Luminary Institute

5: Nap-Driven Learning

5: Nap-Driven Learning

Having wrapped up their introductions, everyone broke into smaller conversations as Angelica finished up whatever notes she was taking. Though only taking a handful of minutes, Nyssa felt the introductions had taken... a while. Too much time. She was thankful Angelica was now just letting them talk though amongst themselves. 

Instead of a larger share out, Angelica was going through and joining each of the smaller conversations one by one. After asking a few questions to catch up, she’d then move onto the next person. 

Not the worst strategy in Nyssa’s opinion. Though she didn’t have any sort of qualifications when it came to pedagogy. Plus, when Angelica had joined her and Celeste’s conversation, she had reassured her “Yes, just call me Angelica, don’t worry about formalities, we’re such a small class anyway. I’m here to help you all and be a mentor of sorts, you get me? Why would I forcibly put more space between you and me?” 

Having bobbed her head up and down while stammering out a “Got it,” Nyssa couldn’t help but stare down at the floor once Angelica had moved on. 

“Nervous?” Celeste asked while patting her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Angelica’s a truly nice teacher. Not one of those who banter with you then grade you as if every point they can take off feeds another starving child in the streets.” 

“O-Oh, I uhm... I know that,” Nyssa facepalmed while laughing. “I don’t know, I just... I just got nervous, yeah. I shouldn’t get nervous around her though, she’s come over to my house a lot since she’s close to my older sister. Or well, my older adoptive sister.” 

“Well, you never know with those types of things,” Celeste mused while shifting into a more comfortable position. “You don’t seem awfully nervous around me though...” 

“No, I totally am. I’m pretty much mentally soiling myself as we speak,” Nyssa let out a cough of embarrassment, “Honored that you can’t tell though.” 

“I can’t tell at all,” Celeste observed while looking towards the others. Tapping her chin, she beckoned Nyssa to lean in a little closer. “Okay, let me tell you a fun fact then, perhaps it’ll put you a little more at ease. You see Conrad right there? The one who looks like your generic anime protagonist.” 

Waiting for Nyssa’s acknowledgement, Celeste snorted and used her sleeve to hide her giggles. “He’s only class president because none of us wanted to be class president. He volunteered with so much energy, expecting some... well, expecting what I can only assume to be the classic student council anime experience. Instead he just does all the paperwork. It’s quite unlucky on his end to be honest. He was so downtrodden when he realized he didn’t even have someone to run against, let alone a vice president.” 

Clinging onto Celeste’s shoulder for support, Nyssa felt her lips break into a smile as a few laughs slipped out. With Conrad, Albion, and Titus all looking over from their attention, she hid herself using Celeste’s body as a shield while laughs continued to slip out. 

Celeste, on the other hand, waved off the three boys, hugged Nyssa closer, and stuck out her tongue. “Nothing’s happening, stop being so nosy.” 

Composing herself after a couple seconds, Nyssa thanked Celeste for being a human shield as they continued their conversation. Asking each other some random questions, they passed the time until Angelica called for everyone to quiet down. 

“Alright, we’ve set out to do generally what I wanted us all to do this morning, I didn’t miss anything right?” Angelica pondered out loud while leaning over to grab her laptop and look over her notes. “Yeah, so from here until lunch, as usual, you all are free to spend your time however you’d like. You do need to get your daily amounts of general education done though, and I will be checking that.” 

Waiting for the collective groans to pass by, Angelica raised her hands. “It’s not my fault, but you all do need to finish your education. I’ll also give you all an hour after lunch to wrap up if you need to. Afterward we’ll do some training... or hanging out. We’ll see how we’re all feeling on the first day back. Sounds good?” 


“Of course!” 

“Yes ma’am!” 

“So we’re free?” 

“Yes you all are free,” Angelica nodded before raising an eyebrow at Conrad. “Don’t think I didn’t miss that ‘yes ma’am’ either. I’m not some brutal prison warden, alright? No need for those antics on Monday morning.” 

“I told you he’d do it.” Albion turned to Titus as a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “I also told you Angelica would react like that.” 

“God darn it...” Titus sighed, slapping the floor as he stood up. “Point to you then.” 

Ignoring Angelica’s face palm and sigh, Conrad pumped his fist. “I’m not a wuss, I’m not going to chicken out. Suck it, Titus.” 

By now, though, Albion and Titus just shook their heads. Everyone else was already filing out of the room to find some secluded space in which they could complete their general education for the day. 

“Anywhere’s fine right?” Nyssa leaned over and asked Celeste, “I assume people have their regular spots already though, right?” 

“Yeah, pretty much everywhere is fine.” Celeste pulled out her laptop from her bag. Pausing, she tapped her chin. “Okay, off the top of my head, Ryker usually takes one of the sparring rooms, Electra’s usually in the gym, Conrad is usually in... uh... the third stall from the right in the second floor men’s bathroom, Albion told me once, just to be clear, and I’m usually on the rooftop. I don’t know where the other two are though.” 

Shaking her head with an exasperated laugh, Nyssa couldn’t help but... marvel at the existence that Conrad was. Third stall from the right in the second floor men’s bathroom? Why? He was one of those people who was... funny not from their humor but from their natural state of being. He almost had a pitiable state of existence if anything. 

Clasping her hands together, Nyssa nodded and thanked Celeste a couple times before grabbing her own bag to find a spot.

Just... where to? 

What was she even looking for?

Tapping her chin and taking a second to categorize her thoughts as she walked, Nyssa made her way up the stairs as she came up with a few pieces of criteria. 

Somewhere with the sun. Maybe outside with fresh air, if possible? Definitely somewhere warm. So, as far from Albion the Human Air Conditioner as possible. 

Somewhere soft as well, where it was nice to lay down... 

“Wait a second,” Nyssa trailed off before facepalming. Realizing she was just describing her perfect nap spot, she shook her head. “Stay focused, you want to learn!” 

... But comfort would help her learn better... right?

For example, she’d learn better in a cushioned chair than a hard one!

Deciding to ignore all the flaws in her logic, she powered forward! Nap spot it was! If she fell asleep, so be it!

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