Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2090

Chapter 2090

Hearing the word "killed" in Song Yan's mouth, DiQiu couldn't help but feel a chill. He said in his heart that the civil servant was ruthless, but even more ruthless than our general.

"Poop poop!"

The blood splashed and the head fell. Soon, all the remaining red wolf wounded soldiers were beheaded.

"What shall we do next, my lord?"

DiQiu carefully asked for song Yan's advice.

"Kill directly!"

Song inkstone.

In the middle of waving, thousands of cavalries, with a certain momentum of victory, went straight to Xifeng County.

If before the war, these soldiers were still worried, but now they are confident, because song Yan is so powerful.

In the process of moving forward, song Yan took the time to check his fortune.

He was very satisfied. After killing the red wolf army, his power of fortune increased by more than ten thousand.

For a moment, he couldn't help but look thoughtful.

During the great rebellion of the Wei state, the barbarians around must be able to take advantage of the situation. Maybe they will have a chance to build a new country. Therefore, the two thousand red wolf army has an average of five points of fortune.

You know, the ordinary cavalry behind him are only two or three points lucky.

Red wolf family!

"If I kill the chance of red wolf's great happiness, I will surely win more fortune!"

Song Yan thought.


Inside the red wolf camp outside the city of Xifeng County, a herald came with a loud voice.

"The general's affairs are not good. The two thousand cavalry led by general summers have been defeated. Only a few dozen people have escaped back!"


"How could it be?"

"Nonsense, there are only one thousand people on the other side. How could samer lead two thousand soldiers to defeat? Besides, it's only such a little time!"

Hearing the report of the herald, there was an uproar in the barracks. The generals couldn't believe the information.

Only Kui Lang's face was gloomy and watery, and he said coldly, "come, call all the deserters to our general!"

Soon, dozens of deserters were brought into the camp. Their faces were full of fear and fear. Some of them were still shivering.

"How did you lose?"

Kui Lang asked.

"General, there is a powerful man in Liangzhou army. He not only killed general summers, but also killed hundreds of people and injured hundreds of people!"

Then, the deserters repeated the whole process. For a while, the camp suddenly became silent.

"Is it the martial master?"

After a while, someone whispered.

"Newspaper! Liangzhou army has been killed five miles away! " Another messenger came in and reported loudly.

"All the people will listen to the order and follow our general to meet the enemy!"

The Kui wolf shouted and the whole camp moved.

The red wolf tribe is worthy of being a race of horses. When the Liangzhou army came a mile away, they put six thousand soldiers and horses in order.


Song Yan, who was riding on the horse, once again raised his sword and led a thousand cavalry to the six thousand red wolf soldiers.


When Kui Lang saw it, he was furious. When he saw the soldiers and horses, he dared to attack the six thousand army.

"Kill these guard dogs!"

Kui Lang waved a long knife and shouted. Suddenly, the stationary red wolf cavalry began to sprint.

Four hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

The soldiers and horses of both sides are shortening each other's distance all the time.

At this time, the song inkstone on the horse suddenly soared up, and then turned into a shadow shooting out.

"Kill him!"

Kui Lang's eyes were red, and he rushed from the horse to meet song Yan in the air. At the same time, two other generals under his hand rushed to the sky to kill song Yan with puppets.


Song Yan's lips showed a disdainful smile. When he wielded his sword, three heads were picked up by him.

It's not easy for him to kill three inborn people.

Seeing the three flying heads, the red wolf cavalry's sprint speed can not be stopped.

Seeing this, song Yan stood in the air and waved his robe with the wind. Then he raised the green frost sword in his hand and cut it off.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! "

Three golden swords with a length of more than 20 Zhangs smashed into the red wolf cavalry, exploded, and killed countless red wolf cavalry. In an instant, six thousand red wolf soldiers died half of them directly.

"Come again!"

Song Yan cut out two swords and killed more than two thousand people. The remaining hundreds of people became frightened birds and fled.

"General Di, I'll leave the rest to you. No problem!"

Song Yan falls on the horse."Don't worry, my Lord. I will never let you down!"

Under DiQiu's command, a thousand Liangzhou cavalry began to pursue and kill the red wolf soldiers.

The battle lasted for an hour.

When the bloody DiQiu returned, he turned over and dismounted, kneeling on one knee: "my Lord, all the red wolf soldiers who escaped have been killed!"

"How about the casualties?"

"Eight dead, twenty seriously wounded, and more than eighty brothers slightly wounded!" Replied dichu.

Wen Yan, song Yan's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. Unexpectedly, the red wolf soldiers in flight have also brought so much damage to Liangzhou soldiers.

However, it's a relief to think about it. The red wolf soldiers are tough. Knowing that there's no hope for escape, they will definitely arouse their desperate heart.

Next, clean the battlefield.

However, it is surprising that Xifeng County is still closed and has no intention of coming out.

It seems that he was frightened by the red wolf soldiers.

"Monseigneur, shall we enter the city?"

After cleaning the battlefield, DiQiu came to ask for instructions.

