Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

209 – L.IV, LIV, Live

209 – L.IV, LIV, Live

Time passed by peacefully.

Without Being W hanging over our heads, life was good, if not a bit chaotic.

Because of Rika's genes, our daughters, Riru, Kadi, and Usri grew up faster than their siblings. And also, because their mother was busy being the mother of an Empire as well, our daughters were a bit bratty and attention-seeking.

Or in other words, the terrible twos had become the terrible six-months as Riru and Usri threw temper tantrums all over the place while their sister Kadi constantly cried.

Thankfully, my other children were more manageable.

Eri spent most of the day carrying both Ares and Christina around with her in a modified sling/baby carrier, and the two were easily amused by most things, so they didn't act up.

Sylphy spoiled and hugged our daughter Lucille even more than Mom did with me and Norn, so I was a bit worried about her when she grew up... but for now it seemed to be fine.

As for Roxy and our daughter Celes... Well.

*Master* said that she had more important things to do and then handed Celes for me to take care of most of the day.

...I blamed myself for that. After the <Heaven> project kicked off in full gear, and also after her experience fighting Hitogami, she said she was inspired and on the verge of having a fundamental breakthrough in magic.

As a result, she had forced her former teacher back into the role of Headmaster and now spent all of her spare time researching in the Dungeon Home until me, or one of my other wives dragged her out of it.

Yeah, our family life was a bit of a mess.

It'd settle down soon though.


There were a lot of other complicated family things I'd need to sort out too.

...Like the fact that I STILL hadn't properly introduced myself to Rostelina's daughter, Lunaria.

But I had all the time in the world to focus on that.

Right now, there were a few last pieces of unfinished business to attend to.

In the Magic Continent, there was a dark and abandoned castle in the middle of a crater.

Although originally patrolled by White Knights, after it was considered safe and without anything important, it was left unattended.

After the business in the other timeline wrapped up, Pierre mentioned that this place existed, along with the weird message he saw.

And considering that everything was settling down, I decided to finally take a look.

A dark room without a shred of magic. Abandoned and empty rooms. Black obsidian stone, making up the floor, ceiling, and walls...

I idly walked through the castle and then arrived at the throne room.

At least, where the throne room should be.

Instead, there was an ancient obelisk with strange runes that I couldn't read.

But I didn't need to.

Although there was a message written with those runes, there was another message written that only I could see.

The same one that had been written in Laplace's empty castle.

"You are the fourth... again, huh?"

I muttered and then walked forward.

At first, that had confused me. It also reeked of foreshadowing something really annoying, so I shelved it. But now, it was time to resolve that thread.

I placed my hand on the obelisk and let out my mana, tracing the runes. And the moment I did, a portal opened behind it.

I lowered my hand and then walked through the portal.

The moment I did, I arrived in a dark area.

Below, ashy gray terrain. Above and all around, a black expanse filled with starry lights... No. Those WERE stars.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

A voice echoed from beside me. One all too similar to my own.

I looked over and saw a man who looked just like me. Except, instead of my golden eyes, he had eerie green eyes instead.

Magic God Laplace. The 'me' from a world where I failed to save Stella.

He smiled at me and said, "You did a good job."

I smiled back at him and said, "Only because I had help."

Magic God Laplace's eye twinkled. "Did you figure it out?"

I shrugged. "I'm about 90% there."

"I see." He nodded and then started walking past me. "Then... I'll take my leave. There's no need for extras to stay here when the curtain's closing."

The moment he reached my side, he paused and said, "Take care of Stella, alright?"


With that, he stepped behind me and vanished.

I continued forward.

With every step I took, the surroundings changed and different scenes unfolded.

Me, probably eight years old, wandering a desert with Eris at my side. She looked terrified, but put on a brave face as she followed me. I held a glittering silver staff with a crimson mana crystal in my hands while a floating sword followed behind me.

Me, probably sixteen years old, running down a paved road with Sylphy as we chased after Princess Ariel being held captive in an enchanted cart.

Me again, as an older man in my early thirties quietly swinging a sword in the ruins of my childhood home.

Those and other scenes unfolded with each step.

But eventually, the surroundings changed one last time.

A towering tree with fluffy golden leaves and bronze bark, branches wide enough to block out the clear blue sky. Rolling green hills, and a nostalgic small family house overlooking it all.

A faint breeze drifted past, and then a familiar young woman with long green hair appeared beneath the tree, stifling a yawn.


When I recognized her, Wyn smiled and then looked to her right. When she did, a man appeared, leaning against the side of the tree.

Again, he was familiar. After all, he looked exactly like me except that he had light brown hair and green eyes.

I stared at him for a bit.

He stared back. But then he smiled and stepped away from the tree. Walking towards me, he spread out his arms and said, "Congratulations, Rudy. You've reached the happy ending at last."

