Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

179 – The Blushing First Bride’s Happiest Day

179 – The Blushing First Bride’s Happiest Day

The day of the wedding. Eris's room, on the second floor of Rudy's house.

Eris was panicking. Despite everything, all the preparations and rehearsals, countless thoughts ran through her head.

What if she looked silly and messed up her vows? What if she tripped? What if she messed everything up?

Eris would die. She would just drop dead then and there if that happened. The sheer embarrassment might actually kill her.

Hilda finished braiding Eris's hair. "Relax, Eris. This is a happy and blissful day, not one you should stress about."

Norn adjusted the red ribbons around Eris's waist and then said, "You should listen to Aunt Hilda. Today's supposed to be fun, isn't it?"

Eris let out a long sigh and then said, "Easy for you to say, Norn. You're not the one getting married. Or the one who had to memorize all those lines! I'm good at using my sword and sometimes cooking, not reading or writing or learning or manners or-"

Hilda placed her hands on Eris's shoulders and then said, "Breathe, Eris."

"Breathe." Eris took a deep breath. "Right. Breathe..."


Eris had to remain calm. Just... relax. Everything would be fine.

Norn stepped back to get a glance at Eris's dress, and then she gave an approving nod. "Looking good, Big Sis! And don't worry! Big Brother wouldn't let you embarrass yourself. I'm sure he's already set things up to stop you from messing up."

"Right." Eris started to relax. "Rudy would do that. He wouldn't let me embarrass myself- Wait."

This was Rudy. The same Rudy who loved to tease her and see her flustered.

"...Won't Rudy let me embarrass myself because he likes seeing me stressed?!"

He was always calling her cute and adorable when she was flustered. This was the PERFECT chance for him to pull a trick on her in front of everyone!

If that happened... Oh dear heavens above...!

Norn puffed her chest out and said, "Don't worry! Big Brother knows that I'll hate him forever if he does! And I made sure to tell him too, so he won't do anything!"

Eris hugged Norn. "You're the best, Nornie."

Norn patted Eris's back and said, "Anything for you, Big Sis! Besides, better you than that pervert Sylphy."

Hilda coughed, barely managing to cover up a laugh.

Eris frowned and said, "That's not nice to say about Sylphy, Norn."

Even if it was true.

"But I saw it!" Norn shook her head and said, "I helped Mom sort through the gifts and stuff for the other Big Sisters and Sylphy had a pair of really racy undercloths. Like REALLY racy. Just strings and-"

Eris blushed and said, "Y-You should stop there, Norn."

Hilda nodded. "Yes. This is Eris's time, Norn. Not to speak ill of the others, but we should remember to stay focused."

"Ah!" Norn nodded. "Right. Sorry, Big Sis."

Eris shook her head. "It's fine." After that, she glanced at the corner where her other bridesmaids were waiting. Miko and Ghyslaine. "What do you think?"

Miko smiled and said, "I think you look beautiful, Miss Eris! And thank you again for including me."

Eris shook her head. "I should be thanking you." She sighed and said, "Considering how big we're making this wedding ceremony, I don't have that many bridesmaids..."

The women in the room were it. Just Norn, Hilda, Miko, and Ghyslaine.

Eris wanted to ask some of the other girls, but she didn't feel comfortable.

Aisha had already promised to be part of Sylphy's bridesmaids. Asking Sylphy herself would be weird. Miss Zenith and Miss Lilia were Rudy's mothers, so Eris couldn't ask them. And asking pretty much everyone else would make it awkward...

Ghyslaine smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, Princess. Quality is more important than quantity. And besides, most people have a lot of bridesmaids as support to compensate. There's nothing you need to compensate for, right?"

Right. That was true.

Eris didn't need a crowd of bridesmaids because the people she had here truly supported her. And just her.

Realizing that, she smiled and said, "Thanks, Ghyslaine. That means a lot. Really."

Ghyslaine waived her hand and said, "You're welcome. ...Still." She chuckled and said, "I still can't believe it. To think that spunky blockhead princess I taught would turn into this mature and capable young woman..."

Hilda nodded. "It's almost a miracle, really. Rudy truly mellowed her out."

"Mmhm." Ghyslaine smiled and said, "I had a feeling Rudy would be good for Eris, but to end up like this is amazing."

Norn chimed in and said, "That's because Dad was an idiot and Big Sis had to help me clean up his messes."

Ghyslaine nodded. "That would do it."

"Ah." Hilda nodded as well. "That makes sense."

Miko laughed and said, "Mister Paul does seem like a handful to deal with. Anyone who had to clean up after him would end up pretty capable, I think."

