Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 88 - Date In Lodon And Magnus Rose

(Adding Harry Poter would be too complicated honestly and I don't even know much about it, but the basics.)

When Raynare teleported herself, Kurayami and Shin she was actually pretty excited as she had never had actually gone on a date before. She had spent years with Kurayami and they knew almost everything about each other except for the fact that Kurayami was reincarnated.

The only two that knew were Shin and Rebellion and he planned to keep it that way until the end of his days, but now his past life seemed like it was so long ago. His mind wandered back to the day he died and it was still a memory that he would never forget.

The feeling of not being able to control, his own fate enraged him and it was the reason he chased after strength so much. He wanted to be strong enough so that even a being like Great Red could not kill him easily. Raynare had made Indra her target while he had chosen Great Red.

They both would not rest until they completed their goals, but now it was just time to have a normal date. Raynare hugged Shin and looked at him sadly. .

"Can you give us some time to be alone?"

Shin's ears drooped as he had been asked a few times to go in the shadow and while he did not mind really, but he rather be around his best friend and partner. He entered Kurayami's shadow and Kurayami decided to make a joke.

"Wow, you should have felt how sad he is. He was excited to explore London with us."

Raynare frowned. "Stop trying to make me feel bad. Also, you should dress in something more normal as you are going to draw attention dressed like that."

Kurayami looked at his outfit and decided to give it a try. He focused the Infinite on his outfit and it suddenly changed form into a black U.S Marine hoodie and a pair of black jeans and a baseball hat.

Raynare blinked a few times and sighed. "Must be nice to not need to buy clothes anymore. What happened to you knives anyway?"

"My ring. Come on let's go and see what we find. There are many things we can do as I did promise to take you girls where ever you wanted to go. Any activity you want to do?"

She smiled and hugged his right arm. She was lucky that her grandfather was a tall person at 6'3 and so was her father, so she got lucky and inherited a good height and she was 5'8 and she was only 16.

They began to walk down the streets of London while they walked all around seeing what they could do. As they walked Kurayami and Raynnare were stared at as Kurayami and Raynare looked like they were mixed.

Both their mothers were Japanese while their fathers were fallen angels who looked more western in appeared and that was the dominant trait as fallen DNA was many times stronger than human.

Kurayami took after his father whole Raynare as a female fallen inherited that fact that fallen angels women were more often than not good looking. As they walked she spotted a high-end clothing store and she pulled on Kurayamis sleeve to get his attention.

"How about we go there?"

He sighed as clothing stores were the bane of most men. The fact is that men just want to get what fits and looks decent, but women were stuck to details. He was glad that most of the girls he was in a relationship with were more focused on fighting than being feminine.

But even they had the moment show they just wanted to enjoy simple pleasures. He also felt that she was in a excited mood. She seemed to not have a clue about what to do right now.

"Alright, let's go."

She pulled his arm and when they got to the store entrance a guard open them for them and when they went inside most of the clothes were as expected expensive. That was not an issue for Kurayami who was actually very wealthy in terms of human money.

A beautiful woman approached and she smiled kindly. "Hello, may I offer some assistance?"

Raynare nodded. "I want any dresses, blouses, skirts, and shirts in either black, dark purple, or even violet. I really like those colors and so does my fiance."

The woman looked at Kurayami who looked to be very good-looking, but seeing the hoodie he was wearing was a U.S. Navy Seals hoodie it either meant he was American or just a fan of the Navy Seas.

"Alright miss, I can offer some options. How about you sir, any interest.?"

Kurayami looked around and shook his head. "No, not really."

She smiled and went to help Raynare pick out some outfits to try out and Raynare actually was going to take all of them anyway. Human money was as easy as breathing to get with supernatural connections of Grigori.

One of the most lucrative businesses that belonged to Kurayami himself was selling the shed body parts of his familiars as they shed claws, teeth, fur, feathers, and scales which were all very valuable. He had sold a few of Ladon's old fangs and they managed to get him a huge sum of human and supernatural currency.

Raynare went into a dressing room and Kurayami actually was interested in what she would look like Raynare took time to get dressed and she came out in a casual black and purple dress. She gave a spin and smiled at him.

"What do you think?"

"It looks great on it. It draws out your black hair and your violet eyes."

She smiled and she went back to keep trying many outfits for a whole hour, but she left a few she did not like and took them ones they both liked. After they were done they went to the cashier to pay and when she saw the pile of outfits felt this was a good day.

She started to ring them and after she finished she saw it would be a lot. "Sir the total has come up to 6,000 pounds."

He paid for it on his card and paid for all the clothes. Seeing how he did not flinch meant he had money. She began to bag all the outfits including a few bras and panties that Raynarre wanted.

Some of them were quite erotic and it seemed that Raynare was not planning to let her chance go. Kurayami pretended to be ignorant and once all the clothes were bagged the cashier asked if they needed any help.

Kurayami and Raynare got all the bags and began to leave and put all of them in Raynare's spacial ring. No one noticed as Kurayami made them all blank out for a few seconds and by the time they recovered Kurayami and Rayanre were already gone.

