Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Chapter 154 Silas' Judgement [2]

Sure, she was his slave, but her job was to simply be that. She wasn't loyal to him; she wasn't allowed to betray him.

However, there was a sense of warmth in her heart when she realized how lucky she was. She had become a slave, yet by becoming so, she gained Silas' protection and became one of the only people he could fully trust. And since that was the case, it also meant that she was one of the only people he wouldn't hurt her, even if he killed everyone around her.

She was at his mercy, but that was much better than the alternative that many others would face if Silas even suspected them of being an enemy.

However, she was not the only one with her worried about Silas' sudden change in his stance of not hiding his power anymore.

Alex, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but feel a little fear toward Silas after seeing him so easily kill someone who was supposed to be his rival in the election.

The generals all took a step back, with the exception of Archie, who was simply staring at Silas from where he stood with a worried expression.

No matter how much he would have liked it if Silas was on his side, that didn't seem to be the case right now.

He knew that in a few years, Silas would most likely surpass him in strength, and before that happened, he needed to make sure of whether Silas was a friend or foe.

"Ahem..." Silas cleared his throat, catching the attention of everyone around him within an instant.

"I have now become Judgement, the 7th general of the Darkless organization. And what I've seen so far from my faction has been... Abysmal. Horrendous. Absolute embarrassing, and that's me putting it lightly." Silas spoke with a cold and slightly distant voice.

The members of the faction who had been previously cheering for him just a few minutes before the fight had started were now frowning.

How could he say that about them when he had just joined? He clearly didn't understand how the faction worked, or at least that was what they thought at that moment.

They felt embarrassed to be attacked by their own leader like that in front of everyone else. However, Silas didn't care. He saw what they were feeling and didn't think twice about saying the next words that came out of his mouth.

"The last leader, I believe his name was Aleck? What a pathetic man... A truly weak man. A man who wouldn't even wear this armor even if it would save his life. A man with so much pride that he'd rather die to a child than take the necessary precautions to save his own life. 

And that man lead this faction? It is no surprise that it is in its current state... It is no surprise to me that everyone in this faction is lazy and incapable... Or at least that was what I thought when I first saw them.

I saw the law throughout the city slowly breaking down. I would see corpses every time I left my room. I'd see horrendous acts being done left, right, and center, yet no matter how much a victim screamed for help, there wasn't a single person from my faction there to help them.

Who would blame me for thinking that they were a bunch of incapable losers?" Silas asked while looking around the crowd.

"Yet, when this piece of filth killed one of their own, I saw exactly what they were capable of. Yesterday, they were willing to go to war for their brother. I could see the fire ablaze in their eyes the moment they saw his corpse. I could feel their rage every time they breathed, trying their best to control their anger...  I think you should take a look at

Those are the kind of people I need. And from now on, I will change this faction for the better. From now on, every single one of you will do your jobs as enforcers of the law, and anyone unwilling to do so can leave the faction for all I care. 

If you don't work, you will not be paid. If you abuse your power, I will strip you of it. If you go against my orders, the same thing will happen. I will not tolerate seeing this city turn into a criminal's hiding place. I will bring every single one of you to justice from this point forward, and if you commit a crime, I promise you that your punishment will not be lenient." Silas spoke as his killing intent reached the ends of the crowds.

Not a single person dared say a single word. Hell, not a single person dared to move even when the killing intent was lifted.

All they could do was let out a breath they didn't even know they were holding.

That's how terrified they were.

"I'm done. If you no longer want to be in the faction, place your armor and weapons that you have received in the lounge area." Silas turned toward Archie one last time, giving him a side-long glance before turning into a blur and disappearing from the fighting area.



Siilas' figure could suddenly be seen on a rooftop where he could be seen perched, looking at a certain house from the distance.

His figure turned into a blur again and quickly appeared before the house's door before quickly knocking on it and waiting for the person on the other side to show up.


A low click echoed throughout the empty alleyways before a pink-haired girl peeked out of the door to see who it was.

Seeing that it was Silas, she quickly closed the door and took off the latch before opening it again with a slight smile.

"Did you win?" She asked.


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