Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Chapter 76-81

It was hurriedly decided that the royal family and I will assemble and have a conference with Divine Beast Fenrir-sama.

They can’t immediately take time to assemble the royalty and move to the Divine Spirit Forest ...... or more precisely, they can’t move freely while the case with Claude and the others isn’t settled, so until after it becomes stable.

「I will tell Fenrir-sama for now」

As I said that, I called out to Fenrir-sama telepathically.

『What is it, Myne』

As I convey to Fenrir-sama the contents of the talk I just had with Ou-sama-tachi, she replied with an astonished voice.

『......Why don’t I go there?

You can connect between this place and that with your Skill, right?

It will be settled in only a few steps, no?』

『However, they’ll see my power, you know?』

『......Isn’t that alright, either way, you will talk about your power, right?』

......Ah, that’s right. I didn’t realise that at all.

After that, since there wasn’t a need to hide it, there shouldn’t be any problems.

『......I’ll try asking them』

I quickly told Ou-sama and Brother-in-law-san about Divine Beast Fenrir-sama’s proposal.

「Divine Beast Fenrir-sama said that she will come here」

「W, what!? The whole royal capital will be in pandemonium, you know!?」

Aah, I left out a few words.

As expected, though only a part, I hesitated on telling them about my Skill.

「No, it will be alright.

If I use my Skill, she can move here immediately, so......」

As soon as I said that, their movements stopped, and turned silent.

......This silence is really unpleasant.......

In a sense, it’s a scene of nervousness, but.......

The little Fenrir who had been on my head patting me destroyed the feeling of tension.

In the midst of an extremely complicated atmosphere, King-sama smiled wryly and looked towards the little Fenrir.

「I understand that your Skill is extraordinary.

We’ll gather all the royalty immediately, and as soon as they’re gathered, can you invite Divine Beast-sama?」

「Understood, I will convey that to Divine Beast Fenrir-sama!」

Receiving instructions from King-sama, Brother-in-law-san exited the room to call for family members.

「......However, it feels like a dream.

My daughter’s finally marrying, and her spouse defeated an Orc King, and even befriended a Divine Beast-sama.

In society, I’m lionised as a hero, but.......

......I’ve completely lost my confidence」

As King-sama said that, the little Fenrir jumped off from my head with a ‘Pyon’, and walked to King-sama’s feet.

While looking at him, wondering what he was trying to do, he jumped onto Ou-sama’s back and ran up to Ou-sama’s head in one go.

「......What are you doing!!!」

W, what are you thinking, climbing onto King-sama’s head!!!

He probably didn’t hear my flustered voice, as the little Fenrir patted Ou-sama’s head.

『Cheer upー!』


There’s also the fact that he was a Divine Beast’s child, so King-sama did not even say a single complain.

His expression hardened, dumbfounded by what had happened.

「......King-sama, that kid...... said “Cheer upー”」

As if responding to my words, the little Fenrir said 「Wafu!」 and once again raised his hand and agreed.

Ou-sama who heard that...... Un, he burst into laughter.

And really loud at that.

「I will have to cheer up if that’s what Divine Beast-sama says! I thank you, Divine Beast-sama」

Hearing King-sama’s words, it once again said 「Wafu!」 and returned to me once again.

Perhaps because my body is small, while he was having somewhat more trouble than when he climbed onto King-sama, he was already climbing onto my head, which you could say is his usual place.

After that, as King-sama stared at the little Fenrir’s actions, Brother-in-law-san returned, leading the members of royalty.

......Hm? Aah, Aisha’s also here.

She looks really nervous though.......

That’s natural since she’s surrounded by royalty, huh, even I would be if I didn’t have my Skills.

......She was surely brought along by Sylphy.

The people who had gathered are......

King-sama, First Queen-sama, and a woman I have never met before.

She is probably His Highness Lecter’s mother, in other words, the Second Queen-sama, right?

She also somehow looks like His Highness Lecter, after all.

Next is Brother-in-law-san and Sylphy, His Highness Lewis and His Highness Lecter.

Ari and Aisha, these nine people and including me, a total of ten.

Facing all the gathered members, King-sama started explaining the situation.

That Divine Beast Fenrir-sama will come here using my Skill.

That Divine Beast Fenrir-sama stands behind me as my backer.

And that my Skills are so powerful that a Divine Beast must become my backer.

Hearing that explanation, excluding my two fiancees and Brother-in-law-san, everyone there showed expressions of surprise.

「......That being the case.

Myne who has become friends with a Divine Beast-sama will become our relative.

We may not be thinking of using him, but Divine Beast-sama may be worried about that.

Therefore, I had been thinking of proving our innocence to Divine Beast-sama」

King-sama talked to everyone there about his thoughts, and is confirming that there are no objections.

......King-sama seems to have thought about this really seriously.

I feel happy that the whole country’s King-sama said something like this, but I also feel guilty.

However, my Skills alone are dangerous.

Depending on my feelings, I might even become the worst criminal.

Of course, I do not have such plans at all so it’ll be alright, but others might not think that.

While I was collecting my thoughts, King-sama seems to have confirmed the intentions of all the members.

「Now then, Myne, won’t you invite Divine Beast-sama?」


I’m really nervous of using my Skill in this situation where I’m observed.

What can I do about this fear.......

When I was about to be crushed by anxiety, I realised Sylphy and Aisha clenched their fist while looking at me.

The both of them then slowly moved their mouths.

『『Go for it!』』

I feel my nervousness dispersing all at once.