I nodded. "Yes. But only because you've been watching and helping this entire time. Isn't that right, 'LIV?'"

It was something I noticed by chance one day.

What I saw and what I experienced was definitely my life. But sometimes, it felt like there was someone watching me. But not just that, but like they were living my life through me.

And as for who that person was... the person who was listening to me right now...


LIV laughed. "Well. You caught me."

I shrugged. "You're always kind enough to announce your presence when you're around, so it was only a matter of time."

"A matter of time..." LIV laughed. "Right. I guess it really just ended up being a 'matter of time' in the end. Ha. Hahahaha."

Wyn cringed and then waved her hand. "Don't mind him. He's been here forever, so infinity took its toll on his sanity."

LIV huffed and said, "I am PERFECTLY sane. Just... bored out of my mind. But it's the price I paid to get rid of that guy... Speaking of which!" He walked over and grabbed my hand. "Thanks for getting rid of Hitogami! And for making fun of him the entire way! Being W? Whitey? It was great!"

I blinked. "You're... welcome?"

LIV laughed. "No, silly. I'm!"


LIV coughed. "Right. Anyway... to serious stuff." He waved his hand and conjured a table and chairs. "You probably have some questions, right? Well, you've earned your answers, so ask away!"

I sat down and then said, "First question." I stared at him.

I mean, I knew the answer, but it... wasn't true. Right?

"Are... you really me?"

"Hm?" LIV looked confused. "Of course I'm you. Who else would I be?"

Wyn rolled her eyes. "It's because you're crazy."

LIV blinked and looked at me. "Is she right?"

"...Is she?"

LIV blinked again and then laughed. "Well! I guess we're all a bit crazy... but I suppose it's fair to say I'm crazier than most." He chuckled and said, "Plotting until the end of time a few different times, setting up the ideal conditions, and then stewing on a grudge for infinity will do that to you. And better I'm this fun type of crazy than an edgelord, right? Ah, and never go full edgelord by the way."

"...Duly noted."

I sat down on the chair and tried to process everything.

LIV sat down next to me and said, "Anything else?"

"Yes." I looked at him and said, "Things in my life were pretty wild, but always ended up perfect in the end. Almost too perfect. Are you the reason for it?"

It was something I'd been thinking about recently.

I always got a perfect epiphany or had the convenient counter for things... Or there were times when things could have gone horribly wrong, but I dodged it somehow. Or if someone was a bit smarter instead of making a dumb mistake...

Things like that.

LIV laughed and waved his hand. "Oh, no, no. That's all you, buddy."

I blinked. "Me?"

"Yeah!" He nodded and said, "You're RNG. Things always work out for you."


"Hm? You know." LIV waved his hand. "RNG. Random Number God? Didn't you even create an ultimate spell that used a calculus function transformation to beat Hitogami in your world?"

...Oh. My. GOD.

Was *that* why my summoning magic became gacha summons?!?

"Yep!" LIV laughed. "Also why your life is a bit more hectic. Think of it like hitting D20s all the time for both sides."

"...But why though?"

LIV hummed. "Well. After I became Laplace Ira Vanitas, killed my way to the Void Realm, took on the role of the Creator God, transcended that and swore to get rid of Hitogami down to the last thread in eternity because of the hell I went through... I decided there should be at least one Rudy who had the good life. So that's you!"

I gave him a blank stare and then looked at Wyn.

Wyn nodded. "See? Insane."

"Hey!" LIV frowned. "The only people I've been in are Sylphy and Eri, okay?"

"...Anyway." I looked back at LIV and said, "What's next then? Am I supposed to replace you or something?"

"Oh god no." LIV shook his head. "Monitoring the multiverse and the omniverse is something only one person should have to deal with, thank you very much. You can go enjoy your happy ending. I'll just live vicariously through you. Ah, but don't worry. I won't peep during your loveydovey times. I've gotten over being horny millions of galaxy years ago."


New rule for the Greyrat guide for dummies.

If you ever become immortal but start acting like a senile old man, just kill yourself.


I shifted my gaze back to him and said, "Anyway, one last thing before I leave."

"Fiiine. What is it, Rude?"

"...Who am I, really?" I frowned and said, "Am I someone who reincarnated from Earth? Or am I just someone who was created from those memories?"

That was what bothered me.

It didn't really matter in the end, but it was always something I thought about in the back of my mind. Especially after Ena and Eos were born.

It was possible to implant memories and knowledge to create a soul.

Then, considering I had memories and knowledge, but no identity... was I made the same way?

LIV paused. And then he gave me an enigmatic smile before saying, "You're Rudeus Greyrat. Then, now, and for the future."

I frowned at the cryptic answer.

But then I got a flash of memories.

Staring at Hitogami. Walking past him, my sense of self dissipating with each step before it was gone.

And then a set of memories that I had lost began to replay.

