Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

However, for a trap, the posture of the bony hand was too polite.

As Lee Han took a step closer, his bony hands trembled and rolled onto his back.

As if trying to prove that there is no hostility.


The moment Lee Han was about to fall into confusion, Professor Mortum opened his mouth.

“Coke. It’s easy to be fooled by the beautiful and majestic appearance of summoning the undead, but actually summoning the undead is never easy.”

It was easy for wizards who design inanimate objects to learn summoning magic to fall into this kind of trouble.

-Do I really need to summon an inanimate object? Can’t we just summon a guy with an ego??

Even if I summoned a magic sword right away, I had to figure out in advance what properties the sword had and how to make it move autonomously.

As the level increased, it required autonomy at the level of artificial intelligence, so I could imagine how painful it would be for wizards studying summoning magic.

Why do we have to weave each one?

Can’t we just summon a guy with an ego from the beginning??

Of course, the downside of summoning a guy with an ego was clear, so it was designed that way.

Having an ego means that there is a possibility of not listening to the summoner.

And undead monsters were generally ‘a little’ more obedient than other monsters.

From the beginning, their properties were opposite to each other.

Most of the summoners were alive and all the undead were dead.

Even if you tried to be friendly, it was natural that it was difficult to become friends.

So the black magicians used various methods to become friendly with the undead.

Living in a tomb, applying rotten substances to the body, making various kinds of bones or flesh into necklaces and wearing them…

These things weren’t because warlocks were perverts.

It was a tearful effort to cover the vitality of the living and get closer to the undead.



The faces of the students listening to the story turned as pale as the undead, but Professor Mortum didn’t notice.

“Coke. So, first of all, let’s get close to each other without covering the bony hands and various means and methods. If you become friendly with the Bone Hand, you will be able to become friendly with other undead monsters someday.”

When you get along with undead monsters intimately, that energy is bound to be stained in your soul.

If you hang out with the lowest level undead monsters like the Bone Hand, you will be able to deal with more powerful undead monsters someday.



Lee Han, who had been quietly waiting for Professor Mortum to finish his words, raised his hand and called for the professor.

“Are there any undead that are a bit timid?”


Undead monsters were mostly fearless.

It was natural because he wasn’t alive.

Professor Mortum snorted as if asking what he was talking about…

…but was surprised to see the hand of an undead monster trembling in front of Lee Han.


Professor Mortum looked at the bony hand he had summoned and cast a bewildered look.

I told you to deal with students, what are you doing?

The bony hand bowed its head in front of Professor Mortum in disdain.

‘Can’t I get to you sooner?’

Despite Professor Mortum’s orders, his bony hands trembled and he did not want to approach Lee Han.

Professor Mortum wondered if there was something wrong with the reagent he used.

slam! slam!

The other bony hand excitedly cupped the cheek of the approaching Gainando. Everyone was fine.

‘Did you feel the closeness of the bone hand because you went with the bone summoner? No… then there’s no reason to be afraid.’

Only one conclusion remains.

Professor Mortum was shocked inside.

no way…?

“Coke. Summon it yourself.”

“Is that okay?”

“okay. The reason why black magic is better than summoning magic is that it gives you a practical experience like this. Summoning magic will only take you a year to study.”


Professor Mortum threw a piece of bone needed for magic and carved a magic circle on the floor.

Lee Han raised his cane and concentrated. Professor Mortum was like that, so I couldn’t help but worry.

‘I think you’re pulling the curriculum too much to show that black magic is better…’

Fortunately, Lee Han seemed to be able to subdue him even if he attacked with a bony hand.

Lee Han memorized the order.

“Appear, bony hand!”

As he threw the bone fragments and swung his staff, the bone fragments that swallowed magic began to change into bony hands along with eerie smoke.

These were not the bony hands that Professor Mortum summoned earlier was controlling with iron-clad control.

It was a new bone hand summoned by Lee Han himself.

Summoning magic spells controlled the undead monsters like a chain around the neck of an animal, but an inexperienced rookie wizard couldn’t handle the chain well.

Professor Mortum watched the bony hand.

If the bony hand overcomes the chain and attacks Lee Han, I was thinking of reverse-summoning it first.

Rolling around-



The new bone hand summoned by Lee Han showed obedience more fiercely than the bone hand summoned by Professor Mortum.

The bone summoner hanging from Lee Han’s belt shook his body in jealousy.

* * *

“You have too much magic.”

The true Professor Mortum explained calmly.

Come to think of it, there was already a sign from the time of the curse.

I didn’t know that there would be so many undead monsters that they were frightened and succumbed like that… but

Lee Han asked seriously, like a patient sentenced to an incurable disease.

“okay. professor. Is there any way to fix it?”

“Coke. why fix that? A gifted talent?”


Lee Han was taken aback.

That’s right…

It’s hard to use magic, and the spirits are running away, right?

“Coke. If you have that kind of talent, you don’t even need to be friends with undead monsters. It’s okay if you suppress it by force. What a great talent.”

Warlocks rolling around in their tombs weren’t something they liked.

It was because he had to become friendly with undead monsters somehow.

But what if you don’t have to?

From Professor Mortum’s point of view, subduing the undead monster was a much higher level of control than getting close to the undead monster.

