Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 214: 211: Criminal Element? (Two in One)

Chapter 214: Chapter 211: Criminal Element? (Two in One)

“F**k, you’re making me want to quit my job and go on an adventure.”

Amy tossed the card onto the table, casually grabbed the jacket next to her, and stormed off, looking as though she were about to leave in a huff. Bi Fang quickly stepped forward, grabbed her, and pushed her back into her seat.

The audience below burst into laughter.

Having achieved her desired effect, Amy reluctantly sat back down and grumbled, “Alright, for the sake of god Master Fang’s face, as well as my generous salary, I’ve decided to keep at it. Of course, how much longer I can take it depends on whether the station manager gives me a raise.”

The audience laughed even louder, while Matthew in the audience was very moved. Master Fang’s words had struck a chord, and in that moment, he seemed to understand his true desires and decided what he was going to do next.

“Okay, the third question: Do you feel tired after each live broadcast…? For example, when you immediately jump from one broadcast to the next without much of a break, if I’m not mistaken, the interval between desert and migration was very short, and the previous live broadcasts usually happened once a month, lasting only five days?”

“That’s right, it can be exhausting at times, but as long as I manage my fatigue, it’s fine. There are two kinds of tiredness: mental and physical. Physical exhaustion is easy to recover from; I’m still young and energetic. As for mental fatigue, I’m equally well off. If this is the life I’ve chosen to pursue, how could I be tired?”

“No more talk.” Amy pulled out her phone and started tapping away furiously, “I’m going to start booking my flights now.”

“Stop, if you leave, who will host the show?” Bi Fang pressed down on Amy’s phone. Amy was about to be touched by his concern when she heard Bi Fang continue, “Just finish hosting this event before you go. It won’t be too late, I’m still waiting for my big reveal.”

Amy rolled her eyes, withdrawing her phone. Bi Fang’s response had reminded her of another question, “How old are you this year?”

“I’ll be twenty-five after this year.”

Amy was dumbstruck. She glanced around at the audience before returning to her senses, “How on earth are you so young? As far as I know, you’re not only a retired special forces soldier, you’re also an expert in geography, astronomy, meteorology, math, and even biology!”

Right then, the big screen timely displayed exciting excerpts from Bi Fang’s past live broadcasts.

Predicting an impending storm through various signs.

Determining the latitude and longitude by observing the stars.

Calculating the direction of local erosion based on wind and sand erosion, as well as geographic location.

Solving trigonometric functions and their inverses using just a piece of paper and a pen, and so on.

The audience screamed in excitement at these highlights, marveling at how cool it was for one person to know so much.

Not only that, but Amy revealed more, “Are you sure you’re not 007? And according to our research, you even attended the Hunter Academy, graduating with the highest honors!”

Hunter Academy?

The audience was taken aback, many of them not having heard of the place, but the name alone sounded impressive.

Seeing the audience’s confusion, Amy briefly explained what the Hunter Academy was.

The Hunter Academy, located in the tropical jungles of Venezuela, is a world-renowned special forces training center, where countries from around the world send their best soldiers to train.

Due to “Devil Selection” process, which mimics actual combat in terms of environment, conditions, situations, and methods, the dropout rate is a staggering 50% to 80%!

Experiencing death is almost like a daily meal at the academy. Sometimes, while the members are still asleep, a squad of armed militants would burst into the dorms, blindfold them, and haul them off to the depths of the forest in vehicles.

After getting off the vehicle, the first thing that greeted them was poison gas. Without any protection or preparation, the team members were completely exposed to the toxic gas for 3 minutes. Then came resistance to beating, where many times trainees were beaten until they were left with just a breath.

In sub-zero conditions, they were drenched for two hours with ice water mixtures, ate only one meal a day, received no food if training fell behind, and a 48-hour interruption of training was deemed an automatic withdrawal, among other things.

As a result, some team members returned to their hometowns with regrets, some became disabled along the way and were discharged, and some even unfortunately lost their lives.

This was also a brand-new experience arranged by the system after Bi Fang became a special forces member with a Purple status.

The audience below, just by listening to a simple oral description from Amy, could already feel the danger involved, gasping in alarm, with many emotional female fans even starting to shed tears secretly.

Bi Fang scratched his eyebrows: “Maybe this is genius? I started school rather early, the university I attended wasn’t bad, it was prestigious, I was not even eighteen at the time, and I competed to enlist in my freshman year.”

