Lord of the Karmic Fate

Chapter 83 Luck

The silence inside the mansion was heavier than words could ever describe it.

No one talked. In fact, Old Dan was in so much shock that he had to sit down while Kayn and Thomas just stared at the empty air. And from their pale faces, even a fool would know there was complete chaos both inside their minds and hearts for obvious reasons.

The one looking the worst of all of them was, surprisingly, Luna. Her expression was stiff, her fingers clenched into tight fists, and her eyes mixed in both helplessness, anger, and deep worry. She was even hitting on her lower lip, seemingly trying to think of ways to help Raven.

However, there was just simply nothing she could think about. Not because she couldn't think any, but because her hands were tied, rendering her both hopeless and powerless!

Seeing her like this made Raven's heart clench before he sighed and stood up, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"We have to go to the Realm Association."

"Huh? Why?" Luna raised a brow, but the other three immediately seemed to understand Raven's thought.

"You wish to ask them to hand you all the Avatar Flasks?" Thomas asked, his face heavy and grim.

Raven, glancing at his father's butler nodded softly and explained, "That is the only chance we have if we wish to succeed. Furthermore, I bet these Rotrids or whatever they are called, they will do the same."

After all, no matter how much. one wished to deny it, it was an absolute fact that in 24 hours the fate of every soul living on Earth will be on the line!

"But maybe... But maybe they won't even choose to nurture you at all!" Luna suddenly stated with little hope flashing in her beautiful eyes, which, unfortunately, were immidieatly shattered by Raven.

"Lulu, do you really think there is anyone else on this planet with as high Avatar Traits as me? Let alone my Title, which directly grants me 20 points for each of my Traits, but all of my Avatar Traits are above 60!"

"There is just no one who can compete with me when it comes to pure overall strength, this is a fact."

On the side, Old Dan closed his eyes and sighed deeply, "Although I don't wish to admit this, he is right. Not only is he at Rank 9, which is a whole Rank above the currently known strongest human on our planet, but all of his Traits had reached 60 points or above."

Kayn on the side nodded heavily and sighed, "The right thing to do should be to nurture you with as many Avatar Flasks and Relics as we can and hope for the best."

Upon hearing this, Luna clenched her teeth and with teary eyes, she jumped onto her feet and ran away.

"Just let her." Old Dan shook his head when he saw Raven was about to go after her, "We should not waste any more time. I will call Bai right this instant."

"Wait! Don't."

Just as Old Dan was ready to press call on his phone, his fingers froze and he glanced at Raven, one of his brows raised upward.

"Why?" Kayn and Thomas were confused also.

"Just give me a minute." Raven raised his index finger and ran away, only to come back now in a completely new set of suits.

He was wearing the same suit he wore during the Special Event, which although damaged because of the fight still looked cool.

Of course, Old Dan and the rest have already figured out it was Raven during that time, however, this time their confusion was because of something else.

"Why do you wish to keep your identity still hidden?" Thomas was the first one who decided to ask his doubt.

"It is because I wish to avoid unnecessary problems," Raven replied before he proceeded on explaining, "First of all, I don't wish to bring suspicion onto the Black Moon Guild once they see my insanely high Avatar Trait."

"Secondly, if I happen to fail this challenge, both our guild and family will be in immense danger and that is the least I wish when everything goes from bad to worse."

"Lastly, if I somehow still end up emerging as the victor, the rewards of this challenge will definitely be immense in both amount and quality. You all know what greed can do to people, so that is a reason why it should be better to keep my identity hidden than let the world know."

When he finished talking, Kayn on the side nodded, "I have to agree with the brat. No matter what the outcome will happen from now on, it is better to keep his identity unknown, for both his and all of our safety."

"Also, I am pretty sure if I show them my Avatar Status, they will immidieatly start asking how I did it which if not from me, they will find the answer from someone else." Raven quickly added.

"And if that happens, it is possible that when everything is over both the Realm Association and the United World League will take everything away from us, or at least force us to do so."

Thomas and Old Dan looked at each other when they heard the last part from Raven and seemed to agree with that statement.

It was because the Realm Association didn't know they could duplicate and enhance their resources, which if happened to get to them would definitely bring huge trouble.

Naturally, this is the reason why Thomas gathered only loyal and trusted people during the time when he asked Raven to use his Relic on the guild's resources.

He was confident and also made sure they were not talking.

"Okay, and how do you wish to go to Nova City? I hope you don't wish us to take you there, right?" Kayn asked with a frown.

Hearing Kayn's question, Raven wished to say something when suddenly Thomas spoke;

"While the Young Master was unconscious, I heard from Darwin they are searching for the masked individual. It turns out he ordered an Avatar Flask here."

Old Dan raised a brow and glanced at Raven, hoping to get answers.

Raven just smiled warily and said, "I indeed did."

"Then you must have been recorded by the security cameras. Wait... Then how come they don't know it is you?" Kayn asked with furrowed brows.

"I have already checked it, it seems the security cameras were malfunctioning at that time," Thomas explained.

Once again, Old Dan looked puzzled but soon enough just sighed helplessly and said, "Then let's call the Realm Association and tell them he i-"

"No, that would bring suspicion also." Raven quickly shook his head and with a smile said, "I have a better idea."

Kayn, Thomas, and Old Dan raised a brow, looking at each other in confusion.




Sitting inside the headquarters of the Star Treasury, a young woman with an exhausted expression stared at her screen when suddenly something popped up on it.

"Now what is th-" the woman began to read the message, however, when she saw the one sending it her expression froze before she quickly grabbed the device beside her and dialed a number.

Alexios, meanwhile, sitting in his room while hitting his fingernail picked up his phone, and with a somewhat annoyed voice asked, "What?"

"Sir, it's him."

Freezing momentarily, Alexios stared into empty air when suddenly he leaped onto his feet and asked, "Where? Where is he?"

"I-I don't know, Sir. He just wishes to buy another Unique Item. Just like last time, it is also an Avatar Flask, increase-"

"I don't care about the item!" Alexios shouted and quickly asked, "Just tell me where he wishes the item to be shipped!"

"I-It is also the same address as previously, Sir."

When Alexios heard this, a wide smile appeared on his face before he turned serious and collected.

"Don't reply to him just yet. I will get in touch with you soon. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

After that, Alexios quickly dialed another number which after a few rings got connected to the other side.

"Sir, it is me Alexios. I have found him."




Walking on a beautiful silver pavement, a young man wearing a scarcely damaged white suit with a golden polygon mask approached the Black Moon Guild, quickly drawing everyone's attention.

"C-Can you see him? Isn't he the one-"

"I think so, yeah... But what is he doing here?"

"He seems to head over to the Black Moon Guild... Maybe he will join us?"

"You really think so?"

While recruits and people were whispering among each other, the young man followed the pavement with slow but steady steps, and soon he was right in front of the entrance of the Black Moon Guild.

However, just as he could have taken a step forward, suddenly several individuals wearing black suits appeared around and in front of him, blocking his path.

"I apologize Sir, but you have to come with us."

Turning around, the young man glanced at the man just speaking and with a low and somewhat annoyed tone of voice asked, "And who are you?"

The man seemed surprised before he bowed politely, "I apologize again, I have forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Goran Vernize, the chairman of the Star Treasury. It is a pleasure to meet you... Umm..."

"Just call me Luck." the young man talked, his hand extended forward for a handshake, which, although a bit shocked, was accepted by Goran with a wide grin.

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