Magic Apprentice

Chapter 11: Crossdressing (1/5)

Chapter 11: Crossdressing (1/5)

Dawn broke out over the city of Waldsk, the sign of a new day. The air was fresh with morning dew and an invigorating atmosphere and filled Elric with satisfaction.

Earlier that morning, Elric was woken up in the Forest Nymph by one of their workers. He was given a brief moment to freshen himself up before being ushered out. Though he felt as though he pushed out from the bar, Elric felt the waitress was quite friendly to him. Either way, he wasnt sure what to think or make of this person and place.

As he strolled down the streets of Waldsk, Elric looked at each of the stores opening up with nostalgia. If he was back home, Elric was sure hed see his father having already opened up the shop and was waiting for his first customer to come in.

Traversing through the streets and alleys, Elric eventually made his way over to where the vendors were out selling their wares. Unlike the vendors during the day, these stalls were selling a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and meat products. This was the time for the housewives to be purchasing the daily essentials, just like how his own hometown was. Elric could even smell the fragrant aroma of bread being baked.

The feast yesternight was a great one, but that was ages ago! A whole night had passed and Elric was feeling quite starved once more. Originally, he wanted his morning meal at the Forest Nymph, but the worker there stated that they normally started operating at a much later time. Thus, Elric had to go elsewhere if he wanted to eat.

The Forest Nymph was wonderful, Elric felt. The workers there treated Elric well and like a friend rather than a patron, making Elric feel as though he was back home at Savanas Forest Nymph. Other than the strange red wine he had, he felt quite satisfied with his time there. He was never going to drink again! Not only was the wine so terrible-tasting, but Elric absolutely hated the feeling of being inebriated. It felt like there was a dissonance between his mind and body when he was drunk and even gave him hallucinations. 

He didnt even manage to get a nice nights sleep. For some strange reason, drinking that wine gave him a rather strange dream. He didnt understand why drinking would lead to such a dream, but it felt so real. 

He remembered two ladies accompanying him in his dream. The strange things they were doing in the dream made his heartand the lower region beneath his abdomenrace. Strangely enough he could still remember every little detail in the dream. The activities they did and the ladies that appeared in them. One of them looked to be the same age he was while the other mightve been older than him by a year or two. Elric was confident he had never seen the two ladies before, but they were as beautiful and majestic as angels almost, and just as seductive. Sometimes itd be the younger one thatd play with him. Sometimes itd be the older. And sometimes the two would play with him together. 

The younger lady was more dainty-like and nimble. If he had to give his favorite detail about her, then hed have to say itd be her eyes. Eyelashes long and irises like emerald gemstones, the younger lady was especially cute. The way her curved eyebrows accentuated her eye shape and paired nicely with her cute pointed noseShe looked just like a forest nymph with her snowy-white and tender skin. Even her long hair looked elegant with how it splayed behind her shoulders. She wasnt fully developed, but the curves were there. Shed be a truly beautiful woman once fully matured.

The older lady was more slender in her figure, especially in the thigh department. Her thighs left a deep impression on him. They were long like stilts but not thin, and led beautifully to her round behind. Even her eyes were slender though her eyebrows were not. Paired with the nose, the lady had a rather heroic aura to her. Her short black hair resembled more of a male hairstyle, but Elric was extremely confident she was a woman. The thorough inspection he conducted on both women from head to toe all night confirmed that for him. Not even their most private parts were unknown to him. Elric wasnt sure of how woman anatomy was in real life, but the thought of it was stimulating enough.

And so Elric was left with a dilemma of sorts. If that was what drinking did to a person, would he really be able to prevent himself from drinking in the future? Maybe a mug or two every once in a while wouldnt hurt? Was this the reason why his teacher loved to drink? Did he enjoy the delusions that came after drinking?

Elric found himself back at the building where the rest of the dignitaries were. Judging by the position of the sun in the sky, it was already some time past noon. The thought of what it really meant to return home hit Elric then. Hopefully the princess had already cooled off from yesterdays events or else hed be in deep trouble.

It was time for him to sneak into his room. If he could do so without getting caught then hed be able to have an easier time later with the princess.

He was halfway through the corridor when he heard a mournful wail erupt from the princess room:

Yeowch! Hot! Hot! Your Highness, please forgive me! This water is boiling!

That was Jerrys voice! Elric was sure of it. 

Praise be Your Highness benevolence! Came the cry of another. It is an honor to experience your guidance! But I beg for Your Highness mercy, just another three ladles of cold water, please! Three ladles! Please, Your Highness!

The one close to crying surely had to be the brave Kite. Elric was curious, what in the world was going on to break his friend like that?

He didnt dare find out. Not after hearing those cries. Quickly, but quietly, turning around, Elric decided now was not the time to be resting in his room. Perhaps it was time to explore the outside a little longer?

A good plan, but not one fate had in store for him. In the same moment Elric stepped back out onto the corridor, Hamon and Kebrilio both rounded the corner.

Charle was with them as well. Forced to greet them, Elric opened his mouth to say something, only for Charle to grab hold of his shoulder and steer him back toward Flanias room. Elric, He laughed, we were worried when ye didnt return home last night! Thank the gods yer safe. Ah, the princess was looking for ye last night. Im sure shell be happy to see ye safe and sound. She has some good news for ye as well, arent ye lucky?

His words felt empty to Elric. Though it went through his ears, Elric felt himself grow despondent. He knew what Charle was like. He knew that the man loved practical jokes even at the expense of others. 

Elric looked to Hamon and Kebrilio. The smiles that didnt quite reach their eyes told him all that he needed to know. Whatever the princess had in mind was not in his best interest.

Still, Elric was feeling quite calm. What punishment hadnt he seen yet? Being forced to work in Crazys lab and being thrown into Nadirheimwhat punishment could possibly be worse than his trip in Nadirheim? 

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