Love History Caused By Willful Negligence

Vol. 2 Chapter 61: Chapter 61

Vol. 2 Chapter 61: Chapter 61

Translated by Chef

Edited by Chef

It wasn’t until he heard the front door close behind him that his tension eased a little. Inseop took off his clothes, hung them up straight, and sat down at his desk. He turned on his laptop and checked the amount he had arranged in Excel.

“Thank god.”

With the money he had saved and some of the deposit, he was able to pay for the car repairs. The problem was getting the house back with the remaining deposit.

Inseop laid down on the bed making a noise. He still had a headache from the alcohol he drank yesterday.

When Inseop woke up in the morning at Manager Cha’s house, he was very surprised. Second, he couldn’t remember when he fell asleep, and his eyes were so swollen that he couldn’t open his eyes. After washing his face, he went out and asked Mr. Cha if he had done anything rude yesterday. Manager Cha shook his head and opened his mouth with a calm expression as he offered bean sprout soup.

‘Inseop, I’m really sorry, but I don’t think you can sleep at my house from now on. The landlord here is really the world’s biggest bastard, so if I bring someone other than the tenant to sleep, he’ll make a fuss… Ha, that fucking bastard.’

Manager Cha then added quickly.

‘And yesterday Inseop drank too much and his eyes were swollen. Don’t do that. Understand?’

Inseop awkwardly nodded his head. While eating, Manager Cha cursed in a serious voice, saying that Lee Wooyeon had a really bad personality, that he was a bastard by nature, and that such a pair would not be found anywhere in the world.


Then he urged him to contact him at any time if he needed any help or had difficulties. He even gifted him by pushing the taxi fare in his hand when leaving the house. He declined, but Manager Cha pushed his money into the taxi. Inseop did not use the money he had received from Manager Cha and put it in his wallet.

As soon as Inseop returned home, he went to visit the landlord. Although he has contract terms remaining, he has expressed a desire to move out.

‘I will pay for the real estate expenses that occur.’

The landlord, who was puzzled at first, nodded his head at Inseop’s words right away.

‘I wanted the student to use the house cleanly and live for a long time, but it’s a pity.’

It may have been a polite word. Strangely, however, those words lingered in his ears.

He looked around the room. He didn’t think he’d live here forever, but he didn’t know he’d make the decision to move so soon.

He remembered the day he first came here. It was a house he had barely obtained by finding a place close to Lee Wooyeon’s house, with good transportation to school, and a place where the rent was realistic. He brought a courier box from the United States and talked about trivial things while organizing with Lee Wooyeon.

‘It looks hot in the summer and cold in the winter, this house.’

Lee Wooyeon did not like this place from the beginning.

‘There are no elevators, and the structure is not good.’

He placed books neatly by the author and complained about the house.

‘Looking at the insect screen earlier, it looked like insects could come in aswell. Inseop, do you like bugs?’

Inseop hated it and shook his head, and Lee Wooyeon gave a very satisfied smile.

‘I think there will be ghosts too. What would you do if someone looked down at you from your bedside at night? Haha, that ceiling stain looks like a human face.’

‘… Please stop it.’

It was only after Inseop begged with a tearful face that Lee Wooyeon stopped talking about ghosts. In the end, that night, Wooyeon slept with Inseop in a room where a bed hadn’t even been put out yet. The next day and the next day too.

Cursing that the house was cramped and old, Lee Wooyeon stood by Inseop until he got used to it. In his entire life, he had never seen a ghost and had seen insects a few times, but Inseop liked this house.

“It’s a shame.”

Life in Seoul, it felt like a piece of it was closing.

Finding a new house will start another chapter.

Inseop tried to cheer himself up and stood up. He had the same conditions in his new house. Close to Lee Wooyeon’s house and good transportation to school.

Inseop opened his laptop and started searching for real estate near Lee Wooyeon’s house. And it didn’t take long before darkness fell in his eyes.

“The deposit isn’t even close. We might as well raise the rent by 200.”

“Two hundred?”

Inseop’s eyes widened.

“How expensive are the house prices here? It’s the most expensive neighborhood in Korea.”

“Even if it’s only one room or a rooftop, it’s fine.”

“Should I tell you the price of a room or a rooftop?”

“…Thank you. If you find a house that meets the conditions, please call me on the number I left.”

Inseop bowed weakly and stood up from his seat. What he felt while walking around real estate all day today was the ruthless housing prices in Seoul. It was hard to believe how they could have reached this level in just a few years. Even if he bought a house that matched the market price and lasted for a few months, considering the cost of living, it was impossible to maintain it at all.

“What can I do?”

No matter how much he did the math, he couldn’t find an answer.

If only he hadn’t run into Chae Yeonseo that day…

Inseop quickly shook his head. He said that the accident would not have happened if he hadn’t looked away. He was in no position to dare to blame anyone. He deserved to be held accountable for what he had done.

The moment he turned to look around another property, someone stopped him from behind.

“Student, student!”


He was the president of the real estate office that he just came out of.

“Wait I forgot, there is one nice item. The house is also empty.”


He felt like he could see the light behind the real estate president.

