Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 764: stop him

  Chapter 764 stop him


  In the form of a giant dragon, the body of the evil dragon master has been strengthened in all aspects.

  The huge body moved, approaching the Queen of the Night in an instant, and its head was like a giant hammer, hitting the Queen of the Night.

  The Queen of the Night quickly used dark matter to form a shield in front of her body, resisting the head of the evil dragon master in the form of a dragon.


  The protection formed by the dark matter was pierced, and the head of the evil dragon master in the form of a giant dragon hit the Queen of the Night.

  A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the Queen of the Night was knocked backwards and flew backwards, heavily falling dozens of kilometers away.


  The evil dragon master in the form of a giant dragon pursued the Queen of the Night who was flying backwards after the injury, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to seriously injure or even kill the Queen of the Night.

   Fortunately, Flynn came to his senses at this time.


  A huge sniper rifle bullet passed through space cracks along the way, and attacked the evil dragon master in the form of a giant dragon with extreme speed.


  The evil dragon master in the form of a giant dragon sensed the danger and stopped chasing the Queen of the Night.

  The huge dragon tail flicked like a mountain range, triggering the impact of space cracks and hitting the sniper bullets.


  The sniper rifle bullet was blocked, and as a price, the huge dragon tail scale armor of the evil dragon master in the form of a giant dragon fell off and became bloody.

  This kind of injury is not serious for the evil dragon master who has an immortal body.

  Transformed into the form of a giant dragon, the already extremely powerful body of the evil dragon master became even stronger, so powerful that even the combination of the mysterious gun and the barrister could not seriously injure him.

   "The defense has been strengthened again!"

  Felin looked fearfully at the evil dragon master who had transformed into a giant dragon.

  The powerful power of the combination of the mysterious gun and the barrister was undoubtedly revealed not long ago when it was besieged by the three evil gods, the Lord of Eyes, the Lord of Blood, and the Lord of Shadows.

But with such powerful power, when facing the Evil God Dragon Lord in the form of a giant dragon, it can only cause minor injuries that are not serious. As you can imagine,

   "Don't fight him hard, his form doesn't last long."

   With Felin dragging the Evil God Dragon Lord, the injured Queen of the Night slowed down. She looked solemnly at the Evil God Dragon Lord who had transformed into a giant dragon, and the voice came directly into Felin's head and said.

   Having personally destroyed the Dragon Empire, she has confronted the Evil God Dragon Lord many times, and she knows the characteristics of the Evil God Dragon Lord's giant dragon form.


  Felin nodded, no longer thinking about how to quickly kill the Evil God Dragon Lord, but began to think about fighting with the Evil God Dragon Lord.

   "The Parasitic Tree."

  Using the parasitic tree of the secret technique, giant black iron trees rose up one after another, covering a huge area in a very short period of time, turning this area into a forest.

  The body of the Evil God Dragon Master in the form of a giant dragon is covered by a thousand-meter-high black iron tree, like being trapped in a cage.

   "Is this the only way to trap me?"

   Click, click, click!

  The body of the evil dragon master who turned into a dragon twisted, and the thousand-meter-high black iron giant trees trapped around his body were suddenly broken.

  The giant tail flicked, and a large number of giant black iron trees collapsed again.

   Within a few breaths, a large open space appeared in the forest of giant black iron trees.

  The Evil God Dragon Lord, who has been enhanced in all aspects of the incarnation of the dragon, is destroying the black iron giant tree forest.

   "The giant black iron tree, which uses metal seeds as mystical organs, has an extremely powerful defense!"

  Felin quickly used the barrister of the mystic technique, which strengthened the hardness of the giant black iron tree.


  Under the mysterious barrister, the already hard black iron giant tree became even harder.

   Click, click, click!

   Facing the hardened black iron giant tree, it is indeed not as easy for the evil dragon master in the form of a dragon to destroy it as before.

  Even so, the black iron giant tree forest is still being destroyed, but at a slightly slower rate.

  However, Flynn didn't care. He maintained the Mystic Parasitic Tree and the barrister with all his strength, constantly created new black iron giant trees, and worked hard to maintain the black iron giant tree forest.

  His purpose is not to trap the evil dragon master, but to delay time.

  According to the Queen of the Night, the dragon form of the evil dragon master consumes a lot of energy and cannot be maintained for a long time.

  As long as the time is delayed until the evil dragon master is unable to maintain the dragon form, victory will belong to them.

   Shua, Shua, Shua!

  Hiding in the giant black iron tree forest, the Queen of the Night also created a large number of tentacles of dark matter, which entangled and obstructed the evil dragon master, preventing the evil dragon master from destroying the forest to delay time.

   "Want to stall for time?"

   Soon aware of the intentions of Felin and the Queen of the Night, the Evil God Dragon Lord in the form of a giant dragon snorted coldly, and the sound exploded in the forest like thunder.

The violent airflow caused by    turned into a typhoon of level 12, and the branches of the giant black iron tree shook violently.


  The Lord of the Evil God Dragon raised his giant claws and slammed it to the ground.

  As His giant claws slapped the ground, the ground centered on His giant claws, and there appeared one after another huge cracks like canyons.

  Under the canyon, the wall of the space can be vaguely seen.


   Didn't stop, the evil dragon master continued to wave his claws to take pictures, a huge pothole appeared on the ground, and the bottom of the pothole, the space wall became clearly visible.

   Click, click, click!

  The Lord of the Evil God Dragon swung his claws again, and this time his sharp claws slapped on the wall of the space.

  As His claws slapped on the wall of the space, cracks appeared on the wall of the space.

   "Not good, he wants to destroy the space formed by the field of night, escape from the field of night, stop him!"

   Aware of the evil dragon master's intentions, the Queen of the Night hurriedly said to Felin.

   "Want to destroy the Dark Night Realm?"

  Hearing the reminder from the Queen of the Night, Felin was startled.

  If the evil dragon lord is allowed to escape from the Dark Night Realm, the movement of the battle will definitely be noticed by the gods.

  The purpose of besieging and killing the Evil God Dragon Lord quietly will not be achieved, not only that, the plan to besiege and kill the Evil God Dragon Lord may also fail.

  Because they sensed that the Evil God Dragon Lord was being attacked and killed, other evil gods would definitely come to support them. With the support of other evil gods, it would be difficult to kill the Evil God Dragon Lord.

  Because in terms of strength, compared with the evil gods, they are only on par or even slightly inferior.

  After all, the combat power displayed by the Evil God Dragon Lord exceeded expectations, and his strength was obviously higher than that of ordinary Evil Gods, so he could not be counted as just an Evil God.

  And his previous calculations were based on the calculation of the evil **** Dragon Master as an ordinary evil god.


   Giving up on maintaining the parasitic tree, Felin summoned the mysterious gun, and after increasing its power with the mystic barrister, he quickly attacked the evil dragon master.

  Huge sniper rifle bullets, accompanied by dense space cracks, attacked the evil dragon master.


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