Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2086

Chapter 2086


Seeing this scene, the accompanying generals were flustered. Two of them jumped off the horse quickly to help Xu Xing up, but found that he had fallen into a heavy coma.

And his breath is falling rapidly. Thinking that the arrow was shot from Xu Xing's Dantian, their eyes can't help flashing, because they both know that Xu Xing should be over.

There are two reasons why Xu Xing can walk horizontally in Liangzhou Prefecture. First, he has 5000 troops in his hand, which is the main force to resist barbarians. Second, he is also a warrior in the middle of the innate period.

Now, his Dantian is destroyed, which means that his strength will be greatly reduced. He is not even the opponent of the general martial arts division. What the Army stresses is that the fist is big, which is the truth.

Therefore, when Xu Xingxiu is abandoned, it is inevitable that he will not let other thoughts come out of his life. Why should a waste be put on their heads.

You know these years.

The reason why Xu Xing can run so many industries in Liangzhou Fucheng is that although he bullies others and buys at a low price, he will still pay a certain amount of silver in order not to make too much trouble, which is the military pay he eats.

Xu Xing seems to be generous, but in fact, he is very greedy. The generals around him are watching Xu Xing make a lot of money. They can only get a small amount of military pay. Sometimes Xu Xing will give them some benefits when he is happy, but he puts on a high position.

This makes them very uncomfortable, but Xu Xing, after all, is their boss, and he has the strength of inborn mid-term. But now, he has become a waste man, so his property, as well as his official position, can still be guaranteed?

"Go, take the general back to the barracks first!"

The two generals exchanged their eyes quickly, and then one picked up Xu Xing, who was dizzy, and turned to the horse.

Looking at the five hundred cavalry coming and going in a hurry, a faint smile appeared on the corner of song Yan's mouth standing on the city head. Xu Xing was a leech attached to Liangzhou mansion. He would not die, and song Yan could hardly spread his hands and feet.

He expected that Xu Xing would wait for him on the wall after hearing that he had seized and imposed taxes on his shop.

He didn't kill Xu Xing directly, but he just didn't want to leave a quarrel. In the world, there is no lack of ambitious people. The eye exchange between the two generals was in his eyes.

The next day.

Song Yan, as usual, deals with official affairs in the Yamen. Some officials report to him. Wu Jingwei, Xu Xing's deputy general, comes to see him.

"It seems that Xu Xing has gone to hell for the most part!"

Song Yanyin says in secret, and then orders Wu Jingwei to come in.

"At the end of the day, Wu Jingwei has seen an adult!"

As soon as he came in, Wu Jingwei knelt down on one knee and saluted the inkstone of Song Dynasty with a very correct attitude.

Song Yan looked at him with a smile: "why is the vice general Wu coming?"

"My Lord!" Wu Jingwei said in a sad voice: "General Xu learned yesterday that there were barbarians from the red wolf family nearby. He took them to patrol. Unexpectedly, he was caught in the barbarian trap. As a result, the whole army was destroyed and General Xu died!"

Speaking of this, Wu Jingwei still squeezed two crocodile tears in his eyes.

"Oh! And so on? "

Song Yan pretended to be surprised and said, "hurry, follow me to see the magistrate!"

In half a quarter of an hour.

Song Yan and Wu Jingwei met Su Bingwen, the prefecture magistrate.

Wu Jingwei repeated what he said, but Su Bingwen was shocked.

"What's the situation in the army?" Asked Su Bingwen.

"My Lord, the soldiers are all shouting to avenge General Xu. However, they have been appeased by the last general!"

"That's good! That's good! "

Su Bingwen is relieved. If the army is in disorder, Liangzhou city will lose its shelter, which is why he knows that Xu Xing is still able to tolerate his misdeeds in the city.

"Ziyu, what do you think we should do now?" Su Bingwen looks at Song Yan. Less than a month after he came to Liangzhou, song Yan has become rich in money and food. He can even live a fat year. Unconsciously, he has become dependent on Song Yan.

Song Yandao: "my Lord, the most important thing now is to stabilize the morale of the army. The army town cannot be disordered. Once the army town is disordered, the Liangzhou Prefecture will be in danger."

"Absolutely! Absolutely! " Su Bingwen nodded in deep thought: "does Ziyu have a good way?"

"Choose one person to manage the town on behalf of General Xu, otherwise the town will be a mess!"

Hearing this, Wu Jingwei's eyes became hot.

"Who does Ziyu think is the most suitable to take over the post of General Xu?"

"In this way, deputy general Wu will act as the agent first, and I will write a note together with your excellency to show the court, and then the court will decide!"

"That's the way to do it, lieutenant general Wu. You should take good care of the people under your hand. If there is any trouble, don't blame me for joining you!"

"Lord Su, Lord song, don't worry. We will certainly live up to the expectations of the two adults!"

Walking out of the official garden where Su Bingwen is, Wu Jingwei quickly stepped up and gave a silver note to song Yan: "Lord song, thank you for your beautiful words just now!"Song Yan looked at the number on the silver note, but it was one thousand Liang. He smiled and pushed back: "you are only acting for Xu Xing now. If you want to really sit in that position, you have to send someone to go through the door. You can use the money to go through the door. I will recommend you in the fold!"

