Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 420 - Heart of the Ocean and the New World

Chapter 420: Heart of the Ocean and the New World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Wizards’ calendar, 10029.

The Heart of the Ocean Bitwall was located deep in the Astral World; it was the first bitwall which was captured and developed by the Wizard Alliance. It was also the bitwall closest to the Starsoul World, it was 16 light-years away from the Starsoul World.

When it was first developed, that bitwall was a frozen blue crystal, quietly slumbering deep in the Astral World.

For thousands of years, the wizards were involved in various development and modifications of that half bitwall, and they had finally developed it into a habitable half bitwall. Several batches of wizards and civilians relocated there, the entire Heart of the Ocean Bitwall became an important stronghold of the Wizard Alliance deep in the Astral World.

The wizards imitated the sky of Rhode’s Bitwall, transformed the Gaseous Vitality like the yarn of silver and created the yarn of light; that special Gaseous Vitality filled the wall of the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall, and it had the same function as the sun, bringing light and warmth to the world.

At the same time, that huge Gaseous Vitality which had occupied more than half of the space in the half bitwall would also be in rotation on the surface of the wall, so that the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall was able to enjoy day and night.

The original huge world which was like a ball of ice gradually melted and it became a water world, the brilliance which the yarn of light radiated was pure white, as the wizards in the ocean started to cultivate plants, oxygen and the atmosphere began to appear within the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall, the sky slowly turned blue, and rain and thunder clouds gradually emerged.

All kinds of fish and marine life began to appear in the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall. The air and temperature became suitable for the survival of normal citizens. Wizards created several floating islands and Sea Cities on the surface of the water. Within the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall, humans, trolls, goblins, fairies and elves also began to appear.

Each of the Floating-Space Towers and masters of the towers of the Wizard Alliance was regularly stationed there. At the same time, the master of the space tower, Rand, had anchored that half bitwall 5000 years ago, he did it together with the masters of the towers and the Eternal Floating-Space City (Catherine’s Floating-Space City).

Several Wizard Towers and Elemental Tower were established in the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall, the Magic Crystal Network had assimilated deep into every corners; even the yarn of light was part of the Magic Crystal Network. All was helping the transformation of the half bitwall; it had engaged the power of the entire Magic Crystal Network and the magic of life within the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall. It had pushed the entire Heart of the Ocean Bitwall towards the Starsoul World. The more life forms it had in the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall, the stronger the momentum, and the faster it would sail.

After thousands of years of accelerated movement, the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall had become closer and closer to the Starsoul’s bitwall, they just had to wait for another 2,400 years, and it would meet the Starsoul World. They could then integrate the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall into the Starsoul World and become part of the Starsoul World; to complete the agreement between the Wizard Alliance and the Starsoul World.

“Only in this way can we gradually and powerfully perfect our Starsoul World, the Starsoul World is the foundation of our wizard and the foundation of everything; it’s our source and original world, it’s a place which cultivated the great existence of the wizard civilization.”

“And when we first created the Floating-Space City, the agreement signed with the will of the world was long overdue; it’s time to fulfil our promise.”

That was the last time, on the Eternal Floating-Space City, during the Wizard Conference, the Master of the Tower, Catherine had said.



The black and white seabirds spread their wings and glided across the ocean, it chased the waves and steam boats under the azure sky, and the boundless ocean spread to the end of the sky, it was a true world of sea.

From every fixed distance, one could see a Wizard Tower stood firmly above the water, at the foot of the tower, a water town was built. Within the Wizard Tower, one could also regulate the humidity and wind and waves in the town, even if they were living on the surface of the sea, there was no danger and they wouldn’t feel too humid. There was no road in the town, there was only waterway and everything was navigated by boat.

Numerous towns built on sea could be seen everywhere, under the Elemental Tower was numerous Sea Cities, in addition to a human city, there was a troll city made from rugged stone, a fairy city built on vines and giant trees in the sea, a goblin city full of chimneys and mechanical aura. Between cities and towns, there were also trains and tracks built on top of the water; the Aqua Trains and Aqua Tracks.

As the Aqua Trains crossed the sea, one could open the train’s windows to enjoy the sea breeze and the scent of the sea, passed through several towns built on the sea. Looked out of the window and observed the human, fairies, the city of the goblins above the sea, it was simply beautiful and romantic. Short videos like that were broadcasted on the magic telly’s channel again and again, it then attracted a large number of tourists and wizards.

