Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 40

Chapter 040

The opponent was dressed like an ordinary traveler, but he was by no means an ordinary traveler.

The ordinary traveler does not block the road on this gloomy evening on the deserted Imperial Highway.

It was covered with a cloak and cloak, but a ferocious light emanated from the face revealed through it.

The voices of the workers became louder and harsher.

“Finally, a warning! Reveal your identity right now!”

When there was no answer, the workers immediately fired a crossbow. The bolts of the crossbow were shot out with a harsh sound.


Instead of the sound of penetrating people, there was a sound of being blocked by something hard. The workers didn’t care and immediately reloaded the crossbows.

The workers who carried the luggage to the magic school were not ordinary workers.

In addition to checking his identity, he also had to know how to fight to protect his luggage in case of emergency.

Workers made up of empire adventurers or mercenary soldiers!

That’s why I didn’t panic even when this situation happened. With a skilful movement, he jumped out of the wagon and took out his crossbow, aiming at the enemy.


“Stupid bastards. Do you know who you guys are siding with?”


The other person started talking in a thick, rough voice. In the dark, the voice sounded even more somber.

“You guys are siding with the wizards who are corrupting the empire. Get out of here before you get possessed by evil magic!”

“Damn the beard of the ancestors! They are anti-magicians!”

The dwarf worker shouted as if screaming.

Imperial anti-magicists.

Among the numerous villains of the vast empire, they were particularly notorious.

As the name suggests, they hate all magic.

– Magic disrupts order, destroys nature, and corrupts humans!

Of course, it didn’t end with just hating magic.

They used to raid wizards or raid magic schools.

There was only one reason why such violent people were waiting here.

“In the name of the < Twilight Dawn >!”

“In the name of the < Twilight Dawn >!”

After the warning, the opponent started to run. The workers swallowed at the sight of the weapon emitting sharp light in the moonlight.

“The Veil of Order!”

With waves of intense magic power, a huge magic shield was built around the wagons.

Enemies rushed at them and bounced back, spitting blood.

Professor Garcia’s magic had been cast.


“As expected, you are a professor!”

Armed workers marveled at the majesty of the magic.

However, Garcia’s expression was not bright.

Due to his outward appearance, Professor Garcia was often misunderstood as a master of combat, but Professor Garcia was not good at fighting.

There was a prejudice that high-ranking mages would be good at combat, but that was an illusion.

Magic and combat are completely separate realms.

It was not easy for a wizard who had spent his entire life sitting at a desk studying magic to use magic without losing his composure in the chaos of the battlefield.

If you lose concentration or make a mistake, the magic will bring about a different result at once.

A dangerous double-edged sword!

It wasn’t for nothing that a wizard trained in combat was called a ‘battle wizard’.

‘Let’s pass the time.’

Professor Garcia swung his cane. Then the birds made of light soared into the air and flew away.

These birds will inform the other professors at the magic school about the current situation.

“Grinding bones, shriveling muscles!”

The assailants near the shield screamed in agony.

Magical power transformed into a curse wrapped around their bodies and began to weaken them.

“Make it work!”

However, the opponent was also not easy.

Professor Garcia’s face darkened.

The wizards of the empire were never easygoing people.

The anti-magicists who kept attacking such wizards knew how to deal with wizards very well.


With a low-pitched vibration that shook the eardrums, the surrounding magical energy began to shake violently.

Then, it was sucked in as if it gathered into one point.


The Curtain of Order spread by Professor Garcia melted in an instant, like snow in midsummer.

Professor Garcia was stunned at the tremendous power.


It wasn’t that there wasn’t a way to counter magic.

In the empire, there were metals that had the property of absorbing or repelling mana, and there was also magic that removed magic.

However, among those methods, there was no way to absorb such a vast range of mana at once.

It was the only one in the Empire to show such an absurd miracle.


Treasures containing mysteries and knowledge forgotten in the distant past that are often found in ruins and dungeons!

I never thought they’d find one of those artifacts.

“professor! Dodge backwards!”

The workers tried to get Professor Garcia back when the shield disappeared and the enemies started to approach again.

Garcia swung his staff and tried to cast the spell again, but before he could, the magic was dispelled and the mana was sucked toward the artifact.

“You evil wizard. May you be punished!”

The assailant approached with great force, drew his sword and tried to cut Garcia.


At that moment, the assailant’s head turned to the side.



Both Professor Garcia and the workers were frightened.

What happened?

* * *

‘It’s definitely not the principal’s trap.’

Hearing the name of the Twilight Dawn from the carriage behind him, Lee Han could no longer deny the reality.

If the principal could dig a trap up to this point, Lee Han had no more dreams or hopes. At that level, it might be better to stay as a graduate student forever under the principal.

Twilight Dawn.

Among the imperial anti-magicists, it was the name of the largest and most ferocious.

Of course, as Lee Han also came from a famous family of magic in the empire, he had heard their names several times.

I didn’t expect to meet you here…

“What are you going to do?”

“Ratford. You hide.”

“no way…?”

While Ratford was startled, Lee Han recited an incantation.

“I hide at night.”

With the order, Lee Han’s appearance became transparent. Before even being surprised by the effect of the artifact, Ratford spoke urgently.