The little Fenrir then barked 「Wafuu!!」 loudly to support me.

With the little Fenrir’s bark, I resolved myself.

Using 【Unique Magic・Space-time】, I connected the space between here and Divine Beast Fenrir-sama’s residence, the cavern.

And then at the same time, a black vortex appeared before my eyes as usual.


A large violet wolf then slowly appeared from the vortex.

Yes, that wolf, is the one handed down through the ancient legends, Divine Beast・Fenrir.

My new friend.


Thank you very much for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

*syosetu stuff*

TL: Izzy

「Divine Beast...... Fenrir-sama......」

Someone muttered that.

I didn’t notice when we first met in the forest, but looking at her from this proximity, I certainly felt a majestic (?) like strength.

Her status as a “Divine Beast” really isn’t just for show!

「......King of the Hume race. I have heard that you have something to talk to me about, what business do you have?」

「......I am grateful that I am able to meet you, Divine Beast-sama.

I have heard that you have become my daughter’s spouse, Myne’s backer.

A Divine Beast-sama becoming a Hume’s.......

No, I have heard that the person has a secret that you desire to protect just that one person by name」

Ou-sama started talking to Divine Beast Fenrir-sama.

Starting from Aisha and me, all the members who were present held their breaths as they looked at the scene.

「Umu, there is no doubt that my friend has a large <Power>.

My friend, as you can see, is kind-hearted.

If that <Power> is exposed, there will definitely be people who will try to take advantage of that kindness and use him.

Therefore, I have become that person’s backer」

Ou-sama and Divine Beast Fenrir-sama’s conversation continued for a while after that.

In the end, Ou-sama seems like he wants to know roughly when will Divine Beast Fenrir-sama move for my sake.

Well, that’s certainly natural.

Even if the person himself doesn’t have any plan for that, it would be extremely bad if they unconsciously incurred her imperial wrath.

In the end, the rough idea is these two points.

・Those who hurt me, those who try to deceive and use me, she will not even shun taking such people’s lives.

・This does not apply if I am cooperating with my own intentions.

「......I understand.

All of us present here understood this seriously, and promise not to use Myne for our selfish desires.

In regard to this, I have a question.......

I have heard that if a restriction using Divine Beast-sama’s power is violated, that person will be punished, but

is that true?」

Hm, somehow the atmosphere’s changing, you know?

King-sama, what are you planning on saying.......

「Fumu, that is certainly true」

「......In that case, won’t you use that on us?

Won’t you understand our resolve with that?

Of course, to those that do not desire this restriction, I swear that they will absolutely not reveal Myne’s ability」


Divine Beast-sama’s punishment...... isn’t that something outrageous!?

It isn’t good for the country’s King-sama to promise that!!!!

「......King-sama, that...... is absolutely not okay!」

As I interrupted the talk,

「What, it won’t be a problem if the promise isn’t broken, right?」

King-sama replied with a smile.

No, that’s not it, that’s not the problem......!

「......I do not mind that, but is that truly alright?」

King-sama strongly nodded at Divine Beast Fenrir-sama’s question.

King-sama then confirmed whether the people who were there other than me accepted that restriction.

The result, those who decided to accept it are King-sama, First Queen-sama, Brother-in-law-san, His Highness Lewis, and Ari.

Also, my two fiancees, a total of seven people.

Those who decided to not accept it are Second Queen-sama and His Highness Lecter.

His Highness Lecter seemed like he wanted to accept it, but was admonished by his real mother, Second Queen-sama, and gave up.

She seems to fear that in the one-in-a-thousandth chance that all the people who accepted the condition are dead, the royal family’s blood will die out.

Since that is absolutely true, King-sama silently nodded, and accepted it.

「Kukuku, humans are interesting. Very well, I shall “accept” this condition」

At the moment Divine Beast Fenrir-sama said that, a faint light surfaced from her violet body.

『I have “accepted” this restriction, can you hear my voice?』

Huh? Telepathy?

As I wondered about this strangely, the ones who accepted the restriction showed expressions of surprise.

「......T, this is」

Brother-in-law-san also looked bewildered.

『King of Hume race, the “Power of Restriction” you said, accurately it is called “Divine Beast Contract”.

Its basis is the same as the “Divine Beast’s Sacred Protection” Myne received.

However, if you were to violate what you have vowed in front of me, you shall receive an unbearable pain throughout your whole body.

But, in exchange, you will be able to converse with me through telepathy.

Just because there is this contract, do not for get your promise, alright?』

Faren Augusta

Race: Hume


Gender: Male

Age: 52 years

Occupation: King of the Augusta Kingdom


One-handed Sword・Saint Lv9

Physical Strength Enhancement・Large

【Divine Beast Contract】

Telepathy ≪Fenrir≫ new!

......It’s certainly added.

『However, it is different from Myne’s, you cannot converse with our family from anywhere you want.

Remember that you need to be within a certain range from our family.

Though, there probably won’t be cases where you have to call out to me......』

As soon as Divine Beast Fenrir-sama said that, the little Fenrir on my head raised his voice.

『I’m here, you knowー!I’m hereー!』

At the moment he raised his voice, Divine Beast Fenrir-sama spoke in an astonished voice.

『......I see, you really don’t plan to come home, do you, boy?』

『I’m not going backー!I want to be with Myneー!』

Saying that, he once again patted my head.

......No, I want you to stop patting my head, please.

「I have certainly received the “Divine Beast Contract”」

King-sama who understood the situation said that to Divine Beast Fenrir-sama.