That’s because it’s hard.

“But Professor. Undead monsters can be summoned and subjugated, but spirits can’t do that.”

He wouldn’t respond to the call itself until he became friendly with the spirit, but even if he had the ability to scare him, it was useless.

Professor Mortum kindly answered Lee Han’s question.

“Coke. There is a good way.”

“What is it?”

“You just have to give up summoning the spirits.”


Lee Han thanked the table.

His hands were under the table, so even when he clenched his fists, he was not noticed.

But Professor Mortum was serious.

“Coke. Why are you trying to graze with such fine teeth and claws. Dark magic is what suits you best. I don’t normally say things like this, but… you have a genius talent for black magic.”

“ah. okay.”


This time, Professor Mortum was taken aback by Lee Han’s calm reaction.

It’s a valuable compliment that doesn’t really do well, but the student was too calm.

The reaction was different from what I thought, perhaps because I was from the Wardanaj family.

‘It’s past the time to be fooled by the professors’ praise.’

Originally, professors often praised when necessary. In the case of unpopular fields, I had to be especially careful.

It is possible to be misled by praise and twist your life.

Lee Han turned the topic.

“But Professor. It is difficult to cast magic because of the amount of magic power.”

“It will be fine once you get used to it. Coke. I’ll help you practice.”

‘shit. Professors aren’t really helpful.’

To think that they are only trying to take care of their own greed with students.

Professors can do this…

…Coming to think of it, professors were originally like that.

“Gee… thank you so much.”

Having finished managing his expression, Lee Han nodded.

Of course, it wasn’t that he had decided on a career path with black magic, but he had to prepare for the future when all other magic failed and only black magic remained.

If you think about that time, there was nothing good because it looked bad to Professor Mortum.

The professor and student had different thoughts and smiled heartily at each other.

“This child. I will destroy you!”

Gainando, whose cheeks were swollen, grabbed his cane and struck at his bony hand.

Raphael also pulled out a wooden sword and was hitting his bony hand.

The only one who was intact was Ymirg.

I was at a loss not knowing what to do after grabbing the bony hand that was attacking and pressing it down.

Professor Mortum opened his mouth, probably feeling Lee Han’s bewilderment.

“Coke. Just because you have the talent of a warlock doesn’t necessarily mean you can quickly become friends with the undead. That’s a bad way. A typical mistake young warlocks make.”

“But won’t the undead monsters respect the summoner a little bit if you beat them like that?”

Professor Mortum looked at Lee Han like a madman.

Lee Han was just embarrassed.

‘They say surrender is a good way…’

* * *

When the extra class was over, Gainando grumbled as he applied the ointment he had received from Professor Mortum to his cheek.

“It’s like undead monsters who don’t even know nobility… Lee Han.”


“Let’s go listen to the summoning magic. If it’s not the undead monsters, it’ll be fine.”


Is that so?

‘Except for spirits, demons are more ferocious than undead monsters, and monsters are basically wild.’

While Lee Han was thinking, Raphael shouted with a swollen face.

“The son of an evil warlock. Let’s see. Because I will be watching you.”

“Grall. There seems to be a misunderstanding between us. Do I really have to fight as a friend in the same black magic class?”

“Bastard! You slapped me on the cheek earlier!”

“That was a mistake.”

While the other friends tried to make friends with the undead monsters, Lee Han followed Professor Mortum’s instructions to see what kind of commands he could give to the undead monsters.

When he succeeded in even the difficult order to destroy himself, Professor Mortum was so impressed that he clapped.

But there were also mistakes.

On the way, due to a mistake in the command, the bone hand summoned by Lee Han slapped the cheek of Raphael, who grumbled that he was an ‘evil warlock child’.

It was an unfortunate mistake.

“Grall. Why do you believe me…”

“Lee Han. It’s already gone.”


Gainando looked at Lee Han with fearful eyes.

…Is this why the undead follow them well?!

“Ymirg. See you next class.”

“Yes. Han Lee. Not outside…”

Lee Han was slightly hurt, but did not show it.

* * *

Youngjae Hall.

Yeongje Hall, a workshop and tower used by Professor Millay, had a completely different atmosphere from Heukam Hall.

‘It’s like a library.’

Actually, the magic school’s library reminded me more of a disorganized warehouse of a closed company than a library, but the Yeongje Hall was more like a library than a library.

The road to the pagoda was well-maintained with bricks, and there was even a pond and trails nearby for walking.

‘There was a pond in the Dark Hall, too.’

Although it was a purple pond with poison bubbles rising…

Kainando stood in front of the Young Emperor’s door and knocked cautiously. Then he looked at Lee Han and asked.

“for a moment. What should I say?”

“just the way it is.”

“You said you were late because you were slapped by an undead…?”

“…just let me talk. Professor Millay! Sorry for arriving late. Another professor made an appointment…

” There is no need to apologize.”

Professor Millay answered and opened the tower door.

Professor Millay, who walked out to the first floor to greet the late-arriving freshmen, raised his eyebrows when he saw Lee Han.

It was as if he was surprised that Lee Han had come.


Lee Han suddenly felt ominous.

Could it be that Professor Mortum didn’t say to the other professors something like, ‘He’s going to be my student, so everyone stop paying attention’?

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