Love History Caused By Willful Negligence

Vol. 2 Chapter 72: Chapter 72

Vol. 2 Chapter 72: Chapter 72

Translated by Chef

Edited by Chef

As he opened the front door and entered, a fishy smell hit his nose. Inseop frowned and looked around the room.

The blood-covered floor clearly showed the horrors of that day. Inseop sighed and took his mop and started wiping the floor. The thick blood stains were difficult to clean off.

He lost so much blood, was he really okay?

Inseop smiled bitterly at the sudden thought that came to his mind.

It ended with Lee Wooyeon. This time it was really over. During the week he was in the hospital room, Lee Wooyeon did not visit even once. It was natural. He said he would do it first, and Lee Wooyeon accepted it.

Inseop threw away the mop he had been scrubbing the floor with. He roughly took off his clothes and lay down on the bed. In the past, he would have finished cleaning first, but he just never felt like it.

Feeling the tip of his nose getting cold, Inseop brought a sheet. He wrapped the sheet around his body and lay down on the bed again.

He wanted to cry, but there were no tears. He felt like he was running out of emotions. Inseop turned his body and changed his posture.

While he was in the hospital, Manager Cha came to visit him every day. He would sometimes bring him a book to read, or he would come and talk nonsense for a while before leaving.

On the third day after Manager Cha came to visit, Inseop said that he did not have to come anymore.

‘Why? Are you bothered?’

‘No. Manager Cha, your leg hasn’t completely healed yet, and I’m sorry for causing you trouble for no reason.’

‘It’s not a hassle at all.’

‘… I know that Lee Wooyeon asked for it.’

Manager Cha laughed lightly.

‘Do I look like someone who will go if Lee Wooyeon tells me to go and won’t go when he tells me not to?’

Inseop couldn’t answer anything.

‘I’m coming because I like Inseop and I’m worried. If I’m that annoying, I won’t come.’

Inseop shook his head with a frown on his face.

‘I like you too, Manager.’

‘Okay. So, don’t worry about unnecessary things and take care of yourself.’

Manager Cha tapped Inseop on the shoulder. Inseop truly liked him.

His heart was always warmed by his consideration, which he pretended like nothing was wrong.

Manager Cha did not bring up Lee Wooyeon’s story. Inseop didn’t even ask.

Because he was suddenly hospitalized, he couldn’t even take his cell phone, so he didn’t use the Internet for a week. He didn’t even watch TV on purpose. It was the first time he spent without Lee Wooyeon after coming to Korea.

During the day he was tolerable. He also had Kim Kangwoo and Yoon Ahreum, who occasionally visited, and became his companions. But at night, he spent all his time thinking about Lee Wooyeon.

He couldn’t sleep at all.

Inseop turned his body toward the wall, covering his head with his sheet.

‘… It’s not okay at all.’

Lee Wooyeon’s voice was unforgettable. He should have said something…no, what would have made a difference?

Lee Wooyeon said such things are still common. He didn’t understand. The more he tried to understand him, the more miserable he became.

He loves him so much… .

Just thinking about Lee Wooyeon made his whole body tingle. A sharp pain pierced his veins every time he exhaled, as if a nerve ran from his heart to his fingertips.

Inseop stood up from his seat. He barely had time to take his medicine. He didn’t want to eat, but because of his medication he had to eat something. He had just moved in, so the refrigerator was empty. Inseop picked up his coat. He was planning to just buy some porridge.

At that time, the envelope in his pocket fell to the floor. This was the envelope he received from CEO Kim today.

CEO Kim took care of the discharge procedures. CEO Kim handed out an envelope to Inseop, who was about to pack his bags and leave.

‘I put in your salary and severance pay.’

‘No. It’s okay. I can’t take it.’

He knew that CEO Kim had settled all of his hospital bills. He said the money came from the company, but even so, he could not collect his salary separately.

‘Take it. If you don’t take your salary, I may be reported to the company’s labor office.’

