Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 216: 213 Kneeling on the Ground

Chapter 216: Chapter 213 Kneeling on the Ground

At the moment when Bi Fang announced the presence of the four, the audience in the livestream who had watched the entire process exclaimed in surprise.

[Holy shit, they got discovered just like that? So thrilling!]

[Damn, is the Discovery Channel playing this wild now? Secretly live-streaming behind Master Fang?]

[Why the bath towel wrap? Master Fang’s body is too amazing, right? Worship!]

[Photographer: I’m an old photographer, the kind that finds rice in chicken legs.]

[This can’t be scripted, can it?]

[Stop kidding, Old Fang’s livestream with a script? I’d be the first to call bull! But this capture team seems pretty dumb, so unreliable.]

[This livestream is so sudden, no heads-up or promotion. If not for a friend telling me and the push notification, I would have thought I was scammed.]

Many viewers were originally playing with their phones when they suddenly received a notification for the livestream, completely without any prior announcements, unlike previous times where there would be posters released in advance.

By the time they entered the livestream, they saw the group of four discussing how to capture Bi Fang. At first, they really thought it was poachers seeking revenge, but as they continued watching, they realized something was amiss.

Old Fang actually didn’t know!

They hadn’t expected the start of the livestream to be so explosive, being able to witness such an exciting scene!

Kidnapping Master Fang? Too interesting!

The only prayer of the audience was for the somewhat dumb four-man team not to get into trouble; they felt that if a real confrontation happened, it wouldn’t even be a minute before Master Fang would be on the ground begging them not to die.

Seeing the feedback from the viewers, Jerret excitedly clenched his fists. Indeed, his arrangement was correct; this setup was definitely going to catch the audience’s eye!

But upon hearing Bi Fang’s words, the group of four didn’t make any rash moves, who knew whether Bi Fang was just bluffing them…

“Four people, huh? Don’t you think that’s too few? But you do seem well-prepared.”

The group at the corridor entrance all stiffened in unison, with the Boss almost dropping his gun.

Had they really been discovered?

That shouldn’t be possible, right? They had hidden themselves so well, how could they have been found?

Damn it, when did it happen!

Third Brother tugged at Boss’s sleeve, awkwardly saying, “Boss, what do we do?”

The Boss shrugged off Third Brother’s hand and hissed softly in anger, “How the fuck would I know?”

“Maybe, ask the director?”

“Right, ask the director.”

“Yes, when in doubt, ask the director, that’s always the right move!”

The Boss was taken aback, then hesitantly pressed his Bluetooth earpiece. Actually, he didn’t really want to contact the director; if he’d been discovered, then the plan was as good as exposed, wouldn’t that mean they’d accomplished nothing? Could they even get paid?

But on his brothers’ advice, the Boss still hesitated, “Should we ask then?”


“Hurry up and ask!”

“Let’s go home early.”

Second Brother, Third Brother, and Fourth Brother immediately nodded in agreement. They didn’t care about the pay; they had revered Bi Fang from the start, and now that they had been unexpectedly exposed, they were even more frightened.

True to his reputation as a heart-eating big devil!

Way too scary.

The money burns in the hand!

Just thinking about being stabbed in the neck and having their hearts dug out and eaten alive, the brothers shuddered.

But to Bi Fang, it was strange; could he have been mistaken?

Initially soaking in the hot spring, he indeed thought he was just light-headed, but on the way from the bathroom to the corridor, besides the smell of sulfur and floral fragrance, he had also smelled a very strong scent of sweat, and more than one kind at that.

The other side might have four or five people.

At that moment, Bi Fang thought of the poachers’ team seeking retaliation, but then he recalled the Adventure Channel’s advice not to panic. The two possibilities left him conflicted, unsure whether it was real or fake, and if it was fake, whether he should play along?

No matter which it was, Bi Fang wouldn’t let his guard down and recklessly put himself in danger, lest Wang Yongbo and Amy get injured by mistake.

After finishing his call with the director, the boss stiffened even more, and his brothers quickly inquired about the situation.

The boss clenched his teeth, “The director said no work, no pay! If we pull this off, our wages will be tripled! And all medical expenses will be reimbursed afterward!”



“Are the medical expenses definitely covered?”

Boss, Second Brother, and Third Brother all turned to look at Fourth Brother, who scratched his head awkwardly, “Don’t look at me like that, I’m okay even if they don’t reimburse…”

“Damn it, let’s do it!”

Driven by the huge reward, the four-man crew forgot their fear of Bi Fang and rallied. The boss raised his tranquilizer gun, ready to make a big move now that they had been discovered, there was no choice but…

Huh, where’d he go?

The boss, just as he raised his gun to set up the ambush, was taken aback. The end of the hallway was now completely empty, void of Bi Fang’s figure.

“Boss, he’s gone!”

“I fucking know!”

The boss was nearly dying of anger; from the beginning until now, his teammates had only been rattling his composure, “Quick, go back and check if the other two are still there!”

Still, they had all been trained, and upon hearing the reminder, they instantly realized the opponent might have employed a diversionary tactic!

By the time they got back to the bathroom, indeed, the fatty and the white guy had also vanished!

They’d been played!


The boss immediately gave the order. There were only two exits, and the passage they were just in was completely devoid of people, which meant they’d left through the other exit!

Inside the RV, Jerret was now extremely excited; this was precisely the effect he wanted!

On the screen, after leading Wang Yongbo and Amy away, Bi Fang had not left but instead put on his clothes, ran to the control room to shut off the ventilation system, and then returned to the bathroom!

And in places hidden from Bi Fang’s view, the audience was already buzzing with excitement. It was indeed Master Fang; he didn’t even try to flee, he stood his ground!

Without the ventilation, the mist from the hot spring slowly dissipated, soon filling the entire room. By the time the four realized something was wrong, it was too late, and they could only silently huddle together, back to back.

But this also made it difficult for the audience to identify what was happening, as the misty fog not only blinded the crew but also obscured their vision.

“Damn it, it’s a trap!”

Huddled together, the boss was filled with regret. This situation was strikingly similar to when Bi Fang used the cover of night to attack the poachers. They quickly formed a circle and then retreated from the bathroom to avoid being picked off one by one and repeating the tragedy.

But the camera angles in the footage switched rapidly, and the audience quickly realized that Bi Fang wasn’t using the element of surprise to launch stealth attacks like last time but had instead gone to the kitchen.

Was he looking for tools?

Seeing pots, pans, ladles, and spatulas, the audience first thought Bi Fang might go for a knife to arm himself, but wouldn’t that be going a bit too far?

What if Bi Fang really mistook these people for poachers and killed them?

But then, they discovered that Bi Fang didn’t reach for a knife; instead, he rummaged through cabinets and drawers until he found a rolling pin!

[Ah, I feel like Master Fang has already guessed it.]

[Right, Old Fang is a bit too smart.]

[Later on, we’ll have to play along with the “kidnapping.”]

At this moment, the audience felt even sadder for the four-man crew. It wasn’t that they had confidence in Bi Fang, but the crew’s recent performance was just pathetic, showing fear before a fight, even talking about reimbursed medical expenses.

However, all of this was still within Jerret’s plan. Everyone had no confidence in the four-man crew, but who said being timid wasn’t an advantage?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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