Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

75 – Divergent Future

75 – Divergent Future

"And that's another one." Roxy picked up the magic stone from the corpse of the boar monster she killed and tucked it in her bag. After that, she wiped her forehead and took a look around.

The forest by Buina village. Since she was getting restless... and since she didn't want Rudy to get inspired and start messing with things while he was recovering, Roxy headed off to experiment by herself using the pretense of patrolling to give Paul a day off.

A gentle breeze blew past, causing the trees to sway and their leaves to shift, sending a few drifting down as they broke free.

Roxy plucked one out of the air and smiled before letting it free. After that, she glanced back at the corpse and sent out a burst of flames, incinerating it.

There probably wouldn't be an issue with just burying it or leaving it for other creatures to take care of it, but Roxy would rather not risk the chance of a mutated undead Terminate Boar emerging and wreaking havoc. So to make sure of that, she didn't stop until the corpse was a pile of ashes.

After it was though, Roxy continued on her way, moving deeper into the forest. As she did, she saw bright crimson lights scattered about. Rudy's magic barriers.

They worked fine. Since the intent was to keep Being W away from the area, the magic barriers flooded the area with holy mana to prevent Being W from using his.

But that created a problem that Rudy didn't account for.

A roar echoed from nearby and a lumbering brown mass charged towards Roxy. A bear... and one that had turned into a magical creature judging from the mana rolling off it.

"Well." Roxy glanced at the bear and pulled out a magic stone from her bag and held it out towards the bear. "As good a time as ever to test this out."

A complicated magic circle peeled away from Roxy's <Magic Array> and wrapped around her hand.

"Come forth, my magical guardian."

A simple chant combined with a complicated magic circle. Then, with the magic stone as the fuel...

The magic circle flew out from Roxy's hand, along with the magic stone. Brilliant lights splashed, mana distorted... And then a silver blur shot out towards the bear.

A soft *schnick* echoed. The sound of something being cleanly severed. After that, a pair of thuds. The two halves of the bear's corpse.

And then something flew back towards Roxy, gently floating around her and emitting a soft chime.

"Hm?" Roxy blinked. "Are you what I summoned...?"

A floating bundle of silver shards, rotating around a bright blue orb.

"I didn't have anything in mind when I cast the spell... but what are you? A spirit? An elemental?"

The spirit pulsed and then let out a soft chime. After that, it floated over Roxy's shoulder.

"...Well. Whatever you are, I appreciate you answering my call."


Roxy smiled and then looked around at Rudy's magic barriers. "In the meantime... let's go fix my disciple's work. It's no good to have it leak mana like this." She glanced at her summon and said, "I'll be counting on you to watch my back, okay?"



A cozy home on the outskirts of Buina village, close to the forest. There, a group of four people sat around the dining room table in a tense silence.

Three in that group were a family. A beautiful mother, a dependable father, and a cute young daughter.

The fourth was a visitor. Someone who sent a letter earlier to announce her presence. And someone who had just arrived that morning from Roa.



A tense silence filled the room as Laws stared at the elf woman seated quietly across from them.

She was the same as he remembered her. No, considering that he had been an infant at the time, Laws couldn't be sure. But the fact that she wore a carved wooden necklace that matched his own, and the fact that he felt nostalgia and happiness just from seeing her...

A female elf with curled blonde hair. Beautiful crimson eyes that were currently filled with a strange emotion. A mix between happiness, regret, and pride.

She was dressed modestly, wearing a simple gray robe. However, the robe hugged her figure, leaving nothing to the imagination.

A fact that Rose had definitely picked up on but was carefully ignoring considering who their guest was.

...Sylphy seemed to be interested in the robe though for some reason.

And that was the cue for Laws to break the tension before his cute daughter could get any more strange ideas into her head.

"So," Laws said. "What brought you back here, Mother?"

'Mother.' A simple word, but foreign to Laws. Because of that, as he said it, he instinctively pursed his lips, uncomfortable with the word.

The elf woman let out a wry smile and said, "If it makes you uncomfortable, you can call me Rostelina. And I can just call you Laws, if you prefer."

Laws shook his head. "No. It's fine. I will... get used to it, Mother. Although..." He frowned and said, "The priest told me that my mother's name was Elinalise?"

