Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 68

Chapter 068

Right at the moment when the headmaster of the skull was dumbfounded, Lee Han and his friends at the Blue Dragon Tower were running down the stairs.

‘Magical power gathers again!’

Lee Han could feel it.

The momentarily scattered magical powers of the tower quickly took shape and gathered again.

Although they were instantly scattered by the unexpected shock, the magic of the magic school was indeed powerful.

He was prepared to recover in this situation.

And if all of this is restored again…

‘The plan could be twisted.’

Lee Han did not know how many spells were currently in the tower and what their effects were.

However, it was possible to predict that if the magic reappeared, bad results would come to the intruders, Lee Han and his party.



“Guinan Island! Guinan Island!!”

In the process of gathering mana, it seemed that one magic was completed in an instant. As if flickering, magic was activated.

Unluckily enchanted, Guinando flew as if being dragged all the way back the stairs.

It was as if someone had hooked an invisible hook on Gainando’s collar and pulled it.


Kainando was thrown out of the front gate of the White Tiger Tower and rolled around.

The magic to expel intruders was evident.

“Hurry! If the other magic is also completed, the work becomes troublesome!”


The Blue Dragon Tower students nodded.

It was almost embarrassing, but they had a stronger leader than anyone else.

The students, who were about to be taken aback by Lee Han’s cold command with a chiseled face, regained their composure and chased after him.


The door to the break room opened.

Lee Han and Ratford found what looked like flags or flags that would make money quickly.

“This… what is this?!”

Durgyu, who came down from his private room at the faint commotion, blinked in embarrassment.

The Blue Dragon Tower students who couldn’t be here in the first place were rushing into the first grade break room.

Durgyu recognized the face of a familiar friend and asked in a hushed voice.

“Leehan! How did this happen…”



“Behind there!”


Durgyu inadvertently looked back. Lee Han threw the bead and slashed the careless Durgyu’s chin.

The poor orc fell asleep again for trusting Yihan.

“…haha! This white tiger top guy! Pay the military price for being arrogant with Wardanaj!”

As one of the Blue Dragon Tower students cheered, Yoner looked at Lee Han with confused eyes.

It was the expression of ‘Is it okay to be like this, really?’.

Lee Han shook his head and said,

“This is good for Durgyu too.”

The reason Lee Han didn’t tell Durgyu about the raid plan was simple.

After all, Durgyu was a student at the White Tiger Tower.

It wasn’t because I was afraid of betrayal.

It was because he was worried that Durgyu, who was already being looked down upon in the White Tiger Tower, would be ostracized if he involved in this plan.

Yoner knew that, so he agreed, but…

‘Even considering that, I think I hit him in the jaw too hard!’

“Seeing him collapsed like this, the other White Tiger Tower students won’t misunderstand. Durgyu doesn’t have to be alone in the tower like Nilia.”

“huh. … But did I have to compare it to Nilia…?”

“I found it!”

Like a pro thief, Ratford quickly found the flag.

The problem was that there wasn’t just one flag.

“Here too!”

“I’m here too…?!”

The flags that the White Tiger Tower students practiced and failed to make fakes appeared here and there.

The pattern was clumsy, but it was difficult to distinguish because it was dark.

Lee Han came to a simple conclusion.

“Take everything.”


I see!

You can take it all!

The Blue Dragon Tower students picked up flags wherever they saw them.

“…What’s going on?”

The second White Tiger Tower student appeared.

It was Rowena, the dark-haired elf who knew Lee Han’s face.

Rowena was frightened when her eyes met the princess, who was holding the flag and putting it into her bosom with an expressionless face.

“Really, what is going on?!”

“Be quiet and do not move! If you move, I won’t leave the princess alone!”


The eyes of the princess, who came to help and suddenly became a hostage, shook slightly.

Rowena was startled and raised her arms.

“No! I will stay still!”

“okay! Stay still!”

Lee Han tied Rowena’s feet with just one word.

Ratford exclaimed urgently.

“I checked everything! There are no more!”

“good. Bounce!”


As the formless magic gained power, signs began to show.

Two students from the Blue Dragon Tower were thrown out like Gainando earlier.

“Those who escaped, go to the Blue Dragon Tower! Ratford. Run!”


“The blue dragon tower bastards have invaded the break room!!!!”

As the commotion continued, the students of the White Tiger Tower gradually began to wake up.

The White Tiger Tower students, who came down to the break room to check, witnessed a thunderstorm-like situation and woke up their friends.

“Rowenna! Why are you still?!”

“If those people move, I won’t leave the princess alone…”

“What are you talking about! They belong to the same tower and came together!”


“Chase!! Never let go!!”

* * *

Some by force, some by their own feet.

Lee Han and his friends managed to get out of the White Tiger Tower.

Lee Han, who narrowly escaped at the end, was thrilled with the feeling of the tower’s anti-intruder magic passing through the back of his head.

“Ugh… ugh.”

The enchanted students stumbled and fell, losing their balance, as if suffering from severe motion sickness. Kainando couldn’t stand up and was swimming on the bottom.

“Pick up your fallen friends and run! The White Tiger Tower guys are coming!”

“Oh… okay!”

Lee Han lifted the Gainando on his shoulder. Gainando screamed.

“coachman! Gentle!! Drive it gently!!”

“It’s not a carriage, Cainando! Wake!”


“Hey you bastard thieves!!!”

A torch was lit from behind, and the shouts of the White Tiger Tower students erupted.

It was absurd that they were suddenly attacked at night, but even the flag was gone.

Asan, the Tower of the Blue Dragon, shouted without losing.

