Magic Apprentice

Chapter 10: Fiend (4/5)

Chapter 10: Fiend (4/5)

Three millenia passed since he returned to Nadirheim, his power far too weak to enter the dimensional crack into the human world. Monster could only roam about Nadirheim and wait for the day when a weak human would wander into the realm (he did, in fact, meet a human in the realm once before, but the power of that human had been more inhuman than human. Monster didnt want any business in annoying this specific human). At best, Monster only allowed himself to make uneven contracts with other humans (something he was great at). Through these contracts, Monster was able to open up a spiritual channel between those he was contracted with even from the comfort of Nadirheim.

This channel was what allowed Monster freedom to traverse the two realms. Elric was the latest and only contractee bound to him, so Monster immediately availed himself the ability to travel to see what the human world had in store. 

After being stuck in Nadirheim for so long, it pleased Monster to be entertained again. Three millennia in Nadirheim without entertainment was far too long a time. 

So what business had Elric to deny him the entertainment he craved?

This cannot be allowed to stand. This mortal is far too inept. Emerging through a crack, Monster manifested himself into the human world in ethereal form in the very same room as Elric and his three worshippers. It was a surprise, to be sure, that the very same hallow he created so long ago had somehow survived the passage of time.

A sinister plan was hatched then and there. If he used the Eye of the soul, then itd be possible for him to properly discipline his contractor. 

But then again, the Soul God having to rely on his own hallow to manipulate the mind of another? How had he fallen so far? 

It mattered little, he supposed. His frustration over this matter would have to be taken out on Elric instead.

Following a change in the mist, the Oculus began to show a completely different image in its projection.

Being so engrossed in Elrics dreamscape, the three worshippers of Monster failed to notice the change until it happened. Where once was a massive grassland was now a tremendous bed with a magnificently azure bed sheet and green velvet curtains. Pillows, pink in color and embroidered with gold, were strewn about by the headboard. Candles were lit all around the bed with just enough brightness to pierce the crimson-pink veil around the bed and illuminate the silhouettes of two individuals.

A little pink in the face, Monisa noticed that the two figures on the bed were conjoined rather tightly with one another. Monisa wasnt normally the type to blush at lewd acts. The gods knew she had her fair share of sexual activity in the past. The act of sex wasnt anything special, especially one within a dream. But the things she was seeing right nowit was simply far too lascivious. 

The projection showed Siren in a pitiful state. Her body laid still on top of the bed with only the minutest of shivers as though paralyzed. A black ribbon bound her wrists tightly above her head, preventing her the usage of either hand. Welts deep red in color occasionally marred her snowy-white skina sign of being whipped by a leather belt. But despite what looked like a painful bed scene, Sirens back was curved so far upward she seemed more like a drawn bow than anything else. It was as if the pain of whatever act she was being subjected to was paradoxically bringing her to a new level of pleasure. Regardless, the scene was far more lewd than what Monisa was used to.

The belt marks that covered parts of Sirens body heightened the perverted scene. Like a zebra, her body was marked starting from her supple thighs and rose all the way to the backside of her ass. From how one specific mark wrapped from between her cheeks, Monisa was confident that one of these whip marks had touched upon a rather special place. The implication of such a thought made even Monisas ears grow crimson and her heart pound miles per minute.

When she snuck a glance to Elric, Monisa saw clutched in his hand what appeared to be an unhooked pearl necklace. One hand tenderly massaged the firm ass-check in front of him while the other hand fed the pearls one by one into Siren. Monisa noted with heated shame that she was intrigued by what Elric was doing and wanted to see more of how exactly these pearls were being fed into her friend.

But she dared not look. She wasnt that brazen.

Instead, she looked to her two companions in secret. By her side, Fianas neck was stretched so that she had a better angle on the projection. Her eyes were wide-open along with her mouth as she watched the scene, spellbound. 

Fiana was a woman worthy of respect, Monisa figured. Watching such a scene without shame? The courage Monisa lacked was clearly not missing in Fianas actions. It was almost praiseworthy to see a member of the fairer sex study such a scene so vigorously. How in the world did Fiana desensitize herself to this?

The next person she wanted to take a look at was the person-in-question, Siren. What was she thinking, Monisa wondered? It was her, after all, with the dreamscape version of Elric. It was her who was being used like a toy by Elric. Monisa was extremely interested on seeing the reaction of her normally playful and seductive friend.

A flushed-faced Siren stood there, transfixed. Like in the projection, the snowy-white skin of the real Siren was dyed red all over due to her mortification rather than the pain of a belt. Like her dreamscape version, her face was a myriad of expressions and emotions. Sometimes she looked shy, sometimes humiliated, and sometimes she looked a little content? Monisa could see every change in expression, but the most telling mark was how Sirens long and slender thighs slowly, but rhythmically, rubbed against one another. Her arms hung uselessly by her side, though her right hand inched ever more closely to the area where her thighs met while her left hand mysteriously disappeared behind her behind.

Several long seconds passed by before Siren snapped free from her stupor. Frantically, her eyes searched the room around her before meeting Monisas gaze. 

All color bled away from her face then. Both hands disappeared from where they used to be and were now held tightly into fists. Clenched so tightly were her fists that they grew chalky-white from the lack of blood in them. Like her fists, Sirens face went through several coloration changes from snowy-white to crimson-red then to an ashen pigmentation in the end.

The two continued to stare at one another for ages while the Oculus continued to project the lascivious scene in front of them. In the projection, Elric was doing yet another baffling yet arousing technique to renew his assault onto the pitiful Siren.

The eccentricities of these techniques being employed left Monisa flabbergasted. Never had she imagined that such depravities could be imagined to torture a woman. She was also stunned that this innocent and little male was such a filthy pervert.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didnt even realized Siren had already left the room screaming.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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