Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World

Chapter 23: The Crossfire of Familial Enquiry.

Chapter 23: The Crossfire of Familial Enquiry.

A Spirit stone pouch, Storage pouch, Spirit talisman for communication, Jian (sword) for self-defense, Starter pills and elixirs, Identification token, Outer Sect map and an initiation manual.

Mu Zhong acquired all these items for Yang Wei's use.

They were all made available at the Cultivation Resources Section.

Yang Wei adjusted the straps of his wooden box-like bag.

Everything he'd gotten from Mu Zhong was stored inside it and was somewhere in-between the numerous plucks of herbs that he had in the box.

After, he looked at Mu Zhong and said, "Looks like I've got everything I need in here."

Mu Zhong chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Not quite," he replied cryptically.

Yang Wei furrowed his brow in confusion. "Huh? I don't understand," he said, looking at Mu Zhong quizzically.

With the usual calmly mischievous looked he's had on his face 80% of the time today, Mu Zhong reached into his robe and pulled out a wooden scroll.

He held it out to Yang Wei.

Before taking it, Yang Wei looked at the scroll and inspected it and then, Mu Zhong.

He was as surprised by the scroll as he was curious. However, he didn't yet take the scroll, he only kept studying it with his eyes, deciding what next he'd tell Mu Zhong concerning this, unexpected development.

Mu Zhong chuckled and shook the scroll in front of him. "Come on, take it," he urged.

"Hmm.." Yang Wei uttered this as he thoughtfully stared at Mu Zhong; he stared at him with so much thought it was comparable to an old man studying the chess pieces on the game board. Finally, he accepted the scroll and immediately unrolled it without a second thought.

The contents of the scroll was what looked like texts of a certain form of cultivation. "What is this?" he asked, puzzled.

Mu Zhong beamed proudly and tapped his nose with a grin. "I'll give you a few important tips that'll give you an edge over other aspiring disciples," he said.

He pointed at the open scroll.

"This is the Soul Harmony Attunement Arts. It's the fundamental power system of the Spirit Harmony Peak. It allows cultivators to channel the energy of spirits and achieve guidance, divination, and enhanced spiritual awareness. There are nine levels of attunement, and when mastered, it's arguably the most powerful form of cultivation in our sect."

Yang Wei's eyes sparkled excitedly while his broad smile fully displayed his row of pearly white teeth, and he rolled up the scroll. "This sounds perfect! I'll master it and use it to crush the competition," he confidently said.

Mu Zhong chuckled and shook his head. "I've been cultivating these arts for nearly 80 years and have only reached the 5th level," he replied with a warm smile.

Yang Wei proudly pointed the scroll at Mu Zhong. There was not an ounce of uncertainty in his eyes. "I'll learn it in less than three months," he vowed.

Laughing even harder, Mu Zhong simply shrugged. "See we shall."

Then, there was a moment of silence that felt like the right time to call it a day, Yang Wei turned to Mu Zhong. "Now that I've got this, I better head back to my courtyard and start practicing," he said.

Mu Zhong nodded with a knowing smile. "Alright then," he replied, watching as Yang Wei left, the scroll clutched tightly in his hands.

As Yang Wei prepared to continue on his path, Mu Zhong halted him with a somewhat soft yet commanding voice. "Wait," he called out, prompting Yang Wei to halt in his tracks, his hands gripping tightly onto the ropes supporting his cumbersome wooden box-like bag.

Turning just his head to face Mu Zhong, he asked, "Yeah?" Wondering what could be so urgent that it interrupted his departure.

With a cryptic expression, Mu Zhong asked, "May I know the reason why you didn't ask about Lingxi?"

"Lingxi?" Yang Wei repeated, visibly taken aback by the unexpected question. The manner with which he repeated the name almost felt like he didn't even know who Mu Lingxi was.

Mu Zhong's demeanor shifted, placing his arms casually behind his back as he awaited Yang Wei's reply. "Did you happen to know any other woman named Lingxi?"l" he asked with a gileful grin.

Pondering for a moment, Yang Wei rubbed his chin thoughtfully before responding. "I assumed she was still angry with me, so I didn't bother asking about her," he confessed. Peering at Mu Zhong intently, he sought further clarity, questioning, "Has she calmed down?"

Raising a quizzical eyebrow, Mu Zhong simply retorted, "Calmed down? Was she upset before?" Seemingly astounded by Yang Wei's assumption.