CEO Kim crumpled the envelope and stuffed it into Inseop’s pocket. Inseop was standing there frozen, unable to do anything for fear that the company would be reported because of him.

‘And this.’

What CEO Kim presented was a passport with a blue cover.

‘Lee Wooyeon said he found it while packing up his luggage.’

Inseop accepted the passport without saying a word. He knew what that meant. CEO Kim left the hospital room after tapping Inseop on the shoulder a couple of times.

He should go back to America.

Inseop looked down at his passport and then turned the cover. He was able to easily find his entry stamp when he first entered Korea. After flipping through a few pages, he saw the Hawaii entry stamp. The next page had a stamp for re-entering the U.S., and a few pages later it had a stamp for re-entering Korea.

Lee Wooyeon’s biography was summarized in a few seals. Inseop absentmindedly ran his finger over the last entry stamp.

The image of Lee Wooyeon waiting for him at the arrival hall, wearing a hat, came to mind. His heart throbbed. Inseop quickly folded his passport and put it on his desk.

Inseop picked up the envelope that had fallen on the floor, thinking he should put it together. However, his fingertips felt the texture of hard paper, not banknotes.


Inseop opened the envelope. Inside was another dark blue paper bag. Inseop could tell what was inside the envelope without even opening it. It was the envelope he handed to Lee Wooyeon.

When he opened the dark blue envelope, he found that it contained, as expected, a check issued by the bank. Inseop found his cell phone. When he charged his cell phone, which had been left in the corner, it took a while for it to turn on.

There were a lot of missed calls and texts, but he ignored them and called CEO Kim. The call was picked up after a few beeps.


A slightly nervous voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Hello, CEO. It’s Choi Inseop.”

<Huh? Wait a minute.>

After a rustling sound, CEO Kim said, “Yes, tell me,” and urged Inseop to continue.

“I’ve just checked the envelope.”

<Why? Not enough money?>

“No. I received the wrong money. What’s in the dark blue envelope is not mine…”

<I know. I heard about it. He said you gave it to him for car repairs. But Lee Wooyeon said it was all covered by insurance. He said he does not need to take the money.>

“Still, insurance premiums will go up a lot.”

<Inseop. I heard this somewhere, that the most useless worries in the world are worrying about rich people and worrying about celebrities. You know you’re doing both at the same time right now, right?>

“But I can’t take this money.”

<If that’s the case, I think it’s alimony, ugh!>

Inseop asked, surprised by the sudden scream that came from the other end of the phone.

“What’s wrong?”

<No. nothing. haha. I’m driving and my legs are cramping. Hahaha.>

After laughing, CEO Kim continued speaking.

<Anyway, it was your money, so just keep it. Knowing Lee Wooyeon’s personality, would you still not take it?>

“Still… ”

<Just in case, don’t think about giving it back to me. Then it only becomes a hassle for me.>

CEO Kim cut him off in an unusually firm tone. Inseop sighed.

<Have you eaten?>

“I was just about to eat.”

<Eat well. Take your medicine well. If anything happens, call me.>

“Thank you. CEO.”

<I’m on my way somewhere right now, so I won’t be able to talk on the phone for long. Let’s talk again later.>

Inseop said, “Please take care,” and ended the call. He stared at the navy blue envelope containing the check, then opened the drawer and put it away.

Inseop found the medicine, put it in his mouth, and swallowed tap water. Then he went back to bed.

He had to sleep, clean, and tidy up the house. But he didn’t want to do anything now.

Feeling the immense helplessness he felt for the first time, Inseop quietly closed his eyes. It felt like being submerged in cold, deep water.

Lee Wooyeon came to mind.

“Do you feel better now that you heard his voice?”

CEO Kim asked, glancing to the side while holding the steering wheel. Lee Wooyeon looked at the window and replied, “I don’t know.”

“I even put his voice on speakerphone on purpose, but you punched me for saying one wrong word. You can’t live like that.”