『Umu, well then, I will be returning. Myne, won’t you link to my residence』

「Understood! Thank you very much!!」

As I once again used 【Unique Magic・Space-time】, a black vortex appeared in front of me just like before.

As the little Fenrir raised his hand and called out 「Wafu!」 to Divine Beast Fenrir-sama who decided to return.......

『I’ll entrust that kid to you, Myne』

Saying that, she disappeared into the vortex.

With the overwhelming presence of Divine Beast Fenrir-sama disappearing from that place, the atmosphere evidently lightened.

「......Phew, as expected of Divine Beast-sama. The presence is to the extent of being dreadful......」

Brother-in-law-san expressed those words.

Excluding me, everyone nodded at those words.

「......Now then, the two people who did not receive Divine Beast-sama’s contract, withdraw」

Receiving King-sama’s words, Second Queen-sama and His Highness Lecter both withdrew from the room.

As expected, His Highness Lecter made a face as if regretting a little.

There’s no helping it, I guess.

「......Now then, Myne. Won’t you tell us about it?」

Finally, the time to talk about my secret has come.

Come on, I shall summon my courage!


Thank you very much for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

TL: Izzy

「The Skills I was bestowed with by Kami-sama are......」

As I said that, I felt all the members that were present gulped.

......Of course, I am also nervous that my throat dried up.

「【Appraisal・Complete】 and 【Cut & Paste】, these two Skills」

As I said that, everyone except for Aisha made expressions as if saying “Oh?”.

「......Fumu, it’s the same as the report we received from the temple, isn’t it?

If those two are the Skills you have been bestowed with, there isn’t any reason for Divine Beast-sama to be your backer, right?」

Brother-in-law-san inquired about that.

......Yes, certainly, if you look at these two separately, that’s how it is, huh.

「King-sama, King-sama is called the hero by society.

A big reason for that is said to be the combination of the Skills possessed, right?」

「Yeah, I certainly agreed with those who said that」

King-sama affirmed my words, and returned a reply.

「......My Skills can be joined together, and doing so, it exhibits an outrageous ability」

「Fumu, certainly, it can become a way greater power if the Skills are combined, but.......

The combination of the Skills Myne obtained......I can’t think of anything......」

Certainly, if you don’t understand precisely the ability of the individual Skills, you probably can’t think of anything.

That’s the natural response, huh.

「......I can cut the Skills of other people or monsters I’ve seen with Appraisal, and paste it somewhere else」

Even though I said that, everyone seemed like they didn’t quite understand.

......However, after Aisha and Sylphy thought for a while, they shouted.

They’ve seen my fight with the Orc King firsthand, after all, that’s probably why they could understand what I just said.

「Da, Danna-sama...... t, that’s...... don’t tell me......!?」


The others seem like they didn’t understand.

「Yes, that’s right.

I’ve 【Cut】 the Skills from the Orc King and the others and 【Paste】 them on myself.

The Skill I used to invite Fenrir-sama is a Skill I obtained from the Orc King」


With those words, everyone present seem to have understood.

All of them showed dumbfounded expressions.

「......I see, that’s why you used so many Skills during the mock battle!」

Brother-in-law-san seem to have recalled the mock battle and expressed his understanding.

「......The reason I didn’t talk about my Skill, is because I thought people who will try to use me will appear if they know about this」

I explained why I kept silent and hid it up until now.

I talked about my fear of people who I would avoid in fear appearing so that I can avoid getting used, and everything I have thought about.

「I understand now, Myne.

......It’s certainly something Divine Beast-sama would mind......」

「Myne, during the mock battle, why didn’t you cut off my Skills?

If you did that, wouldn’t you have won against me?

Though Brother-in-law-san said that, my answer has already been decided from the start.

「When I cut off Skills from people.......

I’ve decided that it should only be when danger approaches my family, acquaintances or my own lives!

At that time, Brother-in-law-san was purely thinking for my sake and held the mock battle.

That is why, I responded fair and square!」

As I answered that, Brother-in-law-san smiled, and like when he came to my house, patted my back.

......The little Fenrir took the opportunity and patted my head as well.

Un, I’ve said this many times, but I’d like it if you stop it.

「......I see, I can trust those words, right?

Since you have Divine Beast-sama as your backer, I understand that I have no choice but to trust you, but this is an important matter.

Properly answer me with your own words」

I think King-sama is probably worrying about me stealing Skills indiscriminately.

This is probably the natural reaction as a statesman.

He doesn’t have the confidence to believe me, since I didn’t open up about my secret, which is the biggest reason.

That’s why, I had expected King-sama would ask me about this.

......That’s why to let him trust me, I prayed from my heart while I answered.

「Yes, I will absolutely not take Skills indiscriminately!」

Hearing my proclamation, King-sama’s visibly showed an expression of relief.

「......Understood...... I shall trust you.

However, it’s an ability I didn’t expect.......

I see, I can now understand you crushing an Orc King alone.

Honestly, even though I saw the Orc King’s remains, I couldn’t quite believe it」

After that, I received a few questions, and the discussion ended.

At any rate, Ou-sama and the others have the matter about the dragon’s children, and I’ve only just returned form the Divine Spirit Forest.

I have to take time to rest and King-sama has to pass down his judgment, after all.


Receiving Myne’s shocking confession, I had originally wanted to slowly collect my thoughts, but I have to first settle an urgent matter.

The place I am in is a room in the dungeon created underneath the royal castle to capture atrocious criminals.

