Love History Caused By Willful Negligence

Vol. 2 Chapter 47: Chapter 47

Vol. 2 Chapter 47: Chapter 47

Translated by Chef

Edited by Chef

The hospital room had a peculiar smell.

It was a memory that only someone who had been in a hospital for a long time had. Some remembered the smell of disinfectant mixed with the smell of medicine, while others remembered the smell of filth and the musty smell of the sick. To Inseop, it was nothing but the smell of flowers. For her son who is afraid of the hospital, the mother always brought flowers to the hospital room. Every time he came back to consciousness, when he smelled the scent of flowers, the first thing he felt was the relief that he was alive again.


It didn’t smell like flowers this time. Maybe that’s why he had to think about where this place was for a long time even after he opened his eyes.

“Inseop, are you awake?”

Noticing that Inseop had woken up, Ahreum stood up from the chair.

“We’re at the hospital. I found Mr. Inseop collapsed and called an ambulance. I called, but you didn’t answer. I heard the ringing in the parking lot, so I went and found you passed out.”


In the vague memories, Inseop recalled the voice of Yoon Ahreum calling him.

“Sorry?? Why is someone who have collapsed in pain apologizing?”

“What about Kong?”

Behind Yoon Ahreum’s voice, he could hear a dog barking. Yoon Ahreum let out a sigh and answered.

“Are you looking for Kong in the middle of this? My father came and took her away earlier. Even so, my father told me to call him when you wake up, but I should just send a text message. My father was very worried.”

Yoon Ahreum took out her cell phone and sent a text message.

“I’m sorry. It’s because of me…”

“It’s okay. Oh, I got a call from my father. I’ll talk to him for a while.”

Yoon Ahreum answered the phone right away.

“Yes, father. The exact test results haven’t come out yet, but the doctor says it’s stress. Don’t worry. Of course he’ll be fine.”

When their eyes met during the phone call, Yoon Areum smiled. Inseop immediately realized for whom the words that it would be okay were comforting.

“I’ll call you back later.”

After the phone call, Areum looked at Inseop and continued talking.

“Every modern person has at least one stress-related disease. I also live with gastritis these days because I am studying.”

It’s probably something that he heard a lot about his body condition from his doctor. Inseop was grateful for her kind consideration for pretending not to know.

“Thank you.”

Inseop sincerely thanked the person who was worried about him.

“But I think it would be best to take a break from work for a while…”

“I’m only thinking of doing it till this month.”

She let out her sigh.

“Money is good, but health comes first. Don’t push yourself too hard.”

“Thank you for your concern. I’ll finish it well.”

He wasn’t working for the money, but he couldn’t explain the circumstances.

“Can you not contact your family?

The fact that Inseop’s family is all in America, he had told her once before.

“…because I don’t want to make them worry.”

If his parents find out about it, they will ask him to come back to America immediately. Although they were caring and laid-back parents in other matters, they were fiercely adamant when it came to their? son’s health. And above all, he didn’t want to make his parents worry again.

“You can go now. It’s very late, so please go home.”

“I have to change with the next guardian, how can I just leave the patient behind?”

Inseop had no answer to what she threw at him playfully. Recognizing his true intentions hidden behind the subtle silence, Yoon Areum asked cautiously.

“Are you calling your girlfriend?”

“I don’t think they’ll be able to come.”

He didn’t even want to imagine what would happen if he called Lee Wooyeon.

“Still, wouldn’t it be better to contact them once? If they find out later, they might be more disappointed.”

“No, that’s fine. I’d rather not tell.”

Inseop straightened his head and bowed his head. After thinking about something for a moment, Yoon Ahreum spoke several times more cautiously than before.

“This could be just my useless idea, or you can say no, and I absolutely have no intention of going anywhere to say it, but…”

Uncharacteristically, it was lengthy, making Inseop nervous for a second.

“The person you are dating, are they a celebrity?”

”… .!”

He should have denied it right away, but he missed the timing. Seeing Inseop’s pale face with embarrassment, Yoon Ahreum immediately added an afterword.

“Do not worry. I’m not going to ask you further, and I’m not curious about who they are.”

He knew at least that she wasn’t like that.