“The conditions are perfect for what the student said, and even though it’s a rooftop, the building is well maintained, so it’s pretty good. But then.”

When listening to Korean conversation, he had to listen until the end. Because the main point comes at the end. His father’s words passed through Inseop’s head.

“The old landlord is a bit eccentric. He makes sure to see the tenant’s face before signing the contract. He can tell what kind of person you are just by looking at your face. Anyway, since you’re a person who has been abroad for most of your life and only occasionally comes back to Korea, signing a contract is like picking stars from the sky.”

“I see.”

It was like that. There was no way the sky would easily give him light.

“By the way, the landlord just said he’s moving in this weekend. If you’re interested, why don’t we meet and sign a contract?”

“This weekend? Anyday is fine except for Saturday.”

Saturday was the day of the movie awards ceremony.

“Since he comes back to Korea on Saturday, it will be possible on Sunday at the earliest.”

“Then it’s fine.”

It was an award ceremony on Saturday, and he decided to go to Lee Wooyeon’s house in the evening, so it was fine as long as it wasn’t for that day.

“We can meet early in the morning and make a contract, even on Sunday, right?”

Just in case, Inseop asked to confirm.

“Of course. And the contract will end early. They say how eccentric that man is, he decides as soon as he sees the tenant’s face. Then, shall we go see the house first?”

“Thank you.”

“Stay here. I’ll bring the car around soon.”

The real estate manager went back into the store. Inseop let out a small sigh of relief. It was fortunate. He hasn’t signed a contract yet, but he’s got a chance to look at a suitable house.

On the day of the car accident, Lee Wooyeon did not say a word on the way to the hospital. It was natural. Right after he asked him to return it without any flaws, saying he didn’t like having his things scratched. Even if it wasn’t so, the atmosphere between the two was awkward, but since it happened until this time, it felt like it was going to get worse. He had to make amends somehow.

“Student, shall we go?”

The real estate boss gestured with his car keys. Inseop followed him. He couldn’t miss an opportunity he had narrowly seized.

“Then, I’ll make an appointment with the landlord when he returns home. Be sure to pick up the phone.”

At the request of the real estate president, Inseop eagerly nodded.

The house he visited was much better than he expected. The water came out well, there was no mold, the papering and floors were clean, and even the system air conditioner was installed. The real estate owner was not talking nonsense when he said that he would never find a house like this at this price again. As soon as the contract goes well, the urgent fire is put out.

Inseop fidgeted with the cell phone in his pocket.

He thought about it the whole time, but Inseop couldn’t call Lee Wooyeon.

‘I’m really sorry. I will definitely pay you back.’

On the day of the car accident, on the way back from the hospital after the examination, Inseop spoke in a trembling voice. Lee Wooyeon did not answer. It was after Lee Wooyeon stopped the car that the suffocating silence was broken, as if falling into a black swamp.

‘What are you going to do for me?’

Inseop couldn’t even raise his head in his sorryness.

‘I’ll do whatever you want.’

‘What ever I want?’

‘… ‘

‘Don’t make promises like that. Then, if you get caught by the bad guy, your life will be ruined.’

‘It’s okay. Because Lee Wooyeon is not a bad person.’

Lee Wooyeon laughed with his eyes closed. His face was as white and beautiful as a flower in full bloom in the moonlight. Inseop looked at him indifferently.

‘… !’

At that time, Lee Wooyeon’s hand, which approached without warning, tapped Inseop’s eyebrows.

‘Why are you like this?’

‘… I seem to have bumped it a bit.’

It was a small scratch that wouldn’t even be noticed if you weren’t paying attention. Lee Wooyeon’s thumb gently rubbed the area around the scratch.

‘Why did you do that?’

In response to Lee Wooyeon’s question Inseop widened his eyes.

‘Why does a meticulous kid like you cause such an accident? Were you distracted by something?’

‘That… ‘

He was embarrassed to accidentally run into Chae Yeonseo in front of his house, so he couldn’t say that he had stepped on the accelerator without pressing the reverse button properly. After stumbling around for a long time, Inseop managed to come up with a false excuse.

‘A puppy suddenly jumped out.’

‘Was that all?’

Lee Wooyeon’s voice was low.

‘… sorry?’

He was most sorry for the puppy that did not exist, for the car that had gone to the factory, for Chae Yeonseo, and most of all, for Lee Wooyeon.

He was so ashamed that he couldn’t believe in Lee Wooyeon, to the point where he was shocked to see Chae Yeonseo in the same neighborhood and had an accident.

‘Inseop, isn’t there a misunderstanding?’

Lee Wooyeon continued by playing with Inseop’s hair.

‘I’m a bad guy.’

In the kindest voice in the world, the man confessed his wickedness. It wasn’t a friendly look. There was no playful laugh as usual. Inseop looked up at Lee Wooyeon with a frightened expression, unable to even blink.

‘So I’ll take what I want.’

Since he returned home that day, there was no contact with Lee Wooyeon. Inseop was so sorry that he couldn’t even contact him.

Should he send a text message anyway?

As he took out his cell phone and thought about it, he smelled cigarette smoke. Inseop raised his head in anticipation.