Claude, the heir to the Roselia family who had been arrested because of his dishonesty in the previous game, is imprisoned here.

Accompanied by the knight leader, I who entered the prison asked the jailer a question.

「......How is it, has he confessed?」

「No, not yet」

Knitting my brows at the jailer’s words, I looked at Claude who was tied to the wall.

He was probably whipped quite a bit.

Tears can be seen here and there on his pointlessly extravagant clothes, and thin traces of blood oozing out from them.

Though he hasn’t been imprisoned for too long, but judging from his looks, he probably received quite a lot of interrogation.

I originally wanted to take more time to get him to confess, but this time, we don’t have much time.

Even at this moment, the adult dragon may show up in some town.

I absolutely do not want to see a dragon blinded by rage from its child stolen from it.

We have to release the child dragon no matter what it takes before any damage is inflicted.

This isn’t a situation where we can choose our means any more.

「......Claude, honestly tell us the hiding place of the child dragon」

「Your Majesty! Please listen to me! This is a conspiracy! I have been framed!

Yes, I have been framed by that commoner called Myne or something!!!」

I took a sidelong glance at the Claude who had become desperate and made up excuses, and took out something from my bosom.

As soon as he saw that thing, Claude who had been making excuses suddenly stopped moving, and abruptly became quiet.

Yes, this is the “Slave Collar” Myne entrusted me with.

「Your Majesty, I will hand this over.

These are “Slave Collars” which had been attached to the children.

These are thought to be carried by the adventurers Claude hired.

I thought it might be helpful so......」 (TLN: This is so different from what he actually said.)

Seeing the “Slave Collars” I received from Myne, my heart danced for joy.

There isn’t any physical evidence better than these collars.

I immediately summoned the knight leader, and had him infer the slave dealer registered with the royal family from the engraved serial number.

Then, before 30 minutes passed, the slave dealer was determined.

「Well done! Immediately arrest that slave dealer!

Then search whether the child dragon is within his store!

There isn’t much time, hurry!!」

I once again asked Claude who went silent.

「Claude. I’ll ask you once again, where did you hide the child dragon?」


I see, he’s still feigning ignorance.

「Jailer, cut off one of Claude’s finger」


As I emotionlessly issued the instruction to the jailer, Claude looked towards my face in a panic.

「......Please wait! Your Majesty!! Your Majesty!! I don’t know anything, I don’t know!!

Please stop, Hiii~」

There’s no helping it if he doesn’t this late in the game.

It’s just that, he’ll lose his hand if he doesn’t want to talk.

I silently signalled the jailer.

「Guoooooooooooooo!!!! Finger, my finger!!!!!」

The jailer who received my signal, silently cut off one of Claude’s finger.

「......How is it, do you feel like talking now?」


As expected, he’s stubborn.

Well, if he confessed to his crimes, it wouldn’t end with just his finger getting cut off.

He won’t confess easily, huh.

As I thought that, the knights dragged two men over.

One of them is the slave dealer who had registered the collar.

The other one is the Roselia family head, that is, Claude’s father.

「Your Majesty!? Why am I here...... C, Claude!!!!

What have you done to deserve this!!」

Discovering his own son restrained and receiving torture, Lord Roselia shouted loudly.

I explained to Lord Roselia all about the sequence of events.

Hearing my explanations, Lord Roselia who understood the situation had his complexion visibly deteriorate.

......That’s understandable.

If this was true...... No, since there was proof, it is true, the Roselia family would undoubtedly be shut down.

While I was talking with Lord Roselia, the slave dealer was bounded beside Claude.

「Now then, let me ask again.

Where did you hide the child dragon? It won’t end with just a finger this time.

Think carefully before you talk」



Hmph, both of them are not explaining huh.

「Lord Roselia, won’t you persuade your son?

If you can get information on where the child dragon is, I can allow your Roselia family to only shut down.

Well, it’ll be impossible to not be criticised at all, though」

Lord Roselia who heard my words became desperate and started persuading his son.

Just by seeing him persuading, there doesn’t seem to be any doubt that Lord Roselia isn’t related to this matter.

I watched over them for a while, but there was absolutely no progress, so I once again decided to signal the jailer.

「Jailer, cut off one of the slave dealer’s finger.

After that, cut off two of Claude’s」

The slave dealer who heard my words showed a desperate expression.

......Claude looked at me with eyes full of hatred.

「Let me ask you once again, where is the child dragon!」

「......I’ll talk! I’ll talk!!! I’ll talk so please let me go!!」

「......Wh, you bastard!!!」

Oh, the slave dealer gave in, huh.

Though that guy Claude was glaring at the slave dealer, I’ll somehow manage with this.

「Oh, that’s a good attitude. And, where did you hide it?」

「......It’s in the Town of Adol......」

Of all the places, it’s in Adol!!!!

Did they hide it in a town with so many people!?

This is bad, Adol’s also too far from the royal capital!!!

Kuh, isn’t there some kind of way!


Thank you very much for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

I am sorry for the late deciding of the little Fenrir’s name.

Somehow, I was delayed.

It will be decided in the next chapter, Chapter 79!

I have already written it, and submitted it in advance.

Those who are looking forward to it, please wait for a while longer!

TL: Izzy

We who have been commanded to breakup the discussion, headed to the room which we will stay in until the marriage ceremony.

As we entered the room, we drank the black tea a maid brought while relaxing.

This black tea is probably...... a high grade item which I have never drank in my whole life.

I do not understand the taste of an expensive black tea.

