Lord of the Karmic Fate

Chapter 53 Same, Yet Different

Raven stood still, his brows furrowed with confusion and doubt.

So far, if he understood it right, Kayn seemed to figure out a way where humans, without the help of any external help such as Rune Marks, Artifacts, and accessories, were still able to become stronger than normal... And because of working out?


Raven almost laughed when he heard this, yet, Kayn just stood calmly where he was, his face holding not even the slightest sign of screwing around.

"You are just joking... Right?" after a few seconds, Raven's face turned serious, and asked.

Kayn's lips curved upward and while picking up the knife from the ground he just tossed there a few moments ago, he asked, "What do you know about diamonds?"

'Ignoring my question again, huh?' Raven squinted his eyes before he decided to reply, "I only know that in the past, and even at this moment they are considered to be the strongest gemstone in the whole world. Though, I don't understand how a piece of shiny rock matters when we were talking about physical strength."

"You will understand just in a few minutes, believe me," Kayn replied, and as he began to spin the knife between his fingers, he carried on, "You know, they say that diamonds and carbons are, in fact, the same, yet, at the same time not. Why? Well, according to the information I have found, it is because while both of them are being carbon, depending on the amount of pressure you put them under, you can refine them and make them stronger, which in the end will give you diamonds!"

"The same goes for the human body too. Every human, let it be women or men, depending on the amount of physical pressure they put their body under, alas the more physical exercise they do, they can improve, becoming stronger, faster, and more tenacious."

"However, as you have already said it, massive and noticeable changes cannot be done in just a few days. One needs to struggle for months, even for years to achieve a noticeable and massive amount of changes."

Then, grabbing the knife's hilt with his right and the tip with his left, Kayn flexed his muscles and under Raven's attentive gaze he broke it into two.

"Or at least that was the case until now. It seems, that these Realm Domains and Realm Games not only allow us to get stronger, faster, and have a faster reaction speed, together with higher endurance and stamina but just like how pressure can polish carbon into a diamond, we can also refine our bodies, physical characteristics without increasing our Traits at all!"

"And it also seems way faster than ever before!" Kayn smiled, dropping down both the hilt and the blade of the broken knife from his hand onto the ground.

Raven remained silent, and after pondering for several seconds he asked, "Okay, I seem to understand what you are saying. But I have a question."

"Sure, go ahead." Kayn gestured calmly at Raven to ask.

"If what you have just said was true then didn't we just waste our time yesterday? After all, outside Realm Domains and Realm Games, no matter how much I punch, my fist won't become stronger."

"That may be true, but it doesn't matter. Working out inside or outside will have the same effect within Realm Games and Realm Domains." Kayn said nonchalantly before he pointed at the boulder and stated, "I am pretty sure if you would have punched that rock just before we met, your results would have been even worse than now."

"I see..." Raven mumbled before another question popped up in his puzzled mind, "Wait. If that is the case wouldn't that mean slowly everyone will become insanely powerful?"

Kayn, however, this time shook his head, "Not at all. Just think about it. Now that these Avatar Traits have appeared, granting inhuman strength to everyone, everyone will grind Realm Gates and explore Realm Domain to get their hands on Avatar Flasks and other rewards to increase their overall strength. None of them will bother to train their bodies."

"And exactly because of this, it won't matter if you have fewer Avatar Traits than others, in the end, you will be still stronger than them!"

"And what about the Vitality or Mystique Trait? You can't increase those two with physical training." Raven, although not as much as previously, still insisted on increasing his Avatar Traits, at least a bit if not by a huge amount!

"You are right, you can't. But considering your guild's fame, you can easily get your hands on a few Avatar Flasks anytime either from Realms or by trading. You can also enter auctions online and buy some from the Realm Association, which while getting sold for astronomical prices, with your father's wealth it won't be an issue."

"There is such a thing already?" Raven was surprised.

"Kid, tens of thousands of Realm Gates are all around the world, each granting massive amounts of rewards. And I have yet to mention the loot you can acquire from the Realm Domains they turn into. Of course, there is an auction site already."

Then, after taking a deep breath he added, "There are even a few shady auction sites that only accept Astral Cores as a payment instead of Novas, but so far they are only a few in numbers. The majority of people usually put bets on Star Treasury, which is the official auction site of the Realm Association."

"But let's not talk about this any longer, let's get down to business already!" Kayn suddenly said and after looking around he pointed at the thickest tree in the distance, "Kick that tree 10,000 times."

"Su-, Wait, what? 10,000?!" Raven was ready to walk before the tree, now a little more eager to work out, only for his steps to come to an abrupt halt and his eyes to widen from shock.

"What? We are now inside a Ream Domain. Considering the ridiculously large amount of points your Traits have, it is a must to increase the number of repetitions or else you won't improve at all!"

"...That makes sense," Raven mumbled and after a few seconds later his eyes turned sharp, and nodded firmly.

"Let's do it."




Inside a large hall before a massive circular table, Etia, Goddes of Contents and Games, sat calmly on a large wooden chair with her short legs gently swinging and her small mouth licking a lollipop. Behind her, the masked figure of Enas was visible standing, acting as if he was nothing but her shadow.

"Haha! It seems Nalo lost his bet. His candidate just fell off a cliff and broke his neck within a Blue Realm Domain, breaking his neck out. Haha! How pathetic!"

Suddenly, a humanoid being with features akin to a fox slapped his thigh amidst a hearty laugh, shifting his gaze away from the floating orb at a man sitting several meters besides him.

His name was Seion and he was also known as the God of Mischief.

Nalo, God of Stars, who had small stars floating around his neck and arms just curved his lips upward with his eyes still closed and waved his hand, quickly summoning a large pouch full of shiny crystals into his hold before tossing it toward Etia.

"Hehe! Thank you very much~." with a satisfied grin, Etia grabbed the pouch and made it vanish, doing all this without taking her eyes away from the floating orb that showed various images of different events happening on them.

Similar conversations and sights happened from time to time between Gods and Goddesses sitting around the table when suddenly the door on the side opened and two figures with otherworldly features walked inside calmly, immediately attracting everyone's gaze within th hall.

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