Once they were out Raynare got a few looks as she was wearing a purple and black outfit that got attention to her. However, no one looked at her long as Vritra's presence gave off a feeling of dread that kept normal humans at bay.

Not to mention the amount of blood she had on her hands as she had single-handed killed hundreds in the number of missions they had one on. However, right now she was just a young girl excited to go on her date.

She once again grabbed Kurayami's arm and this time she was interested in what he wanted to do.

"Your turn this time. Pick what we are going to do this time."

He thought about it and he got an idea. "How about we go to a jewelry store. I might find a cool watch or something to see."

She nodded and they both looked for one to buy some jewelry and to spend the rest of their day happily until the night. However, while they were having fun they were being followed by a caucasian man who tried to blend in.

Raynare and Kurayami knew he was their, but they just did not care. He was from the C.I.A supernatural decision and when Kurayami and Raynare used magic at that clothing store they got the attention of the team that was deployed here for a mission.

Several people had been going missing and the sighs all pointed to magical in nature so the British Parliament had asked for Magnus to personally move as this was beyond what their own decision could deal with.

The man phoned Magnus to inform him of what he saw. The phone picked up and Magus gave an order.


"Sir, while I was out patrolling I saw two individuals who are in no way human. From what I saw that was a fallen angel spell to wipe minds. On top of that, they are sacred gear users. It came upon the scanners."

Magnus went quiet as fallen angels were one of the creatures they dealt the least with as very few went out of Grigori unless ordered to. From what they knew of Grigori's new generation they had 4 Loginous users.

They did not know any names or appearance as they left no traces, but they did know the fact that Grigor had multiple Loginous.

As for the Fallen, they dealt with were ones that defected from Grigori. On top of that, he had just gotten informed that the C.I.A Headqurotes was attacked and Jayden was killed.

Jayden was someone he had personally trained and Jayden was one of their most promising agents, but he was killed right in their own headquarters.

As Kurayami had disabled all the cameras they did not know who had attacked them. What they did know is that it involved black flames as once Kurayami and Raynare were gone the flames that Raynare attacked with were left behind still burning.

Magnus might need to confront them himself as he did not know how strong these fallen would be. He also did not know if they were the ones responsible, but he would have to deal with it anyway to make sure they did not endanger innocent human lives.

"Mike, I want you to tell them from afar. I will head out with the rest of the team. Make sure you do not let them out of your sight."

He got no answer which was odd as Mike never missed a response.

"Mike, hey Mike. Answer. Status report."

However, Raynare was holding what was left of Mikes's bloody corpse.

"Well I am no Mike or a man, but I hear you were looking for me."

Magnus froze and he had to assume that Mike was dead. Mike had a sacred gear that made him able to hide in plain sight, but that was useless to Raynare and Kurayami. It would be bad if he was dead as he was one of their best assets.

Kurayami was waiting for her to finish as she wanted to do those herself. Magus got series and he motioned for the team to tap then call.

"Where is Mike?"

Raynare looked at the ground and kicked the body a bit.

"You ever squish a tomato?"

Magnus looked at the phone oddly and he assumed she meant she had turned Mike into a bloody paste.

"Well, that is what is left of him. I normally ask questions first and kill later, but I was in such a giddy mood I was suddenly angered when my date was interrupted. Now, I suggest you don't even bother us and Mike will just be an accident. Are we clear?"

Magnus would never agree to that.

"You killed one of my men and I assume you attacked the C.I.A. That is not something that I can just ignore. What was your motive?"

Raynare did not see an issue to say why as it was hers and Vritra's to take anyway.

"I just was out for what was mine. The one named Jayden had a soul fragment of the Dragon King Vritra and it belongs to me and my partner. He just needed to die as that was not his, to begin with. I suggest you do not come as I swear on my grandfather I will reap your soul myself."

She crushed the phone after and Kurayami looked at her oddly.

"You think that was a good idea, Ray. You did just kill another C.I.A agent after we attacked their headquarters."

She nodded. "I will not say something stupid as what could go wrong, but as you said we attacked their headquarters. They would already be after us anyway and once they trace it back to Grigori they will have to drop it."

He had to agree as no one these days wanted to mess with Grigori. They had two beings in the top then and now they had seven Loginous users as Raynare might as well be counted as one.

She got sighed as her date was ruined. "So much for having a nice day. What assholes?"

Kurayami smiled. "I still got my Rolex and you got your neckless. Even if this asshole ruined we might as well make the most of it."

He showed the silver watch on his right wrist and she got a very pretty black pearl neckless around her neck. She felt they had done enough, but she was not one to give up. She thought of where to go as if she rather not ruin London as it was a nice place.

"I got it, our next date spot."

She teleported them to Paris France this time as she did not take Magnus as a threat. She did not want to be conceited, but she still considered him a weak human even with a Loginous could not compare to her lineage and powers.

When they appeared here it was already mid-day, but she did not mind it really. This was a day she was going o spend with her lover and she would make the most of it. Even if she almost ruined it when she lost her temper.

As for Kurayami, he was like her. He wanted to spend his day just taking it easy. Now it was time to explore Paris and hope they did not get bothered again.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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