“..Did I show something like that?”

He was always careful, but he was worried that he might have unconsciously shown such a thing.

“No. Not at all. I just thought to myself that it might have been like that before. I’m a bit quick to notice.”

Before, Inseop had visited Yoon Ahreum’s house once. It was a bit late, but Ashe was quite puzzled when he saw her face-to-face and had something to tell her. Inseop, who met at the cafe in front of the house, apologized, saying that he had taken advantage of Yoon Ahreum’s goodwill and behaved badly. He couldn’t tell her all the circumstances, but he showed someone a picture of Areum holding a cat and he said that they were dating.

She never sent a picture of herself, so she thought it was strange and asked what kind of picture it was. Trembling, Inseop held out a picture of Royce. To be precise, it was a picture of her holding Lois.

Inseop bowed his head and apologized several times, saying that he came here because he thought it was right to meet her and apologize.

He only showed her hands, not her face, and he didn’t even tell her name, so if he didn’t bother to come and tell her, no one would know.

While apologizing for such incidents, she stared blankly at Inseop, who was at a loss as if he had committed the worst thing in the world. He apologized so much to the point where she felt like she was bullying Inseop.

Even then, rather than being in a bad mood, She had doubts about why someone who said he had a girlfriend would say such a thing. Then, thinking it must be a special situation, she passed it on without thinking deeply. However, as this incident overlapped, the question that remained in her head was right.


Yoon Ahreum let out a sigh and looked at Inseop. She had a glimpse of pensiveness on her friendly face.

She said, “It may be far-fetched, but I’m a little concerned.”

When she first saw him, she started talking to him because he was interested in his reading taste, but as time went by, she started to understand him in a slightly different way.

Choi Inseop was a kind person by nature. She could tell without even exchanging a few words. How friendly this person looks at the world.

Inseop’s big and calm eyes reminded her of an innocent animal. Especially because of his attitude towards people without any intention.

While working as a reporter for the entertainment department, Yoon Areum met many people. It was an industry where a lot of things happened that would be difficult for an ordinary person to imagine. It was only natural for Yoon Areum to be worried about Inseop after going through various things there and deciding to leave the company.

“There is a joke I heard from my seniors while working. Those who haven’t dated celebrities while working here are second-rate, and those who have dated celebrities are third-rate.”

“What about first-class?”

“They’re not working here.”

Inseop laughed helplessly at Yoon Ahreum’s joke. He’d already heard the saying ‘I’m not dating a celebrity,” several times.

“Actually, I didn’t tell anyone, but the person I dated before I quit my job was an actor.”

Inseop widened his eyes.

“It was a very common story: we exchanged contact with each other several times during an interview, and we met for drinks later. It wasn’t the end, though.” She smiled bitterly at her words.

“Suddenly, contact was cut off. I didn’t pay much attention to the loss of contact when I started working on a project, but one day, the news of his marriage came to the fore in the entertainment industry. . I clicked on the article and knew he was doing it with someone else.”

It was said in a light tone, but it was not at all like that.

“It must have been very difficult.”

“Yes. It was very difficult. I lost 10 kg of weight in just one month, which I used to struggle to lose even though I worked out hard. After all, I heard that the heartbreaking diet is the best.”

Not knowing what kind of consolation to give, Inseop hesitated for a while before he spoke.

“I’m glad you didn’t marry someone like that. You will meet someone better.”

While working as a journalist, Yoon Ahreum has watched many times how people package their intentions. In Choi Inseop’s words just now, there was no pretense or lies mixed in. The pure emotion was revealed in the big eyes.

“Of course. It’s going to be harder to meet a worst guy than that guy. So, if you have a good guy around you, introduce me.”

“Okay, I’ll look for it…”

Seeing Inseop answer seriously, Yoon Areum burst into laughter. He took any joke seriously and took it seriously without passing it off. That was the way Choi Inseop treated people.

“Thank you. It’s a tough story, but I told you? on purpose.”

He could see why she was telling him about her bad love life.

“I’m just a little worried. In a situation like this, it’s hard if the person closest to you can’t come. I’m sorry. Holding on to someone who is sick”

“No. I keep causing trouble, and I don’t know how to repay this favor.”