Although CEO Kim made a joke on purpose, Lee Wooyeon did not show any particular reaction.

“I think Inseop will be heading to America soon. Why don’t you go and see his face?”

Lee Wooyeon did not respond at all and closed his eyes.

CEO Kim was deeply moved.

When Kim Kangwoo called him saying that Lee Wooyeon had disappeared during the awards ceremony, he had a hunch. He was ruined. Even if it fails, it’s not just a failure, it’s a very messed up thing. CEO Kim refused to receive any calls from reporters.

After hearing Lee Wooyeon had Kim Kangwoo’s cell phone, he continued to contact him, but of course he was unable to contact him. Then, late at night, he received a call from Lee Wooyeon. When he rushed to the hospital, Lee Wooyeon was sitting there covered in blood again. He resisted the urge to pour out all the world’s greatest insults and asked what had happened.

‘I don’t know.’

Lee Wooyeon answered without taking his eyes off of Inseop. He had the face of a child who really didn’t know anything and didn’t know what to do.

‘What on earth is that blood…? Surely you didn’t kill anyone?’

Instead of answering, Lee Wooyeon raised his hand. As soon as CEO Kim saw the wound on his hand, which was roughly wrapped in a towel, he wanted to cry. In the end, he forced Lee Wooyeon and sent him down to the emergency room, while he stayed in the hospital room.

As CEO Kim looked at Inseop lying on the bed, he thought that at this point, the two were not meant to be, but rather had a bad relationship.

He couldn’t even bring up the award ceremony or Chae Yeonseo to Lee Wooyeon, who came back from treatment. When he met him, he was planning on asking him if he was crazy and swearing at him, but when he actually saw his face, his mouth closed.

Lee Wooyeon sat in front of the bed and waited endlessly for Inseop to wake up. He looked like an abandoned dog, so CEO Kim had to search for nutritional supplements that were good for the eyes on his cell phone.

“Shall we have lunch together after a long time?”

“It’s okay. You’re busy.”

“Since when did you think of me like that?”

Lee Wooyeon chuckled.

“Are you afraid I might commit suicide?”

Although CEO Kim was nervous, he maintained his composure as much as possible and looked ahead.

“I won’t die.”

Lee Wooyeon said casually and closed his eyes again.

As the article was published and he was about to summarize the company’s position and send it to the press, CEO Kim received another call from Lee Wooyeon. He said he would go home and asked that someone be sent to the hospital. CEO Kim did not immediately understand.

‘Are you going to change your clothes and go again?’

He was about to ask him to stop shaking his head, wondering what could happen in such a short period of time. But then he heard something he never expected.

‘It’s done. With Choi Inseop.’

In his calm voice, CEO Kim couldn’t bring himself to ask the question, “Did you kill Inseop?”

‘I’ll pay the hospital bill, so please do all the tests you can, and send Manager Cha over this evening. Mr. Inseop is alone.’

It was only yesterday that he said he would be tied up with Choi Inseop for the rest of his life, even if it meant handing over all his assets. Although it was hard to believe his sudden change of mind, CEO Kim burst out laughing when he remembered the fact that Lee Wooyeon used to be that kind of guy.

‘Haha. Anyway, you made it seem like you would never break up. You too can’t help it… ’

The phone suddenly hung up. He called again, but Lee Wooyeon did not answer.

He was busy with the response article, so the day passed. The problem was that Lee Wooyeon could not be contacted after that.

On the third day, CEO Kim went to Lee Wooyeon’s house. The moment he saw Lee Wooyeon sitting on the living room sofa, CEO Kim realized that the situation was more serious than he thought. He held onto Lee Wooyeon and begged. Let’s go to the hospital.

He asked him to go to the hospital and get a prescription for a strong sleeping pill.

Lee Wooyeon didn’t even pretend to hear. Even if he tried to drag him by force, the guy who hadn’t slept in days was so strong that he wouldn’t budge.