"Ah." Rostelina let out an awkward smile and said, "It's a long story. One that explains why I gave you up instead of raising you like I planned... but for now, would you introduce your family to me? I'd like to know the name of my son's beautiful wife and daughter."

"...Of course."

Laws felt weird. Happy at the woman... No, at his mother's eagerness to meet his family. But at the same time, it was odd.

She was a stranger. She should be a stranger. And yet it felt like Laws had known her for his entire life.

Was that just the natural bond between a parent and their child?

If Luffy was separated from them at birth, would she recognize them if they reunited?

Laws hoped that she would. Even if she didn't, Laws would be happy just to see her again and how she had grown up.

And that must be how his mother was feeling right now.

Knowing that made Laws relax a little.

Right. Even if he resented her a bit for abandoning him. Even if he had to grow up and sort things out for himself without parents to rely on, she had her own circumstances. And she was here now with the intent to reconnect.

That was all that mattered.

Besides. Rostelina was still better than Paul's family in Roa.

Laws wrapped one arm around Rose and said, "This is my beloved wife, Rose."

Rose looked at Rostelina and bowed her head. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Rostelina."

Rostelina smiled and said, "It's my pleasure. But Rose, is it?"

"Hm?" Rose tilted her head and said, "Is something wrong with my name?"

Rostelina waved her hand and said, "No, no. Just... a strange coincidence. Our names are fairly similar."

Rose nodded and then smiled at Laws. "Then perhaps meeting Laws was fate?"

Laws smiled and laced his hand together with hers.

Rostelina looked over to Sylphy and said, "And who is this beloved child?"

"Ah." Laws looked over at Sylphy and said, "Luffy, why don't you-?"

"Miss Rostelina." Sylphy interrupted her father and tilted her head, carefully staring at Rostelina's body.

Laws frowned. "Luffy."

Sylphy flinched, realizing that she spoke out of turn.

Rostelina waved him down and said, "It's fine, Laws." She looked back at Sylphy and said, "What is it, Dear?"

Sylphy was hesitant, but then she nodded and said, "Are you really my grandmother?"

Rostelina blinked and then she laughed. Letting out a warm smile, she said, "Yes. I suppose I am."

Laws poked Sylphy and said, "Don't be rude, Luffy. At least introduce yourself."

"Oh." Sylphy bowed her head and said, "I'm sorry, Grandmother. My name is Sylphiette. But, um..." She looked back up and said, "Are you the reason why I have Demon God mana like Rudy? Because you have a little bit of it floating around inside of you too..."


Laws narrowed his eyes and stared at his mother.

He hadn't noticed it earlier since he was still getting used to seeing mana and everything it meant. But now that it was pointed out...

His mother's mana was mostly an enchanting pink color. But there were flickers of silver and green mana flowing through her body as well. Especially centered around her abdomen.

Rostelina blinked, confused as Sylphy and her family suddenly stared at her. And especially when they started staring at her abdomen.

But then she turned a deep red and covered her face. "Oh my. I-I didn't expect you all to be able to see it. This is embarrassing..."

Sylphy frowned and said, "...Are you a vessel for the Demon God, Grandmother?"

Rostelina laughed and said, "No, no. I didn't expect that his mana would be visible or mistaken like that... But you're mistaken. And quite a bit too young still to hear about the cause."

Sylphy blinked, tilting her head in confusion.

Rostelina pressed her hands on her red cheeks, letting out a shy smile.

Laws's eyes widened, suddenly realizing what his mother was implying. "Ahem." He cleared his throat and said, "I-In any case. It is great to finally reunite with you. Now, what brings you here to Buina village after all these years?"

"Well..." Rostelina lowered her hands and said, "I was nearby and I heard that my son had settled down with a family, so I wanted to visit. And... I wanted to apologize for not raising you like your siblings."

Laws blinked. "Pardon. I have siblings?"

Rostelina looked embarrassed. "Ah, well..." She glanced over at Sylphy and said, "...This story may not be appropriate for my cute granddaughter?"


Sylphy tilted her head.

Rose stood up and grabbed Sylphy by the hand. "Let's go practice some magic together, Luffy. Let your father and grandmother have some time to catch up in private."

"But I want to hear what Grandmother has to say!"

"It's not a story for children-"

"I'm mature enough! Mister Paul said that Asura Kingdom girls can become women when they're ten! I'm much more mature than that!"

