Magic Apprentice

Chapter 2: The Enchantress (4/9)

Chapter 2: The Enchantress (4/9)

What? Youre Crazy? The four youths cried out in shock.

Get out of my way first and let me capture that wolf in peace. Crazy demanded.

Haha, how brassy youve become in this short time apart. Capturing this old one will prove impossible for you still. The wolf mocked.

Hehehe, like the daughter of a genius once said, there is no such thing as an impossible task! Crazy replied.

Do you think that even with your recently learned spellLanu, you would be able to defeat me? The wolf continued to mock Crazy.

Lanu, what magic is that? Kite asked Jerry in a hurry.

With such an archaic name like that, it has to be an ancient magic, how should I know?! Jerry replied.

But that wolf knows! Belladonna berated Jerry.

Please, dont even try to compare me to that monster wolf, Im just a normal person! Jerry retorted.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning streaked through the air and smashed into the cliffside.

Wagh, the fights beginning! Jerry shrieked.

Hurriedly, Kite and Elric carried both Jerry and Belladonna and retreated far away from the wolf.

The four of them had long since acquainted themselves with the strength of the wolf; such a might like that was not something any person could defend against.

It was also clearly obvious that the power of Crazy was stronger than what was to be expected from what a person nurtured from young might have.

Not even a word later, the two super figures began to fight. If any normal human were to get stuck in this, then a terrible death was certain. Fortunately the trek they had walked for several days had improved their fortitude and physical strength by a large amount. In a moment they were already breezing past the forests and through the debris. Sometimes, they would have to dodge to the side in order to avoid a fallen tree or one of the shrapnel from the other fallen objects. It was also fortunate that Belladonna had finally calmed down and was able to cast a rather weak but useful Crystal Wall to erect a barrier to minimize their damages. So until the group made it out to a safe place, they would be safe from most harmful debris other than running into it.

Dear Gods! This terrible woman has a character like none other! Jerry cried out.

And we still have to ask her to give us a grade for our exam, thats terrifying!! Belladonna reminded them.

Because Kite and Elric were both leading their escape and were breathless from the efforts, neither of the two had thought of that problem. So when Belladonna had reminded them of that fact, the two of them couldnt help but turn their heads back and look at her as if she had grown two heads.

They had originally thought that the trial to become a magus wouldnt be too hard. In fact, none of their masters had said much difficulty about it, even the muddling Victor. Generally speaking, the hardest part of the trial would be getting to the destination itself. With their journey through the Forest of Illusion, none of them knew just when they would be able to reach Chichen Island.

A series of explosions had exploded one after another in quick succession and built up a rather tense environment. Flames engulfed the entire forest and lit up the previously dim night with meteoric sparks of fire flying off in every direction. Fragments of wood and stone could be seen colliding with the trees and exploding the trees in another explosion of wood and leaves.

The group watched the battle between woman and wolf take place with astonishment. A battle between magi, in comparison, was already very entertaining to watch despite not being as high-tension. In a battle between one who excels in punches and one who excels in kicks, the determining factor lied in whomever was stronger, faster, or overall more fit. Likewise, a battle between magi had their own determining factors such as magic specialization or casting style. A magus specializing in hydromancy typically held the advantage against one that specializes in pyromancy.

One of the most commonly-accepted theories was that the four main schools of magic were balanced between one another through a series of checks and balances. Fire symbolized power, water emphasized flexibility, wind thrived with energy, and earth was immovable. Every magus was attuned to one element of some kind and their attunement influenced their rate of growth. A magus like Jerry, for example, would be forced to study twice as hard for only half the results if he swapped focus from aeromancy to geomancy. That didnt mean magi were restricted to one element only. Those of higher levels of understanding had the capability to study another branch of magic outside their primary focus. With time and knowledge, they can combine the two elements into a subsidiary element. A magus that could master the four primary elements would be accepted as an Archmagus straight away. Exceptions did exist, as Pierrot could only claim to have mastered aeromancy and pyromancy rather than all four. No one knew how strong Victor was, and Collins was yet able to claim mastery over all four elements. The pursuit of knowledge and introspection needed to master any element was extremely arduous and time-consuming, and no magi in recorded history was ever known to have attained perfection in all four elements.

But now, now was a first for the four of them to ever see.

The woman and beast were both using high levels of magic for all four elements in a fierce battle against each other.

The wolf was without a doubt powerful. Traveling with it for the past few days had made the group more than aware of that fact. Kites teacher informed them once of their natural tendencies on being able to use four elements. Furthermore, each wolf head was capable of having parallel thoughts and differing personalities. Earth was its dominant magic, however, and allowed the wolf the ability to use a special spell known as World Breaker. Being so knowledgeable about the wolf made it a non-surprise for the group when it came to using magic from all four primary elements.

The true surprise came when they saw Crazy returning fire with magic from the same four elements.

Their initial meeting with Crazy made them think that she was a lightning magus. A magus specializing in lightning meant they were capable of aeromancy to an extent as well. But rather than being limited to just those two elements, Crazy was throwing out a series of fireballs and icicle lances! Sometimes, shed use the earth spellQuicksand, to hinder the wolfs movements. Not that Crazy was planning to stick in one place. It was a common thing to hear her cry out Lanu! before teleporting place to place in rapid succession.

Neither combatants seemed to be showing any signs of weakening even after an hour of fighting. Still, the wolf was clearly in the weaker position. Completely ablaze, the forests made it incredibly easy for Crazy to see where the wolf would leap in and out from. Crazy also made it too difficult to be hit with her teleporting around. If not for the wolfs three heads, he wouldve fallen a long time ago. It was a miracle the wolf was still doing as well as it was still.

The wolf itself knew that fact as well. Coming to a stop, the wolf began to look in every direction with three of its head when all of a sudden, a fireball, ice lance, and lightning bolt came flying down before being deflected.

When Crazy saw that, she had ceased in her assault and floated high in the air above the wolf.

Thank the Gods, theres finally a ceasefire. Belladonna sighed in relief.

Kite and Elric shared a glance at each other as if to express their concerns.

The way I see things, we should still head back a little more.

I agree. That wolf wont be easily stopped.

Having said that, the two of them dragged Jerry and Belladonna farther back all the way to a hilly area before finally coming to a stop to observe the figure of the wolf.

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