In the end, an agreement was reached that CEO Kim would take Lee Wooyeon to the hospital in exchange for discharging Inseop today and handing over an envelope instead. As he was coming out of the hospital after receiving a prescription for exemption from medical treatment, Director Choi, or CEO Kim’s younger cousin, grabbed him.

‘Brother, I think it would be better to hospitalize patient Lee Wooyeon now. If you keep leaving him that way, there could be a big problem.’

In the past, he would have scoffed, but he had already witnessed Lee Wooyeon’s insomnia worsen once.

Lee Wooyeon drove the car himself and caused an accident. Since he couldn’t stop filming the drama while it was still filming, one reason was to create a reasonable reason to visit Choi Inseop. He could have died. He could have been permanently disabled for the rest of his life. Lee Wooyeon did not even consider such things as a big deal. Knowing that, he couldn’t leave him alone.

“You have to eat to take medicine. If you take medicine on an empty stomach, your stomach will be ruined.”

CEO Kim glanced at Lee Wooyeon and said. Lee Wooyeon, who had been silently looking out the window until then, turned his head.

“What do you think the condition is like?”

“What condition? Very…”

When he went to visit Lee Wooyeon three days later, the moment he saw him sitting on the sofa with all the curtains drawn, a thought crossed CEO Kim’s head that he could speak English, so why not let him advance into Hollywood? As he loses weight and his eyes become sharper, his original good-natured appearance adds a touch of decadence, giving off a mysterious charm.

As CEO Kim was unable to continue speaking, Lee Wooyeon tilted his head. He was so needlessly handsome that even that became a picture.

“It’s not good. Can’t you see it when you look in the mirror? So, eat, take your medicine, and sleep well.”

“Who asked about my condition?”

“…Inseop told me this.”

Early in the morning, he went to the hospital where Inseop was admitted, consulted with the doctor, received all the test results, and reported them to Lee Wooyeon. As if that wasn’t enough, he even made a separate phone call to the doctor in charge to check on various things.

‘…You say it’s okay, but why does your voice sound like that?’

“If you’re curious, go and see for yourself! No, if you were going to make such a big deal of it, why did you break up and make such a fuss?”

CEO Kim let out a loud noise.

Celebrity relationships were common. Since it was a career where handsome men and women gathered, it was natural that sparks would fly all the time. That’s why breakups were frequent. CEO Kim sometimes called out the children from his agency who were sad over a breakup and bought them drinks and food. It is believed that it is the CEO’s responsibility to manage the mental health of celebrities belonging to the company.


“Go and date again right now! I’ll take you to Choi Inseop’s house right now.”

Aside from drugs, sex crimes, and murder, there has never been a scandal as dangerous as a top actor dating someone of the same sex. From the company’s CEO’s perspective, it would have been natural for him to dance around this breakup, but when he saw Lee Wooyeon’s behavior, CEO Kim let out his true feelings without realizing it.

Lee Wooyeon laughed softly.

“If we can date again, I will.”

“Then you can go and beg or do something and date him. You must have done something wrong!”

In response to CEO Kim’s words, Lee Wooyeon mutters, “That’s right.” Hee then rested his chin and looked out the window.

He did not tell him why they broke up. CEO Kim asked a few times, but each time, he just kept his mouth shut and looked somewhere else, just like now.

A bastard who is bursting inside… A useless handsome bastard makes a lot of money and he can’t throw him away.

While CEO Kim was swearing and cursing that he couldn’t bear to say, the car stopped at a red light. When the car stopped, Lee Wooyeon suddenly opened his mouth.

“I thought he might be cheating on me.”

“What? Choi Inseop? What nonsense are you talking about? If you don’t know…”

CEO Kim felt sorry for saying his words. There is no need to scold Lee Wooyeon, who was in bad condition.

“That’s right. I don’t know about trash like me, but Choi Inseop would definitely not do something like that.”