“I was doing a dual track at that time, studying while training. Four years later, when I was twenty-two, I directly got my diploma. I joined Hunter Academy for training when I was twenty-three, for a period of one month. I didn’t retire until this year.”

The original host wasn’t actually such a failure; he indeed got into a key university, but once he was in college, he began to indulge himself. Starting from the first year, he stopped attending classes and spent all day playing games in his rental house.

Many of his classmates didn’t even remember him, and later when his family went bankrupt and almost didn’t recover, he only lasted three months at a job, getting fired before he even got to know all his colleagues.

Thus, the timeline matched up perfectly, the original host was such a person who was never seen.

Therefore, Bi Fang was able to speak frankly, with candidness, and his acting wasn’t particularly convincing. His emotional fluctuations were not strong when he spoke; it was as if he had come to terms with it, displaying a carefree demeanor that didn’t take hardships to heart. This directly left the female fans in the audience stunned.

Had Bi Fang really suffered so much? It really didn’t show at all…

Surely, effort pays off!

“Wow, amazing!” Amy was equally amazed; this was an experience beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If this were a novel, it would be the perfect protagonist template!

“No wonder you could defeat three poachers at the same time. Is there any place on this Earth that you cannot reach? I want to know, is there anywhere you wouldn’t dare go?”

“There probably isn’t,” Bi Fang said with a slight smile. “I’m still young, and I plan to explore many more places in the future—Mount Everest, the deep sea, the Amazon, the Congo—all of these most dangerous places on Earth, I will visit one by one, letting everyone continue to join me on these adventures.”

“Really?” Amy couldn’t believe it, he joyfully said, “Will you truly visit these places in the future? I mean the Amazon, Mount Everest, and so forth?”

“Yes, I will keep live streaming, and the adventure will never stop. I hope that everyone will continue to support me as always.”

“Support! Definitely support!”

“I will keep watching!”

“As long as you dare to broadcast, I dare to watch!”

Amy took the opportunity to ask her real question: “Do you have any idea what the next live stream will be about?”

As soon as this question was asked, the audience became restless. This was the topic they were most concerned about—when would the next live stream be, and what would it involve.

“Actually, I don’t have control over the content of the next mission,” Bi Fang spread his hands, looking helpless, “because I’ve decided to cooperate with the World Exploration Channel, and the contract is signed. However, they keep a mystery and don’t want to reveal the content to me, which means the next adventure is also unknown to me.”

“World Exploration Channel? Do you mean that we can watch your live stream on TV next time?”


The audience was completely insane, not expecting to actually hear such explosive news on the spot. Was this not first-hand information?

Not only that, but Bi Fang struck while the iron was hot and revealed his collaboration with Disney.

“Not long ago, Disney also came to me, wanting to buy the rights from my hands. They hope to collaborate on an animated movie, as well as a long animated series. The content of the series is undecided, but the content of the animated movie will be about this goose migration, and I agreed,” he said.

The scene was dead silent, and Amy hadn’t expected to break such big news either; he took a sip of water to calm his nerves, “So how much did they pay you for the rights?”

“Thirty million dollars.”


Amy spit out his water, questioning life: “Are you sure Disney only bought the rights and didn’t ask you to star in it?”

“Yes, just the rights.”

“My god! Thirty million dollars?”

What is a successful man?

This F** is a successful man!

“My god, did you hear that? Master Fang is going to make a movie with Disney!”

Gwendolyn pinched Peter’s neck, disbelieving the scene before her—it was too dreamy. Her favorite movie production company was actually going to craft a movie about her idol’s deeds, even promising to keep over ninety percent of the storylines!

Even the dubbing was decided to be done by the protagonist of the event himself!

“Yes, yes, I heard it too. I must go to the cinema to watch it!” Peter’s face was flushed with excitement. Watching Bi Fang speak so eloquently on TV filled him with admiration.

This episode was too exciting, thrilling to the core.

Not only was there cooperation with Discovery Channel, but there were also updates about Disney’s animation. All of it made Bi Fang’s fans’ hearts swell with excitement!

The TV program continued; the humorous and witty conversation between Amy and Bi Fang made the over-an-hour-long show not the least bit dull. Bi Fang even criticized and ridiculed animal protection organizations extensively.