Immediately after I opened up about my secret, I am honestly worried what kind of attitude the two of them will take with me.

......This isn’t the time to be savouring black tea, huh.

As I was worrying......

『Don’t worryー, I’ll be with youー! Gaoー!』, said the little Fenrir, as he once again patted my head.

......Seeing that kid, my worrying feels idiotic, doesn’t it!

Didn’t both of them say it before! That they’ll be my allies no matter what happens.

It’ll definitely be alright, what am I doing, not trusting those girls!

Un, let’s cheer up! It’ll definitely be alright with the two of them!!

「......Phew, that surprised me」

Sylphy started talking.

「I’m sorry, for keeping quiet......」

As I became crestfallen and apologised, Sylphy flustered and waved her hands, and talked to me.

「No, that’s not true! I’m not blaming Danna-sama.

I’m simply surprised greatly, there isn’t any deeper meaning to it! Please understand!」

「That’s right, it’s true that we’re surprised, but...... it’s not like Myne-kun changed or anything」

Both Sylpy and Aisha seem as if they didn’t mind.

「......Are you not scared of me?」

As I timidly asked that,

「Why is there a need for us to be scared?」

「Eh? Why?」

And, both of them made puzzled faces.

「Eh? After all, I might take your Skills away, right?」

As I said that, both of them once again looked at each others’ faces before saying 「Aah, that’s the case」 at the same time.

「I’ve said this previously, didn’t I? That I will not betray you no matter what......I will be your ally my whole life」

「I don’t mind at all either, you know?

Although it’s a marriage which started as a tradition of the royal family, it’s natural to be Danna-sama’s ally after we are married.

......That’s right, let’s talk about countermeasures as a family」

Huh? Even though I’ve made a great resolution and opened up...... Isn’t this a little too anti-climatic?

However, both of them said that they will trust me, didn’t they?

Somehow, I feel really happy.

Mn, Mnn, somehow...... my eyes are getting blurry by itself.......

『Don’t cryー, don’t cryー!If Myne cries I also feel like cryingー』

The little Fenrir got down from my head, and licked my face.

As if he’s wiping up the tears streaming out of its own accord.

Seeing that I have calmed down, the little Fenrir once again said “Heave-ho, heave-ho” and moved to the top of my head.

When the little Fenrir climbed onto my head, I expressed gratitude to my two fiancees and my cute partner.

「You’re welcome」

「This is natural, don’t mind it」


They each replied to my thanks.

Then, my two fiancees who heard the little Fenrir’s reply once again took a long hard look at the little Fenrir.

「......Hey, Myne-kun. What’s this kid’s name?」

「Yeah, I am certainly curious about his name」

That’s right! I wanted to discuss his name with these two! Good timing, let me ask them!

「No, he doesn’t have a particular name.

That’s why I thought that we should give him one, but he will become a part of our family, so I wanted to ask for your opinions」


『That’s right, your name, would you like a cool name or a cute one?』

『Mnー, anything is okayー!』

Un, I was an idiot for asking.

He originally lived in the wild so he isn’t really familiar with names, huh.

Both of them heard my conversation with the little Fenrir, but I wonder what they think of it.

As I looked at both of their expressions, their eyes seem to be sparkling as theywere thinking of something.

......Aisha’s definitely thinking of a cute one, while Sylphy’s thinking of a cool one, huh.

As I said anything’s good, I took the little Fenrir who had been fidgeting down from my head.

I then hugged him while approaching those two.

「I think the name Fenrir’s good enough though?」

「What are you saying, Hime-sama! He’s such a cute kid, you know!

I firmly nominate Koro!」

「Nonono, he’s a Divine Beast, you know? How about Shin!? Isn’t it cool!」 (TLN: Divine Beast = Shinjuu)

「No! Koro, Koro is beter! Even if it’s Hime-sama, I will not yield!」

Somehow, it’s become really heated.......


「Danna-sama, Danna-sama! Shin’s good, isn’t it?」

「Myne-kun! It should be Koro, right!? Koro’s better right!!」

Aah, I got dragged into this.......

As I was worrying, the little Fenrir opened his mouth and yawned as if it was someone else’s business.


Hm? Wait a minute.

I think I might have thought of something?

「Hey, the two of you...... How’s “Waffle”?」 (TLN: Waffuru)

As I said that, the two who had been quarrelling suddenly stopped.

「......This kid’s always barking “Wafu”, isn’t he?

Since “Wafu” doesn’t sound good for some reason, I attached a character and made it a little cuter...... “Wafuru”

How is it? I think it’s quite good though...」

As I said that, the little Fenrir’s tail wagged wildly as he said 「WafuWafuー!」, and looked like he was pleased with it.

「Somehow, this kid looks like he’s pleased with it, isn’t he?」

「......If the person himself is pleased with it, that would be the best, huh」

Both of them seem to agree on it.

I held the little Fenrir and brought it in front of my eyes.

「Is Waffle okay?」

『Wafu! Okayー!』

The little Fenrir waved his hand, his tail swinging wildly, and accepted the name.

Thus, the little Fenrir’s name has been decided to be “Waffle”.

Please take care of me from now on! Waffle!!

Huh, I seem to have hallucinated and heard something.

......”Pochi”...... I wonder what that means?


That being said, his name is decided to be “Waffle”!

Nattan-san, thank you for the wonderful name!

I was worrying on either that or Pochi, but in the end, I went with this!

Will Pochi have another chance!?

Please take care of me from now on as well.

Sponsor: Kyle S.