"...It seems like I will need to have another chat with Paul later. But this isn't a matter of maturity, Sylphy. It's a secret between your father and grandmother, just like the secrets we keep."

Laws blinked. Wait... What secrets?

"Oh!" Sylphy nodded. "Okay then. ...I still want to know though."

"No worries. I'll wheedle it out of your father later. For now, let's go play outside."


And like that, it was just Laws and his mother.

An awkward silence filled the air.

Laws stared at Rostelina.

She stared back at him.

Time passed. And then Rostelina sighed. "Well. I guess I should just say it?"

Laws blinked. "Say what?"

"You see. Your mother... That is, I..." Rostelina blushed and fidgeted in her chair. "...This is harder than I thought. I didn't think I would be this embarrassed."

Laws let out a kind smile and said, "It's fine, Mother. I promise I won't judge you harshly."

After all. She couldn't be any worse than Paul's family, right?

"Really?" Rostelina's eyes widened and she let out a relieved smile. "Alright. Then up until when you were born, your mother was a whore."

Laws's smile froze. "P-Pardon?"

Rostelina paused and said, "No, I guess that's wrong since I paid them?" Rostelina tapped on her chin and said, "Well, I slept around a lot, did this and that with both men and women, spread my legs as a hobby-"

"H-Hold on." Laws rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache starting. "I-I must be hearing you wrong. C-C-Could you start over?"

T-There was no way, right?

Even if he didn't have a good opinion of the woman who abandoned him, something like this...

"Oh, sure." Rostelina nodded and said, "Since we got that awkward bit out, I can say it easier this time. Put it bluntly, Laws... Your mother's a retired slut."

"...Perhaps I've judged Paul too harshly."

"Ooh! Right. Before that kid got married to Zenny-"


Rostelina laughed.

Laws covered his face and groaned.


In the Boreas Manor, three men sat around a round table, looking at each other.

The first was a stern older man with graying hair. Lord Sauros Boreas Greyrat, the one who governed the entire Fedoa region.

The second was a younger man with light brown hair and a genial smile. An expression that contrasted with his sharp narrowed eyes. Philip Boreas Greyrat.

And the third was a man with an ambiguous age. His handsome face seemed young, but his silver hair and the wisdom in his deep green eyes were well beyond an ordinary youth. Pierre Simon.

Sauros growled and said, "I still disapprove. That upstart brat... I just wanted to test him a bit because my arrogant nephew boasted so much. Then the kid runs his mouth and denies all my effort, saying the world isn't so cruel... Bah."

Philip chuckled and said, "Well, Father. I can't deny that Rudy was a bit much that day. But I also heard that Father was quite wild when you were younger as well? And that you also shouted about changing the world and protecting the peasants?"

"Tch." Sauros crossed his arms, growing silent.

Philip smiled.

The man who called himself Pierre looked at both Philip and Sauros before saying, "It seems that Rudy made quite an impression on you two."

Sauros's eye twitched and he said, "Shut up, fortune teller. You are already pushing your luck with the fact that I haven't thrown you out the window by now, let alone allow you to stay in my home."

Philip waved his hand and said, "Ignore Father. His ego is still a bit bruised at being beaten by a child."

Sauros immediately jumped out of his chair and ran around to punch Philip. But right before he did, he paused.

Philip blinked and said, "What? Are you not going to discipline me for my impertinence, Father?"

"...I don't feel like it anymore." Sauros grumbled and then walked back to sit in his chair.

Pierre stared at Sauros and muttered, "So that's where Eris inherited it."

Philip laughed and said, "Yes. My daughter does take after Father. A bit too much, I would say."

Sauros huffed and looked at Philip. "If you set a stronger example instead of being a pushover, perhaps she would look to you instead."

Philip gave his father a sidelong glance. "And if you didn't pass over my efforts all the time and discipline me while letting my older brothers off, perhaps I would, Father."

Sauros flinched and looked away.

Philip smiled and turned back towards Pierre. "Well. Enough pleasantries. You said that you had something to report, Pierre?"

"Mm." Pierre nodded and said, "I resolved the mana disturbance floating above Roa and routed out the rest of the rats Prime Minister Darius sent to try and abduct Eris."

Sauros uncrossed his arms and turned serious. "So you confirmed it then?"