“That’s what we’re going to do! You cowardly scammers! Make a fake flag! You guys are 100% scammers!”

“At least run when you needless provocation, Asan!”

Lee Han was faster than the other students even when he ran with the Kainan sword. However, Lee Han stopped walking.

Apparently, the students of the White Tiger Tower were faster than expected.

‘If I keep going like this, I’ll get a few people caught!’

Ratford gasped.

“Are you planning to use the prince as bait?”


Lee Han was momentarily taken aback.

It really wasn’t.

“Wodanaz you bastard! It’s okay to blackmail Rowena by taking the princess hostage in a mean and despicable way! But Durgyu believed in your honor! You fainted such a Durgyu?!”

Angrago, a goat-beast tribe, shouted in a voice of resentment.

Lee Han replied coldly, thinking that it was all right.

“Durgyu? He was just an easy chess piece. Being tricked is stupid.”

“…Wodhanaz you bastard!!!”

Anrago exploded and charged. However, Anrago alone was not Lee Han’s opponent.

Aside from swordsmanship, Lee Han had already been severely trained by Professor Voladi.

Lee Han immediately summoned a water orb.

“Spring up!”

A bead of compressed water appeared. Lee Han cast the next spell without a moment’s rest.


The Anrago, which had been rushing at it with a dull popping sound, rolled over as it did. The heavy water beads had enough power to take away the strength of their limbs.

Angrago, who fell down, looked up at Lee Han, gnashing his teeth with an expression of resentment.

The shadows were clearly visible on Lee Han’s face from the torches that swept over the tower behind him. His already cold sculpture-like face felt even colder because of that.

When he thought of Durgyu, who had fallen asleep in the common room, Angrago’s heart burned even more with anger and sadness.

“Keugh…! Wodanaz! It’s like a monster that only knows this magic…!!”


The students of the White Tiger Tower, who came running late, raised the fallen Angrago and cried bitterly.

Seeing my fallen friend made my heart ache like seeing a righteous knight beaten by an evil black magician.

“Kwu… cuw cuugh! You’ll never beat Wardanaj… ugh.”

“Don’t provoke, stay still.”

When Gainando, who came to his senses, tried to provoke from the top of his shoulder, Lee Han slapped him on the mouth. Gainando shut his mouth again.

“I did this for a lecture assignment, so let’s not have unnecessary grudges with each other.”

“Are you talking about that!”

‘Well, even if I think about it, it’s a bit shameless.’

Lee Han also thought so.

If I say to the students of the White Tiger Tower who have already been slapped on the cheek, ‘The cause of all this is the skeleton principal who divided the tower into four and poisoned the students with this kind of lecture and environment. Let’s not fight each other’.

You’ll probably get an answer like ‘I’ll think about it after defeating you’.

Lee Han sighed. In the end, there was no answer other than skill exercise.

Of course, to the students of the White Tiger Tower, Lee Han’s sigh felt like a mockery belittling them, perhaps because of the darkness.

“This… Hey…!”

“Don’t chase me. Because I can use the same magic as I just did. You wouldn’t know if it was daylight, but it would be hard to avoid it in the dark like now.”

Lee Han planned to run away before more students from the White Tiger Tower descended.

Even if you manage to intimidate five or six people, you don’t know what kind of reaction will come out if there are more.

“…I do not care! friends! Avenge Durgyu’s enemies! The enemy of Durgyu who was only used by Wodanaj!”

Angrago cried out bitterly. Lee Han slightly regretted not knocking out Anrago.

The eyes of the White Tiger Tower students suddenly changed.


I could feel the firm will in his eyes that he would avenge Durgyu’s enemies, whether or not he was struck down.

Indeed, they weren’t from a knight’s family for nothing. When this happened, he chose his friend’s ego over his own limb.

Kainando whispered in a tired voice.

“…Isn’t this ruined?”

Instead of answering, Lee Han slapped Gainando on the mouth once more.

‘Check the left with a water bead, and swing the sword to block the one coming from the right… Take away the sight once, then turn around and run away…’ It was an unexpected

situation, but Lee Han quickly calculated the situation.

But the calculations are meaningless.

Gainando, who was on his shoulder, screamed as he pointed his finger at the back of the White Tiger Tower students.

“…behind!! behind!!”

“How stupid are you looking at us, Wardanaz!? Do you think you will be deceived if you ask the prince?!”

“Look behind you!!!”

“Never be fooled… Aaaaaaagh!”


A huge vine flew in, wrapped around the White Tiger Tower student, and lifted him into the air.

Seeing an unrealistically gigantic vine monster appearing through the darkness, Lee Han instantly thought that he had touched the defense magic of the White Tiger Tower and that a summoned beast had appeared.

But fortunately it wasn’t.

– A pet escaped from the greenhouse! A minion has escaped from the greenhouse!

– They’re going to the freshmen! …I don’t know! This bastard has to go to the punishment room!

-Shut up and can’t fix it!?

A familiar voice was faintly heard from afar.

It was a warm conversation that only the disciples of the professor who failed the experiment could share.


Professor Garcia appeared out of thin air and landed softly.

The professor swung his cane once to make the creeper go backwards, then looked at Lee Han and said.

“To think that the summoned beasts escape like this again. This week is going to be a really tough week for freshmen. Lee Han student.”

“…for a moment. Did you say ‘again’ and ‘s’?”

The summoned ‘those’ escaped ‘again’ like this?

“Why is student Lee Han here?”

“professor! That vine monster took a friend! Please save me!”

“Oh, I see. Wait.”

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