Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

‘Let’s calm down. I bet you haven’t figured out my intentions yet.’

Lee Han calmly calmed down.

No matter how much it is, the vampire professor will not be able to read Lee Han’s heart.

– I will suck honey by listening to this lecture that no one listens to!

‘hmm. It would be embarrassing rather than dangerous if caught.’

“I asked if you had any questions.”

Professor Voladi looked at Lee Han again and said.

“Can I ask any questions?”

“Can not be done. It should be a question about the lecture.”

‘Isn’t that obvious?’

There was no way Lee Han would consult on how to get out of school…

But thanks to him, I could clearly understand the professor’s personality.

A principled person who is strict with others and with himself.

I’ve met quite a few of those types, so it was rather easy to deal with.

‘The hardest thing to deal with is a crazy professor like Principal Rich.’

If you work hard at what you are told to do, there will be no problem, so what is difficult?

“Do you have any questions?”


Lee Han pondered.

What should I ask?

Professors always said, ‘Feel free to ask questions’, but if you ask questions really comfortably, ‘Why don’t you know that?’

Questions are also required.

‘Let’s start with the basics.’

“What is the purpose of this practice of rotating spiritual stone beads?”

Lee Han asked out of curiosity.

I did it because I was asked to ask a question about the lecture, but it was also true that I was actually curious.

What does it mean to just spin this marble?

Professor Voladi tilted his head slightly at Lee Han’s question. It was a look that he genuinely did not understand.

“Didn’t you read the name of the river?”


Lee Han was not taken aback.

Because all the original professors were like this!

Since you taught me -1+1=2, try solving higher order differential equations. You say you can’t solve it? why? why?

“yes. I know the name of the lecture is < Repetitive Learning of Basic Magical Combat >. But what does this… spinning spiritual stone marbles have to do with basic magic combat specifically?”


Upon receiving Lee Han’s question, Professor Voladi stopped.

Lee Han was taken aback by the sight of Professor Voladi standing still as if he had become a plaster statue. It looked as if someone had turned off the power.


“Please wait a moment.”

Professor Voladi said to Lee Han with an expression that did not blink an eye.

What to do?

Lee Han waited.

how much time has passed Around the time Lee Han began to regret ‘I asked a question for no reason’, Professor Boladi opened his mouth.

“I can tell you now.”


“It was so obvious that I thought about how to explain it.”

Lee Han was shocked.

Are you still thinking about that…?

‘no. Let’s not panic. Considering that the other person is a professor, it’s not that strange.’

“ruler. I can kill you with just one quill here.”


This was definitely embarrassing. Lee Han immediately reached for the cane.

After seeing Lee Han’s quick reaction and balanced posture, Professor Boladi spoke again.

“I will cancel. It must be difficult with a quill.”

It wasn’t much of a relief.

While Lee Han was contemplating whether to run away or call someone, Professor Boladi continued.

“As you can see from what I just said, it is not the great magic of the higher circles that matters in magic battles. The minimum amount of magic that can suffocate the opponent is enough.”

After he finished speaking, Professor Voladi put on an expression of regret that he had been too detailed.

“Does this make sense?”

“…no. Please tell me a little bit more.”


Surprised, Professor Voladi stopped again like a stone statue.

Lee Han wanted to say goodbye, but the water had already been spilled.

‘Now that this is the case, I will definitely get an answer.’

After a while.

“Right now, the training to rotate the spiritual stone beads is the training to control projectile-type magic. As you may have already guessed, even with the same < Magic Missile > spell, there is a difference between the level of heaven and earth depending on which wizard uses it.”

‘I didn’t guess at all.’

“A mage who is not familiar with combat cannot even use magic properly when a combat situation arises. The noise and heat of the battlefield, oppressed by the killing spree. However, magicians who have embodied magic control in their bodies through repeated training become able to do this.”

Professor Voladi immediately cast the spell without using a spell or staff.

Magic Missile.

Contrary to its grandiose name, it was a 1-circle magic.

The principle was also simple. It was over when he drew out his mana, gathered it in a circle, and fired it.

Then, a clump of magical energy the size of a fist shot out.

As it was Circle 1, the power wasn’t that great. Among the mercenaries, ‘Is a thrown stone strong or a magic missile strong?’ was a topic that came up every time.

…However, Professor Voladi’s Magic Missile instantly shattered that prejudice.

The inside of the spacious lecture hall instantly changed like the Milky Way.

It was because dozens or hundreds of masses of magical energy filled the space.

Professor Voladi waved his hand. Then, all of that mass of magic power flew in one direction for an instant.

Some straight, some curved.

Some regular, some irregular.

Some fast, some slow.

And all these movements have resulted in one purpose.

It was the enemy’s vital point.


With a roar, the masses of magic collided and disappeared.

Lee Han seemed to have seen a vision in which a non-existent person was knocked down precisely by the vital points in his body. To that extent, Professor Voladi’s magic was sophisticated.