Eris felt her face heat up and she said, "Could you all not talk about me like I wasn't here?!"

Hilda laughed and then walked in front of Eris. Reaching up to lower Eris's veil, Hilda said, "We're just getting you to calm down, Dear. See? You're not nervous now, are you?"

Eris paused.

...Her mom was right. After all that, the nerves she had were gone.

Realizing that, Eris shyly nodded her head. "That's true... T-Thanks, Mom."

Hilda smiled and gave Eris a hug. "I'm proud of you, Dear. Even if it's not quite the perfect fairytale marriage for my baby girl, I'm glad that you're happy now."

Eris let out a warm smile in response. "Thank you."

Hilda patted Eris on the back and then stepped away.

At that time, there was light knock on the door, followed by a male voice. Philip's.

"It's time."

Eris glanced over, suddenly feeling a bit nervous again.

Norn noticed and then walked over to pat Eris's back. "It'll be fine, Big Sis! It's nothing compared to fighting monsters, right?"

Eris shook her head. "This... might be a bit tougher than that. But I'll do it."

Rudy was waiting on her.

And besides, this was something she asked for. It would be selfish if she ran away because she was scared.

The door opened, and then Philip walked in.

Shortly after, Ghyslaine, Miko, Hilda, and Norn walked out after giving Eris some last-minute blessings and wishes for good luck.

Soft music played in the distance.

Hearing that, it suddenly felt real.

This was actually happening.

In a bit, Eris was actually going to be married to Rudy.

Not only that, but she wouldn't be Eris Boreas Greyrat anymore, but Eris Notus Greyrat.

Part of his family. For real.

And after too...

Philip walked over and held out his left arm to Eris. "Would you allow me the honor of escorting you, Milady?"

Eris blinked, pulled out of her thoughts at the request. She looked at her father for a bit and then nodded, letting out a shy smile. "Thanks." Stepping forward, she lightly wrapped her arms around her father's arm.

Philip smiled and then started walking, leading the way. "I never expected this day to come."

As she walked with her father down the hall towards the stairs, Eris couldn't help but watch him.

He looked the same. Due to the distortions and her exploring those distortions, the time that she lived and the time her father lived were different.

What was he thinking? To him, it had been a few short years since he last saw his young daughter, and now he was walking her down the aisle as a grown woman.

Philip glanced at Eris and smiled. "It was only a few years. But before I knew it, my baby girl had become a grown woman. Should I say it's a dream, or a nightmare?"

Eris's eyes widened. "Since when can you read minds?!"

Philip laughed and said, "I can't. But even after all this time, I'm happy to hear that I can still read what my daughter's thinking."


That was a bit embarrassing. Still... the thought that her father thought of her enough to know what she was thinking...

In the past, Eris would have been irritated or maybe annoyed. Definitely morbidly embarrassed.

But right now... She was happy.

Her father cared about her that much.

Philip guided Eris around the corner of the hallway and then towards the stairs. As they descended, he said, "Watch your step."

Eris nodded and carefully stepped down, being careful to not trip with her heels.

Philip noticed and then said, "I'm surprised you chose heels. White fur boots or the like would have been fine, would it not?"

Eris blushed and said, "W-Well..." She looked to the side and said, "I want to look girly on a day like this. I don't want people to think I hate pretty clothes. They're just usually impractical."

Philip smiled. "I see. So you had that sort of cute side to you too."

Eris huffed and said, "I'm still a girl, Dad."

"Of course." Philip smiled and continued to guide Eris down the stairs.

As they walked, Eris said, "Did Grandpa make it?"

Philip shook his head. "Despite everything about Rudy and recent events, those idiots back in Asura heard about your marriage and started acting up. Father is taking them head on and sorting things out for us."

Eris raised an eyebrow. "Still? Even after Paul became a Sword God and filled a courtyard with bodies when those idiots tried to grab Norn?"

Philip shook his head. "Let it be known that Asuran nobles are not known for their intelligence, but their stubbornness and lust. But." He looked at Eris, smiling. "Not calling him Father-in-law yet?"

Eris shrugged. "When even Stella doesn't call him Father or Dad, it's hard to start. Norn does, but... I dunno." She frowned and said, "Something about him makes it hard for me to call him that."

"Fair, fair."

The two walked in silence for a bit, descending the stairs. And then they arrived at the first floor.

The entrance to the house was open, revealing a trail of flowers. The music was coming from outside in the courtyard, played by a live orchestra.

Only a short walk away and it was time.

But Philip didn't move.

Eris frowned and said, "Is something wrong, Dad?"