Song Yan smiles.

"My Lord, we have solved the crisis of Xifeng City. Up to now, they haven't sent any people out. It's too chilling!" Didchuo said without hesitation.

Song Yan smiled and said, "there are only two reasons why they don't come out. One is that they are worried that it's just a trick. The other is that they are pretending to be stupid on purpose. We have saved their Xifeng City. If they show up, they must give money and food to reward the army!"

DiQiu nodded in deep thought: "Your Excellency is wise!"

"By the way, have the materials left by the red wolf soldiers been counted?" Song Yan asked again.

"Still counting!"

Didchuo said.

Another hour later, the materials were counted and sent to song Yan in a book.

This battle not only killed eight thousand red wolf soldiers, but also gained more than eight thousand pieces of leather armour, of which more than five thousand were intact, and the rest were more or less damaged.

Weapons, bows and arrows have also gained a lot.

At last, there was the war horse, only three thousand, and the rest five thousand died, which made DiQiu very sorry. If Lord song could show mercy to the war horse, he would not capture three thousand war horses.

There is not much food, only more than 600 stones.

But it's gold, silver and copper that add up to more than three hundred thousand Liang.

There are also five thousand dead war horses that can be used to eat meat. In a word, the harvest is great this time.

"Go back!" Song Yan waved.

So, a thousand Liangzhou army left Xifeng County with a large number of materials. Looking at the army leaving, the county magistrate of Xifeng County was relieved. Song Yan guessed it well. He didn't send anyone out. He really didn't want to give money and food to reward the army, because he couldn't give it out at all. In his opinion, those soldiers had already killed their eyes. If they couldn't get food and silver, once they were right It's hard to imagine the impact of the city's residents.

In the evening.

When song Yan returned to Liangzhou city with his army, Su Bingwen came to meet him personally.

When looking at the bloody heads on the carriage, Su Bingwen first turned white, then excitedly went up and inspected them. He stopped vomiting and asked, "Ziyu, how many red wolf soldiers did you kill this time?"

"Eight thousand red wolf soldiers are gone!"

Song inkstone is light.


Su Bingwen and a group of officials in the Yamen took a breath of cold air. One thousand to eight thousand people killed eight thousand people, and they were red wolf soldiers. Everyone had a dream.

But the eight thousand bloody heads told them it was true.

In the past, to be able to fight with Liangzhou soldiers and red wolf soldiers, to have a few or dozens of heads was considered a great achievement.

It's a great feat to have eight thousand heads now.

On the night when he returned to the yamen, song Yan and Su Bingwen wrote a book together, and then ordered one hundred cavalry and two hundred civilian men to escort eight thousand heads to the governor's office. As for their book, they had sent their horses to the governor's office.

A day later, Qi Ning, the governor of Liangzhou Prefecture, received a plea from two chief officials, but he laughed angrily. He threw the plea directly on the table and said with a sneer, "the magistrate and Zhizhou of Liangzhou really make a fool of their officials. A thousand Liangzhou soldiers can kill eight thousand red wolf soldiers?"

But three days later.

After the head of eight thousand red wolf soldiers was sent to the provincial capital, Qi Ning, the governor, looked like a ghost.

Immediately order someone to check the truth, but after identification, the eight thousand heads are undoubtedly red wolf.

In particular, several of the specially preserved skulls are recognized as the red wolf's general Kui Lang and his three soldiers.

For a while.

Chining shivered with excitement.

"Good! Good! How is Liangzhou mansion! "

Then he summoned the cavalry who had escorted his head to inquire about the situation of the war.

However, these cavalry soldiers have been explained by song Yan, who has deliberately weakened his contribution. Even so, Qi Ning is still stunned. Unexpectedly, the great contribution of this day was made by a literary official."What a scout!"

In the end, all of Qi Ning's emotions turn into this sentence.

Since this military skill is true, then we should consider how to ask for it for song Yan and Su Bingwen.

The imperial court is suffering from the erosion in the northwest. However, the governor of yunhuang Prefecture sent a copy of the book to the imperial court.

Whether it's true or not, it's worth reading.

In particular, Emperor Wei was drunk when he returned to the palace that night.

But there are also many officials who are skeptical of the report.

But seven days later, after the heads were sent to the capital, all the officials' doubts were gone.

Then, song Yan and Su Bingwen also went to Liangzhou.

Su Bingwen, the governor of Liangzhou, was transferred back to the capital city to be the official of the imperial history, which is also the official position of the fifth rank. However, the weight of this official position is not comparable to that of a governor of Liangzhou.

Song Yan was appointed as the governor of Liangzhou. He was in charge of the military and political power of Liangzhou, and his official residence was from the fourth grade.

As for DiQiu, he was appointed as the general of Zhonglang in Liangzhou from the official position of Wupin.

Other soldiers have also been offered. In general, they have been promoted one level.

In addition, there are also gifts of gold and silver. What makes song Yan laugh and cry most is that emperor Wei gave him a set of glasses. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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