mini Roxy flinched and then started to tear up.

Roxy watched the mess unfold and then sighed. "Could you take this more seriously? I thought we were going to brainstorm ideas about timeline collisions as well as information about how to defeat Hitogami?"

"Found it!" Lily ran back with a worn-out journal and pen. Opening it up, she looked at Roxy and said, "Could you repeat that again, Big Mommy?"

Roxy sighed and said, "Just call me Roxy or Miss Migurdia." She wrinkled her nose and said, "Big Mommy..."

It was cute coming from Lily. But it reminded her a bit too much of a few of the deviant Asuran Kingdom students who liked coming to her office just to be punished...

"...Yes. Anything but that, please."

"Okay Miss Migurdia!" Lily immediately went along with it and said, "So, you were mentioning something about induced mana synesthesia... H-Hey!"

Lara hooked the back of Lily's shirt with her staff and started walking out the room.

"W-What are you doing, Big Sis?! Let me go!"

"You can ask later. Let Mother and Big Mother talk first."

"But the research! The innovation! This is the first time in history we can learn about magical innovations from another timeline! Imagine the progress! The magic and magic items we could make!"

Lara dragged Lily away and said, "That doesn't mean anything if the bad guy wins. So go calm down first."

"But I don't wanna- Mmph?!"

Lara waved while dragging Lily away and said, "We will be back in a bit after my little sister has calmed down. Until then, please take your time to know each other, mothers."

And then it was just Roxy and Mini Roxy together in the lab.

Roxy blinked and looked at Mini Roxy. "...Those two definitely do not take after me, and I *highly* doubt that any children of Rudy's would act like that." She frowned and said, "Just how different was your Rudy?"

Mini Roxy pulled over a stool and sighed. "They definitely inherited their father's mischievous streak and personality."

Roxy flicked her wrist, causing a silver blob to fly out from her sleeve. It rippled for a bit before coalescing into a squishy silver chair.

"Hm?" Mini Roxy tilted her head, staring at the silver chair. "...Is that an elemental?"

Roxy sat down and then nodded. "That's correct. Mercy, say hello."

The chair rippled for a bit before a silver tendril popped out. It stretched in the air a bit and then formed into a sign. That sign rippled again and then words started to appear.

[Hello Mini Master Roxy! I'm Mercy, the Metal Spirit Lord! Nice to meet you!]

Mini Roxy blinked and then said, "...Metal Spirit Lord?"

Roxy waved her hand. "It's a long story. But in any case..." She crossed her legs and said, "Before we discuss about Being W... Or 'Hitogami' as he calls himself, we should clarify the differences in our worlds. Specifically, beginning with Rudy."

Mini Roxy nodded. "I agree. But before then, if you do not mind me asking..."


Mini Roxy frowned and then said, "How did you get bigger?"


"I am asking seriously."

Roxy blinked and said, "And I am replying seriously. Healing magic can be used to induce growth if applied with a proper vision in mind and meticulous targeting. Of course, it does not work over night. But with a carefully designed regime consisting of proper diet, exercise, chest massages... You seem confused."

Mini Roxy slowly nodded. "I see." She sighed and then said, "Rudy must have been even more ridiculous in your world than here."


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