“How do you pay it back? Get well soon and pay it back.”

“Yes. I’ll get well soon and pay it back. Oh, I’ll pay off the hospital bill first. Please text me the account number.”

“What’s so urgent? Do you have plans to run away without paying for your hospital bills?”

“No. Never.”

“Then get discharged and pay it back.”

Seeing Inseop nodding his head with a serious expression on her face, she burst into laughter once again. Inseop carefully checked Yoon Areum to see if he had made a mistake.

“Mr. Inseop, have you ever heard that you look like a puppy? Why do I think of that whenever you nod?”

“How many… ”

Even if it wasn’t, Lee Wooyeon said something similar today. ‘Inseop, you look like a dog,’ he recalled Lee Wooyeon’s eyes as he laughed as he said that. Suddenly, he missed him.

“That’s why Kong seems to like Inseop a lot. Does she recognize her peers?’

“I like Kong too…Although not of the same type,’

Inseop added a small comment, and Yoon Areum burst into laughter again. It was like looking at a puppy.

Inseop turned his head in embarrassment when he saw the clock hanging on the wall.

“Go now. Is it really okay?”

“How can I leave you alone? Haven’t the test results come out yet?”

“It will probably be tomorrow before the results come out. I’ll call a friend I know. And Arthur and Isaac, today is the last day. Please say goodbye for me instead.”

“Of course you will be fine. Wouldn’t it be better if I stay until your friend comes?”

“No. I’ll contact you right away when I get out. You don’t have to worry.”

When she could hardly stand up from her seat, Inseop urged her.

“Then you have to call me right away if something happens, okay?”

He nodded.

“Let me know when the test results come out tomorrow.”

“All right.”

Before Yoon Ahreum left the hospital room, she looked around once more, like she was reluctant. Inseop motioned for her to go quickly. After a while, the door to the hospital room closed.

Inseop let out a long sigh and laid? back on the bed. His stomach was throbbing and aching as Kang Youngmo hit him. When he opened his hospital gown, he was reddish and bruised.

He wouldn’t believe it if he told him he fell.

He was at a loss as to how to explain this to Lee Wooyeon. Then, a thought flashed through his head and he searched the closet next to the bed to find his cell phone. Hee wondered if he might have contacted Lee Wooyeon.

“Are you busy..”

He didn’t even respond to his previous text message asking if he reached home well. Inseop hesitated, but he sent a message to Lee Wooyeon.

[This is Choi Inseop. I have a medical appointment tomorrow, but I forgot. Sorry. I guess I won’t be able to go to work tomorrow. I will contact the CEO and Kangwoo separately. See you the day after tomorrow.]

He sent text messages to CEO Kim and Kangwoo in turn. The same answers were immediately returned by both of them. Don’t worry about work, get a good test and get some rest

However, Lee Wooyeon did not answer this time either.

“Are you very busy?”

Inseop put his cell phone on the cabinet and pressed his hand close to his heart. He didn’t feel the same pain as before. He was worried that maybe something was wrong with his body.

Inseop put his hand near his heart a few more times, inhaled deeply, and exhaled.

He was told many times that he would not live long. So when he was young he didn’t believe in God. He must have thought that if God existed, he couldn’t have made him this defective from the start. Even though she knew what her son was thinking, his mother did not force her faith. She just always said the same prayer at her son’s bedside before going to sleep.

‘Lord, thank you for giving me this child.’

The child who grew up listening to that heartfelt prayer gradually had no choice but to believe in God. It was a natural result because he didn’t let him meet his parents who loved him so much as a defective product.

Inseop sometimes prayed before going to bed. For the well-being and tranquility of those around him. He deliberately did not ask any? favor for himself. He has received so much even now, because he felt like he would be punished if he became more greedy.

Inseop put his hands together and started praying for himself after a long time.

‘I want to live a healthy life. For a long, long time…with Lee Wooyeon.’

Not sure if the last words he added sounded greedy, Inseop deliberately muttered in a small voice. But he was honest.

When he collapsed earlier, rather than the thought that he might die, the fear of what he would do if he never met Lee Wooyeon again came first.