Wu Jingwei said gratefully, "thank you very much! The adult will be a kind of recreating kindness to the end, and in the future, the adult will be the first to look forward to! "

Song Yan nodded and walked away.

Looking at his back, Wu Jingwei's eyes flashed a color of awe. Xu Xing was seriously injured by the other side's move. Moreover, he could not feel any accomplishments of song Yan, and the only thing he could feel was a thick and dignified authority. Therefore, he was very suspicious that the song adult was mostly a master at the level of a patriarch.

Ordinary master can equal tens of thousands of troops. The five thousand soldiers in the military town are farts. Therefore, he has decided to hold song Yan's thigh. Only when he holds song Yan's thigh firmly can he sit in that position.

Half a month passed in a flash.

On this day, the imperial court finally sent an order that deputy general Wu Jingwei should take over the post of general of Liangzhou Junzhen.

That night.

Wu Jingwei quietly came to the inn to visit Song Yan. He not only gave the deed of a house, but also 10000 liang of silver.

Obviously, he has successfully accepted all the industries of Xu Xing, otherwise, he can't give so many silver notes.

This time, song Yandao was not polite. He accepted the deed of house and the silver note. Because he didn't accept it, Wu Jingwei would feel uneasy. What's more, he had planned to send Chen youniang and Cao Jing, his senior sister, to Liangzhou. It would be inappropriate to live in the Inn at that time.

the next morning, Song Ying went to sue to tell a fake and left Liangzhou. Then he moved the body of Jin Dan away from the earth's gravity and went to Pan Yang county.

Because he has been checking the shortcut, when he met mountains and rivers, his speed is extremely fast.

In less than three hours, it arrived in Panyang county.

He didn't go to the front either, but went directly into the Lord Yan's mansion.

"Junior brother, you are here at last!"

At the sight of song inkstone, Cao Jing rushed directly into his arms. Song inkstone explored flowers and was appointed as the governor of Liangzhou, which had long been spread to the prince Yan's mansion.

If song Yan hadn't told her to stay in Prince Yan's mansion and wait for him to pick her up, she would have gone to Liangzhou to find him.

"Senior sister, I'm late!"

Song Yan lowers his head and catches Cao Jing's sweet little mouth. He kisses her so deeply that he lets him go.

"You are so bad, younger martial brother. You know how to bully people when you meet!"

Cao Jing beat song Yan on the chest with a small fist and said coquettishly. In a few months, Cao Jing's cultivation has made full progress. It has reached the middle and late congenital stage, and only one step away from it.

Tired of being crooked, they went to see Cao Kui, the king of Yan, hand in hand.

"My free son-in-law, I haven't seen you for months. I didn't expect you were already on the official side!" Cao Kui, with a smile on his face, was very kind.

Song Yan opens his golden eyes to Cao Kui and finds that his strength of Qi Yun has doubled. It seems that he should use the glass products he gave him to recruit soldiers and buy horses.

A chat, song Yan put forward to take Caojing to Liangzhou, cakui pretended to show some reluctant, agreed to come down.

Before leaving, song Yan gave Cao Kui 500 pieces of glass products directly, making each other's eyes shining.

After visiting Cao Kui, song Yan left with Cao Jing directly. As for her brothers and sisters, Cao Jing had no nostalgia for them.

In order to catch up with the time, song Yan took Cao jingyukong directly along the way, but she was shocked.

In a village, song Yan's brow is wrinkled.

Because the evil spirit of the village soars to the sky, the villagers scream one after another.

He came to Panyang county from Liangzhou and found many monsters and monsters, but he didn't pay attention to them in order to catch up with the time.

But I didn't expect that there were demons attacking the human villages directly, which means that demons will be born when the country is going to die, which shows that the national fortune of the country will not be long!

Song Yan takes Cao Jing to the village head, only to find that dozens of demon wolves attacked the village head.

Each of these demon wolves is born like a calf, and they are incomparable in others. Their strength is not bad. Compared with the martial arts master, especially the wolf, they have innate accomplishments. Therefore, where the ordinary villagers are their opponents, more than half of the villagers have died in their mouths and become their food.

The rest of the villagers gathered in a courtyard and insisted.

"Demon, suffer death!"

Song Yan murmured and raised his hand. Suddenly, a one acre golden fingerprint appeared over the demon wolves. The golden fingerprint fell very fast. With a roar, dozens of demon wolves were killed.

It was the wolf who had a strong sense of danger and managed to escape.


Song Yan gave a cold snort, raised his hand and pointed out a finger. The light was like electricity, and he shot through the head of the wolf, killing him."Let's go!"

After solving these demons and wolves, song Yan and Cao Jing rise up again and go to Song family village. At the same time, he calls out the system interface and finds that he killed dozens of demons and wolves, and his power of fortune has increased by nearly a thousand points.

"So many!"

Song Yan had some accidents, but he was relieved to think that these demon wolves came into being, and their strong Qi was normal.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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