“The simplest and most mistaken basic views of animal protection organizations are two. First: Utilization is not protection, demanding an end to humans directly utilizing wildlife resources, and granting a moral superiority to those who do not use them—such as vegetarians, who often proudly display their dietary philosophy as moral,” he elucidated.

“Second: Protection is non-utilization; this view goes a step further, advocating for protection by outright attacking utilization. To put it bluntly, the logic is a bit too simplistic. Although these two views are simple, their foundational logic is fundamentally flawed, but they have caused ideological impacts that have influenced the rules set in many countries and regions.”

“Why?” Amy was somewhat confused. He had always thought that Bi Fang was a staunch animal protectionist, but his views turned out to be completely different.

“In fact, if a species can still be utilized in various ways, then it possesses certain value; and if this value can be reflected back into conservation, then we don’t have to worry about it going extinct at all. On the contrary, those species that can hardly be used by any means are the ones whose futures are genuinely concerning. Under the objective premise that ‘inability to use’ leads to ‘no utilization,’ they receive absolutely no protection.”

“This is the ultimate means of animal protection: by establishing legal pathways, by increasing the value of animals, by making the public understand this value.”

Peter nodded thoughtfully, seemingly understanding Bi Fang’s point. In fact, humans have never truly protected animals but rather value. Anyone who has studied biology knows that every species has direct value, indirect value, potential value,

And so-called species protection is actually about preserving their potential value, the unknown parts that are beneficial to humans.

This is what Bi Fang, a true animal conservationist, does and is why he was willing to go to such great lengths to migrate geese.

“Humans are part of nature; humans and nature are not in opposition but should coexist inseparably. But this does not mean that humans in nature cannot live better. It doesn’t mean that humans necessarily have to face nature in a predatory way, nor does nature have to react in extreme ways.”

“Wild horses stir the dust, the evolution of all things is interrelated, and among thousands of possibilities, there indeed exists a path for long-term coexistence.”

Well said!

Countless viewers in front of their screens had a moment of clarity, especially the people in Ugly Country, who had long suffered the so-called “animal protection” woes. Now, when compared to Bi Fang’s spirit, the superiority was immediately clear!

So strong. Is this what a real powerhouse is?

Strength and wisdom combined!

As a result, this episode became a smash hit, even making it to the headlines of several variety entertainment editions, scathingly criticizing animal protection behavior.

The voices supporting Bi Fang became particularly loud. Although there was a minority who opposed him, the overall public opinion supported Bi Fang.

Subsequently, the view count of Bi Fang’s videos started to rise once more. Breaking ten million views was now routine; if it didn’t break ten million, it was only because the platform was subpar.

Some merchants even noticed that even reindeer toys suddenly sold a lot more, but it was definitely not because of Christmas; otherwise, why would only reindeer sales jump, not Santa Claus?

Who are they underestimating?

“Aren’t you afraid of being opposed?”

In the hot spring, Amy asked Bi Fang, while Wang Yongbo also cast a concerned look, as he was the man most worried about Bi Fang’s career.

After recording the program, Bi Fang and Amy exchanged contact information, becoming friends. He didn’t hurry back but stayed to discuss some business and script matters with Disney.

A week had passed, and everything was taken care of. They all agreed to find a place to have some fun together. It just so happened that Disney had arranged a hot spring resort for Bi Fang, which resulted in the three men soaking in the hot spring together.

“What’s there to be afraid of? What I said is the truth, and it is correct. I don’t need everyone to like me, nor do I need everyone to become my friend or fan,” Bi Fang took a sip of orange juice, “Just as I don’t need to do everything well, doing one thing well in a lifetime is enough to live well. That’s the secret to my success.”


Amy gave a thumbs up. As a host, he wasn’t so fortunate; he had to be careful with everything he said, as a slip-up could spell the end of his career.

Indeed, only someone at the pinnacle of their own field has the privilege to be whimsical.

However, as the three men were enjoying the hot spring comfortably, several figures avoided the attendants and ran towards the hot spring with several boxes in tow.

“Are you clear on the target? Is it definitely him?”

“No doubt, there are only two Huaxia men, and he’s definitely not that fat bald guy.”

After confirming the target, the leading man looked around cautiously to ensure no one was nearby. He then unlocked the box, which surprisingly contained a long rifle!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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