Magic Apprentice

Chapter 19: Celebration I (2/5)

Chapter 19: Celebration I (2/5)

Elric was surprised to see the increased number of vehicles following their departure from the ducal estate. Even more surprising was the authority of Hughesin. Every other vehicle seemed to be giving theirs a wide berth, granting the two coaches to speed ahead on the road. Eventually, the amount of vehicles Elric would see along the road began to increase the more they drew closer to Waldsks center. Like a school of fish in a river, these vehicles clattered across the road toward Triumph Square.

The path their coach took was puzzling to Elric. Though most incoming riders would often give way still when their coach approached, these vehicles stuck to the edges of the road. It was only then after that observation that Elric came to understand something else. Those coaches that traveled in the center were not only traveling more slowlyand more smoothlybut they were all as equally luxuriously built like the ones of the ducal house. Perhaps in Karth, even which part of the road one could ride in was determined by ones station.

It grew equally apparent to just how impressive the Dukes coach was to the other carriages. Soon, the coach in front of theirs was directed slightly off-center to allow them forward. When the two coaches were parallel, the window to the other coach slid open to reveal a smiling man of lesser status. Sickeningly-sweet praise and flattery erupted from the man at once, causing Elric to wince in disgust.

His revulsion didnt go unnoticed by the Duke. At once, he immediately shut the window close and drew the curtains together, preventing the man outside from being seen within.

But despite not being able to see the man, Elric could still hear their voice carry through over the noise of the road. It actually amazed Elric to see a man with such little self-respect for themselves, to continue speaking in spite of such a strong refusal.

The two carriages veered off, after a while, and Elric and Hughesin were left alone to their thoughts for a while longer until interrupted by two gentle knocks from the coachman. Starting from his seat, Elric thought they had already arrived at their destination when he saw Hughesin reach for the window rather than the door. The curtains were drawn apart and the window slid open once more to show a mauve-colored carriage. It wasnt as wealthy looking as the average carriage by this point; if anything, it wasnt very appealing to the eyes at all. It was dull and built much like the common carriage, but this specific one had a window far larger than the others.

Elric glanced at the carriage only to meet the gaze of a stunningly beautiful woman. Even from the window, Elric could distinguish the light-purple gown of hers and just how low the neckline was. A gorgeous diamond necklace hung suspended the white nape of her neck, her beauty additionally enhanced by the aquamarine-blue sash hanging from her right shoulder. In perfect harmony with the head-turning appearance of hers, her night-black hair was styled in two long curls that hung from both sides of her face. Then there was her eyes. The outer corners of her eyes were shifted up much like a cat, but the stare coming from them felt more like a predator with how it seemed as though it could see through all. Everything about this woman screamed danger to Elric even as she gave him a smile whose twinkle didnt quite reach the eyes.

Regardless of the feeling she gave him, Elric had no doubts that this was perhaps one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. But where exactly this person excelled at, Elric couldnt exactly put his finger on.

Now that he thought about it, every single woman he was acquainted to were heads and shoulders above the rest in something specific. The woman who once taught (and took ownership of) him in the past, Crazy, for example, was beautiful. Of that there was no question. Still, that didnt mean to say Elric ever saw her as a woman to be pursued. He didnt even see her as human, actually. Kite, Jerry, and Belladonna would surely agree with him that their teacher was just as scary as a monster.

There was also Princess Flania. Just the very thought of her brought a stab of pain to Elrics head. She was someone second only to Crazy in being monsters.

The next to come to mind were the two beauties Elric dreamt about in the Forest Nymph. The women within felt real in spite of it being a dream. But it bothered him not knowing why had he dreamed of such a scenario in the first place.

Last, and rather surprisingly, was his female alter-ego, Fantasia. It was precisely because of the beauty that was Fantasia that he was stuck in this torturous prison.

Several inferences were already being made to whom this new beauty was and what reason had she to follow themwas she a past lover of Hughesins? But then the head of another person appeared beside the woman, prompting Elric to realize his mistake.

He knew who this second person was! The day when he first met Hughesinthis person was there! The stoic man gracious enough to host her in his estate! 

It suddenly dawned on Elrics mind that he still didnt know who this person was, much to his own embarrassment. 

Whether it was due to the inconvenient setting for conversation here or if the two men were capable of non-verbal communication, the two shared nothing more than a greeting to each other. It was a little odd, but ultimately not exactly worth thinking about. What unnerved him more was the same beauty next to the other man. Her attention, strangely enough, was focused on him instead of Hughesin. Something about this womans gaze felt familiar to him; he had seen a stare like that before. And like those other times, the gaze made him feel uneasy.

This unease was shared by Hughesin, much to Elrics surprise. But all it did was make the ride all the more awkward as the two coaches rode on.

Soon the coaches arrived upon Waldsks center, Triumph Square, where the inhabitants of the city were already in a very festive mood. To prevent coaches from driving through, the twelve Triumphal Arches were blocked off, forcing anyone with a coach to leave it parked farther away from the square. From there, the aristocrats would alight and gather together in groups of twos and threes to head toward the gathering.

The perimeter of the square was surrounded by multiple mighty paladins, several of which Elric recognized. The paladins of the Empire were especially dignified today with their polished armor and their ceremonial cloaks. A plume of dyed-red feathers was attached and swayed gently in the wind from the top to back of their helmets. A golden sash hung from their left shoulder to the right side of their waist, the backside hidden by the crimson war cloak attached behind the shoulders.

Any noble that desired entry deeper into the square required their invitation to be shown to the paladins to be allowed in.

Being highly influential in the Empire, Hughesin and Somirets coaches were granted permission to drive further into the square. The three coaches carried on until they reached a small vacant lot in the left quadrant of the square where only a scant few carriages were. Considering that almost every other carriage were stopped from nearing the square, Elric figured that these coaches most likely belonged to the most powerful figures within the Empire. He even managed to find the carriage owned by Princess Flania and Archmagister Kebrilio.

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