Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 24: A Strange Sight.

Chapter 24: A Strange Sight.

Far away from the slums where Lucius was finally captured, in a completely filled cafe, sat a hooded man. He had been waiting at the same table for the past 3 hours and hadn't touched the drink he had ordered.

Many people had passed his table and even the robot waiter had visited his table multiple times. Yet the man sat there unbothered.


The door of the cafe chimed and in entered a man covered in dark garbs. The rain outside the cafe had been going strong for the past 3 hours. Although the weather control system could regulate the weather, natural rain like this occurring in Earth was fairly rare these days.

Standing in the entrance the man shook his clothes to have the water sticking to it drop on the ground. He then raised his head to survey the cafe.

It wasn't a particularly large cafe. It had humble interiors which was quite rare to be seen in these parts, mainly because they were positioned to close to the slums. Area in the city was very expensive and being able to secure this plot meant that the owner was fairly wealthy.

After the looking around the man seemed to have found his target as he started heading towards the table with the hooded man. He promptly approached without stopping and sat down upon reaching the table.

Taking off the hat that covered his face, the man's face was revealed. He was in his late 30's. He possessed a long face with partially sunken eyes. A thin moustache lined the top of his mouth and moved as he spoke.

"It's done, young master. I must say, you can rest assured now.", the man spoke.

Hearing this the hooded man seemed to heave a sigh of relief. Leaning closer he cautiously spoke, "Are you sure. Did you catch the right person?"

The man simply smiled in response and said, "He had his ID on him. It's confirmed. Although the men we sent after him were unusually silent, when asked how it went. But there should be no problem, after all the men we sent after him were the best in the business."

Seeing that the hooded man had no reply, the moustached man continued to speak, "He's only a student. I believe that the young master was too rash in hiring these men."

"No!", the hooded man immediately exploded.

The sound of teeth gritting could be heard, "I can't take any chances with him. HE MUST BE CAUGHT!"

The man was evidently surprised at this hooded man's reaction. Something intense must have occurred for him to have such a reaction. He then tactfully chose not to ask anything further and said.

"Well, what's done is done. He will be sent to the pit as you ordered. Well, it's time I get going. Please do not forget to hold up your end of the bargain.", saying so the man put on his hat and left the cafe.

The hooded man, then suddenly started laughing. He did not try to control himself in the public area and let out a crazed laughter.

"HAHAHA! LUCIUS! This is what you get for getting in my way!"

He then slowly calmed down and returned to his previous state. Calling the robot and paying his bill, the man left the cafe.

His body slowly faded into the dark night as the rain continued to drop.



Perpetual darkness surrounded a small caged room.

Inside said caged room, was a sack of sorts. Blood patches were found in many locations of the sack. A small puddle of dark dried blood had also formed underneath the sack.

Step. Step.

The sound of approaching footsteps was heard and along with it came a ray of light. A 6ft tall hunky man, help the source of the light and was slowly approaching the cage.

Nearing it, he grabbed a baton from his waist and started tapping the metal bars of the cage.


"Oi! Wake up?"

Hearing his voice coupled with the loud rattling of the cage bars, the sack in the middle of the room stirred. Seemingly finding the exit of the sack, a pale hand exited. Following that the other hand and the rest of the upper body followed along with it.

A young boy of 17 years came out. His clothes were torn is various spots and had patched of dried blood on them. His right leg had a massive injury and his abdomen also showed a bullet wound. Various scrapes and other minor and major wounds were also found all over his body.

Yet, despite all of these wounds the boy stood with a blank expression. His eyes uncaring and indifferent.

He then proceeded to check his body to search for something.

"A young one,huh. I don't know who you offended kid, but we have to get going now.", the man said with a pitying voice.

"They took it.", a new voice was heard.

"What?", the man did not seem to hear properly and leaned into the bars to hear properly.

"They took her and my watch.", the emotionless voice continued.

This time the man heard the voice properly and looked up to answer him. As he was about to reply, his eyes caught sight of the other party's eyes. The hunk's body immediately stiffened. Staring into those completely red eyes of the boy, he felt his heart stop.

His eyes were shining with a bright crimson light. It was the same color as freshly spilt blood. The boy stood there with a blank face and locked his eyes with the man. He then said in a voice that was cold and utterly devoid of any emotion. It was mechanical.

"Speak, ant. What is this place?"

The hunky man's face was also blank and his eyes were unmoving, he replied in a strange robotic voice a far-cry from his previous deep voice.

"You are currently at the processing zone of 'The Pit'."

"Why are you here?", the boy asked.

"I was instructed to bring the boy to the preparing zone, in time for the next round."

"Tell me, what is this 'Pit'."

"It's a slaughter house for the condemned. Many people who have offended the the big families are sent here to fight amongst themselves in a battle royale type style. It's a form of entertainment for the higher ups, to see other people killing each other."

The boy stood there quietly thinking for a while, he then asked ,"Where are the people who brought me here?"

"I am not sure, but they must be in the viewing platform or VIP area. I heard them say, they wanted to watch you get torn up."

The boy nodded at this answer and walked towards the man. He then reached his hands to slowly caress the man's face. "You have served your purpose well, ant. Now kill yourself."

The man immediately reached into break his own neck. Watching the body slowly slide down the iron bars, Lucius stood there unmoving. He then reach the keys and the flashlight and opened the cage to make his way out.

Then he made his way towards the dead body of the man. Lucius himself wasn't aware on why he did this. Ever since he woke up inside the cage, there was a kind of hunger coming from the depths of his body. It similar to the hunger he had when he was training, but this time it was even more intense and different.

Lucius crouched down near the man's body and reached his hands towards his head. At this point Lucius was instinctively moving , he wasn't sure why he was doing this. He then clenched his fist save for his index and middle finger. His soul power moved by itself and his fingers pierced the man's skull!

His soul power started manifesting outside his body and with his fingers as the pathway started rushing into the man's head.

A reddish black haze surrounded the man's body and his head was rapidly losing its structure. It then suddenly collapsed and the man's body spasmed. A small white haze was drawn from within his head and was surrounded by the reddish-black haze. A reddish-black haze, started suppressing the white haze and started consuming it .

Once the white haze was completely consumed, the reddish black haze promptly retreated back into Lucius' body. The man's body could now be clearly seen. It was missing a head! There was a neat cut at the end of his neck and nothing after that.

Lucius saw the entire process happen with his own eyes and was inwardly shocked.

'This! What just happened?'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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