Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 15: Fantasy

Chapter 15: Fantasy

It's just a sequence two." With the Book of Dreams, he is not afraid of the gods!

Now he doesn't have friends all over the world, but his friends are enough to kill all the enemies under the ancient gods!

"Leodro!" Truman's hand wearing an ancient glove reached into the fog of history.

The Gloves of the Ancient are a mixture of the characteristics of the Ancient Scholar and the Planeswalker, and the Ancient Scholar's signature skill is pulling historical projections!

He and Leodro had only met once and were not acquaintances, but today Truman and Leodro were both angels under the throne of the ancient Sun God!

The connection on a mystical level is profound enough!

So after just one attempt, an angel figure was pulled out of the fog of history.

Of course, this historical projection does not have the hidden power and wisdom of the goddess, but it is also a wind angel!

"Leodro?!" Medici was shocked, and then watched helplessly as another familiar figure was pulled out.

"Osykus?!" The pure white angel walked out of the fog of history, radiating the blazing brilliance of the sun.

Under the rays of the sun, terrifying white electric snakes were scurrying around, all draped over the sword-wielding giant.

The scene was extremely intense for a while, and Medici was so stunned that he almost thought he saw the two companions.

"Why are these two historical projections so powerful?" It's almost the same as the ontology!

For Truman, the spirituality that summons historical projections is transferred from the Book of Dreams, and he can naturally squander it without any pressure.

"Space barrier!" The planeswalker's use of space is already very terrifying. After all, he is able to travel in the starry sky and see the existence of starry sky civilization.

Truman reached out and grabbed it in mid-air, as if he had caught the real thing, and then squeezed it hard!

In an instant, dozens of gates like transparent whirlpools appeared in mid-air, wrapping the entire battlefield, and then collapsed inward!

"Get out!" Badheir faced the two historical projections without retreating at all. He slashed with the Dusk Sword in his hand, and the orange-red light exuded the power of Dusk and Dusk.

His sword plunged into the ground, and a little bit of pure light poured out from the surrounding void, with a sacred and glorious meaning, and finally turned into water to build a cage dividing the inside and outside.

The collapse of space and the indiscriminate bombardment of the two angels finally made the two angels of the sequence, who were best at frontal combat, take the defensive.

"Buzz!" Before the light-condensed cage completely surrounded him, Truman flashed, opened the door and entered the cage.

He gently waved his hand, scattering the projections of the two angels on the periphery, and pulled out the historical projections of Medici and Ourolius.

Angel of War and Angel of Destiny!

Medici, who was fighting outside, was spiritually touched. Although he couldn't see the fight in the cage, he already knew what happened and almost cursed.

Who said he didn't need his help?

"Hmph!" Medici snorted coldly and did not try to resist, "This seems to be an ancient scholar on the path of a diviner? I will fight one by one when I see you in the future!"

And inside the cage, Medici's historical projection has launched "Harvest", and with the blessing of Ourolius' luck, he has directly gained insight into Badheir's fatal weakness!

"Roar!" Badheir suddenly saw that the enemy dared to teleport into his cage and his eyes widened. It was really unexpected.

Truman looked at Badheir, and gently moved his fingers, stirring some undetectable threads.

Secret puppet transformation!

The giant Badheir stared wide-eyed, his body froze, and the fatal blow was about to hit him!

Badheir understood the critical situation and used all means to save his life.


A seed fell from his armor, and when it fell to the ground, it suddenly turned into a towering tree!

This towering tree completely covered the giant's figure. It was a seed from the harvest goddess Omi Bella, forming a thick enough barrier.

The fatal blow did not fall on Badheir in the end, but was blocked by the barrier. At the same time, the secret puppet transformation was also interrupted.

"This is my domain!" Although Badheir was frightened, he suddenly waved the Dusk Sword, and countless rays of light began to emerge, and then rioted.

Storm of light!

The sword blade turned into a storm, the orange dusk spread in the cage, and the terrifying power erupted in the limited space, making it even more powerful.

Moreover, wherever this storm passed, everything withered, the soil turned into sand, and everything was decaying.

The fatal blow struck by Medici and Ouroleus was forced away by the sword storm, and Badheir killed the two archangels fiercely.


Truman gave up maintaining the historical projection of the two angels, and the corners of his sage's robe fluttered gently. His whole body directly turned into a flow of information. The endless sword storm could not destroy this incorporeal information.

"Dragon transformation!" The information flow representing everything about Truman suddenly expanded and turned into a spiritual dragon!

It was the one who was massacred by Truman and Medici before. His blood had been completely analyzed before it fell into Truman's hands, and now it is shaped by the flow of information.


The dragon transformed by Truman fought hand to hand with the giant, and the giant's sword was deflected with one claw.

"How come there are so many abilities?!" Badheir also felt overwhelmed. He had always fought with a sword until the sky fell apart, but now this opponent was extremely difficult.

The spiritual dragon roared, and special attacks targeting the spiritual body such as "Frenzy" and "Psychic Riot" as well as other spells such as lightning storms rained down like raindrops.

For a moment, Badheir could only go on the defensive again, holding his sword in front of him to resist many attacks.

"Too weak." A voice came from the giant dragon's mouth. In the next moment, the projections of the three angels that had appeared before, except Ourolos, reappeared. Thunder, sun, and flames filled the cage.

If you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, if you are rich, you can cover it with firepower!

Truman, who doesn't need to worry about spiritual loss at all, said that it's just three historical projections, even if there are dozens more!

Gradually, even Badheir, who is known as the number one frontal combat power, fell into a trance of being the enemy of the whole world. The cage built by him has been occupied by the enemy!

This was definitely the most frustrating battle that Badheir had ever fought in his life, and he was completely manipulated by his opponent.

He didn't even touch the enemy's body!

"Too weak!" Truman said again, with a tone of hatred that made Badheir feel completely ashamed.

"Ah!" Badheir roared again and fought hard, but was soon defeated by the terrifying thunder and fire attack, and could only huddle in a corner of the cage.

"That's enough!" Truman, who transformed into a spiritual dragon, suddenly smiled, and the "Fantasy Dream" symbol on the dream book shone brightly.

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