TL: Izzy

「......I never expected 【Cut & Paste】 to have such a power」

Lewis whispered.

That ability is certainly outside of my expectations.

During the mock battle, I thought that his battle style was strangely reliant on Skills, but after knowing his ability, I can now understand that.

If at that time, Myne stole my Skills, and made full use of the Skills he has, there is no doubt I would have lost.

However, from now on, if he becomes close to royalty, Myne’s enemies wouldn’t only have physical power.

I don’t think there will be honey traps, but it’s possible that he might be assassinated when he’s unprepared or something.

Even in an inter-personal battle, there’s no doubt that he is still inexperienced.

Just as I promised, I’ll have to give him lessons ahead of time, huh.

「......Ani-sam, is he really safe?」

As I worked out Myne’s combat training from now on, Lewis asked me worriedly.

「......I too am a little worried」(TLN: Instead of watashi, she uses watakushi, a more formal version)

Hm? Ari too?

Well, certainly, if you think of “only his ability”, you might be worried.

Those Skills are a unique ability Kami-sama bestowed.

Before one realises it, there’s a possibility it might be taken away.

It’s not impossible to feel uneasy, huh.

......On the contrary, it’s weird for people like me who doesn’t worry about it.

「You guys, there’s no need to worry.

Calmly think, if Myne felt like stealing our Skills, he’d have stolen it a long time ago, wouldn’t he?」


If you calmly think about it, you can understand.

If someone who thinks about his uneasiness like Lewis and Ari has such a power.......

There probably isn’t any alternatives but to quickly steal the Skills in front of them.

For you see, their opponents will be weakened, and their own ability increases.

Like that, there isn’t even a need to think about the consequences.

If you think and applied this to Myne, you will understand.

Firstly, if he plans to plunder Skills, there isn’t a need to tell us about his abilities like this time at all.

He could have quickly stolen our Skills, and killed us, and escape using the Skill he showed us when he invited the Divine Beast.

On top of that, Myne has a Divine Beast as his backer.

A human who can defeat an Orc King single-handedly and the Divine Beast Fenrir, it’s the most abnormal combination.

No matter what kind of military is sent to this combination as an opponent, they’ll be able to defeat them, right?

That is, if you simply compare their present battle power, there isn’t a reason for Myne to hold back on that.

Even so, Myne opened up to us about his ability.

His purpose in getting a Divine Beast as his backer is also not to threaten us, but rather to mentally insure that it will end without hostility.

Therefore, what he have to do is to believe in Myne, and deepen our friendship.

I think that is enough.

As I conveyed my thoughts to both of them, they didn’t come to a clean decision, but they showed calmer expressions than before.

「Nee-san has gotten an outrageous person as her spouse, huh.......

Well, a cooperation has been decided between Nee-san’s Clan and mine, so rather, since he is that strong a person, I can look forward to the materials he sells to us, huh」

Lewis seems like he has regained enough composure to crack jokes.

「......That’s true, we can just easily act to support Myne as royalty.

If he stands out from now on, no matter what there will be nobles who think of bad things, after all......」

Yosh, with this, my little brother and sister will probably be alright.

After this, if we deepen our friendship with Myne, it will naturally be settled.

I then once again switch over my thoughts to how I should train Myne.


『The child dragon Myne said...... isn’t someone else’s problem, huh.

I’ll lend you a little of my power, I can understand the emotions of having your child separated from you』

When I went out for a short while, my own children was abducted by humans.

The children who have never seen a human before approached them out of curiousity, those annoying slave collars were attached on them.

Noticing the fact that my children have been kidnapped from their cries, I hurriedly chased after a few humans and ended them.

It’s good that I finally caught up to them, but a human who had been cornered stabbed my cute boy with a dagger.

That feeling of loss and rage...... just recalling it disturbs my heart.

The dragon parent who had its child abducted is probably experiencing the same emotions.

Originally, it probably isn’t something I should intervene.

However, I want to somehow help it as a parent who also had her children taken from her.

『Speaking of dragons, I might understand something if I ask Jormungandr』

Jormungandr, a Divine Beast who like me, has been entrusted with the duty of safeguarding this land by God.

The supreme being who rules the Dragon race, and my younger brother.

『Jor, can you hear me? Jor...... It’s me, Fenrir』

『Hm? Oh, Fen-nee? It’s been a long time, I’m busy with something right now, is it something urgent?』

『......I think it’s probably related to the reason you’re busy』

I told Jormungandr about the fact that my children had been abducted, my meeting with Myne, and everything related to it.

As I did that, as expected, the reason he is busy is exactly the kidnapping of the little dragon.

『Nuu, those humans...... They’re beyond help, reaching out their hand even Fen-nee’s children.

It might better to destroy them once』

『Calm down, fortunately, thanks to Myne, my children are safe.

However, I am also feeling bitter, sympathising with the feelings of the dragon who had its child kidnapped.

Right now, Myne it moving to rescue the child, so I will assist him』

I promised that if I get hold of the child’s whereabouts, I will immediately contact Jor, and ended the telepathy.

Next, I’ll have to tell Myne about the details we’ve arranged.

『......Myne...... answer me』

『Yes! Fenrir-sama!』

I told Myne about the thing to be done, and requested that the child will quickly be returned to the dragon parent, even if only a little faster.......


......As expected, that’s the most reliable method, huh.

I think it’s alright, but I have to take the possibility of getting rejected into account.

「Order the First Knight Unit to immediately head towards Adol!!!」

I ordered the knight leader, and dispatched the knight unit to the Town of Adol.

