Lord of the Karmic Fate

Chapter 64 Reaching The Top

The whole world watched everything happening within the Blue Realm Gate with keen eyes, willing and curious to see who would acquire the Relic first and what would happen afterward.

In truth, there were people who already started betting, some even opening an online betting site for others to join and place bets!

Humans were truly an amusing race, taking advantage of others' unfortunate and ignoring their struggle just to gain a little bit o wealth as a result!

Hell, some even went so far that instead of Novas he bet accessories and items acquired from Realms! What was that if not insanity?

Luna, seeing how news about such sites sneered coldly before her eyes flashed with a particular glint and quickly took her phone out of her pocket. She was calling someone.

"Weird... Why is he not picking up?" Luna mumbled after waiting for an entire minute for the other side to pick up, only to no avail.

Then, almost a second later, her eyes widened before she jumped onto her feet.

"Don't tell me... No, he would not do something so foolish. ....Right?" standing in the middle of a luxurious hotel room, Luna mumbled quietly as she narrowed her eyes and fixed her gaze on the hologram in front of her.

If one looked at her now, it seemed as if she was trying to spot someone while also hoping not to find anyone.

Running up on the side of the mountain while going around huge boulders and a few withered trees, Raven suddenly felt a shiver go through his body and quickly turned around.

"Weird... I definitely felt as if someone was staring at me, but there is no one behind me. First that weird dream now this... Perhaps I really start to go crazy?" Raven mumbled before he shook his head and decided to focus on the path ahead.

So far he had run about 50 miles yet he was nowhere near the middle. In truth, not only him, but even the guy on the very front was very far away from reaching the middle section from where the mountain started to become really steep.

So steep that except if one didn't possess an Artifact granting powers akin to flight such as that guy with the white wings, one had no other choice but to climb!

'I should slow down a little bit and restore my strength a little. Considering how high the peak is, climbing all the way to the top won't be an easy trip.' Raven thought to himself and slowed down.

Of course, others behind him immediately thought he got tired, some even throwing mean and mocking remarks at him and his mask the moment they ran past him. Naturally, Raven just ignored them like small flies, knowing way too well karma will play its role soon enough.

And that soon was surprisingly very soon.

After reaching the point where they had to finally climb, which took everyone around 5 hours of constant running, those who decided not to rest but were obviously exhausted all fell to their demise after climbing around 500 to 600 meters!

Raven watching the corpses and deformed bodies of people, some even struggling for their lives as they didn't die immediately, felt the urge to kick into them and laugh. Of course, he didn't do it, but he still played with the thought, like why not?

Once at the foot of the almost vertical mountainside, Raven raised his head and watched as hundreds of humans, young and old, men and women, raced to the top while ignoring those who slipped and as a result started to fall down, dying in the end.


Watching how a young woman fell just a few meters away from him with her head exploding and body turning into meat paste in the process, giving her a swift and painful 'death', Raven sighed and placed his hands into the small gap through which he will be able to climb toward the top.

'Here I come...' with a deep breath Raven began to ascend, but in contrast to the majority that climbed as fast as they could in order to be the first ones, he took his time.

Of course, that didn't mean he climbed slowly. He still climbed relatively fast and swiftly thanks to his Traits, he was just not reckless as others, that's all.

Time passed slowly, and as Raven climbed higher and higher, the slower his speed become just to make sure he didn't slip and fall into his demise accidentally.

Hell, he even had to stop thrice during his ascend just to avoid the falling bodies of others that either ended up with such a fate because of their own mistake or because the ones right below them pulled them down!

Human savagery truly knew no limits.

"Hey, bro. Can you please give me a hand? I am kinda stuck here?"

Climbing higher and higher for almost an entire hour, Raven heard a voice talking to him thus he glanced down, watching how a muscular man with a weird helmet on his head extended his hand toward him, obviously asking for his help.

'Does he really think I will fall for such a lame trick?' Raven thought to himself before he replied indifferently, "Sorry man, my hands are quite full at the moment."

And with that, Raven decided to ignore the man and continue climbing. However, just as he was led to pulling himself up, he suddenly felt a firm hand grabbing his leg.

"And what do you think you are doing?" Raven asked with a hidden frown as he glared down at the man who at the moment was grabbing his ankle, no sign that he wished to let it go.

The man smirked coldly and said, "If you don't want to help me, that's fine. I will just help myself then!"

Then, with a cold laugh, the man pulled on Raven's leg, already imagining the sight where he loses his grip and falls below with a dread-filled scream just like the rest who already died!

But weirdly enough, that never happened.

"Huh..." with a frozen smile, the man pulled a few more times, but as even then he failed to drag Raven down he slowly raised his gaze, his smile turning into a rather awkward one.

"...T-This is not what you think i-"

"Scram," Raven spoke coldly, and without waiting for the man to finish his stuttering he kicked mercilessly downward, sending the man right into his demise.

Although this was his very first time 'killing' another human, strangely, except for feeling slightly weak, Raven felt no guilt nor the urge to throw up.

'Kill or be killed. It seems Kayn was right...' Raven thought in his heart as he watched how the man quickly vanished from sight before quickly proceeding on ascending.

Raven climbed without stopping and after 4 hours of constant climbing where he witnessed the death of many, he finally reached to top.

However, not even a second after he was on his feet and was ready to pat his clothes, a sight he didn't expect to see presented itself right before him, freezing his whole body like a sculpture as a result!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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