“Oh, here you are

The man who had been squatting in front of Inseop’s house, smoking a cigarette, got up.


He was the son of the landlord. Inseop quickly greeted him.

“Where have you been? I waited a long time.”

He was very suspicious of the man’s unnecessarily friendly attitude.

“What are you doing?”

Inseop asked cautiously.

“You said you were moving? Mom said that today.”

“Yes. That’s how it happened.”

“What happened to your friend?”

“Who are you talking about?

“You know who. The celebrity. Why did he give his phone numbers and not receiving any calls?”

The man asked, lighting a new cigarette. When did the two ever meet? Inseop was shocked, but he answered calmly without showing off.

“I don’t know because I don’t see him often.”

“Still, if you’re drinking together, you’ll know his contact number. Give me his number. Let’s get in touch.”

Inseop met many people while working as Lee Wooyeon’s manager. There were so many people who asked for personal contact information at the slightest gap, so he was good at responding like this.

“I’m sorry. I can’t give you his personal contact details… “

Then the man came closer and pressed his face with a straight face. Inseop was startled and took a step back from him.

“No, he took my personal information first. He took my phone number. Only the celebrity’s information is personal information, and my number is not, is that it?”

The man spit out all sorts of annoyances and cursed.

“It’s not like that. Once I meet Lee Wooyeon, I’ll tell him.”

For now, Inseop made up his mind to go around and tell Lee Wooyeon not to go this way.

“So when are you meeting?”

The man smiled again and asked. He was appalled by the man’s actions.

“I’m not very familiar with him, so I don’t know.”

The man exhaled the smoke from his cigarette and laughed.

“You’re not close? Haven’t you seen a celebrity’s car parked in a parking lot a while ago?”

He must not get caught up in speculation. Inseop calmly responded to the other person’s words.

“I’ll be sure to tell you when I see Lee Wooyeon later.”

The man sighed and threw his cigarette on the floor. Perhaps deciding that he could no longer get what he wanted from Inseop, he walked past Inseop. Inseop stretched his tense shoulders and stood in front of the front door.

“Oh, right. I forgot.”

The man turned his body around.

“Did you clean it up then? I forgot to say thank you.”


“I mean the cat.”


After some time had passed, Inseop realized that he was talking about John. At the same time the blood drained from his face.

“Thank you for taking out the trash. Thanks to you, it saved me a lot of trouble.”

The man’s sarcasm left his fingertips cold. Inseop clenched his fists.

“Then the kitten… Was it you?”

His heart was pounding. That day he ran into the man coming down from the roof, and he mentioned talking about cats. However, it was a question he had never asked him because he had no physical evidence.

“Uh huh. I did.”

The man replied without hesitation.

“Why did you do that?”

He burst into laughter at Inseop’s question. The man who had been laughing for a long time raised his head and asked again.

“What’s your business? Is it your cat?”

“Even an animal without an owner should not be treated so violently.”

“Who are you to say this and that? Fuck, should I go after all the animals with your persmission, then?”

Inseop was furious.

John was the weakest individual and always fell behind even among his brothers. So it was true that he cared about him more than the other kittens. He was also responsible for John’s liking for people and licking his hand. The accident that day left John disabled. Even with his legs limping, John still liked to look at him and rubbed his face.

“…my cat.”

Inseop looked at the man and continued.

“I’m going to raise it. Then can you say this and that?”

“Hahaha. Do whatever you want. Next time, I’ll do it with a child you didn’t raise.”

The man grinned, revealing his yellow teeth. Inseop felt disgusted by the shameless cruelty.

“I will report it to the police.”


“To the police for animal cruelty…”


The man kicked the front door with his foot. Inseop was shocked by the sudden action and froze.

“Why are you calling the police? Who do you want to call, h uh?”

At the word police, a vein popped around the man’s neck and he shouted.

It was scary. However, it was clear that John, who had been beaten to such an extent that his bones protruded by such a person, would have been several times more afraid. Inseop mustered up the courage to fight back.

“If you commit a crime, you must be punished. Animal cruelty is against the law.”

“This bastard is really…!”

The man grabbed Inseop by the collar. Inseop was scared, but he didn’t avoid his opponent’s eyes. Just then, the door opened and the man next door screamed in an annoyed voice.

“Someone keeps shouting in the hallway. If you’re going to fight, go out and fight!”

The man immediately lowered his hand and smirked.

“I am kidding. It’s a joke”

He fixed the hem of Inseop’s clothes and smiled. The man next door looked the man up and down suspiciously. The man tapped Inseop on the shoulder and lowered his voice to whisper.

“We’ll? see.”

He recalled Lee Wooyeon’s words who said that any person who said ‘We’ll see’ was a bastard. Inseop tightened his eyes and glared at the man. He smiled, dragging his slippers and disappeared. As soon as he opened the front door and entered the house, Inseop locked all of his locks and sat down.

“… ha”

The fear and tension that he had barely put off pushed his heart throbbing.

Let’s not stress. It’s okay.? It’s okay.

Inseop had to sit like that for a long time until his pain subsided.

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