Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 58

Chapter 058

I couldn’t even remember how many times I tried.

It was a marble that was barely completed.

“…Lee Han?”


“I don’t know much about magic, but isn’t the size too big?”

Yoner asked with a puzzled expression.

Other students were similarly embarrassed. Apparently, the ball of water, which was about the size of a fist at first

, was

now… like a huge boulder.

When I got to that point, I thought, ‘Can I call that a bead?’

Hiss –

A giant water orb that rotates with a bloody sound.

Asan said to his friends as if asking what he was talking about.

“There’s no way Wardanaz can’t control a single spell properly. With a 100% probability, that’s the original magic.”

“That… is it? For a magic used by a first year student… it seems too dangerous.”

When Rowena stuttered, Nilia took her place.

“What do you look at Wodanaz now! Wodanaz can do that much!”


I was grateful for the hearts of my friends, but it could also be a burden at the same time.

Lee Han suddenly became a burden.

‘Did I overdo it?’

There were things he said to young wizards from long ago.

-Don’t touch well-crafted magic.

One magic was already a complete formula and world in itself. There was no way that an inexperienced mage would touch it at will, and it would not look good.

What Lee Han is doing now isn’t a huge transformation, but it was a transformation nonetheless.

‘Is my method wrong?’

It was difficult for Lee Han to maintain rotational force in a situation where the water was strongly compressed in the form of beads.

Lee Han didn’t know this, but this was a magic that even senior students couldn’t deal with unless they learned it professionally.

Magic of high difficulty that requires maintaining the shape of a bead with a certain amount of magic power and even rotating it in it!

Of course, Lee Han didn’t know that.

So Lee Han hit the mana harder.

to maintain rotational force.

When more powerful magic was injected, the water beads began to rotate, but the water beads could not withstand the amount of magic power and their shape was distorted.

So Lee Han said there was a lot of water around him, so he just increased the size of the water beads.

However, as the size of the water beads increased, the rotational force began to decrease again.

…Lee-han put more magic into it.

Originally, one of the two should have happened, whether the wizard collapsed on the way or the water beads exploded.

However, Lee Han’s magical power was too much to collapse, and Lee Han’s concentration was far greater than expected for the water beads to collapse.

As a result, how many tens of minutes passed?

Lee Han finally completed it.

The state of the finished form that the water beads that barely maintained their shape rotate!

…although the size is dozens of times larger than the original!

‘no. It definitely feels controllable.’

Lee Han aimed the water shell… no, the water orb at the golem.

It was difficult because it was a magic that was barely maintained.



Water orbs shot out with a roar. The water orb, which failed to overcome its strength, flew a little differently from the target it had set.


I aimed for the back of the golem and shot it, but the golem’s shoulder was hit.

Lee Han clicked his tongue in regret.

‘Can I complete that again now? I made one, but my head is pounding…’





The students in their seats blinked in disbelief at what had just happened.

A water orb hit the shoulder, and the mud golem literally burst into pieces.

“Ooh… Whoaaaaaaaa!”

“Wardanaz! Wodanaz! Wodanaz!”

“Did you see it!? What did I say!”


Lee Han looked at the remains of the mud golem with a bewildered expression.

Even though it missed, it was this much…

I couldn’t tell whether it was because of the power of the water beads or because the mud golem was weak.

‘Still, Professor Voladi’s teachings were not wrong. I lived thanks to that.’

Of course, Professor Voladi never taught anything like this.

* * *

“Wardanaz. are you okay? I’ll pick you up.”

“no. I don’t.”

“I will carry it.”

When Lee Han, who had returned, staggered from the aftereffects of using magic, his friends rushed at him.

Grabbing Lee Han’s limbs and pulling them, Lee Han had a headache that he hadn’t had before.

“…I can walk on my own.”

“Oh yeah?”

After a short break, I drank the remaining coffee and my mind returned to normal. Lee Han’s own resilience was a bit absurd.

‘Coffee might actually be a magic potion everywhere.’


“Um. The rain has weakened a bit. Nilia. Would it be all right if we left now?”

“Originally… I’d like to wait a bit longer…”

“Everyone, let’s start!”

“Wodhanaz says you can go!”

“…listen to the end, you bastards!”

Nilia was moved by the sight of her friends trying to move before she could finish talking. Lee Han called his friends back to their original seats.

“I’d like to wait a little longer, but I don’t think I should be relieved to see that the mud golem has appeared now. Let’s move now that the rain has weakened. I’ll lead the way, so just follow me. Don’t stop on the way, don’t leak somewhere on the way, I saw something interesting on the way…” ”

Ah. Isn’t that a yummy fruit? looks delicious.”


Lee Han hit the Black Turtle Tower student on the back with his cane.

The student exclaimed in surprise.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry. Mr. Wodanaz!”


In an instant, the atmosphere changed orderly. The Black Turtle Tower students adjusted their clothes and even corrected their posture.

Nilia looked at Lee Han as if she were grateful, but Lee-Han lamented inwardly.

‘shit. I should have ordered someone else.’

Nilia took on the role of a good teacher and Lee Han took on the role of a bad teacher.

