Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 842

Episode 842

Professor Garcia slightly regretted his words because he thought he had spoken too coldly.

“I’m sorry, Student Lee Han. I got angry for no reason.”

‘hmm. ‘You don’t apologize to Professor Verdus.’

Lee Han thought to himself.

Professor Garcia may have apologized for speaking bluntly to Lee Han just now, but he never apologized for entrusting the work to Professor Verdus.

And Lee Han actually agreed with that.

‘That’s right. There is no reason to apologize.’

Feeling sorry here was something only a freshman at Einrogard would do.

As a professional Einrogard student or professor, he never apologized.

Even if the two of them hadn’t been entrusted with the work, Professor Verdus would have found another excuse to put it off.

“But can I do this?”

“Something else… What do you mean, Professor?”

When Professor Verdus spoke, Professor Garcia looked down on his irritation and held back.

Isn’t there a disciple listening next to you?

“I think this is what Yukbeltire wanted to do.”

Originally, the interesting thing was that Professor Verdus wanted to do something regardless of whether the topic was of interest to his students or not, but there were a few exceptions.

One of them was when an angry Professor Garcia was in front of him.

If we later find out that making this wand was actually a subject that Professor Verdus’s student wanted to pursue…

then not just the collarbone but the bones of the entire body could have been shattered.

Professor Garcia’s strength awakened the general knowledge that was dormant in Professor Verdus.

“I told you not to mess around, right?”

However, Professor Verdus’ sincerity did not resonate.

Professor Verdus screamed at the sound coming from his shoulder.

“It’s not a dog remodel!”

“What does the student at Jukveltire want to do? The professor doesn’t know what the student wants to do.”

“Yes, but this is what Yukveltyre really wanted to do… Argh! Argh!”

“Let’s work on it. Work on it. Don’t worry about passing it on to the students of Jukveltire.”

Professor Verdus, yielding to the force, kept his mouth shut.

In the first place, I didn’t bring it up because I wanted to pass it on to my student, but because I was worried that Professor Garcia would get in trouble later, I had no intention of talking about it again.

‘I made it clear. ‘It’s not my fault.’

“Then shall we begin?”

” yes.”

“Can you please take your hand off my shoulder?”



Professor Verdus began with a sympathetic, saggy back.

Fortunately, Lee Han and Professor Garcia were not shaken at all.

* * *

“Professor, your skills are amazing.”

Whatever it was, Lee Han couldn’t help but be impressed.

Special metals that absorb magical power, like black magnets, were quite difficult to smelt or process. It was natural that even blacksmiths who did not use magic used magic tools.

However, despite the unfavorable conditions, Professor Verdus was processing the black magnet into shape.

‘Of course, it may have been because Professor Garcia put his hand on my shoulder, but even taking that into account, it’s true that it’s great.’


Professor Verdus took out a necklace with a small glass cube hanging from it and blew on it. Flames flickered inside the glass cube.

‘Small world!’

Lee Han was surprised and wondered if the enchantment inside the necklace was indeed small world magic.

I may have misjudged it, but it felt so powerful.

The flame inside the glass cube escaped through the wind outside and circled around like a black magnet.

If the flame was mixed with magical power, it should have died out in an instant, but the flame actually blocked the properties of the black magnet and turned the ore soft.

‘It is difficult to change and refine reality itself like that unless you are in a small world.’

“Professor Verdus is an excellent craftsman.”

Professor Garcia also nodded in agreement.

The flame of Magnum Opus, the small world magic currently being used by Professor Verdus, was able to melt and burn all kinds of rare and unusual materials.

There are only a handful of wizards in the empire who store and carry around small worlds specialized in such production in the form of enchantment.


Professor Verdus held the heated black magnet in his hand and refined its shape.

The second way to smelt a metal that absorbs magical power was to just use it as a reference.

Each time magic power is absorbed, continue to cast magic and endure with strength!

Still, Professor Verdus turned his head slightly, as if it was still a bit difficult. Lee Han, who made eye contact, was puzzled.

“How can I help you?”

“Yes! …Argh! Argh!”

“Turn your head forward again, Professor.”

Professor Garcia forcefully cut off the conversation before he could speak.

Lee Han asked a question because he still did not understand what was going on.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Student Lee Han. Professor Verdus was trying to borrow Lee Han’s magic power. I ignore him.


If there was a student with infinite magic power, he could have had him do this work instead of constantly recovering with artifacts and potions.

Lee Han finally understood. Then he called Professor Verdus

. “Professor.”


“Cheer up.”


Professor Verdus pouted and went back to work.

The third method of smelting a metal that absorbs magical power.

Above . Yiyiing –

A magical device connected to a giant forging hammer has been revealed.

In ancient times, to forge metal, a craftsman had to manually enchant the hammer and control it to hit the ground.

However, these days, imperial craftsmen use such primitive methods. I did not use it. I could use a huge blacksmith magic equipment with magic gears and devices built into it, but there was no need to cast magic individually. Just


the rope, and the steam from the magic combustion would be released, and the hammer would automatically hit the metal. “Wouldn’t magic be absorbed because of the black magnet?”

It was modified for that purpose. look. Student Lee Han.”

Professor Garcia pointed upward.

The role of magic was to amplify the mass of the giant hammer and make it float above the ceiling.

The moment it is dropped from there, even if the magic disappears due to the black magnet, the power remains the same.