Lee Han felt anew that he could be beautiful if he reached the limit of sophistication.

“The goal of training is to freely control projectile magic in this way. Do you understand?”

“yes. thank you.”

When Lee Han understood, Professor Voladi nodded his head with a very slight relief on his face.

If I didn’t understand it here, I was at a loss as to how to explain it.

‘Right. Didn’t the professor just try to eat his salary every day?’

Lee Han felt sorry for misunderstanding Professor Voladi.

I thought I was just going to open a strange lecture and get my salary.

Upon closer inspection, this training was quite plausible.

Just knowing how to cast magic wasn’t the end.

Just as knowing how to wield a sword does not mean mastering swordsmanship, learning a single spell is not an ordinary task.

Can you cast that spell faster? Can you cast accurately even in an urgent and confusing situation? etc.

Professor Voladi was a person who valued such things.

And for Lee Han, this projectile magic control training was important.

There was one problem Lee Han was facing right away.

“professor. Can I ask you one more question?”

“So be it.”

“I recently learned < Lesser Control > magic.”


Professor Boladi did not ask where Lee Han learned. That wasn’t the professor’s concern.

“But this magic… can be cast, but after casting it is not fixed.”

Professor Voladi’s eyebrows went up.

It’s not that it’s not well controlled, it’s that it’s not fixed.

It was a very unusual case.

Usually, novice wizards could not move if they could not move when performing the < Low Control > magic, but they could not fix it.

Unless you have a ton of mana…

“Wait. It seems you have more magic power than you thought.”

“ah. yes. I heard that.”

Lee Han was delighted when Professor Voladi noticed it at once.

If he could figure it out right away, there was a good chance he would come up with a good solution.

How will you teach me?

“Mana drain!”


Professor Voladi grabbed Lee Han’s arm and cast high circle magic.

It was a powerful and evil magic that literally absorbed the opponent’s mana.


Lee Han couldn’t be unaware that his mana was being rapidly sucked out.

‘Please explain, you crazy professor!’

But it was already too late to dry it. The professor’s magic was absorbing Lee Han’s mana.


Lee Han realized that it was strange and looked at Professor Boladi’s face.

As a vampire, her complexion wasn’t very bloody at first, but now it seemed a bit harsh.



“Professor?? Are you okay?!”


Professor Voladi slowly removed his hand and fell to his side. Lee Han was stunned by the sight.

to knock the professor down

Of course, I imagined a lot, but I never thought I would actually defeat the professor like this!

* * *

Fortunately, Professor Voladi soon came to his senses. As soon as the vampire professor woke up, he just briefly summarized the situation.

“You have more magic power than I thought.”

“…Is that so?”

The state of Lee Han, who was deprived of mana, was much better than the professor who absorbed mana.

In fact, Lee Han did not feel any fatigue at all. Even though I was so absorbed.


Professor Voladi nodded.

Any other professor would have explained how ridiculous the situation was.

If an inexperienced person possessed more magic power than his bowl, he could collapse because he could not control that power, but an outstanding wizard like Professor Voladi had a different story.

How much magical power had to be absorbed for a mage the size of Professor Voladi to lose control and collapse?

But Professor Voladi didn’t say anything. Because I didn’t think it was important.

What mattered now was something else.

“I tried to make the control difficulty easier by reducing the mana with the mana drain spell. You failed.”


Lee Han understood what Professor Boladi meant.

It was a story about how it would be if the mana was drastically reduced since it was difficult to control the projectile precisely because it had too much mana.

…of course it failed.

“There are other ways.”

“What is it?”

“Did you ever fly towards you when you were casting a < Lesser Control > spell and the projectiles were running rampant?”

Lee Han thought for a moment at the professor’s question.


“Yes. that’s the nature Even if it seems to be out of control, as long as the spell is cast and the projectile is connected to the wizard’s will, control is in progress.”

Lee Han nodded at the plausible words.

Certainly, if the spell was broken, it would have been normal if the stone fell to the floor.

The connection itself was made.

‘for a moment. So, is it instinct that I threw stones at other guys’ heads?’

I couldn’t tell if it was a coincidence or instinct.

Lee Han decided not to check. Because sometimes there are better truths when they are buried.

“Instinct is powerful. If you use that instinct, you might be able to step up your ability to control projectiles.”

“I see…”

“Are you ready?”


“I will go. It will aim for the chin, so defend it unconditionally.”

Lee Han immediately wondered what he was talking about.

The explanation was replaced by spiritual stone beads floating in the air.

Trembling, the ready-made marbles trembled and began to fly towards Lee Han’s chin one after another.

In an instant, Lee Han felt his instincts screaming sharply.

The body moved before the head.


* * *

There was some good news, though.

It was that Lee Han could now handle < Low Manipulation > magic fairly well.

The bad news was that Professor Voladi was far more insane than Lee Han thought.

‘I was stupid for trusting this school professor.’

I will never believe again!

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