Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 853

Episode 853

“To whom?”

“To the Baldrogard student.”


Gainando nodded and explained to his friends.

“You must be writing a threat.”

“…no it’s not.”

However, the friends had already accepted Gainando’s hypothesis as persuasive.

“Gainando. Don’t be stupid. If someone asks later, you should say it’s a letter.”

“That’s right. Everyone keep in mind. That’s a letter.”


Lee Han covered his ears and quickly wrote a reply.

I received your letter well. thank you for the invitation. The weather is nice in Einrogard… (omitted)… The students are happy… (omitted)…

I’m glad that telekinesis magic became fun the other day. Then, I would like to recommend the following books… (omitted)… Don’t just pass on these books after receiving them, but

be sure to read them. I’ll check it out next time we meet.

Joner, who was sitting next to me, thought to himself.

‘Does Gainando have a younger brother?’

I don’t think there would be any reason for Ihan to send a letter like that, unless Yoner and Gainan are his younger brothers who don’t know about their existence…

* * *

“Thank you for your welcome!”

“Wow! Please come back again!”

“Hahaha! Of course!”

As the stormy week ended and the weekend arrived, the guests who had visited began to leave one by one.

Guests who visited with honor, stayed with honor, and left after giving honorable gifts, such as people like Goladec, the master of the capital’s bakery guild, were satisfied as they were sent off by the students.

But not all guests did so.

While looking around to see if there was anything they could salvage from the school, customers who got into trouble, whether on purpose or by accident, started swearing.

“This damn magic school! I will send a letter to the emperor and have it closed!”

“Wow! Thank you!”

“Do you think I’m bluffing!? I’m sure I am!”

“We are really grateful too!

” Customers! Please send me a real letter!”

The aristocratic guest, who was angry while holding a torn purple leather coat in his hand, was taken aback by the students’ reaction.

How could he be so calm about such a threat?

“Damn it. Let’s wait and see! How many nobles in the capital city do I know?”

– Sorry, sir. It is forbidden to make comments or comments related to the magic school.

“What? What kind of crazy bullshit is that!”

-You signed it before your visit…

The Death Knights took out the contract as if they were troubled.

There were obviously some additional phrases that were not visible when signing, but the angry noble guest did not notice.

“This. … When did this happen… Do you think I’ll stay quiet because of something like this!?”

-Guest. I’m banned by magic, so I can’t say anything anyway..

“…It’s like this crazy magic school! Be cursed! I will never come back!”

Lee Han-do, who had finished packing up his backpack, was gathered in the village on the 7th floor with his friends to watch the customers leaving. At

the tea house 〈Hot and Cold Water〉, you can drink white leaf tea at a low price, so 2nd grade students these days. It was a very popular place.

The friends who put down their glasses on the table tsked and criticized the customers.

“You’re making such a fuss after only staying for a few days.”

“That’s right. Why is it such a big deal that my coat is torn? There are many students who live without a coat. ”

Honestly, if you adapt to Einroguard, it’s not that difficult.”

‘Are these really the same friends who whined so much last year?’

Lee Han thought to himself.

Of course, I didn’t want my friends to suffer, but I felt a little disgusted when I thought about the first-year juniors who pawned their wands because they didn’t have enough food…

“Oh, he’s a magic criminal!”


Lee Han turned his head in surprise.

There are guests outside and a magical criminal shows up?

‘What kind of crazy person is this? Is it Antagondals by any chance?’

No matter how much I thought about it, Antagondals was the only magic criminal in this situation who would show his face to Einroguard and say, ‘Please kill me.’

Maybe he ran away after being tormented and tormented by his crazy clone, or maybe he came after receiving orders from his crazy clone…

“They’re students from Baldrogard…”

Lee Han was dumbfounded.

But my friends were confident.

“Something like a semi-magical criminal.”

“that’s right.”

-Quickly get out! Don’t come again!

-You guys will see this as a tourist attraction! They’re going to go back and say something like, ‘Einrogard students just eat cake if they don’t have bread, but that’s weird!’

The seniors also booed fiercely.

The Death Knights gave a stern warning to that appearance.

-Everyone be quiet!

-Quickly get out! Get out of here quickly…

The tactless third-year student was immediately caught by the Death Knight and dragged out for saying one more word.

-To the punishment room!

-Aaaah! I’m angry! Baldrogard bastards! Can you see it? This is all because of you!


“Hehehe. I feel sorry for you.”

Gainando cried. The other friends also became solemn. Lee Han was embarrassed alone.

‘Isn’t it my fault what I just said?’

Meanwhile, Zandani, who was passing by in a carriage, spotted Lee Han and waved his hand.

“Wardanaz! Please don’t forget the gift I gave you!”


Seniors in other buildings or on the street were surprised.

“That guy… did he threaten the Baldrogard student and take his things from him??”

“How did you do it when there was no gap?!”

As there were quite a few surprise raids by angry Einrogard students, Baldrogaard students visiting the school naturally came prepared.

As can be seen from this visit alone, people either hire escorts or stay only in the village of ‘Visitor Accommodation’.

It was clear that there was no gap, but when and how did they do it?

“Is that Wodanaz? Are you taking classes at that school?”

“The rumor is true…”

“How did you threaten him so that that Baldrogard guy doesn’t even know what happened to him?”

As the misunderstanding spread, Lee Han urgently called out to his seniors.

“I didn’t threaten you, I got it because I became friendly with you!”