‘Aha. ‘

Lee Han was impressed differently from before.

Using small-world magic or simply using it while considering magical power absorption was a great enough method, but this method was admirable because it caught the thinking off guard.

‘I should have thought of it before I heard it, but I’ve been relying too much on magic recently. Did you do it?’

“I reflected. Professor Garcia. “I’ve been taught since I entered school that I shouldn’t rely too much on magic, but I can’t think of a way to do this.”

“You’re too strict. Student Lee Han. Rather, it is great to reflect like this. It’s not easy for a wizard to forget magic.”

“Haha. Well, that’s true too.”

Lee Han and Professor Garcia chatted happily.

Meanwhile, Professor Verdus, who was working profusely with sweat, gasped and turned his head.

“Can’t we take a break?”

“No. Finish and rest.”


‘You’re really so cool.’

Lee Han once again gave me the warmest look of respect this year.

I want to become a wizard like that!

* * *


Lee Han looked at the completed wand and walked away.

Normally, he would leisurely test the wand for a few days, tame it, and check it out. I wanted to, but Einrogard’s tight schedule (especially in Lee Han’s case) didn’t allow that.

-Gas, gasp, I’ve finished everything. Please help me. -Are

you sure you’ve finished everything? If you left something out because you were lazy, the professor’s bones would also fall out. .

-I don’t do that with the work I made with interest! It doesn’t have any flaws!

-Even the work I made without interest has to be flawless… That’s fine. Please tell me any precautions.

-Like a powerful new wand, it takes some getting used to. It takes. It can be as short as a few days or as long as several months. This

will be especially true because the materials are both so strong and unique. You have to try various things.

‘The tree spirit powers are 〈Power of Recovery〉, 〈Power of Life〉 and 〈Complete Lecture’. Was it 〈Power〉? It must have increased even more since King Tujeonseungmok woke up.

It would be nice if I could also use 〈Power of Cutting Tree〉.’

Even though Lee Han was attending all the school’s lectures, it did not mean that he was learning all magic equally.

Among the elemental magics, there were some types of magic that were relatively less commonly used, such as the earth and tree elements.

In that respect, King Gwangmok’s branch was definitely the best. This was useful. Lee Han would have an advantage when using wood elemental or earth elemental magic without having to invest additional time


‘The two elements are quite closely related, so they affect each other. The problem is…’

Professor Verdus said . The time it takes to get used to the wand.

It may be because it is the basic wand supplied to new students at Einroguard, but since it is made of such a strong material, there is bound to be some trial and

error. Even if you try to summon a wooden wall in front of you and accidentally end up trapped in a wooden coffin. How difficult would it be to do this?

‘…I guess I’ll have to practice a few things.’

When Lee Han looked at the branches of King Gwangmok’s tree, he looked at the black magnet.

This ore, which gave off a subtle glow of black and purple, was holding one axis of the staff in a strange shape.

At first, it was used to control King Gwangmok’s branches. It was a selected material, but since this material is not an ordinary ore, it will definitely have an effect.


A familiar lump of water appeared along with the spell.

‘It’s faster. The magic is also stronger.’

While trying to control the water blob, Lee Han accidentally focused his attention on the black magnet part of the staff.

Immediately, the water blob scattered into the air.

‘Manipulation became more difficult… but not impossible.’

Any other student would have groaned, but Lee Han had gone through too many hardships for him to suffer in this way now. As we

entered the ‘Poison, Bone, and Blood’ classroom, Direth, who was sitting reading the ‘Monthly Black Magic Trends’ magazine, raised his hand in welcome. .

“I’m here. Junior?”

“Hello. Senior Diret.” Lee

Han bowed his head and found several black magic reagents located in front of the classroom.

〈Bone of a large monster〉-Skeleton golem

〈Shrinked toad skin〉-Demon toad

〈Chiyeonawwi’s soul fragment〉-Chiyeonakwi

Like a clever junior, Lee Han figured out the intention of the reagents prepared by Direth.

“Are they for strengthening the undead?”

“That’s right.”

Direth smiled faintly.

It was worth it after working hard to prepare them.

Whether using ancient orthodox black magic or current imperial black magic, there was no warlock who didn’t like strengthening and evolving the undead he commanded. Just as a

good fighting club player takes care of his mounts and raises them from infancy, warlocks also raise their undead summons. How to strengthen it by adding that.

‘Is this a written test? I’ll have to work hard.’

Lee Han glanced at the reagents with a cautious expression.

Currently, the skeleton warriors under Lee Han were strengthening them by adding the dark element or strengthening them by adding the blood element.

Both methods were rare and powerful, but it was difficult to escape the limitations of being a skeleton warrior.

New Maybe it was time to find some undead and learn how to make

a ‘skeleton golem… hmm. It has some similarities to the Skeleton Warrior, but this is my first time summoning a medium-sized or larger summon like that, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it well.

Was the demon toad summoned last time by Senior Direth when he kidnapped the Duke? It’s not bad, but I don’t know if I have the skills to build muscles. Pfft. If you choose something easy, Delet will give you a low score, right?

‘Hehe. I like it. I like it.’

Delet was happy to see his junior thinking carefully.

A lot of things have happened recently and there will be a paper exam this week, so I prepared to give him some rest, and it seems to have worked well.

I never thought I would like it so much!

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