Little Miss Witch: Revenge of the Tainted Angel

Chapter 144 - Wicked Witch (2)

It was no wonder that Lan Jinyao called Li Chuntao to meet her the next day. While Mu Jianyu wasn't around, being busy pacifying his mistress, Li Chuntao, together with Su Ling and Yu Luo went to meet the young actress in a cafe near the apartment complex. 

One of the staff led them to the VIP room where Lan Jinyao was waiting. 

"Miss Lan, what's the matter? Did something happen?" Li Chuntao asked as soon as she took a seat across the young woman who was fidgeting on her seat. 

"Miss Li, I'm sure you've heard the news already. I'm nominated for the best new actress award but…" she bit her lower lip and sighed, "I wonder how Lin Meirong got the same nomination when she only played the second female lead?" She blurted out of frustration. 

Li Chuntao raised a brow and kept her silence for a moment when a staff member came back to serve her drink while Su Ling and Yu Lou waited outside. When the woman left, Li Chuntao casually lifted her mug and took a small sip from her drink. 

"Miss Lan, someone pulled a string. You should know by now that your half-sister wouldn't allow you to win easily." 

Lan Jinyao cursed her half-sister in her heart. Xi Shaohua was indeed determined to make her life a living hell. 

"Then what do I do?" She felt helpless. Her half-sister would surely pull more strings just to stop her from gaining the award she'd been aiming for. Li Xiuying placed her trust on her and she dreaded breaking her promise if she couldn't become a film empress. 

Before, she could rely on Li Xiuying for help and protection but now that she was dead, Lan Jinyao wasn't sure if she could trust the woman in front of her who was pretending to be Li Xiuying. 

Li Chuntao brought her cup down and looked straight in Lan Jinyao's eyes, catching her off guard. 

"Miss Lan, do you trust me?" She asked the young actress bluntly. "Are you afraid of me?" She added. 

Lan Jinyao took a deep breath and refused to back down at Li Chuntao's cold eyes that seemed to look through her. Can she tell if she was lying or not? Lan Jinyao wondered to herself. 

"I admit I don't, Miss Li," her instincts were screaming for Lan Jinyao to be wary of this woman, that she was a dangerous person to be offended but she wouldn't dare lie to Li Chuntao. Not when her eyes seemed to already know the answer to her questions. 

So what's the point of lying when Li Chuntao already knows? 

Li Chuntao smiled. A kind of smile that sent shivers on Lan Jinyao's spine. Dear Lord, what kind of woman was she? Lan Jinyao was sure as hell that she'd never met a woman as intimidating as Li Chuntao in her whole life. She was really grateful that she wasn't the one who'll be receiving this woman's ire. 

"Ah, Miss Lan. You're too straightforward. You amuse me," Li Chuntao tapped her fingers on the table and sighed deeply. She leaned her back on her seat and crossed her legs. "But if you trust me, I promise you that I'll pave your way to stardom. You wouldn't have to worry about your petty sister anymore. How about that?" 

Lan Jinyao felt like she'd been poured over her head with cold water by Li Chuntao's words. Li Xiuying had promised her the same, but not to the extent that she would destroy Xi Shaohua for her sake. 

She wasn't doubting that Li Chuntao could do it. For fuck's sake she was a Li princess who was above, not only on status but influence as well, over Xi Shaohua. Of course, there would always be a way for her to subdue the Xi family if she wanted. The only question was; is Lan Jinyao worth the trouble? 

"Miss Li, I-I…" Lan Jinyao was at a loss for words. Should she put her trust in this wicked woman? She might have shared Li Xiuying's face but Li Chuntao was definitely a stark contrast to her twin sister when it comes to their personality. 

"You know for sure that I'm the only one capable of helping you right now. For the Xi family, your existence is kind of a smear on their reputation. No wonder Xi Shaohua has been wasting her resources to stop you from gaining an upper hand by entering the entertainment industry. I would be wary if I were you because Mu Jianyu would use this chance to give Lin Meirong the opportunity to shine brighter." 

This troubled Lan Jinyao. She knew Li Chuntao wasn't lying. She'd heard about ReduX Entertainment scouting Mu Jianyu as it's new CEO and with him around, Lin Meirong would definitely get a better chance against her, now more than ever. 

"Then Miss Li, what do I do?" Her future didn't seem very bright now with the sudden changes that were coming her way. 

"Nothing. You just have to work hard as usual and let me deal with them." Li Chuntao told her nonchalantly as if she didn't care whether Lan Jinyao trusts her or not. She was merely a pawn on this game of revenge anyway. 

"Now, you listen to what I say. I'm telling you this so you can prepare yourself from the disappointment that is waiting for you. The winners are already decided and you won't be able to win the award." Li Chuntao continued. 

"W-what?!" Lan Jinyao's hands shook as she held her cup. This wasn't what she was expecting to hear from Li Chuntao. What the hell was happening? How did the committee come to a decision even before the awarding day comes? 

"You look surprised." Li Chuntao chuckled amusedly at Lan Jinyao's reaction, "You, of all people, should know how dirty and corrupt the industry is. I guess you haven't seen enough malintent to believe that everyone has a heart of gold like you and Ying." 

Lan Jinyao flinched at her words. What Li Chuntao said was true and she should have known this after years of being oppressed by her half-sister. 

How many times did she receive unfair treatment from her co-workers in the films she starred in? Lan Jinyao had lost count already. 

"So I only need to wait? Is that it?" Was it really that easy? Should she really place her future in Li Chuntao's hands? Were there any options left for her to take? 

Li Chuntao hummed and nodded. The blend of her coffee wasn't into her liking. The sweetness that hit her tongue was too much. She preferred a strong blend than mild and sweet ones. 

"Yes, I want you to wait, sit back and wait for the bomb I've specially prepared just for Lin Meirong." The curved of her lips told Lan Jinyao that this woman was up to no good. "I intend to destroy Lin Meirong's career in one strike. Her career would plummet in one go." 

Lan Jinyao couldn't stop the shiver that ran through her body. Li Chuntao planned to destroy Lin Meirong? Her fear of Li Chuntao was really logical, she realized. It seemed like this witch wasn't wasting any time to seek revenge for Li Xiuying. 

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