For some reason, Lee Wooyeon readily agreed with CEO Kim’s words. That moment, he nodded, saying, “You too have a conscience,”

“But I couldn’t shake that thought. No matter what Choi Inseop was doing or who he was with, the scene of him clinging to someone kept coming to mind.”

He had an extremely elegant face, and Lee Wooyeon casually poured out vulgar words.

“Later, whenever he smiled at someone, jealousy rose up inside me. One time, when I saw him zipping up Chae Yeonseo’s zipper, I almost went at him to take off all of Choi Inseop’s clothes in front of people and stick my dick in him. I wanted to show them that he was mine every time.”


Ah, Wooyeon, you really are…

As CEO Kim gives him a disdainful look, Lee Wooyeon secretly laughed.

“I know. That guy is crazy. I know I’m that guy.”

“Well, at least I’m not doing it. Rape, violence, confinement, murder.”

CEO Kim quickly said, “Arson,” and added one more thing. Lee Wooyeon smiled lightly and tilted his head.

“That’s right. There are times when I want to set everything on fire.”


CEO Kim quietly removed the lighter placed in the console box.

“I don’t like him being nice to other people. Even though I know that he likes bastards like me because of his damn good personality. I want to get rid of everything Choi Inseop likes, whether it’s people, animals, or grass. I want to just lock him up and let him see only me.”


CEO Kim truly felt glad that Lee Wooyeon broke up with Choi Inseop.

“Still, there’s one thing I decided to do when I brought Choi Inseop, the piece of trash, from the U.S. to Korea.”

Lee Wooyeon calmly continued her words.

“There will never be anything that puts Inseop’s life in danger again.”

The incident where Inseop was almost stabbed to death by a stalker remained a trauma for Lee Wooyeon. After Inseop went to the United States, Lee Wooyeon needed treatment for insomnia for a while. CEO Kim, who watched the scene from the side, knew that fact better than anyone else.

“But he collapsed twice. Even the first day he collapsed, he couldn’t even talk because he was scared I would get angry. ha ha ha. He called me early that morning saying he wanted to hear my voice. Do you know what I said?”

“I said that if he wanted to hear my voice, he could have just quietly listened to the CD I gave him at home. Well, I waited all night for Choi Inseop and imagined the scene where that bastard was eating with another bitch. It would be better if it were like that. My blood rushes to my stomach when I think about how this scared little cub was lying alone in the hospital all night. Fuck, really.”

Lee Wooyeon, probably overcome with emotion, spit out curses.

“He held me back saying it was just stress. If he was not careful, he could have died, but Choi Inseop still worries about me at that moment. Thinking that I had left him to meet another woman, he spoke harshly to me and cried so apologetically. Before, just seeing that bastard crying made me feel attracted, but now it’s driving me crazy.”

While spitting out incoherent words, Lee Wooyeon pressed his forehead with his palm and frowned, as if he had a headache.

“Wooyeon… ”

“I love Inseop so much. I really like him so much that I don’t know what to do.”

Lee Wooyeon confessed his twisted love with a painful expression, as if swallowing hot iron.

“I don’t think I can live without him…”

Lee Wooyeon closed his eyes. Like a person confessing his sins to God for the first time, he suppressed his shame and spoke softly.

“…I don’t think Mr. Inseop can live without me.”

The signal changed. As the car stopped moving, a beep sound rang out from behind. CEO Kim quickly started the car. Long after the car started moving, Lee Wooyeon muttered while leaning his head deeply on the seat.

“But how can I ask him to meet me again?”

CEO Kim was so experienced that he never left out when it came to dating, so when his juniors came to him for dating advice, he would give them the best advice possible.

But this.

What Lee Wooyeon said before came to mind. Choi Inseop said that if he broke up with him, he could meet a better person, but he said he wouldn’t be able to do that.

“Haa, sleep”

There was a lot he wanted to say, but in the end, that was all he could say. CEO Kim quietly turned the steering wheel.

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