Luminary Institute

17: The Institute’s Rumored Cat

17: The Institute’s Rumored Cat

Conrad, after a couple moments, recovered from his pseudo-depressive episode. By this point though, Electra and Ryker had also arrived with Angelica right on their heels. Diving into their seats, the two avoided being marked late by just a couple of seconds. 

With everyone gathered, Angelica launched right into a couple of morning logistical announcements before dismissing everyone to get their daily general education curriculum done. She didn’t have a particular plan for the morning, so her goal was to let everyone get through their mandatory work for the day sooner rather than later. Plus, it’d let everyone go to lunch before the huge lines swamped the cafeteria. 

Nyssa, wandering off to the same balcony as the day before, grinded through her general education requirements with laser focus. Though she was lazy to no end, for the sake of having more nap time, she could turn it up. So, after close to an entire morning of hard work, her focus paid off as she had an entire hour of free time before the class’s agreed upon meeting time. 

She was just built different! She could just work faster! She was the type of girl who could make minute rice in fifty-eight seconds! 

Cheering to herself, she did a random spin on one foot before bowing to an invisible audience. Seconds later, with the sun peeking through the clouds in the sky, she transformed into a cat and leapt onto the table before curling up into a prime nap position. 


Sleep was just so warm... 

Living it up in dreamland, Nyssa didn’t notice as she rolled around on the tabletop in her sleep. It was this movement though, that caught the eye of a certain eagle-eyed observer from the rooftop: Celeste. 

Having been sitting against the fence lining the rooftop while working through what she had left, Celeste had noticed a certain white ball of fluff rolling around on the balcony below her. She, as someone who wasn’t driven by an ever-present, primal urge to nap, still had a decent amount of work to get through, but... it was a little easier while watching a cute cat down below her. 

A few quick snaps of the camera later, and Celeste was recharged. Saving the cute cat pictures to her camera roll, she refocused her attention back to her laptop. Maybe one day if she finished early, she too could take a nap... 

Napping, however, did cause time to pass like it was water tumbling down a waterfall—which meant it passed fast. For Nyssa, her hour of napping disappeared in what felt like a blink of an eye. In fact, considering she had only closed her eyes once, it might as well have been just a blink... 

Dragged out of heaven by her alarm, Nyssa transformed back into a human and packed her bag before leaving for their meeting place. Leaving her bag, like the day before, she wandered off as yawns clawed their way out of her mouth one after another.

Nodding towards Celeste as they bumped into each other near the stairs, she tried her best to keep her head up as they walked. 

“Sleepy?” Celeste asked with a slight laugh, “I can carry you if you want. Though I wouldn’t be able to get you food that way...” 

“No, it’s fine,” Nyssa covered her mouth as another tear-inducing yawn escaped her mouth. “I need to wake up...” 

“Well, good luck, I believe in you!” Celeste cheered as the faint light of amusement danced behind her eyes. “Since we’re all eating separately today, do you want to find somewhere more secluded so you can sleep on me once you’re done eating?” 

“You devil...” Nyssa sighed as the urges to nap began clawing at her once more. “I shouldn’t... but now that you’ve proposed it, it really does sound good. I feel bad just using you as a pillow though, isn’t there anything I can do for you?” 

“I... think you underestimate the joy and fulfillment people get from having a cat nap on their lap, Nyssa,” Celeste raised an eyebrow while brushing some of Nyssa’s hair back. “It’s an invaluable experience! Especially considering you’re the elusive, yet legendary, Luminary Institute Kitty.” 

“I’m the what now?” Nyssa shook her head as alertness returned to her eyes. “Wait what?” 

“Wait, you didn’t know?!” Celeste broke out laughing. “There’s even a page online where people will post pictures where they see you...” 

“Holy...” Nyssa shuddered to herself. She didn’t mind, of course, it was just taking pictures of a cat. But she hadn’t expected to be so popular! A nightmare indeed for an introvert like her... No wonder so many people gave her treats and took a picture whenever they saw her! 

Shaking her head, she agreed to Celeste’s proposal as they met up with everyone else. Because Angelica wasn’t tagging along today though, they didn’t do much beyond nod towards each other and walk off in their own little groups towards the cafeteria. 

Albion, Titus, and Conrad in particular though, were chatting up a storm as they walked down the pathway. Conrad, Nyssa felt, was a miraculous human being. His mood had turned back around and, like any old protagonist, he was over his morning defeat like it had never happened. 

She was curious about what they were all talking about though. Getting their attention with a few strategic waves, Nyssa couldn’t help but ask. “Anything interesting going on? You three seem to be chatting up a storm.” 

“We’re planning a training... or well, sparring session this afternoon.” Albion shared while spreading his hands. “You know, for the challenge.” 

“Challenge?” Nyssa tilted her head. 

“Want to share?” Albion turned towards Titus. “Otherwise I won’t say much.” 

“They’ll know soon enough anyway,” Titus shrugged while scratching the back of his head. Kicking a pebble on the ground as they walked, he watched it bounce down the path. “Troy wants to challenge me to a fight again. He’s done it at the start of every term.”

“Troy? Oh... wait... Troy? Pyrokinesis powers?” Nyssa tapped her chin as her conversation from the day before resurfaced in her mind. “The one in Class One a year above you?” 

“Yeah! Wait... how do you know him?” Titus blinked as a splash of astonishment was clear across his face. “We’re honestly quite close in terms of skill always. He’s just a little... antagonistic per se? But still beneficial. He recognizes it helps both of us so he’s continued to do it year after year.” 

“He’s almost purposefully playing the villain,” Conrad tapped his chin. “Perhaps I need someone like that in my life.” 

“I don’t know how ‘playing’ it is...” Nyssa raised an eyebrow in worry. “I ran into him yesterday and he seemed to have some strong words about Class Zero. Are you sure it’s not just a pure dislike?” 

“I don’t think so, I’ve known him since we were both a lot younger. He got taken in by my family’s pyrokinesis academy before we both came here for further training, so we’re kind of... half-rivals. We’ve never been friends I’d say, but we have a begrudging sort of respect for each other,” Titus mumbled while trying to sort through their relationship. “It’s complicated. But, do you two want to come watch, or participate in our sparring session this afternoon?” 

“Alr...ighty, then.” Nyssa shrugged before turning back to Celeste. “And, sure, I’m down. How about you Celeste?” 

“Only if I can get some spars in,” Celeste smiled while wrapping an arm around Nyssa’s waist. “I have to show off at least once to our new friend, don’t I?”

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