"Well, yeah, sort of— something complicated happened between us and she left without saying a word... I haven't seen her since then."

That was Yang Wei's response.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Mu Zhong interjected, "Anger might not be the right word to describe Lingxi's disposition."

"Huh?" said Yang Wei.

Sensing his confusion, Mu Zhong elaborated, "Lingxi is exceedingly traditional; she seldom smiles since she started her cultivation journey. However, when she returned most recently, it wasn't hard for my father and even me, to notice the occasional smiles on her face whenever she talked about you."

Yang Wei turned entirely to face Mu Zhong. Now, he was really interested in what he had to say. "Wait, are you trying to say she's not mad?" he asked, hoping his train of thought would be confirmed.

Placing out a single finger, Mu Zhong confirmed, "Bingo. In fact, she hasn't come see you because she's been in closed-door cultivation since her return home. So, I'm guessing she'll be cultivating till somewhere around the month's end."

"Oh, that's good," Yang Wei looked partly delighted. "I guess I don't have to worry about her hating me now."

Chuckling softly, Mu Zhong placed his arm behind his back once more. "Well, that's highly unlikely."

For the second time, Yang Wei prepared to depart and for the second time, Mu Zhong halted him with the same word as before, "Wait!" he said.

Yang Wei stopped and turned to face Mu Zhong, who now leaned against the wooden beams of the Reception Area of the Disciple Pavilion with an inquisitive look on his face. "You're in quite a hurry to leave, but I have one more question for you, if you don't mind," Mu Zhong spoke with a serious yet casual tone.

"Oh? What is it?" Yang Wei asked politely, eyeing Mu Zhong curiously as he adjusted the ropes loosely wound around his shoulders.

"Do you have any romantic feelings for my younger sister, Lingxi?"

The gaze he gave Yang Wei was sharp, but at the same time, lenient.

Yang Wei's eyes widened in surprise, and he said, "Eh?"

Mu Zhong chuckled lightly and rephrased his question, "In simpler terms, are you attracted to Lingxi?"

The two men stood quietly in the reception area, their gazes meeting in silent conversation while the bustle of the pavilion continued around them.

During this silence, Yang Wei took the time to think to himself.

Well, well, look who's stepping into the crosshairs of sibling scrutiny! The older brother just threw me the 'Do you like my sister?' curveball. As expected from someone as cunning as fox. Now I have to navigate this conversational minefield without detonating any awkward bombs. This is the same thing that happened with Mingyu when I met with her father, this truly is— the crossfire of familial incquisition... Hm, time to finesse my way out of this conversation without leaving a trace of emotional fingerprints.

After a brief, intense pause, Yang Wei replied, "What would be the point in answering that question?"

Mu Zhong smiled at Yang Wei's response and turned to leave, waving his hand in parting as he said, "You make an interesting point. I should take my leave. Please forgive me for asking such a strange question."

As Mu Zhong walked away, the subtle smile on his lips remained so.

Yang Wei watched him depart before shaking his head and adjusting the ropes around his shoulders. "That was strange," he mumbled to himself, "But I understand why he asked."

A high-profile romantic relationship can significantly impact the public image and reputation of their clan. It seems like he's trying to boost his clan's standing by associating them with a renowned and powerful mage like myself. Since I don't have much of a reputation here yet, it's probably why they're "selflessly" helping me advance in the Outer Sect and become a Core Disciple. Any disciple achieving that would be impressive, and in this matriarchal system, a guy doing it would be even more so. They likely want me to owe them a favor for their good deeds. Also, there's a chance he's psychologically priming me—no doubt about it. Dismissing the question easily suggests he's hoping the act of asking primes my mind, making me subconsciously more open to the idea of liking Lingxi.

He straightened his back and made his way out of the pavilion.

Using his [Wind Magic], he soared into the sky, flying across the Spirit Harmony Peak's numerous hills and smaller peaks.

As he soared, he considered Mu Zhong's words.

"I won't be a pawn in anyone's game, and Lingxi deserves someone she truly loves than a man she respects. I shouldn't mistake her respect for me as infatuation, and neither should I take advantage of it."

Continuing his thoughtful journey, he murmured to himself, "I'll have to find a place to sell these herbs after all," before realizing his lack of knowledge about the areas outside the mountain range. "Hm, I really should've asked Mu Zhong. I mean, I've never been outside the mountains before," he said to himself, "I'll consider a trip one of these days."

Shortly after, he flew higher into the sky.

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