Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 511 - Sacrifice In Peace

Ayra felt her mind getting dizzy after Enchantress uttered those words. Her words sounded disoriented but her heart hammered loudly against her chest especially after she emphasized the last parts.

Killer? Slayer? What was she indicating to exactly?

Ayra withdrew her feet from the ground and turned around to hear Enchantress blabbering consistently. Her momentum didn't look serious but Ayra knew that a mad woman would never lie at this state. Walking back to her side, Ayra demanded for a clear answer impatiently,

" Enchantress? What did you mean? Tell me clearly, Enchantress! Please.. What did you put in my curse? Enchantress.."

Ayra shook her few times, hoping to hear something more clearly. But Enchantress kept repeating her words only. Her mind and soul weren't connected to the previous life anymore. Hence, she didn't had enough knowledge to give her any answer.

Nora sympathized Ayra from distance. Though she didn't hear what conversation they were having inside, she could detect the pain featuring on Ayra's face. She must have come to know something very important but poor soul, Enchantress wasn't in her mind anymore.

Hearing low noises from distances, Nora had no choice but to urge Ayra hurriedly,

" Lady, please come out now. They will question us more if they find us here."

Nora's voice pulled her back to reality. After drawing another shuddering breath, Ayra got up from her side numbly. An unknown fear was gripping her soul even though her response wasn't clear enough to get her answer. After taking a better look of Enchantress, Ayra muttered heading for the exit,

" I hope, you find peace someday, Enchantress."

She plodded over the doorway, joining Nora to return to her original land of living. Enchantress tilted her head back sideway, watching them walking together in distance. Her brows knitted together tightly and a moment of remorse covered her expression. Every evil has their bad days when they realize that they can't fix their sins no matter how much they want.

Meanwhile, Nora accompanied Ayra until the very end of her circle which was the only barrier between souls and bodies. Ever since, Ayra returned from Enchantress, Nora noticed that she was quiet and looked distance from mind. Though she didn't want to be sounding noisy, she questioned from her curiosity,

" Have you known what you had to know from that witch?"

Ayra sighed through her mouth heavily. Her lips parted to exhale heavily at her questions. She replied wandering what she got exactly,

" Maybe yes but she didn't make anything clear. I hope, I will get clean explanation from your father."

Nora nodded thoughtfully as they stopped few steps away from the black circle that she used to transport in this world. She looked up at Ayra with a sad smile and gave her a short hug to mutter softly,

" It was nice to have a friend after a long time here. I will remember you always."

Ayra returned her hug tightly, hoped that she would reconsider her decision of living in this lifeless land. After they broke their hug, Nora reached to pull out something from her waist. A same badge like Ayra had appeared into her palm soon afterwards. She passed it to Ayra and gave her a knowing smile.

Ayra clutched the badge tightly into her fist. Her eyes blurred in respectful tears as she suggested Nora one more time,

" Are..are you sure to live here, Nora? I mean, you can have a great life. Is it worth to sacrifice your life for someone like this?"

Nora smiled back at her elegantly. After taking a step back from Ayra, she spoke with a soft, melting voice,

" The day, you will love someone unconditionally, you will understand this, lady. Sometimes, it's worth to sacrifice. Remember to tell my father to burn my body and don't wait for my return anymore."

Ayra smiled back with a slight nod. She didn't blame her for her decision of spending her life here among this souls. Some people finds peace in sacrifice and Nora was the living example that she saw in that world.

After bidding farewell to Nora, Ayra stepped into the circle, repeating the same process that she did when she transported into this world, laying. Her mind kept ringing with those words that Enchantress said to her before leaving.

Soon afterwards, familiar voice sounded from distance, waking her up from a deep slumber sleep that she felt throughout the journey.

" Princess! Wake up! Princess! Why isn't she opening her eyes? Damn! I will kill that witch if something happens to her!", Cedric yelled from her side, asking Master Ambert to do something since he confirmed that Ayra was back to living land. But she wasn't opening her eyes which made him anxious and restless.

Not long after that, Ayra opened her eyes with a loud gasp, leaving from her mouth. Cedric sighed out deeply and pulled her into his chest without caring about Master Ambert who was watching them closely,

" Thank God, you are back. I was going fucking crazy. What did she do with you?"

Ayra pushed him away embarrassingly since an old man was nearby and her husband had no restrain when it came to show his affection on her. She assured him gently, getting up from the ground together,

" I am really fine. Nothing happened to me."

Cedric was going to ask something more but Ayra stopped him, speaking first in a pleading voice,

" Can..can you walk away for a while, please? I have to say something personal with Master Ambert."

Cedric pulled his eyebrows together in worry. Finally, he noticed her pale expression and wandered what happened with her exactly there. Reading the hesitation on his face, Ayra urged pressing her lips together to drive him away,

" Please.. husband.."

Cedric scowled inside at her little trick. She called him sweetly so that he couldn't act stubbornly in front of her. After letting out a helpless sigh, he agreed living her to discuss with Master Ambert alone,

" Fine but not too long. We have to return to our kingdom, Princess."

Ayra smiled back gratefully as he walked far away from them. After he was gone, Ayra turned around to face Master Ambert with a teary eyes to mutter sadly,

" I..I think...I have gotten my answer, Master."

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