Being born as a baby to loving parents in Japan. Working hard, and sometimes too hard to live the best life. Trying out everything I could to make sure I succeeded... but stumbling after nothing ever panned out.

Almost running through life, clinging to pride in trying to be someone, all the while carrying a feeling that I could do better. That I HAD done better. All in order to live a fulfilled life.

And then a familiar ending.

My father, quietly sobbing.

Me, slipping away...


So it was like that, huh?

LIV smiled. "Something like 'that,' yeah? You're 'him' but also not. *Technically* you could say you're the same person, but you walked different lives..."

"...Wait." I paused. "That doesn't make sense."

If my theory was right, then I was the Rudy I just saw fade away, but reborn twice over.

But then...

"...Who are you?"

LIV smiled. "I think that's enough questions for now, Mister Rudy."

I stood up and stared at him. "No. Hold on."

Right. This didn't make sense.

There was a disconnect here.

Even if there was a grandfather paradox going on, things didn't match up.

I was the fourth.

In other words, I was the fourth life of 'Rudeus Greyrat.'

The first was his life on Earth as a trashy human.

The second was him as Rudeus Greyrat.

The third was my life back on Earth.

And the fourth was this life.

It was a clean succession.

But I noticed something odd.

He said he was me. But at the same time, he drew a few clear lines.

The fact that I was Rudeus Greyrat, then, now, and for the future.

That at least one 'Rudy' should live a happy ending.

That monitoring the multiverse and the omniverse was something only one 'person' should have to deal with.

It didn't make sense.

But if you thought about it a different way.

I wasn't 'him.'

But he could be 'me.'

After all, I'd experienced it, right?

Reincarnating from another world with my memories... if that was possible. And if being transported to another world was possible.

...Wouldn't it be possible to 'transmigrate' to another world as well and take over a person's role?


This person here. LIV.

I wasn't him. But instead...

"Man." LIV laughed. "You're too smart for your own good, Rudy. But don't worry about it... Oh. And don't forget to keep an eye on Stella in fifteen years or so when she goes out to play hero."

The surroundings were fading.

I reached out to LIV, wanting to confirm one last thing.

But as I did, his appearance shifted.

Not 'my' appearance. Or the me from the past.

Instead, an ordinary Asian man in his late twenties wearing glasses... and carrying a laptop under his arm?




I jolted awake.

Stella leaned over me, her cheeks puffed in anger. "You can't just leave me alone to deal with your kids! I'm still a kid too!"

I blinked and slowly sat up.

It was my house. The living room. And off to the side, my youngest daughters and my youngest son were crawling around in a play pen.

"...Did I fall asleep?"

I muttered and placed my hand on my forehead.

I could have sworn that I went to go check out...

...What did I go to check out?

Stella rolled her eyes. "Yes! You dozed off and left me to deal with everyone bullying Ares! Look at me!" She pointed at her frazzled hair and puke covered clothes. "I'm a mess!"

"Right." I stood up and said, "Sorry about that, Stella."

Stella rolled her eyes. "I want money."


"If I'm babysitting, I get money! It's only fair!"

I frowned. "Why do you want money?"

"It's the principle of the matter! Besides, I need to start saving up!" She puffed out her chest and said, "A real hero has to be able to pay her way to get the holy sword! ...And both our parents said they won't let me go adventuring until I'm responsible enough and can afford to buy a wand and sword with my own money."

"...Can't I just give you enough money to buy it then?"

Stella shook her head. "It's the principle, Onii-chan! If you play a game, it's no fun if you start with the cheat items at the start! Or with infinite money!"

"...Okay. I still think it's not a good idea to treat life like a game, but I'll get you some gold afterwards-"

A contract was suddenly shoved in my face.

I instinctively grabbed it and read it over.

...It was a legitimate employment contract, clarifying wages, hours worked, and all the intricacies required to be properly employed.

Stella looked at me and said, "Sign it."


Stella nodded. "Really!"

I laughed and signed it. "Fine, fine."

At that time, Ares started crying.

I looked over and saw Riru and Usri pinching his cheeks. Kadi was trying to tug Usri away, but she was too weak.

Christina cried as she tried to push Riru.

Celes sat there, laughing.

And Lucille quietly held up her hands, gathering a giant ball of water.

I quickly handed the contract back to Stella and said, "Okay, deal. Now help your Onii-chan sort out this mess before your sisters-in-law murder me for having the kids get hurt."

"Yes! I'm not jobless any- LUCY! No magic! I told you already!"

"Less talking, more saving!"

"Aaaaargh! This is your fault, Onii-chan! I thought you'd be a better Dad!"

"I am! When I have less kids to take care of all at once!"

"You should have thought of that!"

"Shut up and help me grab Riru! I'll grab Usri! And Lucy, no! We'll play water ball later! Also, stop laughing Celes!"


QA session still coming. Ask questions in the comments below. Next will probably be last story chapter.

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