Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Chapter 133 A Step Forward (3)

Yujung sobbed on seeing my face. I knew she would feel complicated now. She had held on despite knowing she was in the wrong but could not shake off the fact that she was growing apart from others. Also, I had not come for her, which would have depressed her even further.

I helped her sit up and hugged her. She cried, and I patted her back.

“I’m so sorry…”

“Don’t cry.”

“It’s all my fault…”

Yujung kept repeating that she was sorry, and that word would mean many things. I had been about to scold her if she said she was not at fault, but her response made me think twice. Yujung had a soft side, and I kept consoling her until she stopped crying.

“Did you cry enough?”


I could feel her nod even though she did not answer.

“Look at you. I thought you would keep cursing…”

“I thought you were him…”

Him would mean Anhyun, and I decided to ask her what he had said.

“You shouldn’t have scratched him so badly.”

“I mean, he was saying nonsense…”

“What did he say?”

Yujung hiccupped but lifted her head to face me.

“He came in and said, aren’t you embarrassed? And that I’m acting like this because he got a rare class…”


“Also, that you’re disappointed in me because I refused Yeonju Go’s offer, and I should go and meet you…He then tried to drag me, and I just…”

“I told him to bring you to me but did not know that had happened.”

Yujung looked relieved at my response, and I had to hide a smile. Anhyun had not said anything wrong, but he had been too blunt. Also, Yujung would have been more aggravated as he had gone about boasting after getting that class. I spoke softly.

“You know that what he said was not really wrong, right?”

“Yes…I know that. I wanted to say something back to him, but could not say anything. However, I felt so sad and angry…”

Yujung continued in a depressed voice. I could still see tears in her eyes.

“I feel so ashamed of myself…I spoke so confidently in front of everyone and behind their back act like this. How would others see me when I’m so jealous?”

“It’s all right if you know that. Knowing that you’re weak is the first step to becoming stronger.”

“Is that true?”

I knew now was the time to hear Yujung’s true opinion, and I spoke carefully as I made our eyes meet.

“I’m not lying. Do you want to become stronger?”

Yujung nodded at hearing my serious voice.

“Yes, I want to get a rare or a secret class. I keep thinking I will be weaker than anyone else…”

“While I cannot deny that rare or secret classes are better than normal classes, there are ways normal classes can become stronger.”

“…Is that true?”

“I heard that two out of the Top Ten have normal classes. If I were you, I would try to follow their footsteps. Also, your class <Mercenary> holds a lot of possibilities.”

While the Top Ten would change in the future, I was telling the truth for now. Moreover, I had known a lot of strong normal class users in my first life. I did not expect Yujung to become Top Ten, but a high-class user who could back me up. She was a good 0-year user.

I took out Sculrep, and Yujung looked curiously at the red and rusty dagger. While it was a small curved blade, it had belonged to Belphegor. While it looked rusty, it was hard and sharp. The blade would curse the wounds it made to keep them bleeding, and the blade became sharper on drinking blood.

I had thought hard about giving this to her, as this was a Demon Blade, which could make its user bloodthirsty. However, I was going to give her this dagger for two reasons.

The first was that I could control Sculrep and would destroy it if it harmed Yujung too much. The second was that Yujung’s personality – that she loved and hated with the same fervency – could help her match well with Sculrep.

“What is this ugly dagger…”

Sculrep vibrated before Yujung finished speaking, and I smiled as she dropped it.

“It’s Sculrep, the Demon sword Belphegor used.”

I took it from her before beginning to explain.

“Listen. Sculrep is a Demon Sword, and a weapon like this has evil magic which affects the user. Sculrep here is a bloodthirsty one.”


“However, Demon Swords are not all bad. Holy Swords also ask for a price. If you can control this weapon, you will become stronger. However, if it eats you up, this sword will destroy you.”

While I would intervene, Yujung would not know it now. Her face was rigid as she stood still. I looked at her before speaking up.

“I thought a while about giving you this, but seeing you suffer has made me speak. So, decide. Will you gamble or gain more experience.”


“Yes, if you grab Sculrep, you will lose a part of yourself. However, if you want to try to become stronger in any way possible…”

I smiled at Yujung’s anxious face. I placed Sculrep on the table and slowly turned around.

“You don’t have to decide now. There’s still time, so think about it…”

While Yujung seemed to want me to stay, I opened the door. I turned around for a minute.

“I want to see your smile tomorrow if you can.”

She was looking back and forth between Sculrep and me. She would worry a long time over this choice.

“I will respect any choice you make.”

I walked out afterward.


The motel was now completely dark. I thought things over and decided that I would leave Sculrep up to Yujung. I would respect whatever choice she would make.

However, I looked around the stairs and stepped down again.

“I know you’re there.”

However, no one answered even though I could feel her. I reached out and handed a cigarette to the shadow. I felt her surprise as she bit into it.

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