Every minute and every second counts, a delay in decision may possibly cause fatal wounds.

While following the back of the knight leader who was running until he was out of sight, I myself started to mobilise.

My destination...... Myne, my daughter’s husband’s room.

「Excuse me, it’s me, Faren. I’m entering」

I sent a maid to announce them beforehand, and immediately my daughter came to greet me.

Entering my daughter and the others’ living room, I couldn’t see Myne’s figure.

「Sylphy, what’s Myne doing?」

「Aah, Danna-sama is......」

At the moment my daughter opened her mouth, Myne appeared from the neighbouring room.

「Myne, I’m sorry, but won’t you lend me your power?

......I know the place they hid the dragon’s child, but it is extremely far.

Every minute is precious, so won’t you go and rescue it with the travel method you showed us just now?

It’s not for my selfish desires, but to save the innocent citizens....... Won’t you please?」

As I lowered my head, Myne told me to raise my head in a panic.

If just this lowering of my head can save the lives of the innocent citizens, then it is cheap price to pay.

「I will cooperate! That’s why, please raise your head! King-sama!

Moreover, I have been told that Fenrir-sama will also cooperate.

Where is the little dragon right now?」

Divine Beast-sama will cooperate!? I am thankful for that above all else.

If Myne also cooperates, this probelm is destined to be solved.

「......It is at the Town of Labyrinth, Adol」


Thank you very much for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

At the time everyone is reading this (the time I’ve appointed in advance), I will be in a shinkansen.

Today and tomorrow, I will be on a business trip.

I have finished writing tomorrow’s part, so the update will not be delayed, but I will not be able to deal with typos.

Please take care of me.

Sponsor: Homer T.

TL: Izzy

「......It is in the Town of Labyrinth, Adol」

The location of the little dragon King-sama informed me is the Town of Labyrinth, Adol, where I just went the other day with Aisha.

Thank goodness. The only places 【Unique Magic・Space-time】 can go to are places I have been to, after all.

If it was a town I don’t know, I wouldn’t be able to cooperate.

「Understood! Adol, is it! Thank goodness.

I can’t travel to a place I have never been to before so......」

「Mm, is that so?」

After being surprised from hearing that fact, King-sama felt relieved.

If one is unlucky, it would take two days to arrive at Adol from the royal capital.

Certainly, with not much leeway time-wise, King-sama can’t afford to care about appearances.

I really get flustered if someone suddenly lowers their head.

「Divine Beast-sama said that she will cooperate, meaning?」

Aah, that’s right. I haven’t explained it in detail, have I?

「Fenrir-sama also had her children kidnapped.

Since it isn’t somebody else’s problem, so she sympathises with the dragon parent.......

I was told that the Divine Beast who is Fenrir-sama’s little brother, governs the dragon race, so she wants to confirm the situation」

I told King-sama about the things Fenrir-sama just told me about.

「......Wait a minute, what did you just say?」

「Fenrir-sama sympathises with the dragon......」

「No, not that. The one after that」

Hm? What is it, I wonder?

What I said after that...... The Divine Beast who is Fenrir-sama’s little brother?

「The Divine Beast who is Fenrir-sama’s little brother......」

「......That. Divine Beast-sama’s little brother, you say?

Why did it became that serious a matter......」

Glancing at King-sama who is feeling dumbfounded from the appearance of a new Divine Beast-sama from the corner of my eyes, I sent a telepathic message to Fenrir-sama.

『I have discovered the little dragon’s place.

It seems to be in the Town of Adol, I will be heading there now』

Yosh, I’ve finished contacting her! Let’s quickly go there.

It’d be bad if I jump right into the town, so let’s connect to a place a little further from it.

「Now then, I’ll be leaving! Waffle, come on」

As I said that, Waffle said 「Wafu!」, ran and jumped towards me.

Sylphy called out to me as I was gently catching Waffle in my arms.

「Danna-sama, should we follow you?」

「Uun, since I have to go against the dragon in the worst case, please wait here.

If it’s just Waffle and I, I don’t think you need to think too much!」

As I said that, Sylphy made an expression of slight regret, but she pulled back when she heard about a fight with a dragon.

「Myne-kun, we’ll make delicious food while we wait fo ryou, so take care」

Aisha sent me off with a smile.

I waved my hand to my two fiancees, and used 【Unique Magic・Space-time】.

Now then, I should hurry.

「I’ll be going!」


『T, this is bad, Nee-san!』

『What’s the matter? Aren’t you quite panicked, Jor?』

I’ve just been contacted by Myne, telling me that he had found the whereabouts of the little draggon, so I immediately relayed the information to Jor.

The parent should be a little more relieved, yes, relieved...... but, the situation seems to be somewhat strange.

『The parent dragon flew out to meet it!

From the looks of it, it might attack the human town』

What did he say!?

This matter is certainly the fault of the humans.

Usually, I wouldn’t be that surprised, but this time, it has promised not to attack Myne and the human town.

For that, Myne did so much.

『What are you doing! Call him back immediately!!』

『If I could do that, I would have done it long ago! If I go out, it’d be worse!!』

My goodness, Myne is heading to that town right now.

No matter how abnormal Myne is, he’ll be at a disadvantage with a dragon as his opponent.

Kuh, it’s not the case for Jor, but it’s impossible for me to go out.

I predicted wrongly, I should contact Myne since he’s securing the young.

『Myne, do you hear me? The dragon parent is coming towards you!

I fear that it may become a battle, you don’t have to force yourself.