“Dangerous! Those guys are no ordinary guys!”

“I know. That’s why you’re careful.”

It was better to prepare in advance than to hide out here and blow away the opportunity to seize it.

Lee Han was always a person who prepared for the worst.

– Curtain of Order!

‘Is the professor blocking it?’

Lee Han was delighted as the huge barrier unfolded and Garcia’s curse destroyed the assailants.

However, the raiders took out some strange-looking artifacts and blew away all the magic around them.

Power enough to blow away Professor Garcia’s magic!


Lee Han was also shocked, but there was one fortunate thing.

It was that Lee Han’s belt held up.

Even in a situation where the surrounding magic collapses and the mana is sucked into one place, the invisibility magic doesn’t work.

Is this the Grace of Freesinga?

‘…No. It’s thanks to my magical power.’

Lee Han was able to read the flow of magic around him.

As much as all nearby magical energy was being sucked into that artifact, Lee Han’s magical energy was being sucked out as well.

The problem was that no matter how much Lee Han’s mana was sucked out, his belt continued to fill up without any gaps.

So, no matter how much mana is sucked in, there is no way the magic can be broken.

A huge battery is right next to it.


Lee Han had no time to think about it any longer.

Enemies started attacking Professor Garcia.


As acknowledged by both the family’s old knight, Allarron, and the elven swordsmanship professor, Ingeldel, Lee Han had a talent for swordsmanship.

It was natural for him to succeed in a surprise attack like this now that he had even become invisible.

“professor. That’s me! Lee Han!”

Lee Han immediately shouted at Professor Garcia.

If I was attacked by an ally because of a pointless misunderstanding, I couldn’t go anywhere to complain.

“Student Lee Han?! Why are you here…?!”

“Long story to tell! professor. Please tell me what I must do!”

Lee Han shouted as he snatched the sword from the fallen opponent.

Professor Garcia came to his senses at the student’s cry.

“I sent a call to the school, so support will come soon. Until then, stay unscathed!”

Puck puck-

The sound of the crossbows fired by the workers roared through the night sky.

At first glance, this side seemed advantageous, but Lee Han could notice that the opponent’s movements were fierce.

‘Everyone is a master of swordsmanship!’

The crossbow was powerful, but it took time to reload after firing one shot.

The assailants were approaching while reading the gap.

“There is a high probability that the workers will not hold out! Professor, can’t you use magic?”

“The magic around me right now is all… wait.”

Professor Garcia was puzzled when he saw Lee Han in a transparent state.

How to do invisibility magic?

“How… alas!”

Professor Garcia realized how Lee Han was maintaining his invisibility magic.

Great horsepower like a bottomless well!

“Student Lee Han. Lend me your magic power!”

Lee Han grabbed Professor Garcia’s outstretched hand. Then, I felt the power shift.

It wasn’t surprising since Professor Voladi had already done it once.

“Petra’s Diamond Spear!”

Professor Garcia chanted his magic at the artifact without hesitation.

I was worried about the adverse effect, so I tried to take my time focusing on defense, but the story was different since the opponent brought an artifact like that of a foul.

I will destroy the artifact at any cost!


Lee Han was horrified to see a huge adamantine spear appearing in the air.

To create and bring such a spear out of empty space!



The attackers also hurriedly deviated from the path, probably aware of its power.

Even though the ancient artifact continued to absorb mana and reduce its power, the adamantine spear that had already been created did not disappear.


With a roar, the diamond spear exploded on top of the ancient artifact. Along with that, the flow of magical energy around him also returned to normal.

“Flesh-biting lightning wolf!”

With a crackling sound, a huge mass of lightning came out of the air and changed into a wolf shape and began to bounce in all directions.

And tore through all the enemies in the radius.


Lee Han shuddered at the sight of the lightning wolf suffocating and burning the enemy.

It was a bloody sight that made me feel respect for the professor.



Lee Han raised his head at the ominous sound he heard earlier.

The half-shattered ancient artifact was working again.

“Kill that wizard…! certainly!”

Dozens of people were knocked out, but the few remaining assailants screamed and charged Professor Garcia.

Lee Han confronted him, wielding the sword he had stolen earlier.


“There is a guy who uses invisibility magic! There is a guy who uses invisibility magic! You damn wizard!”

The anti-magician whose body was pierced by the sword vomited a handful of blood and sprayed it in the direction of Lee Han.

Lee Han felt a chill run down his spine.

‘They’re not usually good at fighting!’

It was so transparent that he reacted so quickly against an invisible enemy without panicking.

It was like fighting Allarron.

In addition, the leader of the raiders who gave the order earlier was approaching. Just by looking at his posture, I could feel that he was a master.

Can you protect Professor Garcia while dealing with all these people?

“I am revealed in the morning.”


With the order, Lee Han’s appearance was revealed.

The enemies glared at Lee Han with startled eyes. I would have thought that the opponent was a young priest in blue.

“I don’t know what kind of guts you have, but I’ll send you to my colleagues like that wizard.”

“Yes or no.”


“I’m going to destroy the artifact!”

Lee Han started to run forward with those words. towards the ancient artifacts.

The assailants were astonished at the appearance of an empty ancient artifact without a guardian.

“No! Stop that guy!!”

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