Inseop liked the moment Lee Wooyeon called his name. He didn’t know if he was conscious of it, but whenever Lee Wooyeon called his name, he would fold his eyes and smile. It wasn’t long before he noticed that eye smile that was barely visible.

There were times when he would stay awake and follow him around to find out anything about Lee Wooyeon. It was a time when he prided himself on knowing more about him than anyone else.

However, he was in the process of realizing that these days, he knew only a small part of Lee Wooyeon. He was thrilled and happy every time he found a side of him that no one knew. It was an emotion that also coincided with the desire for exclusivity.

It was his first love. However, that fresh feeling of being satisfied just by looking at him from a distance has long since disappeared. He wanted to belong in his life. It was a clear desire that surprised even himself.

The area around his stomach was painful. Inseop rubbed his stomach with his hand and laid down. Perhaps because of the drug, his eyes slowly grew heavy.

How can he take care of Kang Youngmo’s issue, what if tomorrow’s test results are not good? Why isn’t Lee Wooyeon sending a text message? He wanted to see him, but he was afraid…

Various thoughts began to wander beyond his consciousness.

He vaguely felt a gaze and said, “Oh,” and frowned.

“Are you awake?”

Startled by the sound of the voice from his bedside, he opened his eyes. Lee Wooyeon, who was sitting in the chair, smiled.


He was so surprised that he couldn’t speak.

“I got a call from the hospital. Are you feeling better?”

It was a calm, quiet voice, as usual. Surprised by the unexpected situation, he couldn’t say anything and only looked at Lee Wooyeon.

“How did it happen?”

“Ah, that..I fell down…”

He couldn’t bear to say that he was knocked down by Kang Youngmo.

“What do I do when you keep falling like this?”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not Inseop’s fault that you’re sick, right?”

Lee Wooyeon repaired the disheveled sheet and covered him, then continued.

“But it’s a little annoying.”


“It hurts when you have a hard time, and I have to keep paying attention.”

Inseop felt chills even though he was covered with a sheet.

“Above all, it’s annoying to have sex and not be able to do as you please. There’s too much to care about.”

After saying that, Lee Wooyeon corrected his posture and sat down. He looked straight at Inseop. It was a smile, but it felt like an accusation.

“I’m starting to get bitten by things like this.”

His mind froze. He had imagined that someday Lee Wooyeon would say something like this. No, actually, he always did.

In the first place, Lee Wooyeon was not a suitable opponent for him. He himself was not the main character in a fairy tale, and reality was not a fairy tale either.

“Let’s stop it.”

It’s was such a plain tone, as if asking if he wanted to have dinner together. He stared blankly at him and barely moved his lips.

“..Did I do something… wrong.”


“Then why suddenly…”

Lee Wooyeon picked up the jacket he had taken off and stood up. He grabbed the hem of Lee Wooyeon’s clothes.

“I, if it’s because of my health, I’ll try. I’ll eat more, exercise, and get other treatments if necessary.”

He grabbed the man several times more pathetically than he imagined. Lee Wooyeon gave him a languid smile with his eyes closed.

“What do you think is the reason I like Inseop?”

He blinked at the unexpected question and answered in a trembling voice, “I don’t know.”

It was true. He didn’t know why Lee Wooyeon liked him. He wasn’t a woman, he wasn’t pretty, he wasn’t rich, he wasn’t talented or good at anything. So he was anxious. The reason why Lee Wooyeon likes him, he couldn’t even understand himself.

” I don’t know why either.”

Lee Wooyeon removed his fingers one by one from the hem of his clothes. His beautiful eyes bent like the full moon caught in a tree branch.

“Then why do I need to know why you hate me?”


Lee Wooyeon walked out of the hospital room. The fluid connected to his wrist was removed and he ran out of the hospital room in his bare feet. He saw Lee Wooyeon’s back. His tears welled up and his breath choked.

He wanted to call him out, but he couldn’t even call his name because he was afraid that someone would hear him.

“Wait a minute, hey, wait…”

Gradually, the appearance of Lee Wooyeon faded away. He thought that if he disappeared like this, it would be the end. At the end of the hallway, Lee Wooyeon turned around. This was his last chance to catch him.

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