Pierre nodded. "I did. But there isn't enough proof to connect him. However..." He tapped his fingers against the table and said, "I did learn of another ploy. I am sure you are aware of the Purplehorse house?"

Sauros's eyes narrowed. "...Are you implying that fat bastard is going to try it on another ancient noble house?"

"I'm not implying. I'm saying." Pierre leaned on the table and said, "Tristina Purplehorse, the first daughter of Viscount Freitas Purplehorse. Within the year, she will be kidnapped by Prime Minister Darius and forced to become his sex slave." His face twisted in disgust and he said, "If I could, I would go there right now to end that scum's life. But if I show up, a powerful protector might spring up out of nowhere."

Philip let out a dry laugh and said, "Yes. I suppose if an Emperor-Ranked magician like yourself were to appear in the capital it wouldn't be strange for people like the Sword God or Water God to emerge."

Pierre laughed as well and said, "Right? It wouldn't be dangerous, but things would get pretty hectic. Not to mention that the puppetmaster behind the scene might decide to flip the table."

"Hm..." Philip tapped the table, tilting his head in thought. And then he nodded. "You're certain of this?"

Pierre smiled. "Why? Do you not trust me, Mayor Philip?"

"I don't." Philip's already narrowed eyes turned into slits. "Showing up at at time like this and giving advice while perfectly solving our key issues... I would be a fool if I were to trust you."

"That's fair. But advice is just advice." Pierre stood up and stretched. "You are more than free to ignore it. Of course." He looked at Sauros and said, "There are consequences. You would know that well, would you not, Lord Sauros?"

Sauros rose to his feet and glared at Pierre. "You are too arrogant, Magician."

"If you think so, so be it. But regardless, my job here is done." Pierre stood up as well and looked off into the distance at a floating castle fortress in the sky. After that, he shook his head and walked off, his white coat trailing behind him as he did. Waving his hand, he said, "Send Eris on a trip to Buina village with Ghyslaine. It'll do everyone some good. Or don't. At this point, it doesn't really matter."

The door shut behind Pierre.

And then it was just Philip and Sauros.

Sauros gnashed his teeth and said, "That arrogant bastard." He looked at Philip and said, "Don't tell me you plan on listening to him?"

"Mm." Philip slowly nodded and said, "I don't. It's just too convenient. But if it is true... And if the Notos family are truly wrapped up with the Prime Minister as well..." He glanced at Sauros and said, "Are you planning to run wild, Father?"

"Of course!" Sauros growled and said, "That Pilemon is betraying his father's memory by stooping to such depths. And for that fat bastard to dare...!" He gnashed his teeth.

Philip chuckled. "Well. It seems that this is a perfect opportunity for my cousin. Weren't the Notos complaining about Pilemon being a terrible leader? And if what Pierre said is true, with the Midsummer Festival being hosted by the Notos family this year and welcoming all the ancient noble houses..."

Sauros paused and then said, "Those bastards are going to try and get away with it during the celebration. How sly."

"Mm. All the more reason to get a foolishly honest person like my cousin at the helm, is it not?"

"Hmph." Sauros spun around and started walking off. "...Keep it up, Son. Weak as you are, you show some promise."

Sauros's footsteps echoed before fading away. And then it was just Philip alone in the room.

He sighed and said, "Weak... Yes. I'm as weak as ever. But..." He stood up and walked over to the window, staring out at the sky. "...Even weaklings have things they want to protect, Father. And if it takes underhanded tricks and relying on outside power to do so-"


A stern female voice.

Philip turned around to see a beautiful woman with crimson hair walk in the room. Her violet dress trailed behind her as she entered.

Hilda, his wife.

Philip put on his usual genial smile and bowed his head. "Hilda. I'm sorry, the meeting went longer than-"

"I heard from that man. Are you truly sending Eris away as well?"


Hilda, staring at Philip with an unreadable expression.

Philip turned around. "...You don't need to go about this in such a roundabout manner, Hilda. If you are dissatisfied, you are free to leave." He waved his hand dismissively and said, "Take what you desire. You are young. Beautiful. And you have proven to be able to produce heirs."

A cold and clinical speech.

"I am sure that any man would-"

Before Philip could finish, he felt someone grab his hand.

Philip tensed and looked over to see Hilda standing there.