“Yes, yes. Wardanaz. I understand.”

“Of course it wasn’t a ‘threat.’ We know that!”

The seniors smiled and nodded at Lee Han’s shout. Of course, it wasn’t an expression I understood at all.

Lee Han cursed inwardly.

‘They look like such bleak and stuffy wizards.’

A wizard who should have a free, unbiased way of thinking more than anyone else!



When the paper bird tapped his shoulder, Lee Han opened it in puzzlement.

‘I’m sure someone sent him a threat because he was close to a Baldrogard student.’

Come and help me out.

Vible Verdus

‘It would have been better to have a blackmail letter.’

When Professor Verdus received the bird, Lee Han immediately felt his mood worsen.

Isn’t this true magic, being able to control a person’s mind with just one line?

“I’m coming to see the professor for a moment.”

‘Professor Bagrek?’


‘Professor Garcia?’


‘Professor Thunderwalking? Professor Lightning Walk?”

My friends said all the names of professors that came to mind. They even mentioned the name of the skeleton principal.

“Oh, is this a professor we don’t know?”

“I’m going to see Professor Verdus.”

“…Why??? ”

* * *

‘It’s actually a valid question.’

Lee Han knew better than anyone else why his friends were asking such questions.

If his friends had told him that they were going to help Professor Verdus, he would have asked ‘Why?’.

Or he would have checked to see if the illusion magic had been cast incorrectly…

But last time, the black magnet was also used. As much as I received help with the cane, I felt a bit guilty about refusing it this time.

‘I’ll help you just this once and then ignore it next time…’

As he had visited with Professor Garcia last time, Lee Han was originally at the Magic Tower, not Professor Verdus’ workshop. He moved to the attic.

Professor Verdus was hiding in the attic because of outside guests who had a grudge.

“Professor! I’m here!”

Clang, clank, clank!

Just like last time, the sound of chains being released was loud. Professor Verdus was disarming the defensive magic he had laid down.

– Come in!

Lee Han, who had climbed up the ceiling door, was puzzled to see Professor Verdus standing far away. “

Why are you there?”

“You were betrayed by Professor Garcia last time.

Professor Verdus, who naively trusted Professor Garcia and got close to him, but was physically suppressed, became even more cautious.

Lee Han said with a bitter smile.

“Professor. Look at me. I’m human. I don’t have close combat skills like Professor Garcia.”

“It certainly might be so…”

Professor Verdus shook his head as if he thought his student’s words were plausible and came closer again.

Lee Han’s eyes shined sinisterly while Professor Verdus could not see him. This carelessness will one day bring down Professor Verdus.

‘Tsk tsk tsk tsk.’

“But what did you call me for?”

“Ah. I have something I need to complete urgently and I need your help.”

“The professor always says that everything has to be completed urgently every day.”

In Lee Han’s view, Professor Verdus was just a person who said that if he was interested, he should complete it quickly.

Actually, the artifacts that have to be completed and presented to the skeleton principal by tomorrow are not fun, so I put it off and can do them later!

“This really needs to be completed urgently!”

“What is it?”

Lee Han cast his gaze toward the back of the attic.

It was a small sailboat with an unusual appearance. The streamlined fuselage was sharply trimmed, and the jagged mast had artifacts instead of sails…?

“It’s an airship. It’s small, though.”


Come to think of it, the fuselage was also made of metal, not wood. Not ordinary metal, but magically treated metal.

Lee Han shouted in surprise.

“Did the professor defraud Lagesa?”

“No! What kind of fraud am I playing!”

Professor Verdus jumped up and down as if he was aggrieved.

“I never cheated!”

“Yes. Yes. That’s what all the con artists say.”

“Even people who haven’t cheated say that?”

“Honestly, I was surprised, Professor. You don’t try to show other investors your sincerity by completing it like this.”

“What do you mean? Are you doing it?”

Professor Verdus was dumbfounded by his student’s misunderstanding and explained.

One of the rumors commonly spread incorrectly in the imperial magic world was ‘Professor Verdus of Einrogard received investment and support and then ran away without conscience.’

But Professor Verdus himself was truly honest.

Because he never stole a single penny.

“It’s in progress, but it’s just a little late.”

“And you also do other research?

“It’s fun, but you can’t not do it. Then why don’t you do it?”

Professor Verdus asked with confidence, as if he was right and Lee Han was wrong.

Fortunately, Lee Han was not shaken at all.

“Anyway, Professor. Are you sure you want to relieve some of your anger by completing this before Lagesa leaves? Would you like to reduce the bounty on your head a little?”

“That’s roughly right.”

“If that’s the case, I’ll help you.”

As he was at a loss to Lagessa and also at a loss to Professor Verdus, Lee Han readily accepted.

Lee Han took advantage of his weakness and paid more than usual. Professor Verdus, who had expected to be ripped off several times over, was delighted.

“As expected, you think this is fun!”

“No. “If you keep talking nonsense, I’m leaving.”

“Oh no. It’s fun…”

“Because of the professor, Senior Yukveltyre keeps making strange mistakes, doesn’t he? I know that all of the Imperial wizards like their research and find it fun.”


Professor Verdus tilted his head at the incomprehensible accusation.

Why on earth is it his fault?

“And all of my research. I like it and it’s fun… Why are you putting your hand on my shoulder?”

“Haha. “It’s nothing. I just saw some dust.”

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