Think only for your own safety, alright!』

......Although I warned him, with that kid’s personality, he probably won’t protect only himself.

Good grief, what should I do!

Don’t die, Myne!


『Wa, Wafuu〜』

Hearing my conversation with Fenrir-sama, Waffle instinctively tucked its tail under between its legs.

『......Even if she says she fears it will become a battle with a dragon.......

For now, Waffle, let’s help save the dragon child from the Town of Adol and pull out』

If I use 【Unique Magic・Space-time】 at the last moment to a place I can see, I think I can pull away even from a dragon as an opponent.

The town of Adol might disappear if Waffle and I went with all our power and the dragon struggles.......

......Ah!? Wait a minute.

『Waffle, I thought of a good idea......Umm』

After my strategy meeting with Waffle ended, I quickly made the preliminary arrangements.

Then, I who finished my preliminary arrangements, ran towards Adol.

「What I heard from Ou-sama is that rather than the middle of the town, it seems to be imprisoned in a slave dealer’s storehouse in a place beside the labyrinth, but.......

I don’t know the exact place.......

Once we go near it, we can only gamble on Waffle’s perception ability and 【Presence Detection・Large】, huh」

I’ve done all I can! Firstly, we’ll have to hurry to the Town of Adol!

The last time I came with Aisha, there were quite a lot of people standing in line even though we entered the town, but we don’t have much time this time.

I ran towards the gatekeeper-san and showed him the free pass I received from Ou-sama, and entered the Town of Adol.

It’s a place I just came to the other day.

I roughly understand the place the storehouse I have been told is at.

Waffle and I run through the town.

Aah, as expected, Waffle ran on its own feet as well.

We who were sprinting in the town received attention from the residents and adventurers, but I don’t have any time to care about that.

The dragon parent will approach soon.

「......We’re here! It’s around here!」

Without a moments delay, I used 【Presence Detection・Large】, and examined the area.

『......It’s hereー, found itー!!!』

「This large presence, that’s it!!」

Waffle and I discovered it at the same time.

I don’t have time to take it leisurely, I’ve even received permission from Ou-sama!

Let’s break into it and gain control in one go!

As Waffle and I opened the door of the building the little dragon is thought to be locked up in...... It was locked.

......This damn thingーーー!!! I put all my strength into pushing the door, and the door opened along with a violent sound of destruction.

Un, it opened.

It definitely did not break, okay! It opened.

......It’s definitely because my level increased, huh.......

「W, What was that!!」

A man who I think is an adventurer hired by the slave dealer carried a weapon as he came out from the back.

This is a waste of time!! I used 【Support Magic・Sleep】 and put him to sleep.

『It seems to be below usー!』

As I put the adventurers to sleep one by one, Waffle located the little dragon.

......There’s a staircase over there, huh. As I took a look around my surroundings, I could see the stairs which lead down to the basement.

There isn’t anymore adventurers heading towards me.

......All of them are sleeping on the floor peacefully so it can’t be helped.

We ran down the stairs in one go and burst into the basement!

......It’s there.

It pitifully...... had a slave collar attached to it,and locked up in a cage.

Hm? Wait a minute.

The colour of this kid’s body, isn’t it black??

Don’t tell me...... It’s the child of a black dragon!!!??

This is bad, this is really bad!!!

The black dragon is ranked first or second among the dragon species in terms of wildness of their temperament.

They said it’ll be your end if you meet a fire dragon or a black dragon.......

『Waffle, can you talk to this kid? Can you tell it we’re here to save it?』

『Understoodー!Leave it to meー!』

As Waffle said that, he trotted and approached the cage, but talked to the little dragon, saying “Gau Gau”.

After five minutes, 『Wafu, I’ve finished explaining! Rejoice!』

Mn, thank goodness.

The first step is over.

I used 【Unique Magic・Space-time】 at the lock attached to the entrance of the cage and sent it flying.

This magic is really convenient.

Confirming that the lock is gone, as I opened the door, the little dragon lumbered out from it.

『Waffle, I’ll remove the collar so tell this kid not to move』

Waffle once again used “Gau Gau” to talk to the little dragon.

『It’s goodー, Myne』

I’ll have to be careful like when I removed Waffle and the others’ collars.......

Yosh, it’s off!

As I rubbed the little dragon’s head, it happily made a 『Guu』 sound.

『In any case, let’s escape』

I once again used 【Unique Magic・Space-time】, to outside the town.

I connected the space to the place I jumped out to from the royal capital.

The little dragon gazed at my actions with deep interest, and beside him Waffle seems to be explaining with “Gau Gau”.

『Yosh, it’s connected! Get in』

Firstly, Waffle barked 「Wafuー」 while jumping into the black vortex.

After that, the little dragon jumped into it timidly.

Lastly, I jumped out, escape complete!

I earsed the vortex immediately after transfering, and took a breath.

『Myneー, it seems like we don’t have time to restー』

Hm? I looked in the direction Waffle was staring at.

It’s in the direction of Adol, huh...... Ah.......

Yes, what apepared in the skies of Adol, is this kid’s dragon parent.

It was the figure of an extremely troubling black dragon who has lost its reasoning.


Thank you very much for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

Business trip, second day.

I couldn’t submit tomorrow’s chapter in advance.

It depends on the time I return home, but in the worst case, I might not be able to update.

I am sorry if that happens.

Also, just like yesterday, I will deal with the typos after I return.

Please take care of me.

Sponsor: Homer T., Tim P.

TL: Izzy

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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