Philip was quiet for a moment. But then he looked at Eris and said, "Do you hate me, Eris?"

Eris blinked. "Huh? Why would I hate you?"

"I forcibly changed your life." Philip let out a tired sigh and said, "You had everything in Roa. But I sent you off to live with Rudy. I even signed away your future without asking you. And... now here you are. Grown up and soon to be married. All without any help from me."

Eris stared at her father.

He was shaking. His eyes were watery with unshed tears, and standing there, he looked so vulnerable.

It reminded Eris of the past. How she thought her father was so spineless and pathetic. Always letting Grandpa smack him around and treat him like dirt.

But now...

"No. I don't hate you, Dad."

Philip blinked and then tilted his head. "Eris?"

Eris smiled and said, "I understand." Looking into her father's eyes, Eris shook her head and said, "I was a doll in a dollhouse. Back then, I was frustrated and didn't understand anything. Why Mom was so harsh and hid in her room. Why you were always working and never played with me... I hated it and was angry all the time. But... I get it now." She laughed and said, "It took me a while though. I was kind of dumb as a kid."

"You were just a tad slow on the uptake, yes."

Eris lightly punched her father's arm. "You're not supposed to say that! Especially today!"

Philip smiled and said, "My apologies."

Eris smiled back at her dad, and then she pulled him into a hug.


"I'm happy now, Dad. So don't worry. And... sorry. I finally realized how strong you've been."

Philip blinked. "Strong? Me?"

Eris stepped back from her hug and then nodded. "Grandpa told me that you were the strongest of his sons. I didn't understand it then... but I do now." She stared at her father. At the man who had everything taken away from him and yet kept fighting.

Though he was weak, he bit and crawled his way back, grasping at any straw to keep his family safe.

Eris nodded and said, "You were strong enough to admit how powerless you were and bend your head to protect everyone. You threw away your pride, but you didn't give up. Accepting everything, you waited, not caring how you looked to others. Just for a chance to save everything... Right?"

Philip looked away. While he tried to hide it, tears were coming down his face.

Eris pretended she didn't see it. Instead, she bowed her head and said, "I'm grateful, Dad. And... I love you. Thank you for sacrificing so much for our family."

"D=Don't be silly." Philip brushed his tears away and took a quick breath to compose himself. After that, he looked at Eris and said, "You should say those words to Rudy, not me." He let out a slim smile and said, "After all, my part in your life ends today."

"That's not true." Eris smiled and said, "I still have to make you babysit my kids."

Philip laughed and said, "Yes. I suppose that is my karma." He held out his left arm again and then said, "Shall we?"

Eris nodded and grabbed her father's arm.

Together, they walked through the door and into the courtyard.

The place had been completely redone.

Beautiful crimson roses wrapped around marble pillars and arches. Their petals laid the path to the altar.

Eris looked around, overwhelmed with everything she saw.

Rows of seats lined with crimson cloth. People turning to look as Philip guided Eris down the aisle.

Sylphy sat with her parents. Next to them was Pierre and Rostelina, the latter holding baby Lunaria.

Eos, Ena, and Roland sat together near the front on the left side with Rudy's parents.

Ghyslaine, Norn, Miko, and Eris's mother were sitting on the right side, waiting for Eris.

Roxy was sitting in a row with Rika, Ruijerd, and a few other people who seemed to have come from Arcadia.

And there in a nondescript corner, Orsted and Princess Ariel were sitting along with some teenagers who seemed to be her bodyguards.

There were even more people that Eris couldn't recognize, probably people her parents invited, or people that Rudy called over.

But Eris stopped paying attention to them when she saw Rudy.

Beautiful- No, divine. That was the only way to describe him.

It was noon, so the sun was already bright.

But standing there, Rudy seemed to be light itself.

For this occasion, Rudy had gotten rid of his usual hair dye magic along with the one changing his eye colors to green.

Maybe that was why.

Silver hair that shifted with an unseen breeze. Intense golden eyes on a face that wouldn't have looked out of place on an artisan's masterpiece representation of a god. A soft smile and gentle gaze, waiting on her. And then a carefully tailored black suit with crimson highlights the exact color of Eris's hair...

...Was this what people meant by having your breath taken away?

Seeing Rudy standing there at the altar, Eris forgot to move or even think.

"What?" Philip whispered and then said, "Suddenly shy?"

Eris blinked, feeling her face heat up. After that, she shook her head and focused.

Philip smiled and continued walking Eris up to the altar where Rudy and an elderly priest were waiting.

Rudy smiled at Eris when she arrived and then held out his left hand.

Eris should grab it. But standing there, she just couldn't move.

