Magic Apprentice

Chapter 13: Crisis I (1/5)

Chapter 13: Crisis I (1/5)

Elric finished the last of the meal with a sigh of relief. This had been a pleasing meal indeed, one even better than the banquet yesterday with the emperor! Back then he had Flania essentially breathing down his neck all the time so he didnt enjoy that meal as much as he couldve. But todaytodays meal was different. Starved and without supervision, Elric was able to eat and drink as he pleased. 

How enjoyous that meal was.

Gazing upward, Elric grew alarmed that the sun was no longer in sight. The skies were dark and the moon was already starting to rise.

Gentlemen, Elric stood up to bow, I will never forget your kind hospitality, but I fear the time is late. Has there been word from my uncle yet?

It was the blond that answered him. Miss Fani, allow us to escort you home.

And so he moved over to kneel before Elric with his left hand extended.

To be honest, Elric wouldnt have even acknowledged this pompous youth if not for the fact he was saved by him. Ironing his heart and calming his mind, Elric slowly brought his right hand forward to accept.

A shiver ran up his spine the moment the two hands touched. He stood up at once and retracted his hand before the other man could do it for him. Hidden from sight, Elrics right hand was busy trying to wipe itself against his vestments as if trying to erase any sweat or mark left by the blond.

The blond didnt see it, but his friend did. Hed have laughed were it not appropriate or if Elric wasnt here. But because he couldnt, he merely lifted an eyebrow out of mirth.

Gentlemen, you have my thanks once again for your kind hospitality. Elric spoke with the utmost politeness to the two. Etiquette dictated that he should learn the names of the host at the very least before he left. To not do so would show insincerity and ingratitude toward the host. But the name Fantasia should be known to as few people as possible. The longer he stayed here the more likely his name would be made known. So he turned to leave the estate at once.

Walking after Elric, the blond man moved with a cheerful gait. Before the door closed behind him, he turned to give his friend a victorious smile. He was ignored, however. It seemed his friend wasnt planning at all to acknowledge his progression with Fantasia.

The man remained in place until the door finally closed and he was left alone. Seconds passed before a portion of the wallwhere two rapiers were hungbegan to creak and rotate in place, revealing a hidden door for a beautiful woman to walk out from.

And she was beautiful. Beautiful like Fantasia, but also in ways opposite to one another like the two sides of a coin. Whereas Fantasias beauty was in her demureness, this womans merits were in the exact opposite. She had a charming but independent side to her. Her jet-black hair was splayed behind her without a single ribbon or braid to tie it in place. Her eyes held a certain depth to them, a rarity amongst women. She felt almost similar to an unsheathed sword ready to cut apart anyone thatd dare impede her. Her lips curled upward as though she was judging anyone she spoke with. And her dress, simplistic in fashion and violet in color, had only a single rose-red silk belt fastened to her waist.

The woman strode out from her hiding space to walk over to the nearest chair. Sitting down onto it, she crossed her legs with her right over her left. A sitting style not at all like what a proper lady was supposed to sit.

When will you learn to be a proper young lady? Shook the head of the landowner.

A proper young lady? Like the one that just left? Laughed her.

Availing herself to the pitcher of wine on the table, the woman reached over and pulled a goblet from a nearby drawer. A steady stream of wine was poured into the goblet before she leaned back onto the bear-hide chair. Hah! She laughed with mirth before taking a sip from her goblet. 

A pretty face with no brain, what good is that? She wouldnt even know if she was sold if it happened! Shes got no sense of caution if shell let that flirt Hughesin walk with her. Ive never seen such an innocent lass before. Let tonight be her lesson then, see if she learns what its like to be a sheep in front of the wolf. 

She drained the goblet.

I dont believe such an event will happen. The man replied honestly.

No? Would a wolf like Hughesin let go of a meal when its right in front of him? Replied the woman as she poured herself a second goblet.

Perhaps not, but if by chance the sheep proves to be a difficult target? I suspect Hughesin shall find himself at a loss for this. 

Brother, do you believe Hughesin will do nothing in fear of that dumb bear?

The man chose to ignore her rude remark in favor of finding a place to sit. I know Hughesin. I also know Kebrilio hasnt anyone like a niece. I admit, I am very intrigued about the true identity of this Fantasia.

The implications of his words were somewhat lost on his sister. It seems to me that Fantasia could verily be that bears niece. Dont you agree, brother? 

But he shook his head. The lecherous man you believe Kebrilio to be is not the same Kebrilio I know of. I would never call such a person a rival.

He reclined onto his chair, Its said Kebrilio didnt have such a woman with him when he left earlier this morning. It was when he left the Sovereignian consulate that this mysterious Fantasia appeared formally.

Then, She interrupted, Fantasia is a Sovereignian spy. She cant possibly be plotting to assassinate you or Hughesin, is she? Its far too coincidental for her to appear here otherwise.

That, I know not. Replied him, I dare say its too early to know such an answer, but I believe she is not an assassin.

On what basis? Dont tell me you find a little lamb like her favorable too. Mocked the younger sister.

And if I do? Whether I find her favorable or not means little for as long as my judgement remains unclouded by it. Regardless, that is not why. Have you any idea how many assassins Hughesin and I have trained? How many types of assassins? Commoners, children, women, priests, humanitarians, merchants, and nobles, weve trained them all to be indistinguishable. But never have we ever trained anyone to be like her. An angelic assassin? Its impossible. Im sure others would agree with me. I would posit she is neither spy or assassin, but rather a specialist Sovereign has called upon to further some agenda. No, Ive checked every single dignitary that came here to Waldsk meticulously. She was not one of their members. I can only conclude that she is a person of great interest and under great protection.

I dont disagree, brother. That this is some kind of seductive ploy by the Sovereignians, and that it seemed to have worked on you and Hughesin!

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