Of course, it is an effective composition that is often used at retreats or picnics…

…Lee Han also wanted to play the role of a kind teacher.

‘I’ll just order Nilia.’

Nilia, unaware of Lee Han’s dark intentions, finished the explanation.

“Everyone makes Joe. Make sure no one is missing. If there is a problem, tell me right away. Are you done? Let’s go!”

The students lined up and started.

It was so angular that it was hard to believe that they were magic school students.

* * *


Lee Han floated a lump of light upward to illuminate the surroundings.

It was to help the students following behind.

Not only Lee Han, but the students who could use magic each used magic to help their friends.

Seeing this, Lee Han suddenly had an idea.

‘Can I use flame magic now too?’

In the current situation, the best match might be fire magic.

The rain had weakened, but all the students were shivering from the cold.

‘Professor Garcia stopped him…’

Professor Garcia stopped Lee Han from using flame elemental magic on campus until he became more proficient in his magical abilities.

If he didn’t care, Lee Han himself could have been hurt.

But in these rainy conditions, there seemed little danger.

Rather, I had to worry about whether the fire would light properly in the rain.

In fact, even the students who knew how to use < Flame Creation > magic were unable to successfully perform magic in this rain.

The constant rain, as well as the cold and wet environment, affected the wizard’s spirit.

– Can I light a fire under these circumstances?

The moment such a question came to mind, magic was half a failure.

‘Let’s do it.’

“Burn up!”

Lee Han recalled the image of fire and chanted a spell.

I remembered the movements perfectly because I kept glancing at my friends next to me with envious eyes during Professor Garcia’s lecture.




Nilia, who was walking next to me, pricked up her ears and jumped up.

Lee Han spewed fierce flames forward.

Fortunately, the flames disappeared in an instant, but the shock remained.


“I’m sorry.”

Nilia didn’t scream for fear of frightening the students behind her. It was indeed from the < Shadow Patrol >.

Instead, he expressed surprise with his whole body. The way he waved his hand, widened his eyes, and shook his feet, I could understand what he was trying to say.

“Really sorry. I never thought it would be this much out of control.”

“What did you do?”

Nilia asked in a shocked voice.

“Creates flames.”


Nilia doubted her ears.

Since when did the magic of making small sparks like that?

“It was my first time writing it, so I failed to control it. But it’s okay now. I got the hang of it.”

Lee Han adjusted the size of the fire as if he wasn’t lying. An orb of flame floated in the air.

Nilia’s expression softened as the strong heat warmed her body.

“Burn up!”



“Uh… nothing.”

Nilia thought, ‘Even though it’s a Circle 1 magic, is it okay to use it consecutively like that?’

Just as Lee Han respected Nylia’s ability as a hunter, Nylia also had to respect Lee Han’s ability as a mage.

wouldn’t that be a friend

“ah. But can I have several of these?”


Nilia glared at Lee Han.

Anyway, the fire and light made the students go faster.

The chunks of flame that Lee Han summoned warmly melted the frozen hands and feet of the students.

‘Professor Ingeldell isn’t here either.’

Arriving at the location where Professor Ingeldell was earlier, Lee Han looked around.

Professor Ingeldell was nowhere to be seen, but Lee Han was not disappointed. I was certain of it from the beginning.

‘As expected, it’s the professor’s trap.’



The bone pet suddenly shuddered in fear and hid behind Lee Han.

It was as if Professor Ingeldell was afraid of the missing place.


Lee Han focused his mind.

At the place where Professor Ingeldell had disappeared, I felt a familiar magical energy.

Where did you see it?



All the students looked away in amazement.

From the other side of them came a mud golem running wildly.

* * *

Lee Han had a leader named Lee Han, but the Phoenix Tower and White Tiger Tower students had no such leader.

Similarly, when the mud golem appeared, the students each gave their opinions.

-Throw the potion and knock him down.

-Let’s jump in and attack him. If you attract attention from all sides, you have a chance to win.

– What about using magic to attack?

– Let’s just do it all.

-Is that a good idea?

What if you just do all of them without refining dozens of opinions into one on some project?

Of course it messed up.

– Throw it! The potion works! After all, it’s a potion made by Bartrek!

-Isn’t that the potion made by Priest Siana?

-Oh yeah? I was mistaken.

– Everyone scatter and stab him! Stop them from coming together again!

For a messy run, the students fought pretty well.

Improvised potions were thrown to weaken the mud golem’s body, and the White Tiger Tower students swung their spears and swords to cut off the mud golem’s body. It was the combat power worthy of a knight’s family.

But it was just there.

When the mud golem was not defeated until the effect of the potion ended, the students immediately began to be pushed back.

-…Retreat! retreat! If you continue like this, everything will be destroyed!

-run! Run if you want to live!

Realizing that their weapons were no longer working, the students started screaming and running away.

Of course, in the direction where Lee Han and the others are!

Lee Han muttered to the chaos that came running from afar.

“Because they seem like useless people in a life like that…”

Nilia decided to pretend she didn’t hear. For the sake of Lee Han’s image.

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