She stared into his face and then sighed. After that, she let out a strained smile and said, "This is why Eris doesn't respect you." She placed her hand on his cheek and said, "Husband. You promised me, didn't you?"


"You said you would protect me and our family even if it cost you everything. But..." She lowered her hand and then reached down to grab Philip's left hand, fiddling with the wedding ring he always wore. "You shouldn't sacrifice your happiness so easily like this."

Philip looked away and said, "That Pierre said some useless things to you, didn't he?"

"Only because my husband wears a mask too well. So... talk to me. Don't hide your pain behind that smile and let me share it."

"...Tch." Philip blinked away his tears and muttered, "That meddlesome bastard."


Laplace rested his hand on the hilt of his sword as he walked out of Roa. "Hm..."

Crimson light spread in front of him, tracing out a tree. But most of the branches were gone now, leaving just the trunk. Yet, even that was flickering, on the verge of blinking out.

"...Seems like Being W's made a reckless decision. Stopping future sight entirely can prevent the future from being locked-in, sure. But this is a pretty big gamble, you know?"


Laplace tapped on his sword and then shrugged. "Well. That guy's probably going to try something big, but it'll take time. For now..." He glanced at Buina village and muttered, "I'll let my beloved assistant reconnect with her family and leave Rudy alone. Since we're running off-script now... I should make some preparations. I managed to stop 'that' for now, but it still needs to happen in order for the way to cut that bastard down to open. And with the distortions the way they are, it's inevitable... but there's no reason as many people should die this time around."

Silence, with nothing but the sound of Laplace's footsteps as he walked off.

"I should probably prepare for the worst case scenario of Rudy developing Viral Magic and Necromancy as well. That was a mess to clean up... The Magic Knight probably won't happen, but the Conqueror might emerge at this rate. Demon Lord is unlikely, but I should make sure to clear things up with Perugius-"

Laplace paused and then let out a sigh. "...And I need to stop this habit of talking to myself." He shook his head and then swept his sword.

Space cracked, for a moment scattering crystal shards that showed various incarnations of Rudy in each one. But then Laplace stepped through the crack in space, vanishing along with the shards.


I paused, suddenly feeling a strange sensation in my chest. A flicker of anxiety. I frowned and then looked out the window of the living room.

"Rui?" Norn tugged my shirt and said, "Okay?"

I smiled and patted Norn's head. "I'm fine, Norn. Now, I was showing you some magic, right?"

Norn smiled and clapped her hands. "Bubble!"

I laughed and held up my hands. "Alright, bubbles it is. Now, watch closely... Nothing in my hands. Nothing behind my back. And now... sploosh!"

I waved my hand, causing thousands of tiny water balls to float in the air.

Norn giggled and reached out to grab them.

I smiled, releasing my hold on the water balls so that they would turn back into water when Norn grabbed them.

Except, they didn't.

I froze, staring at Norn.

She gave me a bright smile and held up her hand, holding a bundle of unpopped water balls. Water balls with mana maintaining their shape.

Mana that was clearly coming from Norn.

"Rui! Did it!"

"Y-Yeah. Ahaha... You... You certainly did..."


So either Norn was a complete magical genius that put even Sylphy to shame when it came to mana manipulation...

Or mana radiation was a thing and my stupidly dense mana was affecting the people around me in ways that I didn't expect.

I wasn't sure which was worse.

"Rui! Cach!" Norn giggled and threw the water balls at me.

I laughed, doing my best to keep a straight face, and caught the water balls. "Good job, Norn! Now, how about we-"

Before I could finish, Norn let out a deep yawn and then started rubbing her eyes. "Rui. Seepy..." She reached out to me and said, "Hug?"

"Of course." I pulled Norn into a hug. And then she instantly fell asleep.

Which of course caused all the water balls to fall on the ground with a soft splash.


"Rudy." Mom's voice echoed from the kitchen.

I lifted Norn up and then looked towards the kitchen. "Y-Yes, Mom?"

"I know you love your cute baby sister... But what did we say about using magic?"

I sighed. "I'm not allowed to. But it was only a little!"

"Then it's only a little bit longer that you're going to be grounded."

"...That's fair." I sighed again and then walked Norn over to her room to put her to bed. "...At least I can work on magic circles in the meanwhile."

Technically that wasn't using any of my mana, so it would be fine.


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