Philip gently pulled Eris's hands away from his arm. Then, holding both gently in his own, he walked her forward and placed her hands over Rudy's outstretched hand.

Eris blinked and then looked over at her father. "Dad?"

Philip held his hands there for a moment, his eyes tearing up. Looking at Rudy and then Eris, he let out a watery smile and said, "Best wishes to you two." After that, he walked off.

And then Rudy lightly pulled Eris forward, moving her to stand in front of him. Carefully shifting her arms around, he held each of her hands with his own.

It was time.

Realizing that, Eris started to feel that panic creeping in.

But then Rudy shook his head and said, "Relax, Eri. Don't worry about anything else." Letting out a gentle smile and giving her hands a soft squeeze, he said, "Just look at me."

Eris took a deep breath and then calmed down.

Dammit. That smile. That damned smile that always made her forget about everything else...

Faced with that, Eris couldn't help but give a shy smile in response. "O-Okay. But if we mess up, I'm never forgiving you."

Rudy chuckled. "I know."

Eris nodded and then stood there, just staring into Rudy's eyes and trying to maintain her composure.

The priest said stuff, but Eris wasn't listening. She just stood there, losing herself in Rudy's beautiful golden eyes...

And then Rudy let go of her left hand.

Eris blinked and then saw that Rudy was holding a ring.

It was a beautiful rose-gold band that was shaped to mimic a phoenix clutching a ruby gemstone. But that ruby gemstone had been intricately cut to resemble a glittering rose.

Holding that ring, Rudy let go of Eris for a bit, and then grabbed her left hand. Staring into her eyes, he gently slipped the ring onto Eris' left ring finger and said, "With this ring, I pledge my life and love to you. For now, for always, forever."

Eris blinked. For some reason, her vision started to blur-

Ah. Those were tears.

Rudy lightly squeezed Eris's hand and whispered, "You can't cry yet. It's your turn now."

Eris sniffed. But then a warmth spread throughout her body, clearing her nose and drying her tears.

Rudy, using healing mana to hide her appearance and cheer her up.

...This guy...

The priest held out a ring for Eris. "Now, the bride will pledge her vows with this ring."

Eris took it. As she did, she couldn't help but compare.

Rudy had given her a beautiful ring that could be kept in a gallery as a masterpiece work of art.

In contrast, the ring Eris got for him...

It was just an ordinary gold ring with a diamond that she bought with the money she had saved up over the years. It wasn't much, but it was something she got by herself for the one she would share her life with.

Feeling the weight of the ring, Eris let out a nervous laugh as she moved to put it on Rudy. "Sorry that it's a bit shabby-"

"Nothing from you is shabby, Eri."

Eris's breath hitched. She was going to cry. She was definitely going to cry. But she managed to barely compose herself.

Slipping the ring onto Rudy's left ring finger, Eris said, "W-With this ring, I pledge my everything to you. My life, my love, my soul…" After that, she lowered her head and whispered, soft enough for only Rudy to hear. Tightly grasping his hand, she said, "Just... don't throw me away. Okay?"

Rudy squeezed her hand back and then whispered back. "Don't worry. I'm pretty obsessive about my belongings, you know?"

Eris's mind blanked after hearing those words. And then the next thing she knew...

"Rudeus." The priest looked to Rudy and said, "You may now kiss the bride."

Eris froze. The weight of the situation, the gazes on her. Her instincts screamed at her to run. But before she could, a gentle hand brushed against her chin.

Rudy smiled and then leaned forward, lifting the veil over Eris's face.

Eris blinked, her eyes widening as Rudy drew close.

"Don't worry." Rudy smiled and said, "Just look at me."

Eris heard Rudy. And she wanted to. But as he drew closer, she subconsciously closed her eyes.

A soft brush of warmth against her lips. Something wet and ticklish, along with a hint of... caramel?

Eris's eyes snapped open and she saw Rudy sticking out his tongue, revealing a small caramel on it.

But then he pulled his tongue back and smiled.

This guy...!

Cheers and applause. The priest offering his congratulations.

Eris didn't hear any of that.

Holding onto Rudy's arm and letting him walk her back down the aisle, Eris felt like she was floating.

Not only that, but she was feeling a bit faint too...

"Hey." Rudy chuckled and said, "You can't faint yet. There's still the reception, you know?"

Eris blushed and said, "I wasn't going to faint! ...And what you do mean 'yet?'"

"Well, you wanted kids, right? It's going to be a lot of hard work, you know."

Eris felt like her face was on fire from that comment. "...Pervert."

Rudy laughed and then pulled Eris close.

Eris sighed and leaned against him.

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