Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 3: First Fight

Chapter 3: First Fight

'Now, do I kill them or not?' questioned Lucius.

Seeing the startled look on Luther's face, Lucius immediately reacted. He stretched his left leg to kick on Luther's chest.

Luther, who was distracted couldn't react in time. He suddenly felt a large force being delivered onto his chest and the sharp pain that came along with it.

He immediately wanted to scream with pain, only to find that he couldn't draw his breath.

The two muscular guys seeing their prey attack their boss, were suddenly stunned.

Not giving them any time to react, Lucius used his right arm to strike at the elbow joint of the boy who was holding him. The boy howled in pain and dropped Lucius on the ground.

Lucius calmly rose onto his feet and looked at the scene before him. The boss Luther was on the ground struggling to breathe, one of the muscular lackeys was holding onto his arm in pain and the other was staring at Lucius dumbly.

Lucius took a deep breath to ease the pain he was feeling in his body. He stared ahead to look at the three and asked.

"Say, how do you want to die?", he asked in an emotionless voice.

Hearing this voice the other muscular guy shivered. But then he felt anger surging in his body.

'I-I- was afraid?! Of this weak bastard?', he thought.

He then let out a loud scream and rushed towards Lucius with his arms raised in a defensive position. Looking at what happened to his boss and his brother, he dared not to be too careless.

'Well, seems like this one isn't a complete idiot. I guess I'll start with him', Lucius thought to himself as he adjusted his center of balance.

The muscular guy closed the distance between them and then threw a punch towards Lucius. He wanted to use his raw power to overpower Lucius.

Seeing this punch, Lucius casually leaned back. The punch originally aimed at Lucius face, narrowly missed his nose with a hair's width of a distance.

Lucius clenched his hands to form a fist and hit the guy's armpit. Already having missed his punch, the muscular guy was currently off balance. He received Lucius fist and immediately screamed in pain. With the pain clouding his mind he dropped his arm that was acting as a guard.

Lucius immediately used this opportunity to strike at the guy's throat. This strike would have been fatal if there was sufficient force behind it. Alas, Lucius' body was already exhausted and there was no more strength left to use.

'This body is so weak' Lucius clicked his tongue.

This guy was still holding onto his broken arm and painfully writhing in the ground.

Lucius walked over to him and stepped on his broken hand. Then he slowly increased the amount of force to gradually increase the pain the muscular guy felt.

"Ahhh!!" the muscular guy wailed out loud.

"So noisy" Lucius grumbled.

He then kicked the guy in his lower jaw. The boy, now with his jaw broken couldn't even scream to relieve his pain. Lucius then continued to kick at the guy's other arm to fracture it and crushed both of his ankles. Eventually, the muscular guy passed out from the pain.

'That's two done, now to deal with their boss' Lucius thought to himself.

Luther, who was attacked first had by now regained some of his senses. As he looked at how Lucius slowly tortured his opponent, he felt a shiver pass down his spine. Cold sweat had started dripping from every pore of his body and his back was entirely drenched.

'Is this the same guy?' he thought to himself.

He then felt terrified as he realized that Lucius was done with the other guy and was looking at him. He saw Lucius' pure black eyes looking at him with complete indifference. There was no anger, no pain nor any compassion. It felt the same way one would feel looking at an ant.

Lucius then started heading over towards Luther.

"Ah-ah, wait don't come over here" Luther screamed as he struggled to move away from this devil.

By now he had completely lost all his elegant composure. The only thing on his mind right now was to escape from this demon.

"If-if you d-do an-anything to m-me, my family wont let you off" he tried to threaten Lucius. Lucius ignored his pleas and threats and calmly headed over to him. He stood before Luther and watched him.

Seeing that Lucius hadn't done anything to him, he felt that his threats were having effect. He then continued.

"Tha-that's right, if you dare do anything to me, I'll tell my family to eradicate you off the face of this world" he said regaining some of his lost confidence.

"You better hand over that project and grovel at my feet. If you sincerely beg me I might let you off", he continued.

In his mind he added, 'If I let you off after what you did to me today, I wouldn't be called Luther'

"I don't understand", said Lucius suddenly.

"You seem to place a lot of importance on the 'object' that's with me, so you wouldn't have told anyone what it is. Also from your threats it can be inferred that you come from a large influential family." Lucius analyzed.

"In order to gain the recognition of your family elders, you would need to provide some benefits to the family. Now I can assume that this 'object' of mine is the key to this benefit" he continued.

"Now tell me this, 'Classmate' Luther, how is your family going to eradicate me if you don't make it out of here alive and tell them?" Lucius calmly said.

Luther suddenly realized the logic in Lucius' sentence and the fear that had left him started flooding back.

"Th-this." Luther couldn't respond.

"So I can just kill you here and be done with it. Nobody would suspect me." Lucius concluded

He then walked over to Luther who was sitting paralyzed in the ground. He had lost all hopes to live and was staring ahead blankly. Lucius reached over to break this guy's neck.

"Now to be done with this", he thought as he was about to break Luther's neck.

"Lucius!!!", suddenly a loud scream could be heard.

'Another person?!' Lucius' pupils shrank as he heard that voice.

'I can't kill this new person as their combat capability is unknown and I barely have any strength left in my body', Lucius thought.

'I can't kill these guys now, lest I leave any witness' as he thought up to here, Lucius then proceeded to strike Luther's head.

'These guys wouldn't wake up for at least a week, I must deal with them within that timeframe', Lucius thought to himself.

'Now how do I deal with this new person?', Lucius was thinking to himself when that voice was heard again.

"Lucius! Are you alright?" the voice sounded again. It was high-pitched and was clearly filled anxiousness.

A vague silhouette could be seen rushing over here from afar.

'Human. Female.' Lucius thought to himself when he suddenly felt his body completely lose strength.

'Great, I am losing consciousness again' Lucius thought impassively when his surrounding blacked out for a second time, the same day.

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