The beautiful Heart of the Ocean Bitwall had thus become the ideal world to live in and a grand tourist attraction in the Wizard Alliance, and it was even been voted as the first and most beautiful place in the world by The Magic Entertainment.

If one’s gaze was to follow the wings of the birds bolting up and into the sky, one could immediately see that there was a Floating-Space Tower floating above the sky; it was a fine blue stone tower akin to a music box, where pleasant music was heard instantly whenever it passed by, the sea of dolphins and giant whales even danced along with the music.

It was the Ocean Song Floating-Space Tower who was guarding the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall for 100 years defense duties; each tower had taken their turns to guard the bitwall. The master of the tower, Adriana, was a great fairy born in the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall, her mythical template was of the same origin as the master of the Wizard Tower, the lake fairy, and therefore she was also a part of the faction under the Wizard Tower’s Lord Catherine.

In that moment, the Ocean Song Floating-Space Tower was caught in a mess, the human wizards and great fairies were panicking and at a loss. A large number of people crowded in the Floating-Space Tower on the sixth floor in the Astral World Exploration Laboratory; a laboratory which should only be occupied by six people, and it should be as empty as a town square, but in that moment, it was crowded and bustling like a market.

Just then, a mass of blue water light arrived; several water droplets and light blue light gathered and condensed, and a figure like an ocean goddess gradually emerged and walked out from the water and brilliance.

“What’s going on?” Adriana asked.

Several humans in wizard’s long robes were looking through a ten-meter-long Astral World telescope; a huge telescope which extended out of the window and into the sky.

“Lord, we... discovered something that can’t be described in words, it’s awful, it’s really scary, and we’ve never seen such an existence. What the hell is that? It’s beyond our imagination and it’s likely to break the convention and knowledge of everything we knew.” A middle-aged wizard was dumbfounded; he was at a loss, terrified and was speaking incoherently.

Adriana scanned the members of the Astral World Exploration Laboratory, set foot on the watchtower, through the sophisticated long Astral World telescopes – a top-notch magic props produced by the top alchemy workshops – she looked into the depths of the Astral World.

And Adriana was in a daze in an instant.

She was frightened, what she saw was beyond all knowledge and truth she had learned at the wizard school and the Wizard Tower.

“What is this?” How could there be such a huge life? Is this a mythical creature? Or is this an unknown life form of the Astral World?”

Deep in the Astral World, a huge and unimaginable existence was creeping into the distance, its size had exceeded all the creatures and existences that Adriana knew, it was simply not the size of any life forms, and if there was an existence which could be on par with its size, it was the world.

Yes, a wriggling worm which was as huge as the Starsoul World and Maria’s World. It was traveling into the far distance of the Astral World, it had a huge silver vortex within its body which was constantly rotating and radiating bright brilliance; it was akin to the sun which illuminated a large area of the Astral World, such that the Heart of the Ocean Bitwall which was far away from it could directly observed that magnificent life form.

With a breath, it could set off an element storm in its surrounding which was enough to destroy a Mythical Life. Even True God dared not easily get close to it. When it was breathing, a large area of dimensional folds were produced and then exploded. Behind its back, it was dragging a long tail; it looked like a large comet, but it also looked like a rainbow crossing the Astral World.

And at that moment, the great figure of chaos worm, as if it was carrying a world, stopped in its track, as if it was tired, or felt that its mission had arrived and it had to complete its mission.

It contracted its body, stopped moving in the Astral World, and the silver vortex within its body rotated violently, and then it emitted brilliance which seemed enough to illuminate the entire Crystal Wall System.


Adriana opened her eyes and watched its demise quietly, she couldn’t fathom what it was, and she didn’t understand what she had witnessed in that moment.

When the light dissipated, a chaotic world like a clutter was born in the Astral World, the original shell of the chaos worm had transformed into a bitwall, and the internal rules and the world were in a slow birth and transformation, but the rapid progress was incredible, it was as if time had been accelerated, or some inexplicable force and rule were controlling it.

The master of the Ocean Song Floating-Space Tower, Adriana, seemed to understand the situation, she stood up all of a sudden, looked at everyone behind, and she was in a daze as she spoke.

“How can this be?”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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